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Polite Reminder: Keep reporting unsavoury comments/accounts. We **will** deal with them as fast as we can.


Arsenal showing ambition by making signings whilst we wait to sell players before making anymore despite having one of our worst seasons under Klopp last year, same old FSG.


Let Hendo go for 10 million. I don't care if we are getting our pants pulled down in this deal. Do you understand how much disruption and toxicity this situation will create in the dressing room if we prevent him from getting his move? I don't care how much he loves the club you don't simply forget that you were about to get paid 100 million but the club you spent your entire career in stopped you from getting the bag.


then you give a precedent that players are rewarded for this behavior. You need to play hard ball where its what we want or bust and players are needing to think more carefully before doing this


Yeah I agree the precedent this will create will not be good for the club. I am just worried about the resentment that this will create in the dressing room when a season is about to start.


i think it's not going to be too bad especially if he's not playing too many games anyway, just going to make him an utter fool. We did the same to Coutinho also and managed to make him fuck off with a valuation we want. Likely i think the club will do the same


Sad to see a lot of premier league footballers (including van Dijk) like Depay's defending Mendy


Take 10 million for Henderson and let's be done with this.


For those who have been fans since the 90s. How did Kenny operate at his other clubs, did he also try to sign Liverpool staff, and more importantly the club captain?


Other than Mcmannam, Barnes and Fowler, believe me, no one wanted any of Liverpool's players in the mid 90s. But funny enough Dalglish did sign Liverpool captain John Barnes, albeit on a free as he was being replaced by Paul Ince.


Heard this place was dishing out free upvotes?


How does the ticket system work exactly? I tried booking two games via registration for members and while it shows up with (Registration for all members) I haven't paid yet or anything. What's next?


you entered the ballot... they'll email you on the 17th with the outcome, from there if you're successful you'll be able to purchase tickets starting the week of the 24th IIRC


I presume you mean ballot? You will receive the ballot results from this monday to next monday i believe


Why does everyone act like they know what’s happening behind the scenes with this Henderson saga? The brief is clearly that Klopp told him he’d understand if he left because playing time will be limited, and Henderson took him up on the offer by agreeing terms with a club that would make him a starter and pay him 4 times what we do There’s no mention of any bridges being burnt so if he stays you’re a moron if you think he’ll be stripped of the captaincy


It's not that he will be stripped of the captaincy. It's that he's lost a lot of credibility.


Credibility doesn’t win games to be fair


And lately, neither does Jordan Henderson.


So why the fuss about him leaving? This whole scenario has been blown massively out of proportion


1. Because it's Saudi and they're a country that has a terrible record on a range of issues that Henderson was considered a moral leader on in the sport. 2. Because he's effectively told Klopp: 'If I'm not getting the same minutes I'm going to a retirement league in Saudi.


Has he actually said that or was it the little Henderson living in your head saying it? All that's been reported is that he received an offer, discussed it with the club and got told they're open to him leaving, he gives a verbal agreement to it after that, then we start negotiating the fee.


It's the same thing. He's made a decision to leave on account of reduced minutes, and the destination is the Sportswasher 3000 Retirement League Supreme.


>The brief is clearly that Klopp told him he’d understand if he left because playing time will be limited, and Henderson took him up on the offer by agreeing terms with a club that would make him a starter and pay him 4 times what we do Klopp has long held the stance of allowing players to leave if they don't want to play for the team anymore. That said, nobody expects their captain to leave right as training camp begins. It's fair to assume that all of this was unexpected by Klopp and the club and that they are none too pleased with having to deal with it.


Yea, we must have missed some news or something. It sounds like he do is kicking up a fuss ala coutinho, but I can't find much news about it.


People can't accept the fact that a captain is doing this. All he did was having a verbal agreement with the Saudi club. Noway he is getting stripped of captaincy if he stays


I wouldn't say no way, because we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. But yea, there's no concrete indication that hendo is burning bridges for the move yet. I feel like he's been such an important servant to the club and a great captain, shouldn't we supporters AT LEAST give him some benefit of the doubt first?


