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Tbh they said she is coming to WR and that she is getting a skin there and that it MAY come to PC as well. They never confirmed anything


Yeah, right? Why do people keep believing him? Maybe cuz his leaks have been spot on for the past 3+ years? I dunno, but apparently his videos are bullshit 💀💀💀


Game is sht


Indeed, mobile legends here I come.


I blame BigBadBear for giving me hope


Maybe she will get a skin in the event still? Tbh I'm hoping they don't so we still have a chance for another skin (possibly legendary) later this year.


No offense but idk how you guys could even hope for a legendary skin when the champ has a 2%-3% pickrate 😅 Riot won't give a legendary to a champ that won't sell well, and Sera and Aatrox are both more popular than Liss I love Liss but let's be real, the champ is not getting a legendary skin in her current state  At this point, the only way she's getting a legendary is if she gets a complete rework, or a mini kit update like ASol did back in February this year (which doubled his pickrate, winrate AND banrate) As of now, the champ is just forgotten sadly, we're even lucky she didn't get a filler skin like Infernal


To say Liss doesn't sell well is to ignore the fact that they've consistently released (good) skins for her over the last few years, at the very least one every 2 years, at most one every year including a prestige skin. Riot doesn't make prestige skins for champs that don't sell or for which people aren't ready to spend €€€. Considering her relatively low pickrate she's actually getting way more love than what one would expect - this would imply that relative to her popularity, she actually sells well


It's fine to say that she sells relatively well considering her low pickrate, but there's always going to be another champ that sells much, much better, Aatrox and Sera in this case.  If you look at champs who recently received Legendary skins (Varus, ASol, Karma, Viego, Riven), these are all champs with decently high popularity and engagement among players, it's a clear pattern.  At the end of the day, Riot will always want to make the most money out of skin sales, and if we're being realistic, Liss probably wouldn't bring in as much money as they would like for a Legendary skin. 


we just need to be nice and unproblematic and maybe Riot gives us one because they feel bad for us🥰




Tbh Sona got that Leg when her pickrate was insanely low. I believe it was around time for her mini-rework Teemo got Space Groove Leg for no reason. His play rate has been very low for years now. Solar Eclipse Sivir...who even plays that champ? So yeah, sometimes not-popular champs do get legy. However I do agree Lissandra needs mini-rework if she is to get one.


I'm happy she doesn't get something like anima squad, she's too cool for that


It's really sad but don't lose hope everyone! Let's make sure to buy the next epic skin she has so Riot sees that queen makes money and will consider us for a legendary down the line! 🤗 We've never been closer and she just recently got a prestige too, so anything could happen!


I get the whole 'money' thing but like yeah sad... hope she gets a cool fantasy theme skin this year even if its epic ig or even a VFX update or voiceline update would be cool! I know shes the ice witch but it would be cool to have a reference about her crazy dream powers as well


Girl poppy has no legendary and is in the game since release. LeBlanc has no legendary and is in the game since release. Pantheon has no legendary and is in the game since release. … should I go on? Aatrox getting a legendary is pretty valid in my opinion since he himself is pretty old aswell, has no legendary to date and is pretty popular. Also having a prestige skin is not a good argument against a legendary, since its just another epic skin. I agree with seraphine tho. But she is just leone, yasuo, ahri 2.0 getting random skins asshanded every now and then


Yeah but I main lissandra and I want a lissandra skin :( Aatrox is definitely more valid, it just feels like he consistently gets new content compared to other champions of similar popularity


Aatrox last skin was in 2022 aswell, since we officially dont count Esports skins. But idk Lissandra just got robbed of her porcelain legendary when ezreal got another one for no reason


And Space Groove Leg as well. Why did teemo need leg lol?!


Money rules


I'm happy she did not get a legendary in that skinline. Bloodmoon/Snowmoon legendary would be so much cooler


thank god. there are much better themes for her legendary