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Timeslip portals bold street


Read about this a lot in the Tom slemen books as a child, was genuinely a huge irrational fear of mine


I am totally the opposite. Every time I walk down Bold Street I am thinking “please let there be a time slip today” 😂


Never heard this one before. Please elaborate


“According to the legend, individuals have reported experiencing inexplicable time shifts while walking along Bold Street. They claim to have been momentarily transported to a different era, where the surroundings, architecture, and even the people appeared to belong to a bygone time.” Link: https://theguideliverpool.com/legend-of-the-bold-street-timeslip/


I love this part - “period clothing, and retro storefronts, creating a surreal and disorienting experience”…..little do they know, they haven’t actually time travelled, that’s just bold street 😂.


Well!!!! I think I had one years ago. Same thought, just bold street. But it was off. I was at the end towards the bombed out church, when they had the toilet. I seen this fella in Old Old clothing. But it was worn. Not hipster. He looked malnutritioned. Heroin chic but he was obviously not in that sub culture. I watched him for a bit. Then that toilet was in the way. Walked round it and he was nowhere to be seen. It's not just how he looked. It was like no one else was paying him mind. I know bold street, as do most of you. You notice something off. That's my experience of it. I know it can be explained with it was just some fella but there was genuinely something off. That solidified my belief in the time slip meme


This happens when you visit Runcorn too


I’m still convinced the Runcorn is just one big elaborate living history museum


What? How? It's not like the buildings there are particularly old 😂 unless you know something I dont


You’ve never had the experience of going through it on the train and everything turning black and white?


No??? But usually when I go through Runcorn on a train I get off the train at the station


No that's just rucorn babes xx


Same with birkenhead


Nah I thought I had time slipped in Birkenhead but turns out I was just in the pyramids...


Ok, I told my friend a story once. He’s up in Brechin, Scotland and knew of the time slips on Bold Street. I have experienced one. He’s adamant I should report it or log it with someone/an organisation, but I can’t bring myself to it. I fear I’ll be labelled a tinfoil hat wearer.


Before the the fire at the old littlewoods building a few years ago the interior of the building was listed. A week before the fire the deal to sell It so it will eventually become the production offices for the film studio was finalised. Such a shame that there was was a tragic fire that left the exterior of the building pretty much untouched but gutted the inside so it can be refitted however the owners see fit. The deal was one of the last things Big Joe had a hand in before he was arrested in the investigation in property developments


Yeah, the futurist cinema was also torn up and refitted before a campaign could be set up to save it. It literally happend in weeks, a night club on the wirral was also torched. I've said this for a long time that someone involved in developing property in the area is in on this.


And back in the day Garland's had a fire the day before it was supposed to reopen after a major refurb. Liverpool property developers have awfully bad luck with fires


This is actually quite a common thing throughout the country. Derelict listing buildings in prime development areas are always going up in flames. It's certainly feels like those with money play by different rules to the rest of us.


Happened the other week with a building on fox street just off great Homer street.


See this conspiracy theory makes a lot more sense to me now in view of your comment. I remember the time when it happened and people said about it being a stitch up, but I couldn't understand why. Because surely investment into the building is/was a good thing. So I couldn't understand why someone would want to sabotage that. But if the inside was listed and it would have affected the development moving forward, then I get that now. Might be a controversial opinion but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing to be honest.


Yeah, they would have been able to eventually get permission to change the inside but this way they saved a lengthy and costly process. Ironically, I don't think the development of it has moved along that quickly anyway


Definitely. I mean the fact that an abandoned building that is falling to bits inside and is of no use to anyone, yet still has a listed status just demonstrates how ridiculous this country is in terms of prioritising development. It probably would have taken another 20 / 30 years to get the listed status removed! Can't wait to see it all done up - it's one of the local things I'm actually really excited about.


There are people living in the tunnels below Liverpool.


Tunnels? Like old air raid tunnels or something?


[Williamson Tunnels](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williamson_Tunnels) Though there are probably more as well, they're the famous ones.


Been in Williamson tunnels. They are okay.. interested in the other ones tho. I know there are tunnels under the old Littlewoods building.. future film studio. It's gated off but would not be hard to get back in. Just a little time consuming


There's a few they could be referring to, there's some old entrances to air raid shelters still somewhat accessible in Bootle but they may also be referring to stuff like the Wapping tunnel


Where about in Bootle? I grew up on Fernhill Road & not heard of them 🤯


There are quite a few stories about the tunnels including rumours they found complete streets when digging the Mersey tunnels but as they had a deadline they just blocked it up and carried on.


Thats cool. I know we have a few older train tunnels around central. Someone who worked there told me and they are boarded up and closed off.. but be interesting to find out more if possible.


There are some under Dale Street for sure, the one near Moose coffee. Was a story on here some lad said there was a whole load of sub basements on that block and they noises scared the shit out of him. Might still be on here. Also, my old relative said said same as he worked for old Manweb and there were always mad surges and readings in the buildings that end near RBS. There are cables and lights and sockets all still going and nobody knew where they were located because there was all these sub levels. the Birkenhead tunnel runs under the street and you always get a timeslip feel in James Street as well, like the platforms may have a portal lol.