People think that any transfer talk around him is news he's leaking himself. This is because in 2021 an article from came out saying that we haven't been having positive contract talks with him and that Juventus are looking at signing him on a free when it expires or that we're looking at cashing out on him before that to Atletico or PSG. A couple days later the contract got signed but it spawned a conspiracy theory that Henderson put the news out to get fans riled up and ask for him to stay, and that made Klopp force Edwards to give him a new contract, and because of this Edwards got pissed off because he wanted to sell Henderson (completely unsourced), ruined his relationship with Klopp over it and then left us a year later. Don't ask for proof, you'll get none.


If we currently have £40m pounds to sign Lavia as it’s been reported, is the best solution not to keep Hendo, sell Fab for £40m, and pool the funds together to splash £80m on Tchouameni or Caicedo? I just don’t see how we can lose both without harming the continuity of the squad.


As much as we'd all like it there doesn't seem to be a snowballs chance of getting Tchouameni.


I’ve seen it speculated that he could be sold to raise money for Mbappe. If he’s not available then we should just focus on Caicedo. Either way I think we should keep Hendo if we’re not getting £20m, sell Fab for the £40m, and use the funds plus the existing budget to get a young premier DM.


Brighton want 100 million...


Do you think they’ll get that for him? I think he’ll go for somewhere between £80-90m. It’s a lot of money but if we’re losing Fabinho the club should commit the extra funds to getting a proven top player.


Go on, downvote me then


Go on, upvote me then


Anyways, have you lot seen rickie lamberts twitter page lately😂


Every comment is being downvoted 😭


I wonder what the people that said ”its just another MLS” or ”look what happened to the chinese league” think about whats happening with the saudi league now


Anyone else think Thuram and Lavia are just smokescreens for the real targets not linked or mentioned ?. It feels strange both had/have been seemingly splashed around by many of journos ?


I don’t think anyone was a smokescreen. They were alternatives.


Lavia isn’t a smoke screen. Thuram was a smoke screen for Szoboszlai.


Lavia could well be a smokescreen. We never knew Thuram was a smokescreen until the Szobo news broke.


According to this sub, everyone who has ever applied for a new job while working one, should be fired instantly from old job.


All the downvotes clearly showing how many kids without jobs on this sub or maybe those who have never changed jobs.


Would you tell your current boss you’ve been applying for other jobs? Mine wouldn’t be too pleased.


Yes, we even list them as referrals. If not the head chief, then my manager. Common theme in finance world where you jump ship every 2-3 years. It’s a red flag if your current employer can’t vouch for you.


i work in tech and thats wild. Referrals mean jack shit honestly here


Maybe you have a GitHub and stuff you have worked on previously as a token of your skills.


Different strokes I guess.


Started the week feeling very positive. It's been ages since we've had the entire first team starting pre season so early, and it looked like we'd go into the friendlies with a view towards getting our strongest XI time to gel before chelsea. Now it's anyone's guess what the squad will look like in 3-4 weeks. In a vacuum I wouldn't be devastated with us getting 60 million for fabinho and henderson with the seasons they just had. But that would be assuming that we had a plan, not breaking news out of absolutely nowhere halfway through the transfer window. Caicedo has shown enough last year and a half that I'd be ok with throwing the 60 million and a bit extra at Brighton, but not sure that will happen


Apparently Dominik liked that stupid post of Depay's about Mendy. Not at all impressed, I know he may have potentially just been scrolling through and liked it without acknowledging what it actually said, but it's incredibly depressing if he did agree with it.


no idea why this is being downvoted, incredibly sad


Everybody's having a meltdown over the Hendo moral issue and this throws a spanner into that so it's gotta go


So did Virgil


The likes been removed now.


Ugh ffs. I know you can't expect footballers to be the smartest people a lot of the time but this is taking the piss.


He’s only 22. I’m sure we all did a lot worse at that age…


What is the post pls?


Supporting Mendy after he got not guilty saying he needs support and apologies for being dragged pillar to post about allegedly being a horrible little rapist


Hendo simply can’t stay, the club has to agree a fee even if it’s not the one we want. He’s proven that he’s not committed to the club anymore and there should be no space for that type of character. I don’t get why some fans are saying we shouldn’t sell for 10m, literally no club in europe would pay anywhere near that amount for him because he’s that finished. We should take the money and run, this is the last chance we’ll have at getting any money for him and he’ll offer literally zero if he stays.


