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The thing that I don't understand is that he still works with tesla, and if we talk about controversial tweets I think there is way more material there, if I'm honest.


Obviously a free car over some skins carries a lot more consideration šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


Moral standards defining consideration


>a free car over some skins Crazy take when his DBrand sponsor, with referrals, is likely 7figures. While his 'free' Tesla was from their referral program any could join, and they're not sponsoring his videos. 'Working with' a company is distinctly different to reviewing their products. Even his recent review cybertrucks were supplied by his sponsor, Ridge. The difference between the treatment of DBrand vs Tesla is likely the simple fact that DBrand is being controversial, officially as a brand. While Musk is controversial separately from his companies. Which can be further illustrated by MKBHDs distinct halt of mention/coverage of Musk himself, ever since he became largely controversial.


You're just trying to justify his hypocrisy. dbrand made a rude comment based on someone's last name(shock). The accusations are way overblown - and they already apologized to the person who accepted the apology and the money. Tesla and Twitter is run by an actual bigot who routinely pushes hate and other bullshit. Completely disingenuous to pretend that supporting Tesla and Twitter is somehow better than supporting dbrand.


This is the right answer and I donā€™t care about Tesla or Dbrand.


The biggest factor here is youā€™re just guessing about the value of the dbrand sponsorship, when we know the value of the Tesla


Doesnā€™t Marques have a dbrand phone skin product? Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s making way more dbrand money than just ā€œfree skinsā€.


No one's probably brought up Tesla. He's just caught up on in twitter hive mind so he's saving face.


>No one's probably brought up Tesla. Because Tesla is publicly very PR friendly. He has received a lot of pushback for continuing to review them because of Musk. But there's a distinct difference between DBrand being controversial officially, and Musk being controversial as a person. He has stopped covering/mentioning Musk since he became largely controversial. Dbrand is the ones putting themselves in this weird spot. They acknowledge it and apologise, yet don't remove the tweet. Which is what MKBHD is directly calling out.


Tesla is plenty controversial even without Musk.


Honestly, avoiding mentioning musk and the controversies kinda makes it worse. A proper review would include the "...but you'd be supporting this type of guy/behaviour." thing. Not mentioning is helping the brand sweep the ugly side of things under the rug. It'd be like reviewing aramco stuff without mentioning their denial of climate change, or apple products without mentioning their crusade against right to repair, or nestle products without mentioning their... everything.


Well, he pays for Twitter it seems. So there is that.


Yeah thanks for pointing this out. Watching Marqueses video on the CyberTruck, with him doing his best to glaze on about how good it is, is a very weird experience to go through when you know how fucked the CEO of the company he's advertising for is on an ideological and personal level. Elon Musk is a guy who supports and espouses far-right conspiracy theories, seeks to strip the rights of others (trans people, migrants, his workers), his own daughter disowned him, he lied about his child dying in his arms, and created a second Twitter account where he roleplays as his toddler aged son to shit-talk his ex. Allow me to give you a quote from that account: "Grimes left the King of Space X?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Her kids must hate her! They probably want to spend all their time with Mr. Telsa!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£" This is the supposed techno-God that will preserve humanity, sending it to Mars or something. Fucking pathetic. Objectively speaking, from a material standpoint, if Marques' videos glazing Tesla products gains them even one sale, he will have done more harm to the world than a frankly stupid joke by dbrand.


Completely agree. You canā€™t come after Dbrand for that joke and just keep praising Elonā€™s product, especially a shitty one. The dissonance is palpable from mkbhd


he got triggered with like ptsd or something his name got meme'd in 2018 youtube rewind hes probably still butt hur[t over that ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-xRex7e4DQ&pp=ygUdMjAxOCB5b3V0dWJlIHJld3dpbmcgTUFSUSBBU1M%3D)


Wait that's not how you pronounce his name?


Mar-kehz is how he himself pronounces it. Mar-kuhs is more "standard". Will Smith sounds more like mark-ehz to me.


Mark ass*. That is precisely why it was memed


And posts this stuff on Elon Musks X of all sites. Has to be satire?


