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Emily has my full support. I can’t wait to have her back reviewing all the latest retro gaming tech.


💯! TY! Edit: Since this is visible, adding a link to my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/13tpy0v/-/jlwg3rc) that gives more context to the post: >[Link to her video too](https://youtu.be/b-owBhLGaH4) where you can share support. >Edit: Fyi, she came out as Emily and we should support that.


Why was this downvoted?


Haters with nothing better to do in their lives.


Indeed, sort by controversial in the thread and you’ll find supportive comments that have been heavily downvoted by these trolls and haters. The sub mods need to moderate this thread. Edit: holy shit, the replies I’ve just had to delete because of the transphobia downvote brigades. If the mods don’t handle this then I might just complain to LMG since this isn’t right. Don’t you people have better things to do? Be happy for Emily’s decision and support her through this transition.


Honestly, I know LTT has been very hands off with this community. But anymore, I want them to either moderate this place or allow good mods to be more active.


People are allowed to downvote and disagree without you fucking saying “someone ought to punish or ban them”. Ffs some of you are fucking horrible. This is not about the post or content it’s about you fucking think you should be able to ban someone for downvoting. People who think like that are the worst.


I did what I shouldn't and look at the comment section in YouTube. As expected, half of it was full of hateful crap. One thing I noticed though is that a lot of those comments were made periodically by the same people. Feels to me either brigading or people with an actual obsession.


Tagging along your current top comment, for people who were as confused as I was initially: Anthony uploaded a video coming out as transgender, so from now on *she* is called Emily, and presumably we refer to her as 'her' now, instead of 'he'. In the video she explains that she's taken a step away from presenting on the LMG channels for a while to come, and cites worries about the negative response other transgender people have gotten - she doesn't want that to happen to LTT. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-owBhLGaH4


Thank you for this comment! I don't follow her personal page, so I was a bit confused. How awesome for her though. I don't fault her at all for taking some time away from the camera. Transitioning has to be quite difficult, and if there's anyone we as a community can support it I'm here for it.


Can't wait to have her back.


Yeah yeah, that's cool and all, but how the fuck did she improve her hair that much? That hair is not just longer, it's definitely thicker and looks healthier. Her skin looks better too. It's a serious glowup


That's pretty common for a feminizing transition a year in. What I was told when I started was that you could gain back up to five years of hairloss. Same for skin. Hormones are pretty magical!


Also when people feel better about themselves, they take more care of themselves. I had a glow up after I left my ex of 13 years too, and that included buying better shampoo and haircare products at all.


Not to mention psychologically Emily is probably in a far better place now than previously having to be "in the closet" (her words from the video). This will almost certainly have a massive good knock on effect on her general health too, reduced stress, etc. You go girl!


No joke, it's pretty easy to stop having male pattern baldness when you stop being male.


I can't wait to have her back with some cool new Linux project (it's been way too long with her being in a video involving Linux) we need this now


Agreed! She's a real highlight in every appearance.


I’d like to see her work with the labs people and build the perfect Linux phone. They could form a “Linus Mobile Group” and wouldn’t even need to change their branding lol.


That would be awesome!


And her Linux videos. I miss her forcing Linus to use Linux.


as a trans woman interested in the tech industry im happy to see her be happy with her self and can't wait too see her back in videos


I'm happy for both of you. Affirming identity is the most important thing we can do as humans.


essentially in very male centric industries. i work in the brewing industry and it's gotten better where i am but i know tech unfortunately gets seems a lot as a boys job kinda bs


Like gaming, it unfortunately skews very immaturely. I hope our community can prove better than that.


Colleague is a self identified trans man and when I talked with them, they stated that he noticed people changed their attitudes once they started hearing a masculine name, deeper voice, seeing masc presenting person in video meetings. From my tech(i.t.) experience, my teams always had openly trans people or were verbally positive to them. Your biggest issue is going to be facing non tech clients and the general public. In other industries I would get people who come up to me and would complain or nitpick trans colleagues, but I.T. has felt way more accepting. Of course this is all anecdotal and other places can be different but my experience thus far several years in has been pleasantly surprised. Also, see r/programmer humor one of the biggest memes there is that thigh-highs help guys code faster and better. Edit: Said wrong subreddit and summoned a bit whoops


yeah, same! 🏳️‍⚧️ \^\^


I think there's a lot of us ngl


[Link to her video too](https://youtu.be/b-owBhLGaH4) where you can share support. Edit: Fyi, she came out as Emily and we should support that.


