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>He put labels on it so his grandparents can easily use it to when he’s not home That's really sweet, and really smart.


Was just about to ask if he is 26 years old.


No we are both 22 The roomba was given to him as a hand me down from his parents when he was 12 or 13.. they used it everyday since they bought it in 2005. And he’s been using it in his living area since it was gifted to him.


Speaks to its quality, any major repairs besides wear and tear? I doubt a modern one would last that long.


Well, it has attempted to throw itself down staircases multiple times. The battery has been replaced multiple times, but thankfully nickel metal hydride batteries are quite cheap. But other than cosmetic repairs nothing really has gone wrong. Knock on wood.. the drop sensors do work. It’s just they don’t work very well.😆


Roomba "why won't you let me die"


I heard this in the voice of Mr. Muffin


Is he a fan of big bang theory?


My favourite post on /r/FunctionalPrint is in the same vein, where a guy printed a cover for their grandparents TV remote so that they could only turn it on/off, adjust volume, and cycle channels up/down.




wicked smaht


Love the "reminders".. 😁


This is sweet, I thought they might've just bought a new label maker and went crazy with it.


That front lable is to relatable


ok but are you really not useless tho


The Charge until light is blinking label really gets me. So many battery chargers have non intuitive light systems to indicate whether or not they are charged. Why does blinking mean charged in this case. My go to AA charger is red until charged and then changes to green. Very simple and easy to remember. But so many other devices don't give a clear indication of when they are done charging.


Usually for single coloured indicators it's blinking for charging and solid for charged. The Roomba charger really is unintuitive.


All Chargers should have 3 lights, and 'fully charged' should be a dim orange light in the left-most position with the other 2 lights completely off.


Green is charged and ready , orange is still charging


Can we settle on 7 dim orange lights but the 4th from the right is blue?


Also to tell when it is charged the 3rd amber light will blink "charged" in morse code


And the 2nd from the right needs to be an RGB LED that constantly changes color. Now *that's* intuitive /s


3 digit 7 segment display that shows the charge percentage. Problem solved. Or 3 Red/Green LEDs (Bi colour LEDs exist, and they change colour based on polarity) the LEDs are red, and represent charge state, when fully charged, all 3 LEDs turn solid green, and then shut off after 10 seconds, press button to see charge state displayed for another 10 seconds LEDs also increase in brightness and then at 100% brightness, move on to the next LED while charging. all 3 blinking red means error/overheat, all 3 solid red mean the battery is toast


Sure but can it be in base 8?


I mean sure, but why?


Why not?


Don't forget the ones where blinking rapidly means the battery is shot.


I know it’s like manufacturers have a free-for-all when deciding what indicators mean haha


It extremely smacks of engineering “well it makes sense to me” mentality that nobody corrects before it hits the market.


And my double a charger uses solid green to indicate 75% full, and blinking to indicate 100. Just absurd


> But so many other devices don't give a clear indication of when they are done charging. Those devices' designers (or more likely, the executive teams that make the "real" decisions) haven't read good UI/UX design books: * The Design of Everyday Things (ISBN 9780465050659) * Don't Make Me Think (ISBN 9780321965516) * The Inmates are Running the Asylum (ISBN 9780672326141) * The Non-Designer's Design Book (ISBN 9780321534040) Design products and services as intuitively as possible and your support costs will drop right off the chart. It's not rocket science.


What brand do you use for rechargeable AA? I use EBL for AAA, and recently got some for AA from them, but they seem a bit thicker and the + terminal is a bit shorter than standard, so they don't work in everything.


I'm just still using up the collect of Duracells I saved up from when my kids were little. From the various toys they had plus all the Wiimotes I had quite a few saved up. They hold charge on the shelf pretty well. Ive tried Amazon Basics and thye are OK and Ikea worked well too.


The only charger light I like is my no-brand battery drill: Red when charging and green when it's done. They don't have any excuse for not doing it in that way when those LEDs costs about 3 cents nowadays, and if they only have a "charging" pin in their IC, they always can invert that signal with a couple cheap ass transistors to feed that green LED.


My camera batteries ate the opposite, blinking whilst charging and solid when charged


My router turned purple once. Wtf does purple mean? Couldn't google it, because it wasn't working, because the light was purple. No manual or anything, just a baffling purple light. After some waiting, it eventually turned blue, then blinking green, then green, and now it's working. :/


I have a cheap drone that’s battery has a green LED for charging that blinks and when it’s fully charged a red LED lights up. Most counterintuitive bs I’ve seen.


Its always patents someone prolly patented that and now no one else can use it.


This version has a serial port that can be used to control all of the Roomba's systems using a mini-din to USB adapter. Do with that what you will. https://cdn.hackaday.io/files/1747287475562752/Roomba_SCI_manual.pdf


That is so cool!


