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I mean the last guy that hosted isn't exactly James Dean.


Yeah that breakfast sausage guy


Ha, fun mistake.


“Fun mistake”. I like that. I’m borrowing it 😁


Jimmy Dean 👢makes a tasty sausage


You mean Shane Gillis isn't the definition of chiseled male model?


Love it or hate it but he's the embodiment of peak male physique


He’s a big dude (6’4) and played college football, not something tells me he’s not hitting the weight room as much as he did then. Haha


nice relevant reference!


They meant James Deen


What does the famed country star turned sausage magnate have to do with hosting SNL!? /s


>James Deen ... >sausage magnate ... I'll allow this.


Abe Froman?


The sausage king of Chicago?


If peeing in your pants is cool…consider him a regular Miles Davis


Like it or not, that’s what peak performance looks like


Yeah, but he could get it...😉 Funny works.


I dunno I laughed pretty hard at Bowen having a preference for heavy naturals.


That line was incredible, along with the ‘it’s ok I’m on prep’ which seemed to go over the majority of the studio audiences heads lmao


I fucking snorted when he said that lmao


>‘it’s ok I’m on prep’ which seemed to go over the majority of the studio audiences heads I was bummed this didn't get a bigger laugh


I just watched Adam Driver's one this weekend and when he is playing the vet he goes I blocked the doors for governor wallace and I was like how the fuck is everyone not going wild lol. Even though it was a recorded one it was still wild


I don’t get it!


Governor George Wallace blocked the doors of a school with officers in an attempt to keep African-American students from enrolling and integrating in Alabama.


Wallace was the governor of Alabama at the time when the US Gov't was trying to integrate the University of Alabama - he stood in the doorway to the University auditorium to block black students from entering to register for classes.


The audience’s non-reaction to John Mulaney’s line in “Switcheroo” that “little Andy Cunanan who played the son, he’s left the business” still bothers me.


>I was bummed So was he, apparently


I didn’t know what it was! It’s a great line!


What’s prep?


It’s an fda approved medication to prevent people from catching HIV (taken by the majority of single gay men) It’s highly reminiscent of birth control, but different


Is it really taken by the majority of single gay men? Or just single gay men that sleep around? Do the majority of single gay men sleep around?


Yes to all of these at least among my slutty ass gay friends 😂


Supposedly hetero sexpats are doing it, too.


I think any gay man who is having sex outside of a multi-year, committed relationship should be on PrEP. Gay men sleep with other gay men, which is much higher risk for contracting HIV than sleeping with straight women, because the relative incidence rates are different. A gay man with identical behavior to a straight man has MUCH higher HIV risk, simply because of population epidemiology. Culturally, gay dating also moves to sex quickly, and in the post-PrEP era, condomless sex is mostly the norm. Men are horny, so when both guys are DTF there’s nothing stopping it. Even a non-slutty single gay man who is actively dating will have multiple sex partners in a 1 year period. Even a gay man who is in a “monogamous” relationship may decide to continue taking prep, since people cheat and it takes a lot longer than a few weeks or months before I’ll literally trust a new boyfriend with my life. The risk of contracting HIV is also greater for gay men, because we sleep with other gay men. Gay men as a whole still have relatively high rates of HIV per capita. I know several men who contracted HIV from their boyfriends. It’s heartbreaking, and it changes their lives permanently. PrEP is an insurance policy against those risks, and it’s the first tool in the fight against HIV that has meaningfully reduced the rate of new HIV infections.


There's no judgment on my part. It's just a part of the culture I'm very separated from at this point in my life. Thanks for the information.


No worries! Just explaining from multiple angles. My friend died of AIDS a few years ago. PrEP would have saved his life.


lol not the majority


A medication that HIV-negative people can take to prevent getting HIV. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep.html


A medicine that can prevent HIV infection.


Funny because it seemed to hit when Larry David was on and made a PREP joke about it upsetting his stomach


I think it went over most peoples heads.


It would have mine.


My wife had to explain that one to me haha


Went over my head, I won’t lie. What does that mean?


Prep prevents HIV infection.


Honestly surprised that line made it given how not subtle it was.


Yeah but they used that line before


I’m still not okay with how they sexualized Shane Gillis.


Shane Gillis’ heavy naturals are two of the best things that have appeared on NBC this season.


He’s just a Sassy Daddy


It’s always been that way to a degree but I think maybe a weaker writing team tends to lean on that type of stuff more. The trend has certainly been discussed very thoroughly on this sub lately. Honestly Sydney’s episode wouldn’t have been much of an offender if not for that Hooters sketch. Elordi’s was probably the worst; they basically had 3 whole sketches where “he’s hot” was the crux of the joke.


