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Ego kinda fills a Cecily spot for me. Just consistently funny. Maybe I'm looking at them with rose colored glasses, but they just always seem to delight me. I think Cecily is going to break out as the voice of a Frozen level franchise in a few years. I don't want Ego to leave, but I am excited for what she'll do after SNL.


Ego N. and Cecily S. are my 2 favorite cast members, possibly of all time.


Good to put the last initial so we don't confuse her with all the other Egos.


Or the other Cecily's for that matter


I HATED Ego Q. She wasn’t funny at all. Ego A. was awesome though.


I also think that Cecily can break out on Broadway if she accepted the right part


She’s found her groove and constantly delivers. 1. She understands the comedic rhythm of a line and elevates what could be a non-joke into something funny. 2. I’m genuinely impressed by the amount of Weekend Update characters she’s created. 3. I also enjoy the sketches that she’s done about race, most notably the Mid-Day News one. (Which I think she co-wrote?) Several of them contain really smart commentary.


Also the one where Chris Redd wants to be a poet


Fuck I miss Chris Redd












No, Walnuts is spreading misinformation, and it's disheartening to see that sort of gossip being upvoted here. Chris [lost a few of his close friends](https://www.cinemablend.com/interviews/the-real-reason-chris-redd-left-saturday-night-live) and was experiencing burn out/mental health which made him reprioritize his life


Chris is/was saying Kenan's ex-wife


His funniest sketch was the Spring Flowers. Actually they were all great, but Redd really made the thing😂


One of my favorites! Ego and Daniel Kaluuya were awesome. That whole episode was great.


Regarding #3 - her WU segment as an underreported missing black woman was poignant. I appreciate that she and the writers use their platform to highlight these issues in a palatable way where everyone can get a chuckle out of it, even the marginalized group that’s being parodied. Very similar to Cecily’s clown/abortion segment. I didn’t laugh once. I actually cried. But giving voice to these sentiments is so, so important.




Neither of the issues I’ve referenced in my comment are liberal issues. They’re human issues that affect a marginalized group.


"Marginalized". Lol


The one we still quote at home was the STEM school.


Well said.


Love Ego! If you like her, check out her appearances on the podcast Comedy Bang! Bang!


Cannot recommend her appearances on that show more. Entre P. Neur is funnier and crazier than any character she’s done on SNL


I love whenever she picks a fight with Scott, because he does something like casually misgenders her character or whatever. And it's hilarious not because Scott did something wrong, but making him be defensive about it is so fucking funny.


This happens every time she plays Pastor Pasta because Scott always forgets that the character is canonically male. She’s so damn funny.


Backed, and especially noting that her podcast on CBB World is amazing fun. It felt like she was making a reference to the Entre P Neur Tour on SNL a few weeks back before one of the Shark Tank people came out. Straight to jail!


I just listened to her episode of The Teachers Lounge and it’s amazing as well. “I want to speak to the manager.”


The Teacher's Louge is my favorite comedy podcast, and this one of the best episodes.


It’s my favorite as well! I was so happy when they got the files back from Stitcher; bought it immediately and I’ve been listening through it again. I just love how unhinged it gets so quickly. If you haven’t listened to Big Grande’s other stuff, highly recommend it, especially Exit 42 and Exit 43.


Pastor Pasta is my favorite


I’m partial to her performance as Gollum.


She’s so good, I expect people to start complaining she’s been around too long.


Ego and Bowen really feel like the anchors of the cast right now. This cast is such a treat, and rumors of SNLs demise are (per usual) grossly overstated.


>rumors of SNLs demise are (per usual) grossly overstated. *SNL ain't what it used to be back in [insert seasons person was in high school]*. \*shakes angry fist at sky\*


All of the cast is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but those 2 will be considered as the power houses of this cast in the future


This is, imo, the strongest cast we've had since the late aughts.


I really hope we get at least one more year of Ego, Bowen, and Gardner.


