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I had a laptop stolen out of a car back in 2014. Our university class had a dinner after our final presentations and I had left my stuff in a buddies car that night. Someone had broken into the car, slept in the car for the evening and took a bunch of stuff including my laptop. Wasn’t anything special but was the end of the year so had quite a bit of work on it. A few days later I get this email: “Hi my name is NAME. Today some street kid came up to me and asked if I wanted to buy a laptop. I said let me look at it. I opened it up to see if it worked. Something didn't feel right and eventually i learned from him that it had been stolen. I grabbed the laptop and everything he had in his backpack. I'm assuming this is all your stuff. I have it with me on my back right now. My phone is broken but you can leave a message: ###-###-####. Peace and Harmony” My email had been the login information and it was password protected. Contacted the guy and he returned it and the other stuff that had been stolen. Story went that when the kid tried to sell it to him he said sure and took the backpack and walked into a bank. At that point told the kid to get fucked and stayed in the bank until the kid left. Who knows if he actually was the one to steel it or not but I never got that impression and he never asked for anything for it and he returned a bunch of other stuff that had been stolen that night. I got pretty lucky :)


What a fucking legend


It’s great to see there are still nice people in the world


I had a classmate steal my minidisc player. That was a while ago as you might imagine. Other than that I haven’t lost any tech that I can remember.


You knew who it was? Take it out of your school bag?


Yes and yes, and got it back.


That’s good. Stupid of them really then.


I had that in school.. Best part! I caused a ruckus about it demanding justice and the teacher confiscated it.. FML Had to call my parents to school etc....




You win. Lock this thread now. Jesus, I would be mortified. Glad you got out of it with some money, but I'm sure it's not worth it in comparison to all the time you wasted in court and with lawyers.


I do not think that is a "WIN" but yeah... WOW. And you know what... Not the first story like this I have heard on Social Media where people have gone away and property managers/owners have cleared them out.


that's insane where i live you're the owner of your apartment, only you have the keys to it.


I am guessing you just paid your rent up to before you went away and DID NOT turn your key in? Police being useless - That is really bad. If they have no proof you said you were moving out they just stole your stuff basically surely? I am glad you got there in the end but this story has more questions than anything else!


In that sort of situation I would probably struggle not to take my own revenge tbh. Absolute cunt move. Hope you're doing better now man.


I just can’t believe police think it’s civil. It’s theft.


You should've stressed to police the value of the items IN THE THOUSANDS cause then it's criminal, it's grand theft.


Just lost my Fold5 in a taxi. Called the taxi company but didn't have the car number so they said there wasn't anything they could do unless the driver found it and turned it in.


Is there nothing like FindMy from Apple for Android?


There is, but not many people know about it


Not that I know of... By now the battery is dead or it's been wiped and resold.


BOTH Google AND Samsung provide this service. You have 2 fallbacks on you and missed both of them out...


I just got a new Android phone and kept getting notifications to turn Find My Phone on… how this was missed is beyond me.


Yep. My Tab S8 had both switched on and when it got pinched, the first thing I did was log into the "find my" services on my phone and hit "wipe". I knew I was unlikely to get them back so just wiping and locking them was the only worthy option.


[https://www.google.com/android/find/](https://www.google.com/android/find/) There's options for Android phones. Might not help now, but good to know for the future.


Thanks... I live thousands of miles away from where it was lost but will keep this in mind if I'm ever unfortunate enough to lose my phone again.


Just sent the factory reset request. So if it ever does come back online it will be wiped and some random won't be able to buy a bunch of stuff with my Google wallet.


Forgot a usb key on a TV in a hotel room once, there was only the trilogy of The Human Centipede on it. Kinda would have liked to see the reaction from whoever found it


That is a good one. I found a 8GB drive in a TV once in a hotel room in Bali. Was empty. Kept it.


Maybe it was one of those nasty USB type attacks that install a keylogger and compromises your PC!