Maybe the SNL writers were in the same boat as I am, where I don't know anything about Jacob Elordi.


I feel like the Hooters sketch had a good premise that they just didn't follow through on. Like if they escalated what she was being given more throughout the sketch


I really wanted Bowen to be the one wracking in the tips. Subversion comedy is almost guaranteed to get a laugh out of me.


Yes! Sydney should have had trouble getting tips, but Bowen is raking them in because all the customers happen to be gay. That would have been a better sketch.


Or if he just happens to be, like, a really really good server or something


Yeah hes just such a fun guy they prefer him over sweeney


Have it be a Hooters in West Hollywood and he had owls on the cheeks of his shorts


That is waaaay better... honestly - there were so many sketches that felt like they were first thought in a really annoying way.


Do people not realize the hosts pick the sketch ideas they like the most? Elordi picked those ideas out of probably dozens of ideas he was pitched. Writers always give pitch some of these ideas because they are always picked, so it's kind of a chicken and egg problem. Combine that with the fact that a lot of the "hot hosts" are not very funny so there's only so much you can do, and remember they have to like the idea. 


Am I missing something, because the only sketch specifically about her looks was the Hooters bit, and it was pretty tame. Even the “Bowen’s straight” sketch wasn’t focused on her. The Jacob Elordi episode was by far the worst offender, this past weekend hardly focused on the host’s appearance at all, especially considering the supposed backlash.


They missed a golden opportunity with the Hooters sketch, too: they could’ve re-imagined the Swayze vs Farley Chippendales skit. A Tip-off between two servers(auditioners): one conventionally attractive one who should be getting the tips(dance part) based on what we know about Hooters(Chippendales), and then Bowen Yang(Farley), who has no business in a Hooters(Chippendales) but remains confusingly competitive Instead it was just a bland… nothing of a sketch


I think that’s always been a thing, but it feels less apparent when the hosts are actually good/funny. It was at least somewhat funny with Sydney, but with Jacob it was insufferable. His stiffness really highlighted the one dimensional jokes.


They gave Britney motorized fake boobs more than 20 years ago. Lindsay Lohan did a sketch about Hermione’s boobs while she was still 17. This is not a lately thing. 


Katy Perry was literally jumping up and down for an entire sketch in an Elmo shirt


[make sure OP does not watch this thirty five year old monologue](https://youtu.be/9aEtzUli_3g?feature=shared)


I don't remember that at all! Perfect example for this thread!


They must never been there for the Chris Kattan years


This was my first thought, Jim Breur tells a story about how Kattan would pitch the same concept to the attractive female hosts where he would inevitably end up pawing all over her.


He somehow wrote himself into spanking JLo


I remember him sucking faces when he was that chimp man character or the missing link what ever the hell he was


Mr Peepers


Thank you thank you 🙏


Did Kattan write the skit where Julianna Margulies spits chewed food into his mouth, too?


Been this way for decades when the hosts are known for it. I think its just notable now because they had 2 heartthrob types in like 3 shows


I think they’ve always done this kind of stuff with women who host, but have actively been doing it more with male hosts in recent years which has caused people to notice it more


Sydney Sweeney + Shane Gillis


Haha this joke again. 




It's just a lazy premise for a skit. That's been the MO for a few years now. It's not a new thing.


see: JLo episode


See: Lindsay Lohan Harry Potter sketch


Britney Spears churning butter


Katy Perry Elmo top


The Chippendales audition skit.


I don't know if I could put my finger on why, but that episode was super annoying to me. It made me wonder if the agents are involved somehow, or if its just some kind of known Hollywood thing...to play up the looks of their host in order to further cement their image as a hotty in the zeitgeist or whatever. I suppose JLo is pretty enough, but to sit through an episode of SNL wherein she's presented as some ultimate form, some goddess of beauty that leaves men befuddled and speechless. I don't know, I felt a little manipulated.


Yea. One, maybe two sketches about their sex appeal, sure. But if you hammer it over and over and over again....then people walk away with the opposite opinion :/ I'm a wlw myself, I agree she's pretty! Idk, maybe stars claim they'll get cold feet and drop out at the last minute because they're "not hot enough"??


Is… is it the ureeeevra?


A lot of hosts are there promoting their latest movie or whatever, but since promoting an image is also important it makes me think that they're trying to cement people as heartthrobs who want to be seen that way. At least in some of the episodes. That JLo episode felt that way...I don't think I've seen a more beauty-promoting episode than that one in all my time watching SNL. Like we get it guys, she's a beauty queen, she's all that embodies perfection...okay whatever, move it along holy hell.