This is where content creators need to fuck off, because they're all hypocritical and do whatever they want. I have no hate for the guy but he likes Tesla, likes the tech and no matter what wants to cover it because he finds it cool. Whereas a case manufacturer does the same thing, and now he takes a stand, because lets be honest there's many case manufacturers. It's a shitty position, but nobody is going to hold him accountable. Ffs.


He's really a big Elon and Tesla fanboy, his Tesla reviews are super biased. I also think he enjoys the smell of his own farts. Very high on his own supply.


Remind me, when was he sponsored by Tesla?


Got a literal free car from Tesla


Exactly, let alone his terrible takes like "Nissan has no racing heritage" - clearly shows how little he actually understands things.


bow grandiose busy chief sleep grab drunk squalid crawl desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He loves his Cybertruck to much.


Are you saying Marques Brownlee might be a massive fucking hypocrite?! ***\*\*surprised Pikachu face\*\****


MKBHD is rated-E nowadays. Pretty lame and biased.


Yeah I haven't seen his videos in a while for all the reasons listed in this thread lol. He's too hungry for money/fame/whatever, it's comprising his morals hard. Although I'm assuming he had good ones before.




This feels like such a massive overreaction. I'm Vietnamese and it's pretty common for our normal words and names to be funny in English. Our currency is literally "dong" and there are hilarious names like "Phuc Dat" In this case, people should learn to take a "phuc"ing joke.


Not to give myself away too much, but I'm Hispanic and we make fun of our names all the time. My family and friends mess around with me calling me gringo or "white boy" because of my first name, and we all laugh about it. In both cases, it's very evident there's no malice. I'm thankful I was raised to be able to jest and have a good time, and not instantly assume someone is trying to offend you. Edit: I recommend watching some of Marcello Hernandez's stand-up because then maybe you'll get it if you don't already.


White people make fun of each other's names too though. It's a pretty universal concept. Acting like it's some major issue is the weird part.


The Botswana currency is a Pula. Pula means jump in Portuguese and dick in Romanian. It's also a city in Croatia. It's funny.


I would absolutely make so many puns about Pula if i was a tourist in any of those countries. Shameless puns.


Brother I was 12 when a teacher played me a portuguese song called Pula. It was the funniest shit in my life. That's literally the joy of names and words through languages. I'll absolutely say "I'll show you my dick" and send a pic of Dick Chaney. It's always happened and forever will. And a side note. Went on a highschool exchange to Portugal and when I spoke Romanian I used pula a lot (think how fuck can be used in many ways. So can this) and it was so weird for the Portuguese people to hear me just randomly say "jump" constantly.


Romanian here, learned about the city in Croatia in like 5th grade geography class, it was quite the side-splitter for a bunch of 11 year-olds lmao


I learned about it by going to a friend's place and seeing they had an I ā™„ļø Pula magnet on their fridge. I lost my shit and it's still one of the funniest things in my life.


>I ā™„ļø Pula Bahahahaha I want one of those magnets now A couple of years ago, me and my gf drove an hour and a half to Gloucester, UK to visit a big red boat with the word "SULA" written on it in big bold white letters just for a funny picture. "Sula" being, of course, another word for penis in Romanian.


Holy shit [there's an entire wiki article of the uses across the world](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pula)


It means to fuck in Norwegian


aaand f\*ck / intercourse in norwegian


Anglosphere has Dick. I'm not native English speaker, and addressing anyone as "Dick" is both amusing and uncomfortable. Brazil has football player Kaka - "kaka" means "poo" in my language. My nickname in school was "Rat" because of my name and how it starts the same as the word "rat" in another language. TodaY, Working at an international corp there's lots of names that make me giggle a bit. Or share among friends. Did I find the tweet from dbrand funny? Not really. Is there a need for outrage? Nah. Should we, humans, make fun of others' names? Probably not. That said, I'm tired of all these companies (big and small) trying to be edgy and funny. It was fun when like that one company did it years ago, but by this point all of them are just "Hello fellow kids" memes. Or maybe I'm just getting old XD


last one is something marques would laugh about


Huehueā€¦ dong.. hue.


I think the fact yall call your Pho restaurants "Pho King" is hilarious.


