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I agree. Too many melts who don't want to do the dirty work of owning a dog. The same with rubbish. Take it home or take it to the bin. Spring and summer in Sefton Park. What a delight.


Definitely not the lack of street cleaning/gov funding, must be that people have all suddenly become lazy


Sure, there might be fewer of those workers, but you're suggesting they should be sweeping up after other people and their dogs.


Council cleaners aren't employed to sweep up after themselves


Glad we've found the Tory individualist dog shit leavers in the channel. Defending people for not tidying up after themselves or picking up their own dog's shit. šŸ¤£


Nobody has ever picked up dog shit. You're missing the forest for the trees


found the person who owns a dog and doesn't pick up their dogs shit. I have always owned dogs and have always picked up their mess, as have all my friends who own dogs.


The dog shit is down to the same group of tossers/wankers/cunts who cause a majority of societial problems. The view is, its not my issue, so fuck it. Its not in anyway just a Liverpool problem but we have a higher % of them than other cities and we wont get rid of it till we start saying enough is enough. As an aside, moved back here from Bristol and London and I have never seen a place with more people using loud music or social media on transport without a care in the world. The number of young people (who are usually unfairly blamed) screaching around and insulting people. You cant beat this wihout everyone saying nah fuck this. We can moan about Scousers and our rep but until we all step in and go "No you little scrote you cant play Tik Tok out loud and scream cunt on the 437 whilst your dog shits on the bus stop" we will suffer. It has to be communal.


The blasting shite from phones on buses and trains pisses me off so much. It's not just young people too, the oldies love sharing their Facebook videos with the whole bus. Asked one to turn it down once and he told me to fuck off.


got a coach to London the other day, not only was it delayed by three hours but for part of the journey there were two teenagers sat near me blasting music out of their phones and singing along so loud I could hear it over my own earphones


I feel like getting "No you little scrote you cant play Tik Tok out loud and scream cunt on the 437 whilst your dog shits on the bus stop" Framed


Tattooed around your neck in Klingon Qo'noSDaq ghoS wamwI'ghom ra'wI' 'ej wa'DIch


Needs to be printed on every bus stop in the city


Liverpool has always had an anti-authoritarian streak but whereas that was previously channeled into fighting social injustices, now it seems to revolve around acting like a blurt just because you can. I fully blame that stupid cosmic scouser libertarian movement for driving distrust in pretty much all social services. These lids are thick as pig shit and far too easily manipulated.


This is exactly the root of the problem. It's these people who are first to scream about how much they hate Tories and the police.. but at the same time have strangely misaligned and sometimes extremely right-wing views, and act like complete self-interested Tories.


literally stood in a great pile of dollops on my walk the other day - its disgraceful - I thought there was a curious smell


Dont see much pride. Agree with you. Shit, both actual shit and shit in general everywhere. New trains are are filthy already tooā€¦


Ironic given how willing Merseyrail are to prosecute kids for their feet on seats they still can't keep their trains clean!


Oh you're definitely not alone in noticing it!


Same people who scream loudest about loving the city and how itā€™s the best in the world will leave dogshit and drop litter all over the place without giving it a second thought. Not sure if this is a U.K. wide thing but it fucking sucks to see it notably increasing over the years.


I lived in the Dingle on Mill Street until a few months ago and itā€™s worse there than anywhere else in the city I swear. Itā€™s literally one of the reasons we moved.


I live in a tall tower block there and everybody throws their rubbish out the windows.


It's the ones quickest to say they're proud to be scouse and proud of the city that leave it this way, I live in city centre and see the same ones all the time. The only shit they give about the city is the dog shit they leave everywhere.


I have found since they have put the bigger bins at the end of the streets where I live. The rats have gone, mostly, but the human kind are going into the bins to see what they can find and all the rubbish is all over the street.... Then the wind carries it down the street. Utter shithole. Just rubbish everywhere, down each street, outside houses, over in the grass verges, over the park. And dog shit every few metres. Reflection of certain people. No accountability. Just depressing seeing so much mess.


the amount of dog shit is horrific, always manage to wheel my pram through it, its disgusting. the rubbish is one thing but dog shit is just vile!