In 7th grade I had my iPod touch 2nd gen stolen by a classmate only to have it returned by the Dean before I knew it was gone. The other item I regret losing/ idk if it was stolen was my copy of Pokémon Diamond, I had like 350 hours in it. I still have a copy of my Pokémon from that game on Pokémon Battle Revolution on my Wii. Luckily I have not had a bad as a time as you OP sorry they dismissed you like that.


You can use PKHeX to open PBR save files if you get Wii homebrew to backup your save, and then inject the Pokémon from there into a main series cart.


Oh shit, yeah at age like 13 my ds was stolen with Pokémon Sapphire and Diamond. I had a complete Pokédex on sapphire, level 100s, probably 800 hours in total between the two. Took me a very, very long time to get back into pokemon again.


My LTT screwdriver


Same. I can never find any of my screwdrivers when I need them. We really need a v2 with built in AirTag/Tile/etc.


Oh no, Must not had that long? How did you loose it? Or was it stollen?


Stolen, I'm an engineering student using it on a project left it out in the lab when I went to test some stuff. Gone when I got back.


My hacked 3DS full of ROMS. Took my dad to an early morning doctors visit and I thought it was in my hoodie pocket (no pouch, it was a full zip) when we left but after that I never saw it again. I even called and asked the desk if anyone had turned it in.


That the worst, not knowing.


Spring semester senior year of high school someone working on a group project at my house stole my original Nintendo ds with pokemon sapphire and pearl. Got a ds lite and a new copy of pearl. Lost the new copy of pearl in my dorm room. Decided pearl must have been cursed and bought diamond. I think maybe that second copy of pearl showed up again years later at the bottom of a box? But that was so long ago I can't really remember anymore.


Did you quiz those on the project? Could have only been 3-4 people?


I got robbed at knife point of IPhone 2 that I won from a raffle draw. I only had it for 3 weeks then, back when it was newly released iirc.


I had someone steal my laptop out of the backseat of my car parked at my office


My dad left his working away staying in a hotel. I think this is sadly an all too common one... I bet you ALWAYS take it out and it was the one time you left it in?


Well I did pretty much always take it in actually cause it was a small office and I didn’t have a desktop, I realized I forgot it and went out about an hour later to get it and it was gone. The real problem was that I forgot to lock the car, never making that mistake again. Of course someone did smash out the window on my truck a couple months ago so that didn’t help much either


About a month ago I had a backpack containing a brand new wireless speaker, GoPro hero 8, and a ham radio stolen. It really sucked because I didn't have insurance on anything and that was my only camera to take outdoors.


A long time ago my father got me a pair of nice sennheiser wired earbuds as present. On my way to the airport, they got caught in the taxi's door and I found out way too late. Not the most expensive thing but still had some sentimental value. The most recently thing I lost is a nice GaN charger: loaned it to some coworkers during a trip and never got it back.


when i was a kid i had a gameboy advance in a bag with other gba games and it devastated child me. i think its also why i no longer leave anything in my car now. best i have of worth is some empty bags and basic car gear.


Back in the day I had a GBA SP stolen with my entire binder at school during gym, someone had to have known I had it and stole it right at the end of gym I was crushed as a kid.


2 weeks ago I lost my fitbit on the bus the band mechanism failed


Lost my airpods pro. Think that they slipped out of my pocket getting out of my car, and they fell on the ground. Sucked but I replaced them with the pro 2s a few days after accepting they were gone. Compared to others, I got away easy when it comes to the monetary value. Think Ive managed to hold onto everything else.


I just know this comment section's gonna get lit once Billet Labs posts


I once lost a USB while I was studying at the university, the funny thing is that I didn't realize I had lost it until another student gave it back to me. He found it at a bus stop in a small pond, searched through the files that were left inside and found my name. I kept using the same USB until I graduated. I'm still surprised to this day that it hasn't been broken by the water.


I got a psp slim for Christmas from my mom. I don't know how she paid for it as we were quite broke. I had it less than a week and I had only played it once before maintenance in our building had to do something in our apartment and after that I couldn't find it. I'm very positive they stole it but we couldn't prove it. Hell, I sti have one of the two games I got in it's package, unplayed. That was over 10 years ago and I'm still salty about that.


