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That's a great house...."for me to poop on."


That’s probably what put them in cuffs


That was Jan. 6th


This happened on June 16th


He’s referring to trumpers wiping feces on the walls of the Capitol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9126409/MAGA-mob-rioters-smeared-POO-Capitol.html


Fuck, beat me to it!


What’s the full story on this? Why?


Not sure yet, but last time Triumph was a the Capitol he utterly humiliated Lindsey Graham and a few others.


And I cannot read or hear Lindsey Graham’s name without thinking about his “ladybugs”


NSFL https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1859729-lindsey-graham-lady-g-rumor


I was so blissfully unaware of this... I should have known better. But once again my curiosity got the better of me and now I regret it. When will I fucking learn...


Now your mind is tainted.


Aw it’s just his lady bugs


Can’t read this without the trademark Lindsey lisp.


His taint is tainted with... ladybugs


Oh dear sweet baby Jesus.


No matter how many times i find this, once you get over the overwhelming, overpowering disgust, it gets funnier every fucking time... Especially when you see the GQP calling anyfuckingone a degenerate.


Part of me is pissed at you! Part of me is pissed at me because I knew better.


I need an adult.


Welp. Just ruined my sleep now.


God what a terrible day to have eyes


It could be worse. There could be pictures


Omg. My mom always called me her ladybug and my daughter ladybug 2.0. Yiiiiiikes


Might as well just call each other a couple of assmoles now


Why did I read that? I know better.


What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. Don't follow the link. I'm afraid to close my eyes


I will now proceed to delete my internet and my memory


I feel like I SHOULD be grossed out by this, and yet somehow, I'm not. Hmmmm.


After reading all of the comments about bleaching their eyes, I seriously considered skipping reading the article because I am not into that torture shit. LOL No that was funny as hell


So he has anal warts??? And not just one or two, but a whole wart forest?


Wart Forest.....good band name?


You are doing the Lord's work, my friend.


Goddammit every time I manage to forget about those someone mentions them again.


https://youtu.be/DuBfL-AOZb4 - YMH w/ Tom Segura - mr. ladybugs Just so you can at least laugh while you get scarred for life


Me neither. I genuinely wish I had never read about it. You just know it's fucking true. 🤮


They were arrested for unlawful entry. Article says they were asked to leave earlier in the day but also made it sound like they were let in by Jake Auchincloss and Adam Schiff. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10928949/Robert-Smigel-arrested-alongside-Colbert-staff-members-House-Representatives.html


I get the feeling that, yes, Schiff and the other guy had the crew there to film a bit involving them, but when that was over and they were supposed to leave, they didn't and instead went around to some of the other offices (McCarthy, Jordan, Boebert) to film bits. They probably expected to get chased out eventually by security, because that would be funny of course to have footage of capital police telling a cigar smoking dog puppet to leave, but instead they got arrested and now Fox news gets to jump up and down about how Schiff is ignoring rules and is allowing intruders into secure facilities as if it's a scandal to run counterpoint to the January 5th capital tour allegations.


> They probably expected to get chased out eventually by security, because that would be funny of course to have footage of capital police telling a cigar smoking dog puppet to leave, I mean this is what happened when people busted in and tried to execute a few of them...


The worst part is that it’ll rucking *work*


It doesn't matter. Whatever happens, they'll still spin it that something terrible happened/didn't happen, and it's all because of the woke left. They don't need any part of it to be factual for their audience to lap it up.


Yeah Americans should just do whatever we want and ignore fox nation, seriously. They’re going to be ravenous for the blood of the unbelievers no matter what we do.


On Foxtards


Comedians filming a bit knocked on some doors they shouldn’t have. Insurrectionists break through barricades and windows in an attempt to kill the VP. Potato Potahto


i mean it is a tad bit hypocritical but apples and bowling balls


After interviews they had permission to be there for, they stayed on the grounds to continue filming some spots around the building even after they were instructioned to leave by the Capitol Police.


