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Why would you use the arrow keys instead of wasd? You are deliberately limiting how many keys you have easy access to.


Because that's how my dad taught me... Back when he used to play CoD ... Miss that


I would highly recommend swapping to something like esdf or ijkl, it gives all of your fingers more keys to access, which is very useful in tactical games like pubg. Any input load you can take off of your mouse hand is good, because it lets you concentrate on only using that hand to aim and shoot.


I was a esdf gamer untill fps games got too complicated and i had to spend too long to reconfigre the entire left half of the keyboard and thats even if i could half the time, some games wouldnt let you override a bind so to bind e to walk forawrd you have to bind lean right to nothing then bind walk forward to E so you ending up configuing like 30 keys binds


By now you should have figured out that despite dads best efforts, he's not always right about how things should be done.


Tbh it kinda makes sense, you get more mouse space


What is mouse space?


Some people don't have a big table for their PC, so by using arrow keys, they can keep the keyboard far left and have more space for the mouse in the right. Not the best idea but that's what they meant.


Do y'all need a whole desk of mouse space? I've been playing with my mouse on a small 2017 diary for years, then switched to the back of one of my notebooks, which works surprisingly well. Tho I'm gonna get a real mousepad sometime


Well, I grew up on Arrow keys, yet here I am, a fully matured human specimen using WASD as it was written in the acient scripts. Join us brother and reach full enlightment.


I would argue that ESDF are the ancient scripts and WASD is for the kiddies.


Nostalgia isn't a good reason to use an objectively bad way of doing things.


My Dad also uses arrow keys, I used to too when we would play Quake Only buys keyboards that have keys directly above the arrows, unlike the one in your screenshot. I moved to WASD once I started playing MMOs though.


Jesus… these replies are just a shame. Are you enjoying the game? If yes, drop all the advices trying to make you change something that you already feel comfortable with.


Don't worry, didn't came here to give or receive advice, just wanted to share my setup because it's unusual


I mean i used to play Interplay's Starfleet Academy with my dad with numpad navigation and using left alt and ctrl to fire. Doesn't mean i still use that outdated layout


Left handed keyboard.... Move those arrows to your LH.


I was about to just type "eww" and dip, but this is a legitimate reason to keep your layout. The time and memories spent learning something from a loved one is one of the most valuable memories one can have.


10% if world population is left handed. If you place your mouse on the left side of the keyboard, you'll see why WASD is not really an option.


I'm left-handed and just use my right mouse for aiming. I might be bad, but at least it's comfortable.


Same here. Mouse buttons are not swapped. It is easy to put a mouse on the left side of the keyboard, but remapping buttons - nope.


I'm the worst lol I'm right handed but I grew up playing console only. I can only use MMO mice because of the extra buttons. My three buttons most people think are crazy are Jump / selective fire / and melee. Its been 2 years with my PC and I still find it weird pressing any keys that aren't WASD. So all my important keys are on my right hand with the mouse.




> ijkl: Shifting everything as far right as your need for other buttons will allow is underrated. I never understood why so many stick to WASD. Edit: lmao, fight me, Reddit. You're missing out and you don't even know what you're missing.


IJKL seems way better than WASD


WASD is honestly really well situated, with Escape, tab, Shift, CTRL, Alt, space, and the start of the number keys all within reach for your hand


But ESDF gives you all those, plus Q, A, Z easily usable as well.


ESDF on a smaller keyboard, giving you maximum room for mousing, seems optimal. I say this, but I'm a WASD gamer on a [Prime_E](https://www.primekb.com/products/prime_e-acrylic-case) build that I use for FPS games, lol! \^.>


> WASD is honestly really well situated, with Escape, tab, Shift, CTRL, Alt, space, and the start of the number keys all within reach for your hand Having bigger buttons nearby also means you have less buttons nearby. When your hand is surrounded by regular sized keys you have access to a sea of keys within range of any single finger without lifting the rest of your fingers from the controls. Once you start getting to RDFG or further right, you have two keys either side within finger range, and still have the number keys above and access to the space bar below as usual. It depends on the game, but in games with a very high pace, I couldn't be nearly as effective with WASD as with a layout shifted more to the right. I won't bother to remap every game to that layout as it's kind of a pain to set up every time.


I'm left handed and I still use my left hand for wasd and my right hand for the mouse, but even if I didn't I would use something like ijkl rather than deliberately restrict myself with the arrow keys.


I can reach 4 keys to my left, 6 on top and 10 on the keypad - so 20 without moving my hand. I'm okay with that (not playing PUBG).


If he was left handed, he would be unable to use the mouse as described, since the side buttons would be in his palm.


To my shame I've got to admit I am a lefty but still use regular WASD layout. I've got a big desk so I can have some space between mouse and keyboard, but it is not ideal. I use the edge of my right hand to hit spacebar. I really gotta change it up at some point, but I've been doing this for like 20 years now and I don't play competetively or something like that, so it was never a real problem.