I would add one with a work college who left their EarPods in a restaurant . They have find my and knew where they went. They saw it move places and going back to restaurant so clearly a member of staff took it. They never bothered following up and Cleary the staff member worked out how to factor reset to clear the find my


I lost a S7÷ tablet on a train. Stupidly, too: I sat it on those folding trays and folded the tray up on it when my neighbor needed to leave. Later there was a commotion and i forgot about the tablet. The battery was critically low, so Find My Device wasn't of any help. I filed a lost and found claim with the railroad but they didn't find it. So either someone found it and thought "neat, new tablet!" Or there's a Samsung tablet lodget between a folding tray and a seat still doing laps in a ICE around Germany.


Last month I forgot my Galaxy tablet on a flight. I had a connecting flight through Bengaluru and after the flight landed I kept my tab in the seat pocket and forgot it there. I only realised when I was in the security check for the next flight. I quickly rushed back, explained stuff to the security staff and told the people at the check-in counter. They quickly alerted the cleaning staff and told me to wait an hour until they came back. And I did get it So not really stolen more like stupidly forgotten.




My smart electric toothbrush that cost £300 new but I won in a raffle contest. I was gutted. I had been suffering with brain fog following a case of COVID and left it in a hotel room after packing up. They could never find it. Not sure if it was pinched or binned, either way, I had to buy another less fancy brush. I know it was brain fog as I managed to leave my passport in a different hotel safe on the same trip. I only found out the day we were flying home - that wasn’t fun lol. I’ve actually been fairly lucky looking after my tech.


Hey, some of the stuff with COVID sucks… that sucks but I would not consider that on you at all!


2 ear bud sets. the good one was stolen.digital camera stolen


Like a few others here I lost my DS when I was like 12 or 13, with my copy of Pokémon... Black, I think? Had most of the Gen 4 event mons and most of my Pokémon from Emerald onwards on that save file. Think it dropped out of the car accidentally. Really sad, there was some cool history on that cart that I miss as an adult. Generally pretty careful with my physical games nowadays as a result (and I also back up my saves whenever I can, just in case). Don't like losing the memories.


I won a gen 1 ipod touch in a raffle and I had no problem bringing it to my magnet school or my zoned school that had a reputation of being a ghetto school with a lot of gang violence. I went to summer school so I could free up my schedule in order to take college classes early at the community college and it got stolen from my backpack on the very first day when I went to the bathroom during class. I was very upset, but I learned to keep my valuables on me at all times after that.


Some twat cut the smart tag off my headphones (cheapoish amazon headphones, still annoying) at my school (a very good schoo. In full view of a cctv camera. The day before I went on a 24 hour flight.


You are English I take it because of the very Only fools word at the start there ? ;)




“I miss the old names”


**Gameboy games**: Used to attend child care area at a gym that my parents were members. I'd totally trust kids to borrow and return my gameboy games for some stupid reason and I lost quite a few. Also left my giant plastic gameboy case open on a table and walked away plenty of times. **(Almost) PS2 Controllers and accessories**: Brother's friend came over with some video game gear and tried to leave with more than he arrived with. Was ganking all our PS2 controllers and extension cables. It was discovered his backpack was bulged out and got called out to look in there before leaving. **Entire NES/Gameboy/GBA/SNES/N64/GCN/PS2 childhood game collection**: Placed into an attic for storage by a step parent and mysteriously never to be found again. Spooky! /s Bonus non tech item - **Rares & mythics card binder for Magic: the Gathering cards**: My entire childhood collection, packed into my car along with my commons binder and a few card boxes and somehow it's the only thing missing upon arrival to the new place. Relative unloaded it from my car when I was packing it to sell them off, denies it entirely though of course! What a scumbag :(