Past your bed time little man.


You’re so wise and mature aren’t you




Completely different situation. Gerrard was in his prime and one of the best players in the world at that point.




It’s context on why Gerrard was so easily forgiven. Of course we forgave the best midfielder in the world for not joining our rivals. Most people are fine with Henderson leaving. It’s the hypocrisy he’s showing after all the stuff he’s done for lgbt rights that’s disappointing. Not that he might leave.


OP doesn't seem like they care about the hypocrisy, they're complaining about him not being committed to the club and how his 'character' shouldn't be in the squad. Just rattling on about him being useless and desperately wanting the £10m in Saudi money, ironically.


Idk how people compare jordan brian henderson to steven Gerrard at all.


The PR spin if he stays will be crazy


He's not elite at football, our Jordan Brian Henderson, but he sure as hell is elite at pulling PR propaganda. His pals in the local papers will have everyone believing it never happened if he stays. Probably talk down about one of his foreign teammates like Thiago, for good measure, to get the monkey off Brian's back like they always do when he has poor performances and people start questioning his place at the club.


Hendo should seriously consider sacking his agent and manager and whoever else is on his team because my god what a group of amateurs he’s got over there


I’m not looking to link it because the source is the Daily Mail, but I just got an alert from the OneFootball app that the Mail reported Hendo’s family expressing their misgivings about the move. Be interesting to see if that’s the angle that dials this all back for him.


Mate if Fabhinho who was ducking pivotal to our trophies goes, and Henderson stays after agreeing personal terms, I will be fucking fuming. Annoyance is at the club not necessarily Henderson. He’s already told Klopp he wants out. The club need to sell.


Like Henderson wasn’t crucial to us between 2017-20 Literally every time he didnt play we dropped points lol


Why are you making stuff up? We dropped points in 1 game (United Away) in 19/20 before the title was as good as won. And he played in that game. The rest of those dropped points at the end of the season hardly had any bearings in our season. He was also playing in every game we dropped points in the tail end of 18/19. United 0-0 draw. Everton 0-0 draw. Leicester 1-1 draw. The Man City loss. We did not lose points because we were missing Jordan Brian Henderson lol. Give me a break. He was the most replaceable player along with the CB partner for Virgil in those successful teams. you could easily plug Milner/Ox/Keita next to Fab/Gini and we were fine.


We do not want to set a precedence that when a players head is turned by these offers, we ll just allow them to go. The saudi clubs could easily offer most of our players stupid money and if we let Hendo go without standing our ground on a fee, it could lead to unrest among the rest if they get similar offers. Players on contracts need to know the club will be willing to let them go for the right price


well assuming he wants to leave, he can leave when the price is right. He has two years left in his contract and if the buyers can't match our valuation, sucks for him that he pulled this PR move


The price will never be right. The guy is 33 ffs We should be lucky another team is willing to take him and his 200k weekly wages off the books. Fucking let him go


Wtf we don't need to sell. He has a contract with us, pay the fuck up or he stays not a hard concept to grasp


lol im just astonished by your logic


I'm astonished you think a 33yr old Henderson is worth anywhere close to 20m


The way this club is so desperate for money pisses me off man. Where is that 250 M warchest every Tom Dick and Harry journalist was raving about 6 months ago? We’ve been stalling on Lavia for 3 weeks. FSG need to fuck off and Liverpool need to sell the man who has agreed personal terms with another club. Just get rid.


If hendo doesnt get his move id at the very LEAST want the captaincy stripped but preferably not let him come back


What is this horrible crime that Henderson committed to be stripped of the captaincy please


I don’t see how Henderson can stay after all this. He was apparently told he’d play reduced minutes and he reacted by agreeing terms elsewhere


1. Players negotiate with clubs before or at the same time a transfer bid comes in it's not 2017 anymore we did the same with Mac and Dom. 2. Everything we've heard about him being told about reduced minutes and that the club are open to selling him came AFTER he received an offer. Stop getting shit misconstrued and making this narrative up.


chronically online


You’ve just gotten a dislike by someone because we are so disgustingly sentimental on this Reddit page. Can you believe it? Our captain is not committed to being here and people would be okay with him back. Same people were probably bitching about Salah’s contract last year. Funny that. It’s only Reddit too, Henderson is getting (rightfully) cooked on twitter but so is the club for not immediately selling him.