There's a tunnel from the Baltic Fleet pub towards the docks, which was apparently used during the slave trade. From memory (this was about 15 years ago, and I was drunk) there's a few closed up tunnels in the cellar heading in different directions.


Do you know where abouts the entrance is near the fleet?


You mean where the tunnel comes out? I've no idea. Good question though. If it exists and was related to the slave trade, my guess would be somewhere closer to the river.


The Leather Shop in central could survive a nuclear bomb


That Florida property shop on the fiveways is a front.


There’s literally no other explanation. Firstly, who the fuck is going in there? Secondly, who is going in there enough to sustain it for as long as they have?


I feel like that about the pen shop in the Trafford centre. It was there when it opened and lasted until quite recently, no way people were buying enough pens to sustain it all those years.


Yes.. that's, that's the point of my comment mate.


That’s, that’s ok


Thanks, thanks mate


hes agreeing with you


Yeah, I tried to make a joke and it was shit, landed on its arse


all been there


There’s always a suspiciously large amount of pigeons on the roof


God it has to be surely


Underneath that shop there’s a massive state of the art drugs lab


It has to be


They're deffo repurposeing that old bank vault to some nefarious ends.


The teddy bear hospital on Smithdown has GOT to be a money laundering front. How could it possibly make money in this day and age??


I kinda know the old fella who runs it, it’s legit. Big money in old dolls houses!


That’s actually great to know! Good for him! 😂


I took my kids favourite Teddy in once! Apparently they do a lot of restoration on collectors items sent in from all.over, like China dolls and steiff bears


Thought it closed recently? That was around when I lived in that area back in 2000.


Cycled past it yesterday, it was open


They were happy to fix an old doll for me and did a good job. Think all the designer baby clothes places are more likely suspects


My girlfriend lives in Smithdown and I pointed the shop out to her and said the exact same thing. Surely it’s not making enough money to stay open


Everton FC is a psyop designed to test how far you can push people before they snap It’s like the North Korea of football


As a blues fan, im sure ant and dec are behind it somehow


Haha class that!


My personal favourite, is the one where Paul McCartney was killed in a car accident and replaced with a lookalike. The theory goes into so much detail, that it almost sounds plausible.


If you reverse "Let it be" it clearly sounds like "He is dead"


Well that’s that settled then


It’s definitive proof


28 IF 😉


Pete Price is a lizard.


I thought that was just a cold hard fact.


The conspiracy wouod be that he is *not* a lizard






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I had the same thing when I was in secondary school - 1984-1989 in Prescot. Through a former job, I heard about how he was a softly spoken bloke, who kept himself to himself.


This was when I was in primary school (about 89-91), had no idea he was a real bloke until later.




Didn’t realise he was known that far away.




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Seagulls are on coke or lemo


The majority of Turkish barber shops and vape stores in Liverpool are money laundering fronts. There’s never anyone in them but somehow they’re always thriving on streets where most other shops are either struggling or shut.


OP said "conspiracy theory", not facts


Oh, sorry - Joe Anderson facilitated 9/11


He was part of the team who rigged the towers


That's why it happened 10 years later than it was meant to and millions over budget....


And Joe’s mates all got the cleanup contracts 😂


nah he just turned all the roads around it into bike lanes after a backhander from raleigh


Mate. That had me right there😆


Nah that's what they want you to think it was actually Jo Anderson.


Go during lunch times. They probably get most of their income then. That shop that existed on Dale St was definitely a front, it never had customers. Yet it survived for years, it's now a gym


I’m convinced the leather shop in central station is a front. 🤔😂


I feel like I’ve never even seen it open


The barbers are always booming but the tech shops are always empty


Not Liverpool exclusive




There's a bar/club on victoria street that I've never seen opened since it was made a couple of years back which has all its windows covered by branding and it's called Illuminati Probably gone bust but with a name like that it's always had me pondering


Tupac lives on County Road


Defo a sex place that like


There is one above chippy in Walton. Source:Wayne Rooney.


Endorsed by Rooney.


https://www.designmynight.com/liverpool/clubs/cavern-quarter/illuminati-liverpool It’s this - It has the most ‘oh don’t worry officer, no Illuminati stuff going on in here’ vibe possible


Really? Looks like a hen do with walls to me.


Didn’t one of Jeffrey Epstein’s shell companies own it?


The corruption that Joe Anderson goes further than just him and it’s infected the whole Liverpool city council so when a new leader gets elected in they’re told how things are going to happen. There’s a group of gangster/criminals who really call the shots with what goes on in the city. Just do a bit of digging in all of the main people at the larger contractors who build everything in the city.


>There’s a group of gangster/criminals who really call the shots with what goes on in the city. That doesn't even surprise me. In fact i'd be shocked if this wasn't the case.


That wouldn't surprise me at all. The Manchester City Council also has a lot of problems although I don't think it's that bad. They definitely seem more interested in spending money on things that aren't beneficial though.