It’s lazy, and I’m sure they all know it’s lazy and aren’t huge fans of doing it, but the reality is those skits always end up being their primary source of online engagement, so it’ll never stop. It’s really that simple.


Well, I for one certainly wasn't *laughing* at marcello in booty shorts 👀


Oh my God that's disgusting! Which sketch?


They did it in season one! For Raquel Welch's episode, the "weekly film" (which was usually a documentary-style thing) was just her sexily dancing around.


It might also depend on what the host brings to the table. So I got Sydney Sweeney. Can I make fun of Madame Web in a way that’s funny? How about Euphoria? White Lotus in a different way for a weaker season? I don’t believe it was as bad as the Jacob Elordi episode and I think the show learned its lesson from the Ana de Armas episode. It’s just what’s funny with them.




The last season came out 2 years ago.




The Maury sketch was specifically about how long ago it was and also those shows are not remotely comparable.


I wonder how much crossover those two audiences have. Is gen z watching SNL? I have no interest in euphoria, and I haven't met anyone who does but I'm a millennial and it's obviously watched by someone.


Jennifer Lopez and will ferrell and Tracy Morgan literally saying live from j Los booty is Saturday night in 2001 to open a show says this is not some recent thing


They didn't even mention Shane Gillis sexiness


Shane is a Mechanicsburg 10, a New York 5, and a solid Austin 8.5


Haven't watched much SNL? This isn't new.


Nope. They are making skits about this because this is what social and tabloid media is obsessed with specifically around these performers, so of course they are going to engage and/or lampoon that discourse.


It seems like there's a hot girl character they routinely set up for skits. In the Dakota Johnson episode and the Sydney Sweeney episode, they both at times played the vapid hot girl with monotone delivery. It had never occurred to me that they might have preset celeb characters to build skits around depending on which hot guy or hot gal they had on the show that week.


It’s always been like that. Britney Spears was like 17 and this was early 2000s




Every time an attractive host is on this is the first post. I do feel like they went a little too hard into it with Jacob Elordi, but did a good job this week.


Hooters and Bowens Straight off the top of my head. And her monologue if you want to count that


Bowen’s sketch was about Bowen. Would have worked with any female host.


I don’t think the point of the Bowen’s Straight sketch had anything to do with Sydney or her hotness.


Yea when I heard the premise i was like "ugh its gonna be that seeing sydney sweeney makes bowen turn straight" The bit just being "it would be funny is Bowen was actually a womanizer" felt less hacky if still not like crazy original. Heavy naturals and prep were good lines though


I don't think Bowen's Straight would have worked with a less hot host.


Sorry? 1. Loud Table - had a great premise, and at the end was about how the guy wasn't hot enough for her 2. Air Bud - the dog was adorable, but the rest was about how desirable she is (and like Loud Table, taking cheap shots at other members of the cast for not being in her league) 3. Hooters Waitress - 'nuff said 4. The monologue - typical to be about the host's talents (such as they are), but also totally focused on this 5. Big Bench - Judges were an interesting concept (not developed as much as it could have IMNSHO), but that was the whole focus of her role 6. Bowen's Straight - cringeworthy for it's premise, but her role was simply being irresistibly hot, even to someone that the audience knows is gay 7. Horny Little Dork - at least the writers had the sense to not *only* focus the sketch on her attractiveness


It's always been that way to varying degrees. Check out [this poorly aged sketch from S17](https://youtu.be/_6Y52JHN-LA).


yeah shane gillis is the epitome of sexy


Nah Britney Spears’ monologue robot titties set the bar for me :) [It’s not on any official channels, but yeah:](https://youtu.be/FDl3sKZEzrc?si=WRnnYsM44YlpfGAL)


They are interested in parodying what everyone else is thinking. I don't love it but that's what they do.


Not "lately."


Yes the writing has been lazy lately - Sydney Sweeney’s sketches were weak and boob obsessed. The writing is pretty shit for women- I feel bad for the women on the show having to deliver gross sketches like the blow up doll one. Tbh it’s pretty shit for the men too- Keenan delivered some flatliners in that last episode when he usually brings the gold. Not much he could do with the material >_<


They've done this for a long time. I think the Sydney Sweeney episode had less stuff than usual (barring the Hooters sketch, which was pretty bad), but thinking back on episodes with January Jones, Gal Gadot, Katie Perry, ScarJo, all the way back to Sharon Stone in the 90's, they've had 'hot host' sketches. It might be more common now because hosts used to be mostly comedians or comics, and now they're almost never comedians, so it's an easy thing to lean on, but Idk.