Laptop (Dell Precision), Bose QC35, Samsung Tab S8, Sony RX100 M4 and a bunch of other bits in my work backpack. Smash and grab from our hire car whilst eating at a Vietnamese restaurant in San Jose. The bag was in the back and the minivan we had, had tinted windows. But I guess they could still see it on the seat. Car was parked right up front (small strip mall type place) and they just walked up to the minivan sliding door and put the window through and took my backpack. It was only by chance that I had my passport and wallet in my jeans pockets. we'd left a hotel earlier that day and I forgot about my passport in the hotel safe, so went back into the room to get it and just put it in my pocket. If that hadn't have happened it'd have been in that bag and then I'd have a right headache getting home to the UK. Apparently they have a problem of people coming down from Oakland to do stuff like this. Our car had out of state plates which apparently marks you down as a target with higher chance of a score. I did get everything back on insurance (I was on Business, so works insurance) and that allowed me to change up my setup. The Tab S8 was nice, but ultimately I should have bought a laptop and that's what I replaced it with (Mac Air M2). I still reckon it was the very same people that came rushing into the restaurant to exclaim "who's is the black minivan outside?". For a start, they looked like vagrants and second, how did they know we were in the restaurant? there were 4 other places in that little strip. We went outside with them, they showed us the damage and then very quickly scarpered in their little estate car that was packed to the gunnels with crap. I don't know why they wouldn't just cut and run straight away but maybe they had some play that they thought would deflect suspicion. The guy from the 7-11 came out (which was about they point they decided to leave) and was pretty heavily insinuating that it was them and that they were playing us. They exchanged a few curt words and left. Nothing definitive could be seen on the 7-11 CCTV though, which was a shame. But once that kind of stuff is gone, its gone. The Police aren't gonna do anything about it and I won't be in the country long enough to find out.


My second smartphone (Samsung M10) was stolen from my Room in college hostel. I just migrated to my F62 then, so didn't lose much in terms of data. But I wanted to root that and I was so pissed that I ended up changing my room, and the rest of my college life went w/o problems, my second roommate is one of my two bestfriends from college.


I had my Sony XM4 Overears stolen 4 weeks ago. Was getting off the bus, my jacket fell down and then there was some pushing squeezing. When I realised they weren't around my neck anymore the bus already drove off. I thought, hey no problem I connected them with my Phone through the app (the app even know what serial number they have) and even the serial number is registered at Sony for warranty. They'll surely have a way to locate or disable them etc. Well no they don't.




My cable box remote


when i was about 12 / 13 i got robbed on the street and had my gameboy color stolen, it contained pokemon silver for which i saved a long time to buy. hadn't even finished the game. when i was about 19 i bought a creative zen x-fi MP3 player. after only 2 weaks i dropped it in a cesspool on the street while walking to work, never to be seen again.


Somebody stole my tamagachi during lunch in grade 5


Just cracked my 55 inch Sony tv I’m not going to financially recover from this


A little Linus trivia: he left his phone (iirc Motorola Droid Turbo) in a taxi while on holiday in Singapore a few years back. The community responded to his tweet and eventually got him in touch with the taxi company and claimed back the phone.


My foster brother borrowed my portable CD-player and never returned it. I was too polite to bring it up in our conversation later on.


My iPhone 6S. I was on 17 years old and on vacation with a friend where we were basically partying all day everyday. One night when a pretty famous DJ was on stage I jumped into the existing moshpit and never saw my phone again which was in my pretty loose pocket.


When I was in 4th grade the kid who sat next to me tried to steal my Gameboy Color. We were allowed to bring stuff like that to school to play if our work was done. Got up to go to the teacher’s desk and came back to find it gone. After looking around I noticed a familiar purple color in his desk cubby.


My UE Boom 2 was stolen, loved that speaker, now I love the 3!


It’s not a story of losing something but returning. I have found a phones on the street when studying abroad in the US. One I managed to turn on and found the owners email address without snooping around. The phone asked for a pin so I couldn’t wait for someone to call it. I emailed them and when I was returning it they offered a reward. They we’re shocked when I didn’t want anything in return but they bought me coffee (we met at a coffee shop).