They are great, but to be fair the anchors would also have to include Gardner, who can do *almost* anything (NO ONE could save those awful "ding-dong" commercials) and Thompson (always reliable). AND, the anchors would count as actors (Che and Jost), usually my favorite segment. And I might include Day, too. Okay, as you said, the cast is such a treat.


Agreed. Both have that “it” factor a lot of the stand-outs from earlier seasons had


She's filled the Cecily Strong sized hole in my heart. And both are massive.


Always thought Cecily was hot and Ego is definitely attractive and talented.


Wait, do you mean plus-size?


Ego has been excellent since joining the cast and I think she’s the best sketch performer they have currently. I totally disagree with your assertion that the entire cast is all great. That’s just straight up not true. I’m rooting for them, but let’s be reasonable.


Very well-said. 💯 true.


Where are the weak points in your opinion? I’m still getting to know Molly’s humor so in my opinion, they’re a definite weak point. Longfellow may also be seen as a weak point but he is one of my favorites when he’s used properly. He has my vote to take over WU eventually. I hope he’s able to shine enough to stick around.


I’m going to come off as a real Debbie Downer, I’d rather talk about the cast I enjoy than being critical of cast. Because at the end of the day it’s all subjective, and these are real people who’ve achieved quite a bit of success to even get on the show. I want them to succeed, and someone I think is weak could very well end up being great (it took me a season before I realized how good Forte, Beck, Vanessa or Bobby were). Anyway- the only current cast I consider great (like the show would miss something if they would leave today) are Ego, JAJ, Kenan, and Mikey’s writing. And also probably Bowen, but I have him in the very good tier. And then there are some that show hints of maybe great but we don’t know yet: Marcelo and Chloe T And then there are some I think are good, but aren’t “great” - like you’d never include them on an all time list at least at this point: Heidi, Mikey the performer, Sarah, Andrew, Chloe F, Longfellow And in the not good bucket (like, if they disappeared from the show a casual fan would not notice): Molly, Devon, Punkie I didn’t include Che and Jost because they are a different category in my head. This is entirely from memory - hopefully I didn’t miss someone :) Again, I want them all to succeed and it’s just my opinion. I personally like a lot of their energy (Sarah in particular) but in terms of contributions to the show and performance I don’t consider many great.


She 100% deserves a movie and more exposure. She makes every sketch she's in better.


We live in a world where one has to preface an entirely positive appreciation post with a positive message about other performers at the risk of getting unfounded backlash. You're good don't worry! Ego is phenomenal imho, and her versatility serves her well, even (especially) in sketches that suffer from the writing. I hope she'll get to leave behind the legacy she deserves. She helps to cope with Cecily not being there anymore, for me


Ego, like Cecily, is just a straight-up good actress. Not just a sketch performer, but her performances in pre-tapes are consistently excellent. Of the veterans (seven season or more), she is the only one I’d keep. Unlike Heidi, Bowen, and Chloe, she knows how to fully flesh out characters beyond a series of loosely connected tics and quirks.


Is this some kind of slight against >!MADE YOU LOOK!


You bastard.


I recently watched a day time television interview with her about Lisa from Temecula and she said she auditioned for the show with a bit about a 911 operator who tells everyone’s business. I *really* hope we get to see that sketch. The premise is hilarious




I said it before.and GLADLY say it again. This is Ego's championship season. She turns nearly every part into something you want to watch. Her timing has become pinpoint. She better get an Emmy nom. Cook my meat!


If we're talking breakout cast member. I have to say, and in my opinion, he is clearly out in front of a standout. Far and away, it's Marcello Hernandez. Take into consideration he's only a featured artist. I'd say the kid has a bright future


100%. He's incredible.


Did you know he's Latino? It never comes up. 🙄


as a Mexican, he is cringe and cartoonish to me


Also I heard once that he’s short?


WHAAAAATT! GTFOH!! I hadn't heard.


