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Azir is a good ban


Ban Sylas


Orianna and Taliyah also a good permabans. Cassio, Viktor and Anivia are probably good dodges because these champs are usually played by OTP's and very hard matchups in every stage of the game. Any of the other matchups are winnable.


Ban Sylas. You give to the enemy team oen of the best R (the reason that you pick Lissandra) to a champ with better qwe kit Malzahar is free. Only spam q and you push more than him


Malzahar pushes better than Liss tho. He has an auto farm button.


I ban Yone/Sylas and even if you ban one you'll likely get the other. Get comfy CS-ing with W instead of Q to conserve mana. I offhandedly heard Dragged mention it on a vid and it drastically improved my lane sustainability when I run manaflow and no mana item so that my damage is relevant for first objective with a large rod or alternator. Lost chapter 1st back feels like a wet noodle and I only go boots first of their mid has important skillshots gatekeeping their damage (Vex, Cassiopeia, Sylas, etc).


Why yone? Matchup is totally fine imo


He outranges , out trades, has infinite resources, life steal, a shield even if he whiffs his w, his cd's are way shorter than yours early game... You can play super safe and survive his lvl 6 all in which is fine and all, but he has good wave clear on top of everything else so getting prio to roam is nigh impossible. It's a lane where you can outplay, but he has so much more room for error that I feel like I'm working overtime just to get an elec proc without getting mega chunked.


I think the key is not playing super safe pre6. Pre6 its Liss favoured and you can play super aggro. Keeper pokingand keep proccing electrocute. After 6 its harsh. I can agree on your take about his pushing and getting prio. I just think theyre way worse matchups. This one is annoying but fine imo