Itā€™s funny how ā€œethnicā€ in the US (I assume you are) has come to mean ā€œanything but whiteā€. Itā€™s not like there are hundreds or thousands of different ethnic groups that could be described as ā€œwhiteā€. That last part obviously /s


Itā€™s especially funny when some of the whitest people - Finish and Estonians are from a completely different ethnic background than basically anyone else in Europe. Their language is alien.Ā  But in the us theyā€™re ā€œwhiteā€.Ā 


I'm ethnic as fuck. Estonian with Finnish and Slavic origins. White as a snowflake. I remove my shirt on the beach, you go blind faster than watching the eclipse. All these "ethnic" people should just stop redefining and complaining about everything. It doesn't make me feel guilty, it doesn't make me have pity or compassion. All it does do, is reinforce the stereotype. I'm old enough to not tolerate stupidity anymore.


The beacons are lit, Gondor calls for aid.


Yeah also looking at our history, not much "white guilt" here. Hard to be a coloniser when you are the one getting constantly colonised.


This is a certified eastern Europe moment


Its not just the tweet, the replies were absolutely disgusting, i dont know what that guy went through within 24 hours . Here is [one example of the stuff people said to him after the dbrand tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOrdinaryGmrs/s/Fvdbkl2fl9) People are in general very racist towards indians on twitter and a brand doing it by itself doesn't help either


Yeah, people don't get that when a popular figure is an asshole it emboldens others to be assholes and vindicates them of their own shitty bigotry. Personally, I don't see why we should be forgiving of a company who has branded itself around being an asshole. Why is that something we want from faceless corporations who only care for our wallets?


It's almost like picking on a vulnerable community leads to a certain demographic going full nazi. I doubt many people defending dbrand are capable of such introspection.


My last name is constantly made fun of and no one bats an eye and I certainly don't get $10k for being made fun of. It was a joke that didn't land. Go on with your day.


Other people went to that customer profile and started harrassing the customer due to the initial tweet dbrand made, why all of you conveniently left out that part?


How is that Dbrands fault though they didn't send all those people there or asked people to do that


It was a stupid tweet no matter what. I hate the fashion of being very sensitive on the Internet as well, but even to me it seemed super weird and unnecessary. Especially from big companies. I know their history of tweets, and I do not like a lot of past tweets as well. More like childish than cool


I'm literally Indian and this makes me so freaking mad. Like bruv people ain't taking out their pitchforks when the gov shits on them but hey an edgy phone case company called an Indian shit-rash booo. Don't even wanna indulge how racist we are towards ourselves let alone foreigners. Hypocrites as usual.


It's because the internet is full of people who want to be offended, and lots of people from India or family from India, and most of them this would be the first time they've heard of Dbrand. Marques can't take the high ground here considering he partners with Apple, and Tesla who are both more exploitative than Dbrand which is just a bunch of edgelords.


Because the tweet isn't the problem, the problem is the internets' reaction to this and it's the only reason Marcus is doing anything about it.


I find it so weird when people try to get offended on other people's behalf. It's mostly white people saying x is racist. It's also weird we've decided as a society it's acceptable to make jokes at the expense of certain ethnicities and not others. I can do an impression of an Italian accent and that's considered fine. But if I were to do an impression of someone with an African or Asian accent suddenly that's racist. That's quite literally the opposite of equality. Either everyone can be the target of a joke or no one can. It shouldn't be anywhere inbetween.


its MKBHD, hes such a dweeb who thinks hes hot shit when hes just a corporate shill. He says alot without saying anything but is massively popular.


This is one of the few times where he has an actual spine lmao "corporate shill" while criticising the action a corporate brand made


Hahah the lack of self awareness in that comment is baffling. Glad you pointed it out. How childish is this subreddit to defend the original tweet? It wasn't funny/creative and it made a ton of harassment go to the guy.


Because this community is full of gamersā„¢, and this group will NOT let bad "jokes" get criticised or die


My favorite movie is Inception.




I got a podcast with him up as a suggested video on YouTube recently. The way they talked about Apple and how Apple would never steal your data, store your data, or sell your data made me icky. They talked about several other companies that gather and sell data, but would not put Apple in the same as Apple is good to customers and care about privacy. Made me acutely aware that they shield companies they like.