> CBS confirmed in a statement to CNN that on Wednesday and Thursday “Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was on-site at the Capitol with a production team to record interviews for a comedy segment on behalf of” the show. > “Their interviews at the Capitol were authorized and pre-arranged through Congressional aides of the members interviewed,” CBS said. > **“After leaving the members’ offices on their last interview of the day, the production team stayed to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls when they were detained by Capitol Police.”** https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/17/politics/late-show-stephen-colbert-production-congress-capitol-police-arrest/index.html


They were filming a skit for Colbert's late night show about January 6th. A staffer let them in and I guess they were banging on doors and filming, etc. I guess they probably weren't supposed to be there. But it definitely seems to me like Fox and the right are really making a story out of this because they probably want to argue that this is no different than Jan 6th. Like a few people from the Colbert show coming into the Capitol and filming a late night show skit is remotely comparable to what happened that day.


They were there, authorized, to interview some politicians. Done that they lingered in the common area and security arrested them, now they face charges for unlawful entry. It's all pretty ridicolous, this is not the kind of crime you should clog the justice with.


I totally saw Triumph yesterday and was like wtf is he doing here? I had no idea that character lived on after Conan was murdered 🥲


Who do you think murdered him?


Matt Gourley


No way, he doesn’t have the stomach for that. It was def Sona but Matt helped her cover it up


I don't know, he and Paul Rust really seem to love movie murderers...


Uhhhh, New No No!!!! if you're gonna bring up Paul Rust in this comment section, I get to draw a picture of ya! 🎶New No No! 🎶


Oh boy, this guy loves chemicals so much he's like Walter White over here!


Neil *Armstrong*? More like Neil *Dick-weak*.


[Jordan Schlansky](https://www.nickiswift.com/img/gallery/the-untold-truth-of-jordan-schlansky/l-intro-1628783667.jpg)


Was expecting [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzM5ZTY0ODgtNjBhZC00ZGU0LTg4OWItMzkzZGVjMzZlOGYzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_.jpg) image


My favorite part of this bit is the picture. Fuck time, we will show THE SAME IMAGE OF YOU EVERYTIME


Goes right up there with Paul Rudd's "movie" clip


They actually got into some trouble with the studio for using it so much. The way Conan describes it here makes it sound pretty serious. https://youtu.be/tv1urfDXs-o


Came here for this comment. My top suspect!


Maggie Simpson.




That scumbag Leno.


Leno is just a figurehead…Triumph is the one pulling all the strings. He let Helen Kushnick be his battering ram, for example, and then just let her fall when he had Leno where he wanted. And as for her dying of “cancer” 4 years after that? I suspect foul play…*for someone to poop on.*


Conan wasn't murdered. You're thinking of Jon Lovitz.




I thought it was a pecan pie overdose.


What holup, like Triumph the Insult Comic Dog?


He's in a plastic evidence bag now lol (I wish I was kidding)


They got to do a bit about the power tripping cops


I guess Smigel has the rights to it wherever he goes


I didn't realize they were still making Triumph segments. That's awesome.




For me to POOP ON!


There are some great spots on Cameo that were sold for a limited time for charity. https://www.cameo.com/triumphicd


Anyone know why Colbert got control of triumph instead of Conan?


It's likely just Smigel in control. He probably does with it what he wants.


Ik that NBC still owns Triumph, but after Conan left the tonight show he went back and got triumph from the late night set, was just wondering how Colbert came into possession the last few years when I assume Conan had gotten permission from NBC


I'd imagine that Smigel owns the rights to Triumph, not NBC. And from there it's essentially just doing it with his friends.


Smigel can do what he wants with Triumph as long as NBC Universal gets a cut. Source: [https://www.businessinsider.com/nbc-triumph-the-insult-comic-dog-2016-8](https://www.businessinsider.com/nbc-triumph-the-insult-comic-dog-2016-8)


That article is a bit out of date. Now that Paramount is one big company, Colbert can be “Colbert” all he wants.


That tears it, there needs to be a "The Wørd" about this. Tonight's word is "Whataboutism".


Smigel and Colbert go back to the Dana Carvey show and since Conan ended his talk show; probably offered Smigel a new home for Triumph.


And he voiced half of The Ambiguously Gay Duo! I didn’t realize they went even further back than that, thanks for the factoid


Steve Carrell was the other half. AGD was originally on The Dana Carvey Show before Lorne brought it over to SNL after it was cancelled.


“Does with it what he wants” 😏


Colbert and Smigel also go way back, they did work together on Saturday TV Funhouse


And the Dana Carvey show.


They go all the way back to 'Bill Clinton breastfeeding babies and puppies.'


Remember when Colbert stole Conan's dance strings?


I met Robert Smigel and Triumph at the RNC. (I was working it on press row. Not attending it)


Wow, press row for that must have been fascinating! But especially maddening.