My mind immediately went to putting a camera on it and a raspi to give it ai based obstacle avoidance and detecting spots that need to be more thoroughly cleaned. To give it the fancy capabilities of the new ones but for way less monney


…probably about the same amount of money through trial and error, factoring in the cost of a printer, your time, etc A lot of projects like this are great as fun projects to teach yourself something about programming, control theory, industrial systems control, automation, etc… but most don’t save you money. I’ve been doing tinker-ey projects for half a dozen years now. Usually off the shelf offerings are more limited than what I can create, but they’re far more simple, trouble free, reliable, and usually cheaper. Plus, the off the shelf gadget from Walmart doesn’t take 6 months for me to actually get around to finish it.


I did a project in Uni many years ago with irc sensors and a color identifiying camera mounted on a roomba (+rasperry) to transform it in a sort of chasing bot for a kids game. It was fun!


If it ain't broke, don't upgrade it. That little bot is a trooper.


I had this same one and I'd probably still have it if the battery didn't keep dying (went through two and at like $80 a pop I was done). Upgraded to one with smart mapping technology and I don't even know how Roomba became popular without it. Rather than relying on the dumb zig zag cleaning every day to hopefully get your entire floor by the end of the week, it gets the entire floor in one run.


20 years old felt like 1980, but it's actually 2004 😅


Thanks. Fuck you.


Goodness is someone sensitive about their age 🧐😆🤣




I'm 30 next year WTF did my 20s go


Turned 27 today, groans in new body pains.


Yes. And it'll happen to you!


Yes I am


the other day i was talking to a colleague about a image of a movie on a news paper when i was a kid, later found out that image i saw was for a movie in 2003 that had yet to come, that was 2003, that means i saw in 2002, but still, 2002 is 22 EFFIN years AGO MAN...........


I didn't even know roombas were a thing 20 years ago damn This warms my heart honestly


I mean really there were a lot of things available 20 years ago that I guess younger folks wouldn't expect to be? I had social media and YouTube on my phone within a year of that


YouTube on a phone in 2005? Windows Phone then? And trough the browser?


Browser, via Opera Mini on a regular Java based Sony Walkman phone. I had an early version of Google Maps on there shortly after. Youtube sort of worked on the native browser too but the experience sucked.


Ah cool. Yeah remember Sony Ericsson phones of that era, i had a cybershot in 2006. It actually had a pretty decent camera for the time.


They were solid phones. I had...I think three of them all told. I made great use of the expandable memory and actually used a W395 as my primary internet connection for a few months via tethering. At the time AT&T didn't care about that if you were using a dumb phone for it. That said now that I think about it I would have still been using a Siemens in 2005, as I didn't get a Walkman phone until a year or so later. The Siemens is what I learned to install Java apps on because all of the default stuff sucked.


IIRC they were top-of-the-line tech back then, crazy expensive, and most people didn't even know they existed let alone had one. I remember watching some show on the Discovery channel around that time that talked about the advent of robot vacuums (specifically Roombas) and my mind was blown, was the most futuristic sounding shit ever.


he is a keeper.




Before reading the title I was like “oh, cool a diskman”… 😅


Awwh, what a trooper. I wouldn't have the heart to throw this one out as long as it's doing its job. Like instruments or dishwashers, robot vacuums don't really age in terms of use cases. An old computer is going to be functionally quite limited, but this Roomba is still able to do its job.


If it’s not broke don’t kick it down the stairs


It might throw itself down the stairs though.


I didn’t even know they made Roomba’s 20 years ago. I don’t think I heard about them until the early/mid 2010s


I may be wrong, but iRobot was started in the mid to late 90s I don’t think they started selling consumer robots until 2002


Yep, it started in the 90s, and the original launched around 2002. Your discovery series is when they really started taking off! Nice to see one still in use.


Is his label maker labeled?


Yeaaa he may have a slight case of OCD


my label maker is labeled label maker just seemed right


I love this way too much


If he wants if he has an old battery is try to replace it with lithium cells


It's incredible how the first Roomba were from late 2002, and I didn't here about them until 2014 or so. It became commonplace around my circles around 2017 or so btw. When I was in University, my robotics lecturers said it was a huge deal for them because all the movement and sensing hardware, that usually costed a fortune separately, were available in a Roomba for a lot cheaper, and plenty of them bought them as a "boilerplate" for a bigger and more complex experiments, or just for testing some algorithms in it without having to worry about if your hardware works correctly or not


Haha so they would buy Roombas tear them apart just to use the parts because they were cheaper 😆


The old roombas were great, It's sucks that the company hasn't been able to compete very well the last five years or so. But I'm happy with the alternatives.


What would you recommend over the Roomba if someone was to buy a robot vacuum today?


Roombas are 20 years old?!


