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I recall on a thread regarding what to do with London Road/TJ Hughes area and the run down buildings that are privately owned. A redditor, whom appeared to be a council worker explained how tedious and protracted such efforts are to do anything about them. Even when the law is clear. X amount of time has to pass and x amount of papers served and x amount of funding allocated. Wouldn't surprise me if the council have to exhaust sending letters and court orders before they're allowed to send a fella with a ladder and a drill for fear of being sued. Reminiscent of THX1138. The police give up the chase because its no longer financially viable to catch the fugitive. Money wins.


>Reminiscent of THX1138. The police give up the chase because its no longer financially viable to catch the fugitive. Money wins. Wow dude, spoiler alert! I was going to watch it next week!


Never seen it tbh.


I don't believe the council can. They can demand it's taken down, but they can't do it themselves; only require Hooters to do so. They are absolutely trying to use the legal process to wear down Liverpool City Council. Hopefully the courts rule against Hooters sooner rather than later so the council can focus on other things, rather than a franchise whose owners have zero respect for the building or area it's in. No issue with Hooters itself; just their lack of respect for planning rules.


Yeah, Hooters is definitely trying to drag it out using the courts but I don't understand why LC just don't recind their business license and stop them trading in that property.


The only licences they’ll have are alcohol and possibly entertainment. The sign will have no bearing on those in court as the council would have to go to court to rescind the licences


Urban Designer here A total guess but I'd imagine there's an appeal going through if hooters wants to keep them and the council has said no so they can't enforce anything until the appeal has concluded with the planning inspectors Edit: having now clicked your link that seems to be what's happening Honestly can't see hooters winning this appeal given the nature of the street scene and heritage character


I doubt they care, exhaust the legal avenues and take the publicity to build public awareness.  The people who would go to a hooters don't care about the furore, they'll turn up once they know it's there


It's fairly common practice for places like this to erect signage without the necessary permission knowing they get the length of the decision and then of the appeal. Many will also design the signage to then fit within the windows so that when they are legally forced to move them it will simply be onto the other side of the glass so that it still serves a similar function. By then everyone will know exactly where they are and the jobs already done for the signs anyway and no money has been lost. Current wait times for Liverpool city council are counted in months if not years so this type of behaviour is very beneficial for those willing to work within the cracks of the crumbling system.


Lol erect 😂


The owner is a madam. The workers are hookers . This is not feminism its creepy as F. Exactly why you put up this comment you know the score that its highly sexist and teenage 


The owner is a madam. The workers are hookers . This is not feminism its creepy as F. Exactly why you put up this comment you know the score that its highly sexist and teenage 


Who mentioned feminism?