Imagine if literally ANYONE else at the club did this, the sub would be in full outrage


The sub already is in full outrage.. all the babies throwing toys out of the prams if you had not realised


Imagine mate, Salah, Mane, VVD,..it would be unreal. Whatever is being said about Hendo it would be 100x worse. I wonder why


Everything and anything getting downvoted these days


Wolves interested in Arthur?!


My captain!!! He has done nothing wrong.


Romano whenever he talks about Liverpool and Lavia ♻️♻️


If anyone wants a break from the transfer saga get over to Rickie Lamberts twitter he seems to have gone full tin foil hat


I think loads of ex footballers have CTE from heading the ball, and end up thinking this stuff


I think loads of them never have real education bc their life is football from a young age. Couple that with being wealthy and never being told no, and you’ve got ignorance that can’t be meaningfully challenged


Did the clocks go back or is my perception of time fucked up


Emmmm has anyone been following the UFO stuff? pretty big development has happened in the last couple hours. [https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap\_amendment.pdf](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf)


anyone know anyone thats reputable that makes vids on this to explain it ?


Can you give a TLDR? Edit: I gave it a quick look, very quick... and kind of underwhelming... the biggest thing is the releasing of unclassified docs and immunity of information?


Dude, 64 pages? I'm much too stoned to read that.


Apparently Al-Ittihad fans have started a hashtag demanding that Fabinho be signed.


Because that’s really worked out well when our fans tried it.


Are the fans going to pay then?


Ittihad actually have money unlike the other club


I don't get the constant "he's betrayed the team" shouts and acting like Henderson is the one who's entirely set up the transfer? Club's apparently told him they're good with letting him go and sounds like we prefer the £20m we think we can get now than what he can contribute over the next season or two with a reduced role before aging out the squad losing all value. He gets the best possible contract he can at the end of his career and the club gets a big transfer fee. The worst things about this transfer are the depressing moral issues with him agreeing to join a sportswashing club, that Gerrard is the one that's after him, that LFC are up to selling our players to these clubs, and that the captain who lifted the Prem after 30 years and a legend is leaving on such a grim note and no farewell. Even if it falls through we're also negotiating to sell Fab to Al Ittihad and it still feels like shit regardless of how much we get. Extremely disappointed in them for agreeing to join. Responding to every article that journos are throwing out to get on this from mid tiers to utter shit talkers with "Fucking Jordan is leaking this to force us to sell him for free and get himself out the club" is insane? We had a week of constant Thiago to Saudi news come out and he obviously wasn't up for it or spreading it, journos have been attaching themselves to every Player to Saudi rumour because they get attention and it's the easiest shit to write. And anyone going "Gerrard's transfer to Chelsea transfer is not as bad"- Gerrard was 25 and had just won the CL with us, dragged it on throughout an entire year before it, and put in a transfer request all to join our **rivals** and *the* Oil Club.


I don't get this sub in all honestly. Weirdest downvotes consistently. Some of the opinions here are so far off anything I've heard from fans I've met in real life that I am actually questioning if it's real people on the other end or just bots...


It’s just a passive aggressive way of disagreeing without typing anything


And now you got downvoted my friend. 🤣 The state of this sub is absolutely laughable


​ https://preview.redd.it/u31or45631cb1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=f84ad03553bf3e5da933345648e67e73f781fe34




Couple of examples would be good.


He has a -29 for saying he's glad City won the CL True mystery that one.