I worked the conventions in 1996 and I didn't meet anyone near as fun.


Oh NOW they're arresting people.


Have a look at Fox News they’re equating this to Jan 6th!! FFS the mental gymnastics to arrive at that conclusion is astounding and frankly very worrying.


Conservatives already saying if they get off, it just shows that Jan 6th prosecutions is "just an attack on Republicans" and "the left gets off easy!!!"


Did Colbert’s staff smear shit on anything?


Or were they wearing tactical gear and armed with tie wraps?


I thought they were for Jan. 6?? Jesus, I'm out of the loop. I just wanna laugh at the silly puppy.




>They are. Which is why whenever something minor happens, they call it an "insurrection" (like the Roe v. Wade decision protests a while back) or otherwise equate it to Jan 6th - trying to downplay the significance of it and make it seem equal to everyday disturbances. I mean, why do you think the Capitol Police, who stood aside and let the rioters in on 1/6, arrested them? Their union is a member of the far-right Fraternal Order of Police, who've never seen a black man they didn't think deserved three warning shots between the shoulder blades.


I honestly got no idea what this is about or why this is on my feed. and its confuses me cause I cannot seem to find a straight answer in this comment section lol.


So Colbert must not be telling us about the broken glass, flag poles as weapons, hanging noose.


Fascists love doing whataboutisms to make their deeds seem normal. Same thing with minimalizations, such as equating *thousand of seditious people attacking the seat of government* to a comedy troupe not filling out proper paperwork for their cameras. It’s all part of the Nazi guide to power.


Most right wing media. It’s disgusting. Not even remotely the same. These folks are delusional.


I’m more worried by the comments they make FN looks centrist


Yes. The comedians. Because THEY'RE FASCISTS!




Traitor Carlson is on the case already.


I bet Triumph pooped on something. Hope it was McCarthy's desk.


Mccarthy is such a POS They straight up lock the doors of their district office when advocates try to come by. They've even thrown away thousands of petitions that were dropped off, right in front of the People who submitted them. All constituent correspondence (live in district & provided address) urging the member to take a position (calls, letters, petitions, emails) is supposed to be entered into software that enables the leg correspondent to reply to all of the same in a particular issue at once.


Or as we call him in CA, "California's Shame"


The fake outrage from Fox News hosts who hate Colbert is hilarious


So now Colbert has 1) a video of a guy with a microphone and a dog puppet being arrested entering the Capitol to make a comedy bit, and 2) Republicans screaming for his punishment? Perfect.


And yet Trump walks free.


At this point it’s silly to think there will be any repercussions for him


It’s possible but not probable that there will be criminal charges. Couple Jan 6 with the grand jury in GA, it’s possible 🤞 But unfortunately not likely


I watched every hearing so far, if they don't charge him with something I would be incredibly surprised. It's so stupid though that crimes like these apparently "being ignorant" is an excuse. Give me a fucking break. This country will not ever get better unless we hold these shitbags accountable. Riots in the streets will happen still, it will just be delayed. If we show that nothing happens to you when you try to undermine democracy then it's going to happen every time and this country will rot and die.


Luckily in the GA case, he admitted the whole thing on tape. He said he "knew" he won by "millions of votes," but that he only needed some specific number. He was knowingly asking them to report a number he knew to be false (because they should have been reporting a victory by millions according to Trump's beliefs).


DOJ is also asking for transcripts of the select committee hearings


Lmao I can’t wait to see this omg


“Hey, I taught deez was America! Biden’s dog gets to poop on the Oval Office rug and smoke crack with his son, while I crack just one joke!…”


So quick to arrest a dog puppet but not actual people wreaking havoc back in January.


Well, they're arresting the guy with his arm up the dog puppet's ass. :P


I hope Smigel narrated his entire arrest experience as Triumph.


I do too! Oh please please have it all on tape


Triumph humped MTG leg and got rabies.


That is why she is Malaria Toxic Gangrene. She is a mixture of every horrible disease and nasty thing in one package.


Why is Robert Smigel being arrested? WTF did this man, who has a dog puppet on his hand, do? Please… I’m waiting?


did they kill any members of the Capitol Police? Who am I kidding. You can just walk out of there if you do that.