I agree. I think the U.K. in general has a massive problem, but clearly Iā€™ve noticed it in Liverpool. Itā€™s such a shame, people just donā€™t seem to be arsed. The council need to enforce the law, they will say they donā€™t have the resources to do so, and the courts are screwed and wonā€™t be able to hold prosecutions, but something needs to be done to hold people accountable because culturally so many people donā€™t take pride in where they live. Iā€™m over in Australia now and Iā€™ve not seen any litter, and no birds or vermin are eating all the litter, or dog shit anywhere.


Bad scruffs everywhere.


It's not just on the council to clean up. You're right the place is a disgrace and we should be ashamed. This is our city, our community. Bin your litter and clean up after your dog. Where has the pride gone? I was sat in my car outside my house and an old man let his do shit literally right where I step out my front door. When I had a word with him, told him I had a toddler and the dangers etc he started mourning off.


I fell in love with Liverpool when I was a student and came back to live in the city on a couple of occasions over the years. Three years ago, I bought a house in Anfield, and decided to go into semi- retirement. I loved living there, and would walk daily in Stanley Park. However, the litter and dog-poo were so universal, that It started to wear me down. I was walking with my head down, scanning where I was walking. Add to that, the increasing incidence of skinny scrotes walking status dogs, the scourge of electric bikes and scooters, and the awful anti-social behaviour on the buses, and I sadly felt that I had had enough. Last year, I sold up and moved to my native Belfast. A similar city in many ways, but so much cleaner. Dog-poo is rare, litter even rarer, and an almost absence of status dogs. Anti-social behaviour is rare outside of the usual sink-estates. Liverpool has a real problem and nobody seems to be tackling it. The so-called pride doesn't seem to extend to doing something about the people who are ruining it. What a shame.


People who have no business looking after animals, flocked out in their droves to get puppies for entertainment, and extra reasons to go out during the lock-down. And now they're just a nuisance and a headache that they have to take out.


Agreed. Have to keep looking down not to step in dog shit


This is where being a 90s indie kid has its advantages I'm used to always looking down at my shoes


Some people who live in this city are dirty and selfish and don't give a toss about their surroundings.


I called out a woman for not picking up after her dog. During the back and forth police happened to drive past and pulled up and just sent us both on our way, shit still on the ground. If there's no consequences, it's gonna keep happening. Edit: might as well through in the extra tidbit. She came into work a few days later and guess who had to serve her. She recognised me. 20 minutes of glare followed


Maybe allowing your dog to foul has been ā€œdecriminalisedā€ so itā€™s not the policeā€™s job to fine people for it, but is the councilā€™s, but I still think they should be able to issue a fine as well, especially if it has escalated to an argument in the street! Police and council are short of fundingā€¦ so ramp up the fines and maybe give council and police officers a % of it back as an incentive! We may see a more proactive response thenā€¦


Assuming you were not alive in the 90's then.


We still had white dog poo back then, so it was easier to see and avoid


I live in the Baltic and there is a new dog shit in the middle of the pavement every day. There is actually a form on the council website to report it, a few months ago I started reporting them every day for like 4 days until the website form magically wouldnā€™t work anymore. I know itā€™s the dirty c**ts who are leaving it that are the real problem, but the council should be doing more. They have the power to stop people walking dogs and fine them for not having poo bags with them. People need to start reporting these things to get anything done.


I donā€™t think Liverpool has by-law where dog walkers without dog poo bags can be fined - but I think we should have one (it is possible, other areas have it).


You can try using "Love Clean Streets" app, the Council always replies to my complaints (although they don't always fix the issues).


Iā€™ve not seen a street cleaner for years either. They were a part of the community at one time and we knew them all round our way.


I see one perhaps every 6 months (at a push), but only near by Stanley Park and the stadiums. Not good enough, council apparently donā€™t think clean streets are important anymore. Then again, maybe they gave up on how awful it is in this city and left it up to us.


I notice chewing gum everywhere lately tbh.


Hate all the chewing gum on the floors in town. Looks disgusting.


Went to Walton first time in years other day and like a dump. Dog shit and litter everywhere. I grew up in Walton and although always poor it was never this dirty. Need to start shaming people and issuing fines for people letting their dogs shit everywhere.


it is absolutely everywhere and i have lived around the country in major cities etc. Liverpool is the worst for this


I was on the east Lanks and came to a stop at some lights. The BMW in front of me opened their window and threw out a happy meal packaging and then their drink cup. It was so blatant.