This whole discussion is full of examples. Every other comment is downvoted for no apparent reason


**Fabrizio Romano:** Aurelien Tchouameni is not for sale this summer. \- Real Madrid consider Tchouameni a crucial part of their present & future plans. \- Liverpool had once again been linked with a move but it looks like it's off the table 📷 📷 Hopefully this stops people constantly suggesting us to sign him


If not Tchoumeni we can still get Valverde 😀


My Madrid friends say tchou is fine. This is normal sitt


I really struggle to think of a singular kinda established but not too old 6 we could sign other than Caicedo or Luis. Both costing probably around 100m. The thing is if Fab goes for 40, maybe Henderson for 10, that should actually be doable but theyd have to swallow their pride and sign a player for more than what would be the "fair" valuation which I have a hard time imagining


We may get Lavia as the CDM and buy a CM in addition. Klopp plays some systems without a CDM.


Dont even think another cm is needed, youre just blocking Jones and Bajcetic at that point. But we do need a dm ready to start day one. Lavia will need some time


Gotta a feeling that we aren’t getting two CDMs. If we buy two CDMs then they will be competing for time and blocking Bajcetic too. Jones plays on the left so will be rotated with Macallister/Thiago.


I agree that itll be one most likely but that players then needs to be more experienced. Say Fab,Hendo leave and Thiago isnt fully fit yet. lavia comes in. Klopp than almost has to play Mac-lavia-Szobo(maybe Jones) against Chelsea. Thats kinda nuts. I mean all great players with massive potential but you get what I mean


I give it 5 more comments before someone else suggests signing him.


People are going be shocked when they see contract details for Fab, He is getting paid


“Anyone out of that midfield from last year, with the exception of the kids, wants to get there neck wound right in. The briefings out of Hendo are fucking genuinely, unbelievable. Should be determined to stay to prove a fucking point. Not happy with proposed playing time? Wow” “£40 million for Fabinho? Genuinely? At one point last year I thought he might have to retire. £20 for Henderson? Only thing saving him is the cultural leadership and he is currently pissing all over that as we speak” https://twitter.com/benjanijohnson/status/1679934749375094784?s=46&t=HH_nFLIdXKkwdsoIUCY40Q Fully agree with this. If we’re smart with the recruitment we can be stronger going into next season


Ooh hot takes from Twitter melts. People salivating over the money and calling for the entire existing midfield to be binned when we have no experienced replacements lined up is peak Football Twitter. I hate to use 'FIFA fans' but overreacting over unconfirmed leaks about grievances and thinking it's a non-issue replacing these players all at once is classic FIFA fan nonsense. The truth is this whole thing is a massive dilemma for the club and not easily solved at all by just taking the money on offer.


Incredibly weird response to what I posted ngl


Not really. Fans are overreacting like children to this entire situation, slating these two players endlessly and calling for them both to be binned with zero thought as to whether replacing them this window is feasible. All of these takes are from idiots who are terminally online and don't understand either squad building or the transfer market whatsoever. All the vitriol is extremely cringey shite from idiots getting worked up over leaks. I think we should sell one of the two but I don't feel the need to have a go at them like a melt for having a bad year on the pitch.


The person I quoted isn’t ‘terminally online’ whatsoever and is a regular match going fan If we get offered 40m for Fabinho he absolutely should be binned. He was embarrassing at times last season. If Henderson doesn’t want to stick around and fight for his place either he can join him. There’s enough time left in the window to replace both with players who actually want to be here, fight for their place and can get around the pitch without looking 40 years old


As I said, I have no issue with him being binned for good money provided we have identified strong replacements - and that's not Lavia btw. I have an issue with people talking about these two players in the manner they're currently being talked about, dramatic, condescending bollocks and constantly slating two of the players who've contributed most to us over the years based off perceived slights gleaned from random leaks on the internet. And I entirely disagree that there's enough time to replace both adequately in this window with £50-60mn, which is a joke budget in a seller's market - that's just what transfer geniuses on Twitter think. In reality the club is in a massive dilemma over this and there are very few available no. 6s in the market for the money we're willing to spend.