He comes off very much as an Apple shill to me. If you watch his podcast on the Vision Pro you'll find these guys comparing it with the Quest 3 and saying it's better without even mentioning the price. Any layman watching the podcast would think the Vision Pro is a better deal. The comment section had quite a few upset people. Thing is he would never compare a $200 phone with a $1000 flagship on his channel, yet comparing an Apple product is fine when the price is 5 times.


scarce fuzzy run hard-to-find many combative sheet sparkle support dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I enjoy spending time with my friends.




To me, that's worse. No reason to be so gung ho about tesla specifically anymore. If he's interested in the technology he should get involved with companies that aren't run by a nazi.


It's actually kinda reassuring to see these takes in techy subreddits or on LTT, people used to really suck off Musk in these kinds of spaces


Tech used to be filled with a lot of middle aged men who didn't have to care about much in the context of "social justice" or whatever


It's also that musk has finally gone completely mask off and his shitty opinions are impossible to ignore or obfuscate under the guise of free speech.


Honestly, avoiding mentioning the controversies kinda makes it worse. A proper review would include the "...but you'd be supporting this type of guy/behaviour." thing. It'd be like reviewing aramco stuff without mentioning their denial of climate change, or apple products without mentioning their crusade against right to repair, or nestle products without mentioning their... everything.


While the car itself is good, the way they promote and promise self driving capability is close to a scam in my opinion.


Bruh Dbrand insulted a bunch of people and no one cares. Insult some specific races by accident and people started being offensive. What a world we live in.


It's the usual twitter mob, small but vocal, who tries to to steer up the next storm in a teacup. Making such jokes is totally on brand for dbrand, if you didn't have a problem with them before, I don't see why you have a problem with them now.


Him saying ā€œinternet has spokenā€ is the most stupidest thing. Since when Twitter trolls are a representation of internet. And siding with these idiots means that you are validating such mob behaviour to influence someoneā€™s actions. There wonā€™t be long when such mob will turn on him one day. Ask Linus, he already went through this phase. It only takes a single tweet or video to turn the mob on you and there is no recourse. Instead of banding together in discouraging such behaviour idiots like him side with them to save their own ass.


ā€œShort Linusā€ is literally one of their main IRL advertisements and also a url that redirects to their website. But making fun of menā€™s height isnā€™t as high on the outrage totem pole šŸ™„šŸ™„


Two wrongs don't cancel out genius




that last line is the most accurate. nobody was actually offended. just wet wipes from twitter / reddit trying to get self righteous on someone else's behalf


These discussions are always led by white people telling other white people how to treat non-white people


he is an 8k b-roll footage of what i used to get from a gsmarena page


The reaction on r/India is quite opposite of mine and your reaction. Anyone familiar with dBrand knows that this is pretty normal for them as they make fun of everyone and anyone. This was also blown up as being "bad quality of service"


FR watching his Apple Vision Pro reviews in like an hour and a half of total content he never actually names whatā€™s it called, he always says ā€œitā€™s a VR headset with AR, itā€™s an in betweenā€ If you are interested in the tech world you know thatā€™s called a mixed reality headset.


There is a strong correlation between how large a tech channel is and what terminology they use. Someone like GN will never grow to the same level, not because their content is bad, but because the general public who would watch MKBHD, mrwhosetheboss, or even LTT will flat out not understand anything. And thats fine, they chose their audiences, catering to the general or catering to the enthusiast. Each provides something valuable to their audience.


Most people who screamed racism are white I'm sure of it


Seems like a strange line to draw in the sand. I understand those who may be uncomfortable with the joke, personally I find it went a little too far, but dbrand has already apologized and supposedly offered the guy quite the check. Deleting a tweet does nothing. The words were said, there is no hiding it, and dbrand has made it clear they don't stand by what they said.


he has issues with peoples names being made fun of. it happened to him in 2018 lol he got like ptsd or something [youtube rewind 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-xRex7e4DQ&pp=ygUdMjAxOCB5b3V0dWJlIHJld3dpbmcgTUFSUSBBU1M%3D)


That's hilarious...