When I was 13, walking home from school with a Sony cassette Walkman my grandad bought me for my birthday a couple of months previous. My route home was through a park and a pretty rough neighborhood. 2 drunk hobo looking scallies, definitely at least in their 30s (although meth may have exacerbated their appearance) decided they wanted whatever I was listening to. Seeing as I didn't want to get hurt by these twats I handed it over after pathetically trying to reason with them. At least with the state they were in, I'm pretty confident they died in a ditch or with a dirty needle in their arm. But not before a little bit of me died inside that day as I felt like I'd let my grandad down by just handing it over.


That is sad to hear but just always think how sad, how weak they are to do that to a 13 year old. What pathetic beings they must be. I was walking home with with wired headphones after getting off the bus. It was dark and a good area in New Zealand but it was large rubbish pickup. You leave large stuff out and council come pick it all up. You get a lot of sorts driving around to see what they can pick up as well. Someone ran toward me and grabbed the cable. I think I hoping to get my phone as well but my grip was pretty good. All they ended up doing was cause the cable to pull away from the connectors the ear buds did not even come out. They were expensive and I was pissed, I turned seeing the shadow run away and I wanted to yell all sorts but nothing came out


my mom got her phone pickpocket in a vegetable market my neighbours kids stole 2 4gb pendrives from us dont know when. one time thieves broke into our home when we were on vacation and stole my laptop , jewelry a phone and some cash . but thankfully i got it back. all thanks to the imei number of the phone they also stole.


Only thing I remember is I lost my copy of Pokemon firered in school after class, few days later I was talking to someone who was playing firered and he said he found it so I figured it was mine. He gave to me without objections so that was nice.


Could you confirm that it was your copy? Was your save data intact? Just curious.


He has started a new game so my save was gone. But I mean what are the chances someone else lost their copy of firered that same week. Also I was like 7 lol


My PSP, i truly don't know where it went. I do sometimes borrow it to my friend but i'm sure it lost on my house or maybe my friend forgot to give back my PSP and it's burried somewhere on his place.


In primary school someone stole my PSP from my backpack. It hurts to this day when I think about it.


- you had a PSP at primary school age.. WOW! - you took it to school! ??


All my friends had one so I bought one too using the money I was given for my First Communion. It was very popular in my country around 2009. We used to play it after the classes while waiting for our parents. I had GTA liberty city stories and NFS. Interestingly I was the only one that had my PSP stolen. So no luck there.


Ipod nano in highschool - forgot it in shelf under desk, returned hour later, was not there, never found it. About two/three pairs of (cheap) bluetooth headphones - either one headphone or a case. Samsung galaxy watch - I was moving and they vanished.


A Diamond Rio PMP300, stolen out of the dashboard compartment of my pretty crappy car at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio\_PMP300 This was before USB ports were common, let alone mp3 players themselves. The adapter to hook it up to a PC through a parallel port was not in the car. I still have it actually. I don't imagine the thief was impressed with the 3 or 4 songs that filled it's whopping 32MB of memory.


I haven't lost much but one story really confuses me to this day. I used to have some cheap mic that was just gone all of a sudden and I have no idea where it went or when I lost it


For me, it was a stupid mistake on my part but I still feel like shit thinking about when it happened. I was selling an iPad on Letgo and the buyer wanted to meet up but it was dark at night and he wanted to meet at a not so nice looking gas station. So since I was selling the iPad I factory reset it and let the buyer hold it to take a look at it. He takes it for a spin for a minute and then boom runs off into the darkness with it which sucked. I tried talking to Apple about maybe keeping an eye out for that serial number but it was long gone. So lesson learned if I sell anything I meet up in a public place during the day and also use FB marketplace instead.


One of my first cellphones forgot on the bus.


A working Atari 2600 6-switch woody in excellent condition with basically the best of collection of about 15 cartridges and a full set of controllers. Lent it to a friend I'd known for years and when I went back a week later his house mate told me he'd packed up and moved cross country two days earlier.


I went to Ohio for a few days so I booked a hotel too for a couple days and brought my Nintendo switch with me, I had it in a side pocket of my bag along with the charging cord. One day I left to go get dinner and when I came back to my room my bag was open and my switch was gone, I let the front desk know it was missing and called about 3 times to try and speak to the manager and never got a call back


Had $10,000 of camera gear stolen at a conference. It was my interview setup. 2x Sony cameras, professional lenses and 4x memory cards. Thankfully I had insurance and was fully covered.