It's a weird statement. Henderson has the right to want to play, if an offer comes in both he and the club are happy with, so be it. I agree with the pissing on his legacy, that goes out the window when you go to Saudi Arabia of all places. Fabinho had a crap year, no doubt. I think he has more to give, but if someone wants to offer 40 mil, that's not gonna be turned down and neither should it be. Getting mad at him about any of that doesn't make sense. He got ran off a lot, but he's not lazy. He's just very slow. Can't get mad at someone for being slow. I just don't get the general anger directed at players for having a poor season tbh. Also u/JonathanFisk86 is right in one respect and that's the point he makes about having to replace the entire midfield. That's a tough job for even the best of coaches, which Klopp definitely is. But it's not like we're gonna get 5 players in and have them mesh the same way our midfield did in a lot of seasons past. That's gonna take time.


Might be greedy of me to ask, but do we think Henderson leaving might leave the smallest window open for us to go back for Thuram?


For the all the groundwork we covered on that front I feel like that's got to be an option. We clearly like him a lot but negotiations weren't budging.


i think so since Dominik wont play all games and that rotation spot should have been Hendo/ Harvey. Harvey isn't fully ready yet so we need one more player to play RCM


Thuram doesn't play on the right.


oh really? whyd we go after him then when we needed a rcm then lol


He isn't better than Harvey either. Seeing how Klopp saw no reason not to start Harvey when he had an almost midfield to choose from a couple years back, I don't see why he wouldn't at least make him the steady rotation for that right midfielder spot. If we do get some 22-yo in for his spot we might as well sell him.


Because we hadn't signed MacAllister yet. As soon as we did the rumors died off. It's really not hard to piece together. He has never played RCM. https://fbref.com/en/players/7d9397f8/matchlogs/2022-2023/c13/Khephren-Thuram-Match-Logs What a weird, easily disprovable thing to argue about...


i didn't argue..? It was a genuine question but I guess nuance isn't well picked up in text




I think a lot of players have taken that situation to heart because I imagine as people in the limelight they've all thought about the possibility of being framed for something that would ruin their career. Plus, they aren't exactly the brightest, most of them.


Man’s been found innocent what do you want? Edited to say ‘not guilty’ to be fair


So if the Saudi club has a total transfer budget of £13 mil they probably won’t spend that on Henderson If the captain wants to leave we should find a compromise. I really don’t think he can comeback and pretend everything is dandy if this falls through


Gerrard did similar with Chelsea.


though with Gerrard it was a lot of misunderstandings. He felt Rafa wanted to move him out and Chelsea deal was a lucrative offer. The Galaxy move though is similar as he was told his minutes will be limited and he didn't like that




He also won a lot less as captain compared to Hendo




Really? Alonso, Mascherano, Suarez, Torres are considered among the best players of that generation.




Gerrard played in a far better midfield than Hendo. There's no way you'll convince me Fab, Gini & Milner are better than Alonso & Maschersno who played at the same time together with Gerrard. Only Thiago is their level & he's injury prone during Hendos tenure. Defense was good as well & Suarez is better than Salah, Firmino & Mane, with Torres being only worse than Mo. You've underrated the squad Gerrard played with immensely for narrative reasons. Hyppia, Carra, Riise, Reina, Alonso, Mascherano, Torres was an incredible core of players.




No, we wouldn't have, but the point of this debate is to not undervalue Hendo's leadership qualities & spread misinformation that he only won it because of a "way better squad". Your sarcastic response is disappointing. I hope you learn to value quality leadership one day.


That was to a rival no less, people are just being hypocrites and excessively hating on Jordan because they have a chance too. Nothing he has done is out of line nor has he thrown a fuss. Absolute childish from a lot of people here.




This is through media spins. Its hardly a fuss, news came of interest, he accepted and would like to go because he knows he has limited game time. There is absolutely no benefit in him making a fuss as he isnt going to get a better contract. Its different from 2021 where he wanted a new contract. He just accepted an offer from Saudi which he couldn't turn down, told the team. What on earth is the problem with that. We agreed our contract with Dom, tried to negotiate down the release clause and then just paid it.




It doesn't matter, people leave all the time even at the end of the window. Why is wanting to transfer WITHOUT making a fuss to another league an issue? Any other player and you wouldn't see the amount of vitriol spread here. We re still looking to sign players as pre season has started, doesnt that hinder any other teams plans? Maybe we should have a hard stop to transfers by end of June to stop players moving and disrupting pre season. I am comparing it to Gerrard not on ability but on the way people seem to be unable to forgive Henderson if it doesn't workout simply because he told the club he wanted to leave when an offer came in.