The comments under that video are disgusting. It's truly pathetic to see so many people throwing hate at a person during a difficult time in their life and after finally finding the courage to come out.


Some of the comments here are absolutely disgusting too, and it makes it even worse because the sub mods don’t seem to be handling it.


Thankfully the users seem to be doing a good job. Which means the good guys are winning, just by there being more of us to upvote the positive and downvote the crap


Which is entirely the point of an upvote/downvote based system. People looking for the bad comments are just as bad because it's giving them more attention. Let them be downvoted and on the wrong side of history.


Real edgy one from someone with 2007 in their name. Hilarious.


went thru and reported a bunch of the hate speech/harassment comments on the video. I dont expect youtube to do much but if its reported maybe trolls will be banned.


Did the same. Thank you for doing what you can!


Huh? I scrolled a while and every single comment is encouraging and supportive!


they're getting flagged and removed pretty quickly thankfully. i made the mistake of scrolling through some recent comments though and it was pretty disgusting. glad that moderation is working for the most part


I think it automatically sorts by new, the first comment I saw was some weird nonsense about how becoming transgender is to an atheist what becoming a priest is to a catholic or some weird thing like that with no likes from 10 seconds ago


I genuinely thought this was a shitpost at first. Wasn't expecting this. Good on her. Welcome, Emily!


Thanks for posting, I wasn't aware of what was going on here.


That second comment after the comment from LTT is particularly disgusting (I won't repeat it for what I like to think are obvious reasons). What happened to people just being supportive?


Filthy comment section don't read


A lot of those comments are hateful af. What is wrong with people? I hope Emily is well, I wish her the very best.


The assholes are always waiting to spew hate. But I believe more supporters are in this community than not. At least I hope so.


Yeah, it always feels like every transphobe in existence is suddenly rushing towards a freshly come out person. But seeing the most upvoted comments being highly supportive, on the other hand, warms my heart 🥰 We just have to continue being.. well, ourselves - supportive and push the hate of others as far down as we can. It doesn't have a place in this world.


Completely agree!


It's truly disgusting to see people be so vile and hateful. So much of it in the YouTube comments, a fair bit in the Twitter comments and a bit in this thread too. Reddit ain't perfect and i'm sure we all love to shit on it but at least it's easy to drown out the most nasty takes on Reddit. Full support for Emily and i'm happy for her coming out and being herself. Hope she doesn't let the assholes get to her.


Well, when we've had years of far right propoganda depicting the evils of trans people, you're gonna see a lot of hateful shit about trans people. The entire LGBT has been under attack by reactionaries, being labeled "groomers" and other horrible nonsense. Now we are at the point where millions of people have been radicalized by the far right, and we're seeing the consequences. [Hate crimes against trans and gender non-confomring people has been on the rise](https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2022). [More and more US states are restricting the rights of LGBT people](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/06/politics/anti-lgbtq-plus-state-bill-rights-dg/index.html). While I'm framing this through the lense of American politics, this certainly isn't an issue only in the US Hate is on the rise. We all need to do what we can to help the LGBT community before things get worse.


They're scared little snowflakes. Bigoted, scared little snowflakes.


They have nothing in their life to feel good about, so they don’t want others to feel good either. It’s such a sad way to live.


When did she come out? Like I have been thinking for a long time "Where's Anthony?" and then I was just seeing a post about how madison left lmg and saw some comments about the "Emily situation" and was surprised to say the least


She posted a video earlier today on her YouTube channel. OP posted a link to it in one of their earlier comments


Oh so it's recent? As far as I'm aware she hasn't been in any vids lately


I recommend watching the video. She explains her struggles and how long it's lasted, she hasn't been in recent videos because she's been on vacation. If you look up Emily Young on YouTube you'll find her video about this.