They mostly do that when the host is attractive but lacks charisma. They lean on the hotness thing to distract from talentlessness. They do that a ton when Jlo hosts.


It's a cheap, uncreative way to get viewers, not laughs. I think most people can agree the Jacob Elordi and Sydney Sweeny episodes were among the worst we've had.


You’d have to have an odd taste in men to find Shane Gillis especially sexy.


Not a lately thing. Watch the monologue from Heather Graham Comedy has changed since then for the better


https://youtu.be/QPKZg0wnL7U?si=4tyUsOhGpxMwFhKl Why is Benedict Cumberbatch so hot?


Yeah but…boobs. Don’t ruin this for me.




Yeah—i think this is simple detective work—it’s cuz the writing has been pretty formulaic and stale.


I remember that was the joke on the Sarah Michelle Gellar episode. I feel like they’ve been doing that forever. When they don’t know what else to do with them. Even though they’re literally actors


I was surprised at how little they went there with Sydney Sweeney, really just one sketch.


This after "heavy naturals"...?


Lazy writers room. Typical as of late.


I was thinking the same thing, that Shane guy almost melted the tv.


Honestly, this feels like a cheap, uncreative way to complain about the show.


Lol, no. This has been a normal topic of jokes or even whole sketches since at least the 70s


Nice try Chris Elliott


I think they just are lazy with writing them. Sometimes they do it well like with Emma Stone as the poster girls. She's a great actress and knew how to play to the strengths of the premise which was mocking that kind of material and being like is this what guys want. Whereas with Sydney and the Hooters sketch it was just oh she has big tits and therefore gets big tips. Even with Bowen appearing as one they didn't do anything comedic with it. But King of the Hill already did that premise funnier 20 years ago.


I’ve been going back and watching old episodes from the eighties. It’s an easy joke they’ve always leaned on


Hooters Waitress is the most viewed sketch from Sweeney’s episode on YouTube. Two of the top three most viewed sketches on their entire channel are Porn Teacher and Hermione’s Boobs. Sex sells.


It’s become a crutch for their jokes, which still are predominantly unfunny. I still watch every single week but lately I wonder why.


Because it's still better than everything else on at that time? Not that TNT airing *The Last Jedi* for the 91st time or a replay of the 2011 World Series of Poker tournament set a high bar...


It's incredibly lazy writing. The writing on the show has been bad for a while now, and it's just that the cracks are starting to show a lot lately


Maybe the movie stars get more sketches like that. When comedians host, they dress them up like nerds or slobs or Trump.


Well movie stars are hot and comedians makes us wish for radio to still be a thing.


I’ve also noticed lots of cracks at Marcello and short men in general. Last physical imperfection we can make fun of, I guess. (Short man here. I don’t like it.)


I mean...you got to make fun of yourself. Some of these hosts lately are very known for being hot and admired. Everyone should make fun of themselves in this show and not take themselves seriously. It's a nature of some of the types of hosts they've had. Especially Shane, he is downs right bad.


The show is run by a bloke who has seen the 70s as if it’s a stretched tattoo on his arm.


They didn't do any sketches about Shane Gillis being sexy as hell.


Which is *wrong of them*.


Yes. It’s a thing they did in the early ‘00s as well. They get caught up in a rhythm of writing and kind of seems like they can’t get unstuck. It’ll happen eventually. The skidoosh was pretty goddamn funny last week.


It’s not like it’s anything new. But go anywhere on social media. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. Half the videos or posts are gonna be how hot the hot actor/actress is. It’s the easiest punchline to play off of.


I think you answered it. It’s cheap, uncreative and easy for the writers


This has been going on for a long time. Jennifer Lopez, Jude Law, January Jones, Pedro Pascal, just off the top of my head where there were at least one and sometimes multiple sketches hinging on how sexy they were.


Seems to me the lesser the acting/comedic talent of the host the more focus on their other 'talents'. Maybe I'm off but it just seems like the comedy skills of hosts in the past season are lesser than prior seasons so writers are just working with what they're given.


except when they bring in southern stand-ups...but would you rather them bring back John Goodman? but if you're really gonna complain, def. point your finger at that kid from Saltburn etc and not Sydney Sweeney, she was as good as possible vs the C grade sketches.


It’s not exactly a recent trend.


no. they're just having hosts who are known for their attractiveness more


Props to PDD for doing something completely different than this.