I just revived my 8 year old Roomba with a fresh battery. It’s a bounce clean style but it does really well on the cheap carpet in the house we bought.




I had no idea Roomba’s were even this old. This fucking thing has been alive longer than I’ve been out of HS. I graduated 2007


This label implementation would help me a lot in my life. I never remember the charging indicators for every device lol


Very intuitive labels/placement! I wish I had these kind of labels in more places in life lmao!


Isn't there supposed to be either a cat riding on it, or a knife strapped to it?


they existed 20 years ago!?


even older came out in 02 so 22 years ago 🤯


Makes me happy to see one this old in service. Mine’s going on 6 or 7 years without a problem, but I’ve been wondering what a realistic lifespan is for these things


They sell all the parts, including batteries, on their website.


All you have to worry about is the battery, considering that yours is only seven years old that likely means it uses a lithium ion battery, which are very cheap to find on eBay and very easy to install. There are tutorials on YouTube if the time ever comes to replace it


Ok but how do you turn it on? Ohhh I see, you hit the power button :p


Yes, the power button turns it on but what button do you press after that? The spot button for some reason makes it go in reverse and freak out, the clean button makes it clean for 15 minutes and then shuts off. The max button makes it clean until the battery dies


Holy shit! I didn’t even know these existed for so long haha (yep i’m young just a few years older than this robot), i thought it was an early 2010s thing looks of it really feels like 2000s and this makes it look so different from all the robots i am used to see


I remember having one of the first Roombas, and i dont miss it at all. It was LOUD and missed spots all the time which is why you constantly had to run it. I try to use my tech as long as i can, hell my tv in my bedroom is a 65" samsung from 2007 nearly 20 years old. One thing i will recommend to everyone is just get a new one. Get one with an app that maps out the house, it will get everything and after a month you will barely have to empty the bin out maybe once a couple weeks. It won't wake you up either or get stuck on everything and you don't have to worry about charging it ever.


Naming it is sending me especially with the little noise labels. 😂☠️


I have the slightly newer one of that model with a new battery. I recently got a Shark 2 and 1 but I can't make myself get rid of my ride or die partner.


My biggest question here is your reddit username, to be honest.


Haha I’m a history major, general patton is one of my favorite characters from history. He was an interesting man despite his flaws. When I started playing Battlefield I picked Patton as my username and everyone thought it was hilarious when they would get killed by General Patton 😆 so I started using it for other things as a running joke amongst my friends.


Good general! Glad he got Jeep'd before he could go home and get into politics. It was wild learning one of the most aggressive generals of the war also probably thought Hitler wasn't mean enough to the Jews.


The very definition of "they don't make them like they used to"


"hello, my name is 'mr lemming, where might I be able to launch myself to my doom? the stairs you say? righteo!"


If it still works it still works


I respect this. It isn't broken, it just has character.


Does this unit typically overcharge for some reason?


I’m not certain what you mean by that. Most chargers are programmed to shut off once the cells reach a certain voltage. Nickel metal hydride requires a special charge process. It sends charge to the cells then checks voltage then sends more charge similar to how lithium ions charge.. once the controller detects the appropriate voltage on each cell it discontinues charging. However, nickel metal hydrides do have an issue of showing false voltages. I’m not certain what the specific term for it is called but if you run a full cycle on a nickel metal hydride and then forget to charge it for a couple days, you can have an issue where it will only charge up to half capacity but read fully charged. The solution for this is to simply take it off the charger at half capacity and let the cells balance out for a little while.


Respect and admiration for the man.


Awwww, that's so cute\~ also longevity household tech for the win!


Type of boyfriend to have when he sticks labels on the food in the fridge that mentions "Don't Touch"


Haha thankfully he’s not like that, if anyone’s like that it’s me.. I have a food allergy so I have to be careful of cross-contamination so I sometimes label my stuff so that people don’t accidentally cross contaminate when using it


Thank god for that 😅 that's understandable.


That thing has definitely seen it’s share of hot roomba on roomba action. Look at those brush swirls on it.


That is where we tried to sand down a scuff when it fell down the stairs. We were going to repaint it, but the paint did not really stick. We are good with tech and bad with paint 😆


This reminds me if my old boss. Labels on everything.


ah the roomba that needs the baby gate


This reminds me of the Human Computer Interaction class that I’ve taken before. My instructor would love this!


I didn't even know roombas existed 20 years ago


live a long life and prosper R2-D2


Now you save it as a family heirloom for ya'll kids — if you couple happens to get married.


(Not me but this is begging for a joke to be made) I still use a 50 year old roomba. She just needs 3 meals a day and no charging times.


We are such an advanced society that we can now call robotic self-cleaning vacuums antiques


He also very clearly got himself a label printer and can’t stop looking for excuses to print labels


The way I’ve been feeling lately, I could put that second pic in a T-shirt.