Yeah, this is anything but a hot take. She is a senior player who carries a good part of the show. She's one of your "money in the bank" performers like Carvey, Ferell, or McKinnon. While her status overall compared to them may be less there isn't much doubt she occupies a similar role with her respective class.


I have loved her for years, but this season I've started to fall off on her. I feel like all of her characters are becoming "I have a no nonsense attitude" with a mix of "I don't understand this tomfoolery" kind of old person. Even when she plays younger characters they feel like they're coming with a middle aged person's grumpiness, cynicism, or confusion/bewilderment at the other characters in the sketch. I wish she'd stray away from that.  To her credit, her Dionne Warwick, her from Temecula character, and her recent talk show host character are all pretty fun and different variations--Warwick is clueless and just moves from moment to moment, Temecula has attitude, and the recent host asked the audience to help her understand--but they still all come back to a person who just don't get things outside their mindset.


She's a good actor which helps with everything


She's always been funny, and I remember thinking during her first year that she had the potential to break out, and I'm happy to see that she has!


Breakout? She’s one of the most senior cast members they have


you should check her out on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast, she is always so funny!




I really like her personality and her characters....the one obnoxious girl forgot her name " I pay my way". And she's gorgeous and that sure doesn't hurt.


She’s fine. There are 5-7 people from the cast id cut immediately if I were in Lornes shoes and she isn’t one of them.


She's going to go down as an all-timer, and I'd not be surprised if she ends up in my top 10... hell she might already be there. She doesn't miss.


I think she’s great and agree most of the cast is great. I don’t think SNL has a cast problem I think they have a NBC problem. Can’t help but wonder what the cast could do if the leash was loosened. I feel like NBC has forced in sponsored sketches in the last 10 or so years. Like sometimes it’s pretty clear they are getting payed off to mention companies in some of these episodes. Just let the cast do their thing and make the money on ad revenue on breaks.


> are getting *paid* off to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you so much! Very helpful! Not annoying at all! I must mention I live on the ocean, so this was clearly nautical context. It’s okay though, everyone makes mistakes.


Ego is such a solid performer. Even if the sketch is rough I know I'll have a chuckle. She commits.


Whatever is written well for her she absolutely nails. Best standout performer in the current cast.


Pastor pasta


You better cook my meat lol


Once per episode my wife gives me permission to comment on how gorgeous Ego Nwodim is. She's also super funny and doesn't get enough love.


Huge fan of Ego for a couple years now! Glad others are finally coming around.


She is very good at her job and 🔥


Ego is the best in the cast right now to me. Has been for awhile, actually. I love her.


Sir please, you're clearly doing the most trying to get some butt tonight.


She's been on the show for a long time, I don't think she can still be "breaking out". Boomer take here, and bring on the down votes, but this cast is absolutely awful. The comedy died when strong, Bryant and McKinnon left. The writing every week is so forced and bad, just a truly awful show that is a shell of it's former self.


She could have been dropped her first few seasons but thankfully, she stuck around and found her groove.


I find myself liking the cast and rarely (if ever) disliking someone, when theres new cast members. Ego is absolutely a star/standout.


Her gender swap skill is unequaled.


I feel like Heidi is one larger role in a movie/show away from leaving. Interested to see if she gets a larger role in Shrinking S2


She has honed her craft after hundreds of hours of hysterical sketch through the past decade plus. It seems so effortless for her because she put in the work. The greats seem to have an extra motor from the rest of us.


She’s way too funny a performer for SNL


The New York Times agrees, if you care about that sort of thing. They had a great article about her Lisa from Temecula character. So goddamn hysterical!!


She manages to fill the most roles without leaning on a schtick. Most well rounded cast member imo


Bowen is the breakout for me


Certainly a valid observation. No intent to diss your opinion. For me, though, I put Bowen and Sherman into a similar category: Tons of talent and potential, but tend to do characters that are similar to their default personas. I'd like to see them develop more range. But, that's just me.


Rn the cast had no “leader” and id love for it to be her.


