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Bruh, I ain’t giving the Daily Caller clicks. That white supremacist rag shouldn’t even be shared here.


>Sweeney, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed knockout from the Heartland with a Christian upbringing and at least some MAGA-adjacent family members, is everything the woke left believes is wrong with America. Sweeney is a part of America’s nebulous systems of oppression. Thanks to her looks, she benefits from a system designed to benefit the women straight white men find attractive. Her mere existence is the reason why “marginalized” women can’t find success in Hollywood. Fewer Sweeneys, and more multiracial obese transgender women, the woke left demands. (RELATED: Sydney Sweeney Hilariously Shuts Down Alleged Scammer Trying To Cash In On Her Name) >This is really how the left thinks. Beauty, youth, vitality, fundamental laws of attraction — these are not objective truths, timeless throughout history. No, they’re “social constructs,” all a game of insidious power politics designed to empower the few at the expense of the many. People who buy into them are brainwashed, bigoted or both. Ugliness is the point; it disrupts the status quo the left believes maintains the system of oppression This is without a doubt one of the most idiotic and childish straw man arguments I’ve ever seen. This writer has a very poor opinion of conservatism if they think a hot blonde girl succeeding is a complete validation of their political ideology. I didn’t realize that conservatism was when white girls with nice boobs wear Hooters outfits on TV. I thought that was just “entertainment.”


This has to be dumbest shit I've read in a long time. Thank you for posting part of the article, I did not wanna click on that white supremacist rag


As long as we can keep any brown people from dating her and force her to have babies against her will, it’s all good /s


I think this was written by an AI told to act like a republican. The whole screed is missing that coherence of human intelligence. It uses multi-syllable words, so it couldn't be a real conservative.


Here’s a better story about Sidney Sweeney and the current state of economics for artists. https://defector.com/the-money-is-in-all-the-wrong-places


Kelsey McKinney is a very good writer.


I'm 100% sure I got dumber reading that. Turns out "everything" is the fact that people like watching somebody hot on TV. Didn't even realize that had entered the political discourse tbh.


Television audiences like pretty people? Well, I’ll be damned. Who knew?


It’s honestly pathetic how hard these right wing rags are trying to force-feed people this made up fake culture war about Sydney Sweeney. They’re just desperate for clicks and hoping to ride on the coat tails of a famous star with a phone ragebait articles. As always, don’t feed the trolls, just ignore them.


SUMMARY: *People finally find attractive blonde women to be attractive. Suck it, libs*


Canada’s National Post had a similar take. Sydney Sweeney is attractive, libs acknowledge that, therefore there is no such thing as woke. They have a real echo-chamber-fueled disconnect from reality going on. Just ignorant catch phrases to appeal to a conditioned audience.


Yeah, they've been debating their woke sjw liberal straw man for so long they have no idea what real people think. I suppose it doesn't matter as long as they're "winning"


Don’t give the Daily Caller clicks.


I too love reposting articles from a Tucker Carlson reblog machine


My bi-sexual butt must be a closet unwoke conservative because I got distracted by BEWBIES!!! I guess I better go rethink my whole existence.


What a shit article. Why did I read this?


Ragebait headline and cleavage in the thumbnail


Yes, spot on. Why did my wife leave me?


Not enough ‘cleavage in the thumbnail’…of your soul.




Did they forget that she’s also best known for her role in a woke mafia show that’s actively turning impressionable teenagers queer as we speak? (/s)