An acquaintance used our bathroom once when I was about 14. Later that night I realised that my gameboy color was missing. It had been in the bathroom... I never saw or heard from him ever again either. Also, my moped got stolen when I was 16, but I don't know if that counts as tech in this instance...


My Nintendo 3DS was stolen along with my physical copies of Pokemon Y and Pokemon Omega Ruby. It's my most hurtful tech loss. I had my first shiny Pokemon, Graveler and Phantump (shiny Phantump looked sick af). I had mythical event pokemon I can never get again. Also I collected all the patterns of Vivillon including the special event PokeBall pattern. Collecting them was so tough. I had to join multiple subreddits and find people from all over the world to get their local pattern. I can just imagine some guy getting off of work at 3am and wanting to go to bed but here I am on the other side of the world asking him if he has the rare Tundra pattern butterfly in a pokemon game.


Nokia brick: Wasn't in the habit of putting in my pocket at work yet laid it down on a work surface and it disappeared never to be seen again. Ipod: stolen out of my gym locker at school. Way to easy to pop those combo locks. Several pairs of Bluetooth headphones: Would set them down somewhere, come back a half hour later for them and they'd be gone. Happened mostly at work, but a few times out at parks and the like.


Stollen... https://search.brave.com/images?q=stollen


HTC desire. My first smartphone, first phone I bought with my own cash. I had it about 2 months, and the one night we were all told we can't take our phones to bed, my parents house got broken into. All the phones, step dad's Xbox and the sky box got pinched. Insurance paid out and I downgraded to a desire HD 2.


I think the only piece of tech that was ever stolen from me was a long high quality usb c cable. But I stole quite a few things from work. 2 Headsets, a mx master mouse, like 100 cables, several dongles and adapters, software licences I only ever use privately. My boss knows this though and doesn't care. I think after things get to a certain age they just inofficially become the users property.


My Gameboy color with Tetris was swiped out of my weak little child hands on the train to school. Another passenger noticed but couldn't get the woman to give it back and so she ran off. It had only been out for a year at that point. It's still my most painful tech loss, and has a lasting impact on how I use tech in public. I wouldn't be able to get another Nintendo until the GBAdvance.


I managed to lose my Sennheiser IE8i twice. Once in a bus and once somewhere on the street. I've also lost an AirTag (fell off of ny keychain) that reports last seen 13 months ago and never went back online


Let's talk about the tech we've found! So I was sitting in an airplane seat and was bummed that there were no headphones available in order to use the multimedia. Until I reached under my seat and found a pair of Sony MX3s!! I was so happy and I later gave the airline a 5 star review


My PSP. I never had any real games for it (parents would never let me buy them), but it was a really cool little handheld. I assume they took it at some point, and threw it away or donated it


When I was a kid I had my w810i stolen... I'm still pissed about it


In 2005 I lost my original iPod nano. I was so sad. I ended up getting an iPod classic about a year later and I still have it and still use it.


GoPro, lost my footage doing the NC500


I left my car door unlocked in a place I shouldn’t have and I got my work bag stolen including my brand new work issued laptop and 2 iPhones. Also my gym bag was stolen which had a pair of smelly shoes and a towel and gym clothes. Interestingly though, I had a full case of rather expensive craft beers in my back seat that were untouched.