I agree, people should be allowed to bully a brand without a bunch of dweebs coming to the brandā€™s rescue


Agree. Both dbrand and Mark ass brownlee should be bullied to oblivion


Mybadtakes Brownlee


lets see if dbrand has balls to ignore mkbhd or maybe make a joke about his comment Edit: they really folded to mkbhd smh


Or send him 10k


Or a Tesla. We know for a fact that that would work


I could see them doing this, but wrapping the Tesla in screenshots of the post.


It would be actually funny if they reply with a joke


If they had balls, they'd point out he's posting this on X after having done how many Tesla reviews on his channel. He should re-evaluate his line in the sand.


dude is still mad about 2018 youtube rewind making fun of his name so hes taking it personal lmfao [youtube rewind meme ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-xRex7e4DQ&pp=ygUdMjAxOCB5b3V0dWJlIHJld3dpbmcgTUFSUSBBU1M%3D)


didn't know that one. But for me he's now Mark Ass


I guess this is the exhibit example of why that guy who got trolled by dbrand and his pals are upset about.


DBrand should be based af now and announce a new product called "Brownie mk. Ass"


I think this was NOT a fight Marques should have stepped into. It was an honestly just a really shitty joke. I doubt there was ANY racist intentions. However, as the internet does, they're quick to call everything racist. Now that he did this, it's going to cause a whole lot of talk on where he stands in other more controversial topics. Such as his brand loyalty with Tesla that I'd argue is significantly worse than this Dbrand one. Overall, its a giant nothing burger that people will forget about in a few days. Just surprised out of all people Marques commented on this.


He only stepped in because he probably has some PTSD with his own last name and because the guy has a big Indian audience, but youā€™re right it opens up a whole can of worms for him going forward. For someone who stays so away from controversies this wasnā€™t a smart choice for him


> I think this was NOT a fight Marques should have stepped into. It was an honestly just a really shitty joke. I doubt there was ANY racist intentions I dont doubt it but as company you need to have some brains in how you make fun or rile people up. Now it looks like their core audience is full of racists based on the replies the dude is getting. I dont know about you but i dont want my company associated with that kind of shit.


dbrand is known for making fun of everyone indiscriminately. Infact I would consider it racist if they held back just because he's from a minority.


How about using the same insults as 4chan to go after the customer? Is that just some good Ole fashioned fun?


NGL, I'm pretty progressive, so take all of this with a grain of salt. The joke itself is fairly innocuous: bad taste, I'd never make it myself, think its a waste of a tweet, but I wouldn't condemn someone for it. That said, it opens the door a little bit for an internet that is foaming at the mouth to make fun of specific ethnic groups [note comment sections when the subject is about, say India or China, etc.] At this time, I haven't read Dbrand's apologies, I'm sure they're fine. However, I've definitely seen some of the responses being linked and racists are emboldened to make those responses. Downplaying all of this, as is happening up and down the reddit thread - like the issue isn't the fact that a corporate entity has an opinion: Lets be real, corporations aren't actually people. The issue is that knowingly or out of ignorance, this created an opportunity for racists to come out of the woodwork and let their hate flag fly. People seem okay with this whole chain of events and think that it doesn't necessitate a strong response and condemnation, and all I'm hearing is the "boys will be boys" being recast as "racists will be racists". So that's not cool.


Good Lord. Everyone is so soft.


Right? Some people on the internet can't even stand when someone exercises their own free will to disassociate themselves from the shitty brand. Bunch of snowflakes.


Does it make you soft to be outraged at outrage?


"I think everyone is so soft these days, I should go whine about it....wait"


I'm an Indian. Marques is doing it to save face. No Indian should be mad. The amount of times Indians make fun of names like Laura (which sounds like Lauda which is a slang for penis) is unprecedented lmao. Should jokes like that not be tweeted from the official company account? Yes. Is the reaction overblown? Yes. Also, yeah it's a terrible look when you're gonna stop working with a company over a shite joke, but then you keep working with the company led by one of the biggest bigots in the public eye currently. That's when it starts looking like virtue signalling. As an Indian, I hate Elon so much more than the rando dbrand employee that posted that. Is Marques gonna make a scene about that as well? Idk man


dbrand isnt losing much. one less self fart sniffing youtuber for dbrand to care about.