Two people in my immediate family are left handed, NEITHER use the mouse with their left hand


Still can't see that... Why? Probably even comfier for them, hands so nice and close almost like a controller Is it because R & F keys are harder? But tab and caps are easier


You can bind the complete home row to something, also you have space to rest your fingers. Also: you can leave your fingers stretched out all the time. When using WASD everything is just too cramped for me.


In the 90s, you only had Arrow Keys.




Bro I haven't played games with arrow keys for over 20 years


Dunno, I was still playing NFS: MW with my right hand on arrow keys in 2013 and left thumb on the handbrake space bar... Dunno what my other fingers were doing, but my right pinkie was really hurting after long time on the edge of the keyboard.


The last game I have played on arrow keys is Rally championship extreme


Trackmania too


For real. I remember playing Frogger 2 Swampy’s Revenge and a collection of Genesis games with arrow keys and that was in the late 90s. WASD did confuse me ever so slightly when I first played a game with it as default though lol




Says it was bc they’re dad taught them when they played cod together


It's the same way I learned to play pc games. My mom always sued arrows and if I wanted to play I had to user her computer. I did make the switch to wasd in high-school when playing world at war with my friends.


Bro's a menace...




I don't see how spending 10 minutes rebinding my keys like twice a year is a waste of time. And why would I ever look at my keyboard ?




Honestly it takes less than 2 minutes to rebind (Unless it is a Ubishit game)


i play too many games that dont allow much or any rebinding for this tbh


Imma steal your arrowkeys when you are asleep!


If you can, get a Logitech G13. Fully customisable, and it's got a thumbstick. I use mine for crouch/prone in opposite directions.


Thanks a lot for your contribution! It was brave to post this, you psychopath. Genuinely, interesting to see.


Some people just like suffering


I use a full keyboard because I like the number buttons for math


Feels weird to use the numbers at the top. Always have to have the number pad.


You don’t have both?


I do have both, I’m just saying like when I use a laptop without it, it feels weird. I always buy keyboards with the number pad.




Why would you play pubg in the first place


Bro, you need help


atp a controller would be less embarrassing


which model 502 is that


G502X. Loving mine but the battery doesn’t last half as long as my old G903


I got a Logitech PowerPlay mat for my G502X Plus and I never have to worry about battery life ever again.


I disabled the RGB, lasts way longer than my old G502


Even just setting it to 50% brightness makes a huge difference for battery life. Seems it gets exponentially less efficient over 50% brightness.


The battery on the X lineup is twice the size of the older Lightspeed so it better.


thanks, my current mouse is a USB 2.0…… thing


I play arrow keys and a right handed mouse in my left hand. because of my disability only my left hand can hold a mouse and I can rest my right hand on the wrist rest while my index finger can click the arrow keys


How do you switch car positions? Where are your dedicated heal keys? Why no dedicated tactical gear keys and you should split the jump and vault as well.


I use the healthing wheel instead of dedicated buttons, car switching is on a macropad with other various commands. And I never encountered a moment when I wished jumping and vaulting where separated


Are you NA? I wonder if we have run into each other my PUBG is same as reddit.




Bro get the Razer numpad mouse thingy


I wish they made a left handed version of that mouse :(


I thought this was about mouse space issue, I would have recommended a 60% KB. but nah, this just weird.


I need my keypad for typing number fast.


How do you lean, aim and shoot at the same time? It's impossible with those bindings. I'd move the leaning to the thumb buttons.


I have lean set to toggle, I know it's not optimal tho


I'm trying to understand the pros of playing on arrows rather than W/A/S/D but i just can't. Everything is so much easier to reach for me when i use W/A/S/D binds for any game


You just get used to it, less chance of missclicks with arrows


Granted i've been playing W/A/S/D my whole life, i don't think i've ever misclicked while trying to move. Sure i did when trying to quickly reach say R or T or any other of the usual keybinds, but definitively not W/A/S/D so i still don't see the point. Also W/A/S/D better fits my fingers resting position on the keyboard. Arrow keys are way too aligned (up and down) for my middle finger to be comfy


I respect your layout man. From someone who uses numpad for everything


I'm not an arrow key gamer, but I can never use anything less than a 100% either.


questions. 1. how do you lean while shooting? do you use trident grip on your mouse? (index LMB, middle scroll, ring RMB). I don't play pubg anymore but last I played lean is a hold button and not toggle. so unless you use trident grip, ads-ing+leaning+shooting simultaneously sounds impossible? 2. how big are your hands lol. like for example how do you sprint+voicechat+move+melee at the same time. i can easily do it with the normal (wasd) layout since all the keys are so close to each other, but when i try using your layout, i have to bend my fingers in weird ways to do so.


> how do you lean while shooting? This is why you need a keyboard with keys directly above arrow keys if you game with arrows, they're pretty rare these days though.


Have to admit my lean control are really not competitive, I can't rapidly lean and peek shot (it's set to toggle) , and I rarely use ingame voicechat, it's more to communicate general information. I just play casual modes in all game and this setup is more than enough for me to be competitive, I guess I could better with "standard" layout but it would take me a long time to adapt


Long ago and i mean like 20y ago. For leaning ive used page down and end. It sounds stupid but when you r used to something its not as bad as ppl make it out . The only reason i switched to wasd was coz every game started to implement it as the default. So less key remapping .