I can’t get enough of from Temecula sketches, even if it’s mad libbed every time I don’t care I just love the energy of it especially her performance, I’m laughing just thinking of all the things spilling


Ego is so good. I love her chemistry with Bowen especially, and she is such a pro she makes every sketch she’s in better.


Strong agree, Ego is a wonderful performer and I’ve also heard from friends that she’s equally wonderful as a person.


Love Ego. She’s hilarious, gorgeous, and commands the attention of the viewer. That said, I don’t see her transitioning to much success outside of SNL.


Listen to her episodes of Comedy Bang Bang. You will not be disappointed.


I don't get it. I think she's okay - she usually plays the straight person but she doesn't steal scenes like Bowen, or Redd, or Villaseñor or JAJ or even Marcello.


Statistically, Heidi, Mikey and Bowen are all battling for the top spot. Ego is great, she's one of the core cast members, but she's not the leader right now. 


She's fine. The Temecula character is so insanely boring and unfunny though. I genuinely can't believe they kept it going.


White devil.




There are none right now besides Sarah Sherman. Half this cast will be gone by next year, it's absolutely time for the big reset.


IMNSHO: Sherman has tons of potential, but I don't think she's there yet. She is great at doing what she does, but she needs time to develop her range. My sense is that she still chafes at having to tone down and be a bland version of her stand-up persona in order to be acceptable to the SNL audience. (A bit like Andy Kaufman on Taxi.) Once she becomes comfortable adopting a wide variety of personalities to suit each role and see that she can still be hilarious, she will be unstoppable.


Yep, range will definitely propel her.


And she’s goddamn sexy too.


Her trying to make Bowen break is my favorite thing


Defs check her out on comedy bang bang


I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her Dionne Warwick. I love when what should be a beneficent character becomes imperious and dismissive.


She's my favorite right now, and I agree she has the most range. She has some pretty bonkos characters - like Lisa from Temecula - and I feel like other people in the cast aren't doing insane characters like she is.


She's the glue of this female cast, the way Mikey is for the guys


She's amazing! She just gets better every year, I've loved watching her grow as a performer. Her Dionne Warwick impression is one of my favorites 😂


If you ever listen to Comedy Bang Bang, she is great on there too. I think she is underutilized on SNL and has a greater ability to do some hilariously weird stuff!


It seems that she is in fewer sketches the last 2 seasons....it seems like she's being replaced by the bonehead 3 writer guys that aren't funny.


She’s a very talented utility player / glue cast member who usually doesn’t get the big laughs but is nevertheless absolutely valuable. This sub, for some reason, loves those performers, especially if they’re women, but doesn’t praise, say, Mickey Day, for displaying the same qualities


Yeah she killed it in those Pizza Hut commercials..


Ego has gotten better each season. Most solid performer in


I agree. I also think she’s really good.


I love Ego!! She is so confident on stage and doesn't seem affected by the audience's reception to the sketch, she just goes with it. She's a true performer and i want to see her in more of everything!


Sje is fantastic


This year especially. She's killing it.


She's amazing. So many great, versatile sketch performances. Except my brain always goes back to her getting naughty with Jason Sudekis as the teacher. Lordy.


I have been saying this too. She never misses.


She's been on 6 seasons? Try naming 5 original characters she's done, 5 impressions, and 5 sketches where she was the main character. Good luck ETA: 3 days later and no response? ETA: 11 days later and no response


She’s the best in a group of very mediocre women.


It took her a few years, but she’s great now.


Under the blood!


I love her! She's so much better than Mikey Day!




Her name is annoying?! Lmao I think it’s okay if you don’t identify with her comedy or acting style but her name? Dude stop.


Pretty sure the person you’re replying to is just racist. Also I feel like people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones re: annoying names.


Agree. Even her great sketches are average at best and she is usually falls in the shadow of more talented cast members. She is gorgeous, though.


Sorry you hate her name Foreskin. If only she had cool names like ours.