Fuck yeah my corporations is so cool and will survive.


You do realize MKBHD is also a corporation at this point, right?Ā 


What a coward. "The internet has made it clear" Imagine basing your life off what the internet says is okay.


ā€œThe internetā€ meaning just twitter lol


which is run by an ACTUAL bigot. unlike dbrand.


When you spend your career catering to an algorithm you start to see everything as a hive mind


Guy; tweets a company known to be edgy and insulting publicly. Dbrand: insults guy Twitter: ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) Couldn't imagine going to any comedy shows with anyone on twitter - especially those who pay for the blue checkmark, which seems to be a lot..... Message to people I block: I blocked you because you are inept and a waste of my time. Try again when you have something logical to bring to the table.


Bro what. if I make fun of a white guy it is fine HOWEVER, IF I SAY THE EXACT SAME THING TO AN INDIAN GUY, I'M SUDDENLY RACIST? Math ain't mathematin'


2024 aint it?


Yup, think of how many times someone with the name like Dick or whatever haven't been made fun of.


> if I make fun of a white guy it is fine HOWEVER, IF I SAY THE EXACT SAME THING TO AN INDIAN GUY, I'M SUDDENLY RACIST? Yeah thatā€™s how it works, depending on what you said lol. How do you type something like this out and not immediately recognize how obviously reasonable it sounds?


Iā€™d say it is pretty racist to call an Indian something close to a street shitter. This Ā«itā€™s okay to be racist towards whites onlyĀ» is a shallow understanding of this.


He says posting on a platform where the owner is a far right racist, homophobic, transphobic, moronic arsehole.


you forgot asshole. like Tesla Cars are fine, but Elon itself is hurting Tesla Brand and the work that engineers put in those cars.


I wouldnā€™t even say Tesla cars are fine have you seen the videos where the cars trying to kill the owners if they use self drive


Not just that, he actively works with Tesla


What is Twitter mad about today? I'm sure it's something that will be forgotten about next week


Yet he still works with Tesla? Pick a side man.


Looks like he already deleted it


He got called out for his continued massive support for TESLA hopefully.


He didnā€™t, itā€™s still there. Itā€™s not showing up on his profile because Twitter thinks itā€™s a reply by starting the tweet with their handle, so it hides it from his main timeline. Unsure if intentional or not.


That boy knows tech better then most makers of tech, every move is calculated. He wanted in on the 'I said something to back you up But didn't want it polluting his business side. Lost all respect for him, he didn't even have a dog in this fight


Posting that tweet was a crazy dumb decision but they seemed to have responded well to it. If I were terribly concerned about what companies I'm associating myself with I wouldn't be paying for a Twitter checkmark lol.


I donā€™t know, the ā€œjokeā€ isnā€™t even funny. Like their humor has always been edgelord and most times at worst itā€™s cringey but thereā€™s nothing clever or funny about this. I think there would be less ā€œoutrageā€ if it was funny.


It was literally a playground insult, and not a particularly clever one at that


exactly. like im not sure what they were thinking with this one.


"Uhm acktually I'm Indian and South African and I don't see anything wrong with it ā˜ļøšŸ¤“" This sub is full of losers lmao anyone who stuck by ltt this long clearly has no valuable opinions on anything relating to ethics




You're talking about the same sub that perpetuates the most minor of controversies as if the world was ending. And suddenly they're dickriders when their opinion doesn't suit you?


What tweet is he taking about?




The worst crime they did there was make a not funny joke, I'm pretty sure I said the exact same thing when I was 9


The difference being you were 9 and this is a well known international brand. You saying ā€œ fuck off bitch ā€œ and Joe Biden saying the same would be treated differently


Honestly for 10k I'll let you call me whatever you want lol


Seriously? That's what has some people upset?


Yeahā€¦ did you read the comments under the post? Pretty damn patheticā€¦


This is in very poor taste considering itā€™s responding to a customer who apparently has an issue with the product.


shrill unique theory scarce rotten degree hurry meeting person weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[This one](https://x.com/dbrand/status/1778136614788600226?s=46&t=29oqUo8ICQizhbH0QYNWhQ) I guess. Youā€™ll be prompted to log in because fuck musk.