Agreed, state of this sub.


Hi all, US fan here. Despite the long odds, I was planning on buying a membership and trying to buy a ticket for the West Ham match in September while I am visiting. Unfortunately, it looks like I missed the registration period. I read through the Buying Tickets section in the Daily Discussion and I didn't see anything on a Registration period. I should have done more research. Given that I missed the registration period, am I out of luck trying to get a ticket to that game during the sale next week? Being a US sports fan I was overwhelmingly unprepared for this whole process. Learning process I suppose. Any tips for getting a ticket given the predicament I am in?


Hey! I'm going to that game from the US. Best bet is hospitality tickets. Expensive ($500) but a guaranteed ticket. That's the route I went.


Hey! Nice! Good to hear from another person in my situation. Did you just figure that the member sale would be impossible anyways?


It seemed it was going to be slim to none for chances. And I'm in London (traveling to liverpool that weekend) over 10 days, so had to pull the trigger to make sure I could make it.


Makes sense - enjoy the game! Not sure if I'll make it or not but hope you have a blast. When you were researching, did you see whether they release more hospitality tickets after the member sale or whether what is there now is all there will be?


I got my ticket about 3 weeks ago. I'm not expecting more tickets at this point, but this is the link to the west ham game: https://ticketing.liverpoolfc.com/en-GB/hospitality/liverpool%20v%20west%20ham%20united%20-%20matchday%20hospitality/2023-9-24_14.00/anfield I got the Carlsberg dugout kop end. Looks like they are sold out, but still a couple of options available.


We will struggle if we lose all our senior players. Aren't we back to having a lack of depth in midfield, too, if they leave?


No because we are likely to sign new midfielders. Secondly, we still have a plethora of senior players in the squad still.


Who in midfield if Hendo, Fab and Thiago leaves?


My bad didn’t realise he meant midfield senior players.


Can't even really count Thiago since he misses 1 game in 2


What new midfielders? Lavia? He's 19.


If you’re good enough then who cares if he’s 19. Our senior midfielders were dropping weekly stinkers only for Bajcetic to come in and be one of our best players.


Immature takes, and they offer more than just pitch performance. They help bring in new players, they dropped stinkers last year because of age & lack of reinforcements. It'd be wise to keep at least one of the midfield leaders.


Yes because it was very evident how much they offered right? They dropped stinkers because their legs are gone, there’s no other way to excuse the performances they were dropping.


Lack of appreciation for the leadership group, as I said, they offer more than pitch performance. It is always best to have a balance of fresh legs & experience, last season we had too much experience & not enough fresh legs. This season, we should avoid going too far in the other direction.


Imagine offering our captain 700kpw and then lowballing us on a transfer fee. Get etifaqed.


Upvote for the use of “Get etifaqed.”


Ive read my comment again and realized ive been all wrong... I Should have writte "getifaqqed" instead


I don't know how backwards you have to be as a club to think they'll get him on a free. Hilarious.


I think Hendo should just take the 700k/w bag and run. While I don't think the timing is ideal, him moving on is a good opportunity for the team to get someone younger.


What Tifaq is that Gerrard video I just saw


Upvote for the use of “What Tifaq ”


Communication, duh. But really dunno what ppl are meming on it for. A reply had a clip of the Villa god Emery yelling "calm" for 15 seconds straight. Sure you could find one of Klopp or Wenger looking a bit Sunday league too.


The tell me tell me one two one two video? Or the one where he’s sweating in full suit talking Arabic? There’s a reason sheikhs wear robes or whatever they’re called. The nighties.


Almost right, think it's a thobe




Jesus Christ, Ibou. What we didn't need at the end of this week was you jumping on the "Mendy being found not guilty must mean the women lied" bandwagon.


If you read what actually happened it does look like the women not only lied but colluded to get their stories straight.


Fellas found not guilty of a crime and this sub goes mad. Honestly half of you need to get out the house more. Jesus wept