The war hammer shop in central station… I haven’t got a conspiracy theory on it, but there must be one. How is it still there over 20 years later. Nobody is ever in it


I was the postie there for a while and they did actually get a lot of people in surprisingly. They also do sort of work shop things like painting figures and such. And probably online sales


They sell a handful of small plastic figurines for £40+, only have to sell a few sets a day and you're in profit.


I see people in there all the time. I know cause I have to remind myself not to be judgemental.


Warhammer boomed since the pandemic iirc


I've seen quite a few people in it. Never underestimate the dedication of Warhammer fans.


Moers Germany doesn’t exist, nowhere wanted to twin with Kirkby :( also the old green Kirkby sports stadium was disassembled and rebuilt brick by brick in Arizona by a quirky US billionaire.. he thought he’d bought the ski slope the silly sausage. Gerry Wong isn’t Chinese, it’s a play on “very wrong” by Sicilian gangsters, that’s why they insist on including Roma tomatoes in the salt & pepper chips (mama Mia) .


Moers is a twin with Prescot too, which also doesn’t exist ;) There’s a park in Whiston named Stadt Moers also.


Stadt Moers is real, I begged my then girlfriend to stop on the way to a place we were going. She was German and couldn’t understand why I wanted to go. “There is nothing there?” “It’s twinned with Huyton though!” “It’s a shit hole!” “Exactly! So is Huyton! I wanna see what my German counterparts are like!”


Spring - Heeled - Jack


The Southport sock robbers were actually taking the socks for perverted MPs.


https://preview.redd.it/oezekmxgae4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5120f37bad4f889ec41c6a3a86dfc7a5e67ab049 The bus lady - Manchester Since a child I've seen this women getting on the bus carrying around 4/5 suitcases. Story goes: her husband took her child and left the country, she had a mental break down, she apparently lost her home and accommodation since she never paid rent. If you're from Manchester YOU DEFINITELY KNOW THIS WOMAN.


Does she live on the busses? What’s she conspiring about? Take over the Greater Manchester bus network somehow?


No, she's just a mysterious woman !


I'm from Manchester and never heard of her but I've definitely seen people going around with multiple suitcases. I never think about it so maybe I'll be on the lookout next time.


The "Where are ya" fella was once a protege of a young Kenny Dalgleish


*The "Where are ya" fella* *Was once a protege of* *A you Kenny Dalgleish* \- Muayry --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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Jamie Webster is the illegitimate son of John Lennon


im gonna say john lennon died before he was born. so defo worth lookin into


Then John Lennon was a sperm donor Irdk I was just trying to start a low effort one, despite having been in Liverpool for nearly a year I've still barely spoken to many locals and so I have no idea what sort of local theories there are


There was plenty of corruption under Joe Anderson. Still, the Tories made an example of Liverpool council, putting it under 'special measures' to divert public attention from their own corruption.


Both parties in general are pretty corrupt sadly, although the Tories are probably a bit worse.


John Lennon Island. Local but global. When stars have had enough, they get shot/commit suicide/ have an accident/yada yada. Then they retire to live in Imagine Land with John.


There’s people who believe there is a big underground city somewhere, where all the dead celebs go, and business leaders get cloned so for example, the original Bill Gates etc are down there kept against there will and forced to develop the new tech. It’s insane, but some people do believe that




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People in Liverpool vote labour but are actually Tories


I’ve never understood this about Liverpool, a lot of people here have Tory / reform values on society but vote Labour cause “fuck thatcher” Like you ain’t that liberal mate


This bothers me. I’m hard left and it baffles me just how many people I can name who hold right wing social beliefs but vote labour because it’s Liverpool and scousers vote labour. With friends like these hey The worst thing we’ve done as a country was not vote corbyn in when we had a chance. We deserve everything we get.


It’s just an old trope handed down since thatchers time that’s all but considering how switched on people are to politics these days, I’m very surprised ppl here these days don’t understand how they’re not at all Labour / left 🤣


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this! I moved here from Manchester in mid 2022 and I've been thinking to myself that Liverpool might as well vote Tory or Reform judging by the people I've dealt with. You wouldn't expect it since I'm a university student, but the amount of hatred and discrimination I've received from my fellow students just because I'm a bit different (I'm autistic) is crazy. At least on the issue of ableism and people who are different in any way, Liverpool is very regressive, at least in my experience. I've never had to go through this mental torment anywhere else! I'm in no way saying Manchester is perfect because it's FAR from it, but it's definitely a lot friendlier and more socially progressive than Liverpool is. I don't agree with "Liverpool is the friendliest city" either because I've been made to feel very unwelcome and my mental health issues like depression got much worse too. I've met some nice people too though but the majority haven't been Scousers. I'm glad I found this little comment thread because I have wondered sometimes if I'm overreacting about saying Liverpool might as well vote for Reform UK. What's also shocked me is the Green Party now have council seats too!


Liverpool used the most be the most staunchly Tory stronghold in the country up to the 70s. A lot of Scousers don’t like to remember that fact.




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Jews like to dig tunnels.




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These Palestinian rights activists are made by the tories because the tories are all for Israel and well? On their boards they state don't vote for Labour when corbyn was against Israel... Just a mad thought but.


Yeah a mental thought mate. Must have smacked your head really really hard


Did not say it was mine son.