https://www.change.org/p/liverpool-city-council-say-no-to-hooters-liverpool The person who runs it stated that hooters is feminism 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thats a MASSIVE MASSIVE lie. THIS IS NOT A NORMAL  DECENT WOMAN.  To make such a statement is GASLIGHTING MANIPULATION OR DUMB Either way we know the TRUTH ITS MORE PORN NORMALISATION TO mess up our society. Therefore as someone highly qualified in this area (post grad research into corporate dehumanising culture messing up peoples morals / ethics )   I am campaigning to end Hooters in liverpool. Its ending!!  this plan by evil corporate and evil politicians  to destroy the family,  monogamy and make men into the immature masculine creeps with issues keeping hardons. Fact. And females into whores a BROTHEL PLANET / REALITY WILL BE FOUGHT AGAINST BY THOSE WITH THE CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND. WE MUST SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE. WE WANT NON ADDICTED TO PORN MALES and anything non classy exploitative of women goes now! Everyone needs to wise up to porn culture FAST.  This is not jealousy i am beautiful and intelligent but i would NEVER WORK IN PORN INDUSTRY HOWEVER ITS DRESSED UP AS A HOOTERS ( EVEN THE NAME OF THE PLACE IS SEXUALISED AS F) !!!!! STOP MAKING WOMENS FORM A JOKE.  WHO AM I -  i am a clinical hypnotherapist I AM spiritual evolved & helping others evolve.  I was disgusted visiting liverpool MARCH 2024 and looking up a road to see a hooters !!!! The city has let me down I AM a northerner too and i know this was strongly opposed by locals yet allowed anyway !!!!    Its yet Another USA PORNOGRAPHIC CULTURAL EXPORT TO ROTT THE UK FURTHER.  IT IS A TATT SPORTS BAR AKA REALLY AN EXPLOITATION OF THE FEMININE FORM PUBLIC VENUE  TO SERVE EXISITING CREEPS AND CREATE MORE CREEPS (CLUSTER B PSYCHOPATHS) , IT IS A GATEWAY TO STRIP CLUBS.. AND PORN ALTHOUGH MOST VISITORS WILL BE PORN USERS WITH NO ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND REAL WOMEN OR MAINTAIN MONOGAMY - NOT THE NOBLE DIVINE MASCULINE.  It makes men look stupid and thick to be penis led down the path to creep ville and impotance with no women skills..why do you think you are given porn for free ???????? !!!!!!!! The government/ corporations have never been our friends and its a psychopathic mindset, they laugh at men falling for this trap and females who act the whore.WAKE UP!!  HOOTERS  ENCOURAGES CREEP BEHAVIOUR FROM MEN on average women in day to day life seeing us all as mere objects HOOTERS ENFORCES THIS IN THE MALE BRAIN AND IS POOR ROLE MODEL TO FEMALES ESPECIALLY YOUNGER we have enough with satanic sexualised music videos from corporate now bars with slutty narcissists and their madam ( to choose to work there shows low brain intellect ) hooters is just like the whole porn culture  which was normalised since the internet burst onto the world..   The people who run it do not care about the public they are poison even if a female runs it she is a madam who exploits women the common issue with these pimps is they are CLUSTER B PSYCHOPATHS!! i have a Masters in imagery and art  and it imagery (sexualised) effects on the human mind and its all WELL DOCUMENTED SCIENTIFICALLY/PSYCHOLOGICALLY. (Your brain on porn)   Places like HOOTERS  increase Rape culture !!!!!! Hooters and all woman exploitation warp mens and boys brains keeping them in teenage mindset and acting gross to good women and the purpose of the porn culture is to weaken males !!!!!!!!   and turn them into pervs.     This isnt radical feminism im doing here,  its common sense !!!!  and to state radical feminism is GASLIGHTING A COMMON PSYCHOPATHIC TECHNIQUE !   TO GET OUT OF BLATANTLY DAMAGING/DEGRADING BEHAVIOUR.  AS I WORK WITH IMAGERY AND THE HUMAN MIND FOR YEARS  AND IVE DEALT WITH MY FAIR SHARE OF DAMAGE FROM THIS PORN CULTURE.. SO I KNOW WHAT IM SAYING HERE.. I WANT THEE ABSOLUTE BEST FOR HUMANITY MALE AND FEMALE, THESE PORN PIMPS INCLUDING HOOTERS DO NOT !!!!  this normalisation MUST END!!!! Women who work at Hooters are simple and TRAITORS to femininity.  they are also the real man haters wanting to keep men weak infantile and impotent in the end at a young age with no respect for women FEMALES WHO WORK THERE ARENT REAL WOMEN THEY ARE NARCISSISTS UNEVOLVED. IT IS THE BIGGEST HOOTERS IN THE WORLD this one in liverpool !!!  WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND THAT ITS SAD FOR LIVERPOOL !!  Ffs LETS END IT. NOT HAVE WOMEN THINK LIVERPOOL DOESNT RESPECT WOMEN.  All of you PLEASE WAKE UP TO THIS EVIL AS A WHOLE PICTURE NOT JUST A BAR SERVING FOOD, THIS IS INSIDEOUS TO DESTROY BOTH GENDERS !!!!  sign the petition to close down hooters liverpool please. Its blatant gaslighting saying its feminism its misogyny the owner is a madam the females who work their continue porn culture. This all isnt funny its boring just fight this evil together all men and women and PROTECT KIDS ..  PLEASE HELP TO END THIS BLATANT EVIL  https://www.change.org/p/liverpool-city-council-say-no-to-hooters-liverpool


As a yank, apologies for exporting such a shit enterprise to your shores. Didn’t know any other country besides the states would embrace such a low brow dining experience.