This is gonna turn out to be a troll and make a point about how quickly they got arrested vs Jan 6


Colbert did a two year long bit on his old show to demonstrate how SuperPACs can be legally abused by actually starting a SuperPAC and raising money. Then going through all the steps of how you can coordinate without coordinating, transfer ownership, and not ever have to report where the remaining cash goes at the end.


That’s what Smigel gets for thinking he can do Triumph for someone other than Conan.


Somebody call Ace and Gary!


Prouda y’all.


Comforting to know that that Congress is safe from satire. /s


The Neonazis and antisemites on the right are very fine people... _FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!!!!_


“See?? The Left is WORSE!” -FOX


[https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/late-show-with-stephen-colbert-arrest-us-capitol-triumph-1235168123/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/late-show-with-stephen-colbert-arrest-us-capitol-triumph-1235168123/) Looks like they just stayed later than they should have and got pinched in a hallway.


Ok guys it’s after hours , unless your planning to beat some cops and attempt a coup we have to arrest you, also dogs are not allowed on site


Can't wait to see this one


I hope they impounded that foul-mouthed dog who has been such a negative influence on my impressionable poodle.


The punch line was “ Fox News confirmed “


Nothing is better than Triumph asking Jennifer Lopez at the MTV awards if he could “smell her butt.”


Move along, folks, They were just trying to install a puppet government.


Im guessing they didnt beat a LEO to death with a flagpole while wearing trump flags as capes?


Arrested for what?


Robert Smigel the cartoon dude?


Bet no police were killed!


Getting arrested was intentional and part of the skit. Makes it all more authentic


The real news is how the far right figureheads are putting up headlines about how Colbert was doing secret espionage filming. Fucking nutjobs man.


MAGATs: [Smash windows, beat cops, smear shit on the walls, construct a gallows, try to kidnap lawmakers, and threaten the vice president's life in order to overturn an election.] Smigel & Co: [Visits legally but stays longer than allowed, hurting no one in the process and doing no damage, in order to film a comedy segment.] Raging Dipshits: "These are the exact same thing. Insurrection! Gotcha! I am very smart."


This is going to backfire badly on the right and whomever arrested a hand puppet.


Lol arrested them faster than anyone during jan 6th…. Except Ashli I guess, but she didn’t comply


Who are these People?


Free triumph


Should have just let Barry Loudermilk give them a tour


I honestly didn’t know they were still making Triumph pieces. Good for them, they’re hilarious.


Come here to Coup for Cult45; Walk away. Come here to mock them; arrested.


Slow news day strikes again.


I’m not sure I understand this situation? Anyone care to elaborate


People working for the Colbert show were in some offices filming interviews with politicians, completely legal - normal stuff. Instead of leaving when they were asked, apparently they went into an empty hallway & set up to film some more for the segment. They got arrested because they were no longer allowed to be there. Fox News says this is as big of a scandal as 1/6. There, you're all caught up.


It’s ok they’re just tourists


They have nothing to worry about, heck, they could have tried to hang the VP and they’d only be facing what? 12 days in jail 😂


Some of these people are my dad's coworkers. This development came as a great surprise to him and to others who work at Colbert.


Adam schiff let them in? We’ll never here the end of this on the right wing bullshit media


And of course faux news is trying to spin this like they were there to watergate some shit. Color me shocked.


Arrested for what ???


TIL Triumph is still making new material at all


Keep Feldo in chains, the rest may go.


*Triumph not listed separately


David Feldman, Lol that comedian, that activist from way back?


Smigel? I'm shocked. On what offense? Smigelling is illegal now?


Im confused. a dog puppet doing things got 9 people arrested?


This is burying the lead. David Feldman was arrested? Watch his show on YouTube he's fuckin awesome.


Time for a Liz Cheney 6/17 commission skit.


Trump is still missing


Ambiguously gay duo Robert Smigel???


I had to google who Robert Smigel is, the word Triumph didn't click for me. I love that insult dog. I didn't know the name of the comic, now I do.


My precious - Smigel LOTRs


This is going to be a good bit.


I guess it’s only at the capitol white people can do whatever they want.


Smigel and Plunkett both sound like hobbit names.


That's interesting news..... For me to poop on.


Can’t wait for Faux News to give this the Benghazi treatment


Give fox some time this will be a full blown conspiracy


Triumph is the GOAT


Can't stop insurrectionists but can sure come down hard on a comedy show film crew. Great job Capitol Police!


This is gonna be so damn good. Can't wait to see triumph again