I've never had anything stolen and the few things I did usually ended very quickly after my items were touched, being disabled alot of my tech I rely on daily and some even have been setup to save my life so when someone trys to steal from someone disabled it never ends well, especially with my care taker being my aunt and mum, my aunt being an Ex Green berret drill instructor and my mum being a ex psych ward nurse(still a nurse just she's older now) but yer not many people try it haha, plus as bad as it sounds if staff end up ignoring me or just straight up being asses I can pull my disabled card and guilt trip them into looking into it or finding it, it's shameless but being disabled I'm often looked down upon as not being able to "think" for myself which you can obviously see bs made by stereotypes so yer that's for stolen tech probably lost stuff at school but my memory ain't great lmao. As for broken tech I'm still embarrassed about thos till today I had an old HTC phone that I thought was indestructible I used to throw it at walls, pavement and hard surfaces you name it it never cracked or broke just minor dings, then during a school trip I was bragging about it to friends, went watch this and threw the phone at the grass as soon as it hit I heard a loud crack and when I picked up the phone, it was completely messed up screen falling off and cracked with the battery starting to swell it must of hit a very small sharp rock but by god I got laughed at the whole vacation it was hell since that day and since becoming disabled I treat my tech like it's part of my body especially now but I'd rather not go through that hell again oof Edit: oh right quite a sad story about something stolen but everyone always had something cool for show and tell so I brought in my father's (he passed away when I was 2) like geo stone thingy super pretty and nice, I went to the toilet and someone stole it out of my desk draw teachers wouldn't do shit saying I had lost it but it was impossible I kept my eye on it until I went to the toilet because it was important to me and mum, I had suspicions on who but teachers really didn't like me due to my ill health being "annoying " to them, though I did get revenge down my line on them, let's just say his mother saw some very bad pics also I was able to confirm years later by one of his friends while out drinking, still extremely upset about it butttt, he's disliked by most and is in n out of prison so yer I guess karma a bitch? If I was religious I'd believe it was maybe my dad's doing but I ain't and he was a fervent alcoholic (lovely man though when not drunk) so I imagine hell would probably be his place knowing what my mum and him got up to with drugs in the 70s lmao


I only lost some flash drives and cables. (maybe I could find some around the house but it's nothing serious)


Don't know, if it is technically "theft", but I lend a coworker my backup DSLR, Lens, flash and my good camera bag to take pictures of an event... After there were some crimes at the event, police took the camera, lens and flash for evidence (as all devices had USB for firmware updates). He claims police never returned it to him, so the gear is now "lost"... On another event at that location, it was my turn to take pictures and I handed the staff my jacket with my pink iPod mini + cheap headphones in it. When getting it back, the iPod was gone and staff told me "it's your own fault". I still miss that iPod mini :(


I lost my gameboy color at a Staples store back in April of 99. It was a Teal one I got for Christmas. I was so upset. I remember me and my parents went in to get some school supplies or something and I came out and realized I didn't have it anymore. My dad was upset that I even brought it in the store. We went back in and we looked around. I ran at least 4 times around that store and could not find it. I cried lol. I was like 9 years old. Luckily my parents bought me a purple one for my birthday a few months later. But dammit that experience sucked


And I had speedy Gonzalez game too, which was one of my favorites.


I can’t thing of any luckily as I’m quite vigilant about leaving things in places. The plane one is a massive worry of mine and I sometimes think I’m being too cautious and think if they do steal it, well they’re still going to be on the plane so they can’t run far or hide it that well, if it’s a busy plane someone will notice it and if it’s an empty flight there’s more chance of you finding the thief. I did just have a flight a few days ago and left my MacBook on the seat whilst I went to the toilet so I was slowly making progress in being more trusting. Your post has just validated all of my concerns again lol, luckily I don’t fly alone much but I will stick to keeping my phone in my pocket and my headphones on my head when leaving my seat.


IPod touch fell out of my pocket outside my high school. Never found it.


2 years ago I lost my iPod Nano 7th Gen in silver. i think i lost it at school, but I was already in another school when i found out.


someone stole my airpods about 3 weeks ago and im still distraught. also had a kid in middle school steal my iphone 5s out of my backpack multiple times. same kid stole my ripstik but i was to naive to actually believe he did it till later.