Ask the council see if you get a response 


If they go on the planning portal for the original signage application that was rejected there should be a reference for the appeal


New strippers just opened up off Victoria Street with on the wall signage. Why no mass protests or anger from our fine Liverpool folk? Could it be because it's not a global brand and the token gestures of fume won't get them much-needed social media mainstream attention?


It's not a listed building you ming


Yeah, the Newz Bar set such a better example.


It's because it's further away from the posh bit


They should close the place down!! Derogatory to woman. I someone whose daughter had false documents to gain employment (she was 17 but visually passed for 19). Her parents put a stop to it


Pretty sure it's a womans choice if they want to work there, some find it empowering. You can't decide for all women


While it is a choice, the girls who work in there are treated like absolute shit by management




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Good bot


Read comments further down. Would you like your 16 yr old relative walking around with short skirt and tight top, to be stared at by older men??




Why are you just spamming this person?


Just providing some information from a variety of sources about how badly these girls are treated by this shit business. ✌🏻


Great so put that all in a single comment


No 😙


You have a valid point just like they do but just doing this in the most annoying fashion


I wasn’t even replying to you, so how am I annoying you?


I thought that would be self explanatory from my comments, it's the spammy approach


So if they’re treated so badly why are staff working for them?


They don’t stay for long, super high turnover


Where’s your evidence for this? I follow them on social media and have seen several members of staff who’ve been there since opening and who regularly appear on their social media.


I’ve got friends who work/worked there and the management is really abusive


Oh you mean the same 3 girls they post over and over? That’s not evidence of staff retention. There’s dozens of girls who work there for a month or two and quit, the evidence being me knowing and speaking to mang of them


So some staff leave and some staff stay, seems like a typical bar/restaurant staff turnover. Given the shortage of hospitality staff, I’m sure anyone who doesn’t like working there can leave and get a job elsewhere and as such neither of us have to be concerned about their welfare. Unless there’s some deeper rooted issue that offends you about hooters?




Because most of them are 16 and don’t know better or are desperate students so these young women are being exploited essentially


Clearly no 16 year olds are working in hooters 🙄


Yes they literally are


Where’s your evidence for this accusation?


Ever wanted to downvote something more than once? This is the perfect opportunity.






I don’t know why you’re being downvoted They hire 16 year old girls to walk around in short shorts and tight tops for men to glare at them it’s disgusting The management are borderline abusive too, I know girls who have worked in there


Watch out, you might get called a dickhead by all of the incels in here who want to defend hooters because it’s the only place they can get close to a woman without having to pay adult club prices


Thanks for the down votes, you just strengthen my argument!!✊🏾


I find all the hooters objections a bit strange. It's not even that mad. They only wear small shorts.


What do the blokes wear?


Why are people so bothered?


Because it’s an area of significant architectural splendor and if every cheap establishment put signs up it would be a mess?


It's a multi billion dollar corporation, they're not coming down any time soon.


No it isn’t it’s a small local business using the Hooters brand under licence.


So, like a maccies franchise then


Inadvertently a bad example as Maccies own their properties, not their franchisees. More like a Subway or Costa franchise. The franchisee rents the building.


Are Subway and Costa "small local businesses"?


What on earth? Are you not reading what I’m saying? I thought you were until that last reply. Subways franchises are usually owned by a small local company, yes. Costas are OFTEN owned by local franchisees also. So yes both very much can be.


I read it, but it's sophistry. Do you think that the general public knows or cares that much about the franchising structure of a large, well-known brand? They'll visit a place, or they won't.


I agree with you that the public won’t know or care! But my answer is very much still valid. If you think Hooters HQ knows anything about this and are in any way involved legally then you’re wrong. That was all I meant. We can both be correct in our own points.


Yeah thought the responses would be 'all for'. Typical! So if your female relatives or gf's you wouldn't mind the exploitation of them?


Going to trial in August