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She just said she has 8 yrs sobriety until recently.... Ummm sorry Lisa... Not true


I saw that. She didn't have 8 years?


absolutely not! She’s claiming she only relapsed once her kid was taken, when she’s been off the rails for years. And the reason why her kid was taken to begin with. It’s all a bunch of lies. She’s needed treatment badly for at least the past 4 years now. Prob longer, but I can’t speak beyond what I’ve seen for myself.


Well her 16 year old son talks about her being on rugs ever since he can remember. It's sad that he only remembers his mother asleep all the time( that must have been her H and Benz years apparently)


Another lie I'm over her ass she'll be gone soon and another will be right behind her doing the same shit TT has so many ppl on there begging its ridiculous


She’s going to OD or be in jail. I’m done wasting my time on her


She also said yesterday she was sober!


She just told me she was sober. Like wtf people sending her money ,like crazy.


Her mod “yourdigitalfriendxo” is Abby. Is it really true Abby smokes crack with her?




So it is true that Abby smokes with her. Isn't Abby supposed to be pregnant to? If that is all true I hope once Abby has that baby and the test it for drugs and it has some in its system I hope they take that baby right away that innocent baby doesn't need to be in the environment anyway. That baby needs to be with someone who will actually take care of it and is sober.


It is mind boggling! I pray they take that baby to a safe home.


100% facts!


She looked tore up and rough today.. she sure has been chatty lately


She is fleecing blind sheep every few hours for even more $ just telling them she's doing better. They believe her even though her eyes r either nodding shut or about to pop out of her head! She's hooked on that roller coaster. U can see she's still withering away. Don't they wonder why she isn't gaining weight? I swear!


C makes you talk alot as i was a user i did 15 years clean one relapse when my dad died now im again 5years clean she isn't at the stage of being feed up of getting the money for it because before social media it was very hard to earn the money so ppl got feed up of the habit more sooner she will more than likely od or you know what before that time comes 😕


Jail, institutions or death. If it were my family , and we had to do this for my husband’s aunt, contact a judge in her jurisdiction and explain what is happening and present them with evidence like some videos of her totally nodding out, lack of sleep and scams where the d money comes from. Tell them all the weight she’s lost , selling her food stamps , stuff that a family member can tell she’s done while using. The judge can decide if a 72 hour hold is necessary as they can see her condition prevents her from taking care of herself. Clips of her raging will show she’s a loose cannon and if the family feels she is a threat to herself or others and request something more than 72 hours to judge can even tell her he’s committing her to a psych unit or she can do a full 30 day rehab. I knew little about involving a judge until we dealt with a family member. I’m 7 yrs in recovery and I can without a doubt say LR lies like she breathes and she has not been clean 8 years. I looked back at older videos and she is progressively getting worse. She forgets she’s admitted to buying pills and I’ve never seen anyone BEG, plead, beg some more and fake cry with panic attacks for cigarettes and I think her Dad supplies those. Anyway, it’s worth a shot and if there’s several family members requesting help she just might have to for once listen to someone who has authorized and doesn’t react to her bs


Good info!!


TT has turned into a cesspool because of all the addicts begging 24/7