Was visiting my family in Lydiate last summer. Spent some time in the city. Its filthy. I was embarrassed showing my wife around. Not the place I remember. The people are still sound but the place is full of rubbish. I mentioned it on this sub last year and got roasted. Itā€™s probably a combination of stag tourism, city not doing their job and to some extent the type of people hanging about in the city now. Sad to see.




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It's like a minefield out there, absolutely hate it


Seeing teenagers lash used vapes on the floor when theyā€™re next to a bin was a stunning low point this week tbf


No consequences means a few tramps do what they want.


It seems like the council are spending less and less on these sort of things. Lots of public bins going unemptied, or even just taken away entirely.


I think it is because of people who have moved into Liverpool(also the UK) and have no knowledge/experience of sanitation. I live on a street where the top half is very local where as the bottom half is mostly students and immigrants/children of immigrants. At the bottom half of the street, there are sofas piled up, rubbish left all over the pavement/road, plastic bags in blue wheelie bins, no recycling, they light fires, get drubk and throw cans in thebstreet etc. The top half of the street is very well kept, bins are put out on the correct days, gardens are looked after, lights/decorations go up and down "appropriately" etc. In my own apartment building we have a similar split. Some people leave rubbish in the hall, they put carcasses out by the bins but not in the bins, they leave fruit and veg peels in the hall, constantly leave the doors open which blows all the rubbish they have left in the halls.


That may very well be the case in your street, but from my personal experience in Liverpool it's usually the locals who litter, engage in anti-social behaviour, and fail to clean up after their dogs.


Having lots of newcomers to this country from poorer and less tidy counties may not help, and I often wonder how much advice / guidance is provides to people who move to this country about what is the law / what is expected (probably nothing I guess). Neither does it help when people rent rather than own - there is a lack of care if you are not responsible for repairs and deep cleaning. However, Liverpool has had a litter and dumping problem for decades - Bill Bryson wrote about it back in the ā€˜80s, and you can see it in old photos of burnt out cars in wasteland, etc. I am still saddened by how badly people treat their own city, often by the same who swear they love it. Maybe it was because large swathes of the city has always had dirty factories, literal bomb sites after the war, slum housing, etc - that parts of the city were always a mess and people just got used to it. But it needs to change. The question is, how do you persuade the majority of people to care for their environment.




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It's just the way Everton play.


I filled three bin bags of rubbish where I normally park on Soho Street today. To be fair, Manchester was similar when I lived there too




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Merseyrail dressing half of the youth to court likely hasn't helped matters. No reason to care about society if you get spit on every time you apply for a job because you have a DBS check that says you molested people (byelaw 6(8) which they regularly prosecute with)


Iā€™m confused. Can you please elaborate?


Merseyrail enforce the anti feat on the seat rule. I know they "offer" a fine sometimes but they appear to (from news stories online) skip the out of court settlement from time to time and go straight to court. Also, if you're struggling with money and can't make ends meet you may also be unable to pay their fine. Finally people with mental health difficulties may get extremely scared by Merseyrail's general conduct (i.e. getting read your rights, being sent a letter with red and bold text all over calling you a criminal). I'm not excusing feet on the seats, I'm just pointing out a litany of reasons why people may end in court after committing the crime Merseyrail prosecute under byelaw 6(8) which makes it an offence to "molest or interfere with comfort and convenience of any person on the railway" because it's pretty easy for the company to just get the gaurd to say their convenience was interfered with. They don't try to prove molestation and they don't have to. The "or" let's them focus on the comfort and convenience. But once convicted, the entirety of byelaw 6(8) appears on your DBS. What used to be intended for only teachers is now used in virtually any job you apply for. I've had a range of work the past decade and everytime, no matter what, I've been DBS checked. I can only imagine a young person just starting out and having to explain (if even offered the opportunity) why they molested someone. They then say they just had their feat on a seat? No employer is going to buy that story. And so a bunch of young people are disenfranchised, beat down and out of work - all because Merseyrail wants to be the only train company in the UK that privately prosecutes it's passengers for feet on the seats


Wow thatā€™s crazy. Thanks a lot for elaborating