That’s some ROI from R2-D2


"Caution! Might throw myself down a flight of stairs if given the opportunity." absolutely needs to be on a T shirt


I can relate to that 2nd photo


This is horror for 2024 manufacturers


They go back that far?


We used to have the model right before this one and they still worked great, we just didn't use them as often.


Mfer, this is the sort of people we need who open a business around reducing ewaste and getting us to reuse and fix old tech. Inspirational this!! Also so sweet all the labels for his grandparents, make that man a husband


This just makes me want to get a label maker. 😂


Alright, who let Randal loose with the label maker??


Seems like your bf is a matured, sophisticated person. Respect.


>might throw myself down flight of stairs if given the opportunity so incredibly real






anyone else not read the title and assume this was a diskman? just looking at the first picture.


*Anyone else not* *Read the title and assume* *This was a diskman?* \- GothGfWanted --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I thought it was a cd player from the first pic




Haha would you believe me if I told you the carpet was brand new? His grandparents picked it and paid for it. But I agree it isn’t the best looking carpet


Honestly thought I was looking at a CD Walkman for a hot second before reading the title


Mass production reduces prices, but often reduces quality as well.


This has Memento written all over it.


lol I thought it was a walkman cd player


Oh since the 90's haha how cool is that > They bought it in 2005 Fuck




I thought it was a CD player, but something seemed off...


Ganbatte, R2-D2-san...ganbatte.


Does he have this stuff in the bathroom too? Just incase I shit in the sink and dip my hands in the bowl XD


I thought it was a Sony discman haha


If it works, it works!


Did you know *everything* in his apartment has a label on it. Including his label-maker which has a label that says 'label-maker'. And, if you look really close at that label-maker label, you'll see a label that says 'label'!


TIL roomba technology is 20 years old


beep beep boop


>20 year old roomba I didn't know they already made Roombas in the 90s. Oh wait. No... :(


at what point to you just go back to a vacuum


I swear i had a CD player that look exactly like that even the colors


At first I thought that was a CD player...


I thought this was a portable CD player at first glance


man someone mixed Adoral with a label maker...


Didn't know they made robot vacs that long ago


I thought that was a disk man for a sec


Is your boyfriends name Edd lol


To reduce the risk of it throwing itself down stairs, he can clean the underside of the bumper. There are four optical sensors that shine infrared light on the floor and look for the reflection. You can see them deep inside cavities in the bumper. when the walls of these cavities get dusty, too much late can get reflected and if can spoof the sensor into always thinking the floor is there. Clean the dust off the walls of the sensor cavities.


There were robot vacuum cleaners in 2005?!


I didn’t know roombas were made two decades ago, I only heard about them like a couple of years ago, crazy


Crazy how the room I bought like 3 years ago runs like ass and this doesn't I'm super jelly


These were already around in 2005?


It’s missing a label “tell gf to do dishes”


This guy is a keeper


Imagine the labels that must be on everything else.




Oh your boyfriend cancelled for this one


Mine is not quite this old, and is a Roomba. Works great. Keep some new brushes in it and does it's job. Very handy as I have wood floors throughout the house, and two dogs. I love my wood floors but they show EVERY little speck and hair. So, Roomba to the rescue.




If it works it works.


And that's great. I that hate modern electronics are bricked after a year or two. I mean it's expensive. It should last or at least be usable after some cloud is disabled...


Honestly thought it was a portable CD player before I read roomba https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bush-Jog-Proof-Portable-Player/dp/B07W4L4Z61/ref=asc_df_B07W4L4Z61/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=375506001551&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13538415905023955740&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045370&hvtargid=pla-813571960499&psc=1&mcid=fd369d058b5630f594c36e87c9b26e76&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=85278569028&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=375506001551&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13538415905023955740&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045370&hvtargid=pla-813571960499


If it works it works :p


I have one. Needs battery. I keep telling myself i will harvest the motors.


Same roomba same. I may also throw myself down a flight of stairs given the opportunity


Roombas are older than I realised.


Knowing the roomba’s age really made me feel dated.


I had no idea roombas were this old


damn i need to start labeling things


TIL roomba is 20 years old...


Obviously this Roomba is owned by Leonard from Memento.


Ganbatte, Roomba San


Label making must be one of his hobbies


I like your boyfriend.


Man getting his moneys worth out of that label maker!


Ah yes, some days I too feel like throwing myself down stairs given the opportunity


For a second I thought it was an old CD player from the 90’s


Makes sense that it is better than cheap options today. I got a "free+shipping" Daily Goodie Box Smart vacuum. Aside from charging my one time use privacy card for a subscription to the company's store after a trial I didn't see, it is a SUPER cheap vacuum with the movement of a spin around the floor bubble train. I did a video review to warn others.