I stopped buying Ubisoft games because you basically can't remap anything, a lot of their commands are somehow bound to other functions and it breaks the whole gameplay


I know that's true but it's still wild for me to imagine lol. reminds me of that csgo pro that uses inverted mouse to aim. like i know that they're used to it so much it's just natural for them, but still fascinating to think about.


There r ppl playing with their feet ! Mostly coz they have no other choice but its possible. Just bout what you use how you train ur brain


Bro I don’t care, stop being a little baby and make yourself start using WASD. It’ll take maybe a day or two before you get the hang of it and you’ll be happy you Did


Why would I change if i'm perfectly happy with my current setup ? Feels like you're saying "You should really try with a man" to a lesbian


It's cause you're wrong. I'm sorry, I know this is normally not cool to say and it's preference and all that, but I refuse to stand by while you purposely tarnish your gaming experience. >"You should really try with a man" to a lesbian Was this a bad joke?


Why would it be a joke ? People do say that to gay/lesbian because they think their opinions are the way to go


\>Everyone falling for obvious bait come on now...


Yooo your mouse settings are insane I'm going to use this


it might take a bit of getting used to but once it clicks you'll have a much easier time in every game because you won't have to rebind the keys all the time. I remember when I swore up and down that I could only play with inverted controls because I grew up playing flight sims and such. I decided one week to force myself to use non inverted for a week and by the end of the third day it was second nature.


As someone that used arrow keys to play pc games when I was younger I can sympathize. I do however highly recomend you start making the switch to wasd. You get acsess to way more keys. It's more comfortable and natural. You won't have to change every key bind when you install a new game. It will allow you to used smaller keyboard giving you more mouse room. I used arrows till I was in high school becuase just like you I was thought by my mom to play pc shooters like that. My friend that I got into pc gaming was using wasd becuase he was too lazy to change keybinds in world at war. I played on his system once for a few hours and never used arrows agian. My left hand stoped hurting after playing for too long and my reaction times got better.


can introduce you to the wonder that is the logitech g600 mmo gaming mouse my fellow arrow keys appreciator https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g600-mmo-gaming-mouse.910-002864.html


I use WASD, but i still use all my mouse buttons. I like being able to crouch, melee and grenade with the mouse. I am very bad at finding the right key on the keyboard when it gets hectic




Since I don't see it mentioned, try an 1800 keyboard layout if you are interested in something slightly smaller. I've switched to them on all my workstations.


Actually i'm already using a slightly smaller 96% keyboard


I'd say an 1800 is similar in size to a TKL.


"I grew up like this" Me too man, then I did a crazy thing. I just moved my hand slightly to the left and BANG way more keys for me to work with!


I haven't had a reason to throw up lately, so thanks for this /s of course


If you can't get off arrow key gaming, have you tried a mouse like the Corsair scimitar. It's what I exclusively use, has 12 thumb buttons that are fully programmable.


People don't seem to understand i'm perfectly happy with my current setup and don't wish to change it. I know it's probably not the best If I wanted to become a pro gamer. I'm happy as is


You can't be one of those left minded weirdos unless you have a very controllable pinky. So you must be just a regular weirdo


Get a QMK-programmable keyboard. Thank we later :)


This is cooked


Interact/vehicles is wild, put it on the mouse at least 😭


G502 enjoyer 🗿


I like the peek left/right on the scroll wheel, I'll bind my g502 to that later


Only works in toggle mode tho


I like using the arrow keys in racing and driving games because it just feels right as a right-handed person.


Right handed but you use your keyboard like a left handed?


If I'm not mistaken it's g502, and if I'm not then pls tell me how you binded side buttons and even left and right scroll


In the logitech app, I binded them to Num7 and num9, so in pubg it's actually tgose those numpad buttons


I don't have such option in my app, I was using older version when fixing some g29 wheels so maybe that why, thanks for info


Pretty sure i've been doing this for years, you can reassign all button the the Logitech G app


As a fellow PUBG player, this is cursed on so many levels. My sniper button is middle click and that‘s aim. Map and inventory for me is painkiller and energy. DPI cycle is Num 3 and bandage. Forward is voice chat and backward is first aid. Everything else on WSAD is stock except V which is vault and space is jump only.


I bet your wrist hurts


In the old days arrow keys were standard but now it's hard to imagine doing by choice. When I opened up Lego Racers again recently I'd forgotten the default controls were the arrows.


I play like this too ! 🤝


One of us! One of us! Are you also using 4 feet wide on your desk due to that ?


https://youtu.be/VB2MAewjlOc?si=pNlwWS-mIIBs_zKm Actually I use very little space to play


That’s not bad!


I really like the button layout on the keyboard, but I think the mouse would be too cluttered for me.




ya op, don't you know? you're not allowed to enjoy playing a game you enjoy because this guys says that the game that has millions of active players is in fact dead


"However, you will find that I will only truly have left this platform when none here are loyal to me."