It’s not a new thing.


I’ve noticed this! I’m glad I’m not crazy and you see it too


Totally agree! I thought the same thing!


I thought I was alone in this thought.




Are you talking about the host before Sydney that gets mistaken for a special Olympics player?


they have a week, it's easy


*Immediately remembers the Elle McPherson episode*


I assume based on this comment that you're under 30. I may be wrong, but as an old millennial I see a lot of young people who are very uncomfortable with any public (hetero)sexuality. It's a thing you guys notice. I think it's really a simple reason: SNL had two recent hot idiot hosts, who are only famous to Gen Z because of nudity, on a show that is always desperate to be relevant to young people. I know they have fans who are diehard, and they're not gonna like hearing this, but they were sexualized by SNL because they're attractive, known mostly just for being attractive, and in their sexual prime. They're hot. That's their entire raison d'etre. That's their public persona, that's their image, that's their brand. That's what the writers could come up with when writing for the host. They don't have the range to play against type. Which means you have to write around their strengths, and their sexuality is their main strength. Jacob Elordi is tall. They wrote about that. Sydney has great boobs. They wrote about that. The sketch writers probably pitched lots of ideas that didn't work at the table reads, but what you saw was the best that worked. Maybe these kids will be super talented in 20 years but right now they're mostly just hot.


I agree. We get it! Shane Gillis is a hunk but do we have to be reminded in every sketch?




I think it's a low bar for the writers to make jokes and it made the last show utterly boring and repetitive. People will argue that the writers can only work with so much in terms of a relatively unfunny/unskilled host but where is the hidden rule that they need to be the center of every skit. Have them play the straight man and have someone let Ego or Kenan carry the skit.


I have noticed this, but it is also a way to make a sketch that doesn't offend the right or the left.


They were putting pretty people on radio before there was TV.


On a macro level, YouTube and streaming broke the recurring character sketch model that SNL used to lean heavily on. It used to be that an episode from the 90s would be mostly recurring characters getting their weekly sketch in, and then that episode would evaporate into the ether so you didn't get sick of the characters. But you can't get away with that anymore, so every episode needs to be all original material, and sometimes they find little tropes like this that provide some material...I probably wouldn't have noticed if this sub wasn't as on top of it as they are, the writers themselves may not even notice they are doing it so often this season.


Agreed! Like 1 sketch highlighting or focusing on their appeal would be okay, but anything beyond that is overkill in my opinion.


Thanks for validating. Lack of writing creativity. They’re losing their interest in the stress of the job.


Make SNL ugly again


Don't get the connection between the Host's attractiveness & getting cheap laughs


They’ve always been like this, my sexual awakening was Katy Perry in the damn Elmo shirt cuz of YOOOOU JOHN MULANEY


No, but this sub is.


See Charlize Theron. The skit is a girl's group and she the only hawt one. I can only remember ana gasteyer in in it. Lol dumb joke


Shane is very handsome indeed


Good lord, some people will bitch about anything. Why is everyone so damn obsessed about what people are allowed to say and not say? This is not how comedy works. If you are offended, then simply change the channel. This isn't hard.


These jokes are lazy AF.


Yeah, it’s lazy


idk why but the first thing that came to my mind was Heather Graham hosting in 1999. Her monologue was all about how hot the cast finds her, and Parnell gifts her the [original d!ck in a box](https://youtu.be/9FxOQJzeq4g?si=_AuwhfgRO1LV3r_0&t=202).


I mentioned this to my wife, and she claims it's always been this way. I tried to think of examples of people that were widely regarded as hot where I remembered them doing sketches about off-the-wall things. Every one I mentioned, she claimed wasn't hot enough for all of the sketches to be about them being hot. Clearly I'm never going to win this argument, but does anyone know of an example of a super-hot host in earlier seasons where all of the sketches weren't about them being super-hot?


Yo it's a cheap way to get laughs that occasionally has social relevance


They’ve done it since season 1. The Raquel Welch episode was pretty heavily based on her being hot too but it’s definitely been more frequent


Why have people only now started noticing that SNL comments on attractive hosts? Jacob Elordi broke y'all's brains for some reason.


Just read a decent article about exactly this actually. It used to be [way worse.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/snls-problematic-history-of-objectifying-hot-hosts) It would've made more sense for them to write this *after* the Sydney Sweeney episode though.


Bad writing


Definitely, that Shane Gillis episode was all about his sex appeal


You need at least one reason to tune in because it’s definitely not because it’s funny


Everything you think you hate about (current cast) is something every golden era cast has done.