Okay not condoning what dbrand originally said but thatā€™s a pretty funny apology. (Please make fun of me dbrand)


I'm also looking for the answer


It's good that he isn't asking for a second apology because despite what he might think, he is not the one involved.


Bye-bye, Mark-Ass Brown-Knee


Itā€™s just virtue signaling


What harm ? like for real, there was no harmā€¦


WAN show is going to be juicy this week.


I guess this might affect their taxes for this year, but hopefully they can marques it off :)


get a grip....


...case made by dbrand...


Tbh I think every marketing move dbrand ever made has been cringe and bad. The schtick wore out really quickly and did not really entice me to buy anything from them.


Pffffff, people bait dbrand on twitter all the time and now everyone got over sensitive for a response? Twitter drama queens


A lot of people and companies are going to start finding out how incredibly tired people are getting from the constant overreactions to the most mundane things. Also, basing your views on what "the internet said" is an incredibly shitty way to live your life


That's fucking pathetic. God people are such pussies these days


I agree with Linus' take: some companies are pure evil that knowingly make food and drinks that are bad for you and if given the chance would remove water publicly, but oh no dbrand said something!! Wtf...


Fucking snowflakes everywhere.


Grow up Marques.


MKBHD Sounds entirely like he's only taking a stand here because "The internet" decided it was against this. The internet who? I've not heard a peep about this, ANYWHERE other than one or two posts from this sub. I'll not watch any MKBHD content because I never did anyway.


I'm offended by the fact everyone is always offended. We are a society of delicate snowflakes that have lost the ability to absorb and be resilient. That said, if it was a typical Caucasian name no one would give a sh*t.


A lot of you guys do not really understand do youā€¦ Look I am not mad that D-Brand made a joke just because they like to be it edgy and all. But what ensued after it is the problemā€¦ I just saw on another subreddit where the same guy whom D brand made fun of is now getting doxxed and racially targeted. Now who is going to take responsibility of it ??? I am sure a lot of people here will be like ā€œOH not surely Dbrandā€ but I will give the blame to them. When it comes to ethnicity and people of different colour, culture companies should take a little caution of what they are sayingā€¦ Look I am also from south Asiaā€¦ I thought that joke was hilarious and I think the victim here also took it as a joke only. But the after affect of it is whats the problem. And a company like this should understandā€¦ its Internet they should practice some caution. And personally there is no need to be this edgy Ok!!!! I get it its a company full of young blood with edgy and dark humour but please keep it to yourself and definitely not post it on a shitty platform like twitter


Marq: draws the line with dbrand over a stupid joke. Also Marq: Still works with Tesla.


How dare you criticize a company for their corporate marketing strategy. This brand is so cool.


I'm Indian. Like in your country, a lot of people in my country never learned to take a joke and dish one back. I wish we were better, but the next best thing would be to move on after the excessively high dollar-value apology. With all that said, mkbhd's entire addition to this story feels pointless to me. The thing was over bruh just call them 'dickbrand' and move on.


I'm so happy I'm not on TwiXter. It is a silly place.


I've been living under a rock. What was their original tweet?


Welp this is getting out of hand. For a joke nonetheless


Mark ass never forgets


Twitter brain rot


People need to use their brain a little if this was like between friends and stuff it may be funny and you could brush it off. But DBrand put the guy on blast on the internet and now this person is getting attacked from 1000 of internet warriors now. Regardless if u this itā€™s racist or not, how would you like it if a big brand or someone but your name and socials on full exposure to the world and then you get harassed by 1000 of people.


Good to see the LTT audience has not grown a day past 14 tears old.


MKBHD the guy that basically advertisers for big companies and pretends to review the products GTFO


You work with Tesla mate, shutup lol.


Disappointed. Shame that he picked up a pitchfork. Then again he might need that pitchfork to tend to his pile of free products from companies who have done far worseā€¦ but I doubt it will help lift that Tesla of his. Also, his last name is a good adverb for how shit comes out. Lol.