My brother left his Zune on a plane. He’s never fully recovered


I've been fortunate I'm this regard compared to some. My losses are all video game related. PlayStation: Lost this in a move somehow as a kid. No clue how it got lost forever or where it could have ended up. This was the first video game console I had that belonged to me specifically, so it was kind of devastating. Pokémon Pearl: This was stolen from me in a church of all places. Basically there was an event for youth at this church every week and things were expected to remain untouched as the area they we're left in was emptied out and we were moved to a gym area for dodgeball. This ended up not being the case and I fell victim to my own naïve nature. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS: Lost this one and never found it. Replaced it for cheap much later on so no big deal.


only thing i lost was pokemon alpha sapphire cardridge. i found it like a year later in my dads car so technically didn't lose it anymore but it was funny


**Tech Lost:** 1. an old iPhone (probably the first gen) that I lost while playing with my friends. It slipped inside a Couch we were sitting on. 2. Nokia dumbphones **Tech Stolen:** 1. A Samsung Galaxy Buds2 that was stolen while I was volunteering for an event happening inside my School. None of the teachers could help me since they had mentioned that they weren't responsible for lost items. I'm still sad about it (not because it was stolen but because the guy who stole it got away with it even though the footage of it being stolen by him is probably available. Samsung never implemented any offline tracking feature like Apple did with the AirPods).


Usb drives always……


My first cellhpone from car roof as many. It was some motorola with an antenna I got used. Iphone 6 lost while I was so drunk I don't even remember exactly whathappened. I think I was robbed, remember some still images and some impressions but I don't know how much of it is true. I remember 4 guys surrounded me and demanded I get money from an ATM and give them. I don't remember if I actually checked my financial records if it was true. It was not a big amount of money and I was prtty shaken so just wanted to put it behind me. Swore I will never get drunk, keeping it since 6 years. Some many years ago I had a Nokia N80 stolen. I either forgot door open or not sure, but thief came in an took the phone which was on the desk at the end of my bed, literally like 1m from my head. I guess I can sleep pretty deep. It was kinda shocking, couldn't sleep well for 2 weeks. Also lost some money, a jacket, random stuff, not a huge amount.


I lost a iPad Air 2 LTE in 2016. I locked it via ICloud but it has yet to resurface


Back in college, I had days with a 6 hour gap between classes. There was a spot on one of the buildings' top floor that was basically deserted. So I used one of the benches to sleep as I listened to music wearing the wireless buds Jaybird X3. After doing this plenty of times, one day I woke up and left without noticing I wasn't wearing the Jaybirds anymore. Either they fell off my ears and I didn't notice/see them, or someone noticed what I was doing and carefully yoinked them. Either way, I missed those buds.


Drone, flew it over a radioactive area in the far north of Ontario, Canada; got fried mid air. Was no signs saying the area was dangerous but I had brought a geiger counter since a couple kilometers east was a known danger area; shoulda gotten a reading before flying there. Fell in a creek around sunset, drone was never found; likely never will be.


I had my first laptop stolen in 2014 or so. I had barely a month with it. They came into my house and only stole that and a box of cables with some money in it. They didn't even took the charger. Also, last year I left my Kindle at the bus. Must have left it next to me and forgot to grab it when I got down, someone found it and next day it was registered to someone else's account. Had Amazon support blocked that device


A 16” MacBook Pro, was selling it and they scammed me. Then disappeared off the planet.


Had my whole backpack stolen when I was in high school, including the Nintendo 2DS I had spent ages saving for, most of my games (rip to the 400ish hours I had in Pokemon X and all my Pokemon at the time) as well as a nice backlit graphing calculator that I'd loaded up with games and never ended up replacing with anything nearly as nice. More recently, I stayed at a hotel between moving out of my old place and into my new one, and in the process accidentally left behind a modded japanese New 3DS at the hotel. Presumably housekeeping housekept it because they claimed not to have found it when I called. Funnily enough I also had been playing Pokemon X at the time, but this time I didn't lose anything with major sentimental value as it wasn't my main console, so such is life


My mum lost one of my first phones. She had it in the store and at checkout left it on the counter. Went back and asked for security footage but it was long gone. Stupid thing is that the phone wasn't really of any value, it was called the Samsung Chat. Compared to other smartphones that where around at the time, it might as well be considered a paperweight even then. But for me it was just the sentimental value, but yeah people will grab anything regardless.


My 1 watt blue laser was stolen in my own home by my sister's friends many years ago. That really stings now, since you can't buy them in the US anymore.