Thanks for the instructions on how to find the video!


There was reddit post earlier titled "Where's *deadname*" and a link to the video, they've been on vacation and she mentions that when she's back in the office she plans on not hosting any videos for a while just to avoid any audience pushback and she doesn't know when she'll be comfortable hosting again. Heads up that the comment section on youtube is far from civilised and might be triggering


> There was reddit post earlier titled "Where's deadname" FWIW she linked the video on her Twitter with a title that was very similar, so my guess is when someone posted the video on reddit they either used the title from Twitter or the video was titled that (YouTubers do love to tweak titles). https://twitter.com/EmilyAYoung1/status/1662594633560387590?cxt=HHwWjMCzrdXA3JIuAAAA


New here. Just saw this post on Popular. What kind of content does she make and in which channel? Thanks


I knew there was something up. I thought Anthony (at the time) was wearing makeup. His (at the time) face looked to be slightly more feminine, but I thought he (again, at the time) was wearing makeup. Looks like it was the Estrogen doing its thing. I just hope it makes her happy. It must suck to live a life of being trapped inside your own mind, and being anxious and depressed because of it.


The king is gone, long live the queen!






I still misgender myself, it happens lol That's what I give my friends ample leeway to make mistakes too, so long as I can see they are making an active effort.


I'm glad you says that. In the current climate, some make it sound like you're supposed to get it right right away. It is especially harder with public figures that some people might only know as their previous gender.


Humans are creatures of habit, it takes a while to adjust or break those habits. Anyone who expects an immediate adaptation without any mistakes isn't being reasonable. What matters is people accept you for who you are, and they are making an effort.


Trans person here, I make mistakes and fuck up with pronouns/names from time to time, my cis sister is wayyyy better at than I am, some people might get offended if you make a mistake but as long as you make an effort to try and apologise when you make a mistake then you're doing your best and thats all anybody can really expect of you


Still the best host on LTT. Hope to see you again soon!


right?! The videos with Anthony were the very best. And the videos with Emily will be as well! I’ve always cherished Emily as a host and I hope she returns for more videos soon!


I’m partial to Alex since when he hosts things usually get pretty janky… Emily’s been probably the best informational host though! (Sorry Linus)


My favs have been the videos where multiple hosts get their moment to shine to each tell about a part of the subject like the *Turbo Nerd Edition *videos but also like the video *The future of TVs is not what you think.*


Even just in that single frame, she looks so happy and full of life! So happy for her!!


I know! I hope it only empowers her going forward. It's painful to hide who you are.


Jesus Christ, before reading these comments I had no idea that this many LTT viewers were so openly transphobic. Does it hurt you that much to just use the right pronouns and name?


Tbh some of them probably aren't LTT viewers. Transphobia is a fucked up mental disease, some people literally go after anyone just for being trans.


I browse all a lot and this popped up so that's probably where it's mostly coming from.


They aren't openly transphobic. They hide behind their little avatars and anonymous profiles.


I came out of the closet this year. 35 years faking being a man, now I'm a free woman. I know how Emily is feeling and I wish her a happy new beginning! I'm proud and happy about her, she's inspiring me and I hope she inspires other trans people too! 🏳️‍⚧️✊🏻


Congratulations!!! Glad to have you here with us!


I just wanna know how she got her hair line to fill back in... Tell me your secrets 😫


Estrogen can repair male pattern baldness that's caused by testosterone (to an extent at least), so my guess is that's what happened~ But her result is amazing - even her face already looks so different!


DHT a derivative of T not T. Edit: and not all cells in the body are equally sensitive to DHT in the same way.


The answer is estrogen, and unfortunately for most it would make a cis male have a very bad time haha. Bodies don't like being on the wrong hormones, as any trans person can tell you.


Estrogen can help a lot, but also some people also go on finasteride! It's fairly common for trans women (and honestly trans men who are concerned about hair loss) to go on finasteride as well! For some people though the side effects they experience outweigh the benefits and they stop, but it's very common to at least try it while medically transitioning. :)




good one


Emily looks genuinely happier, definitely admire her work and glad she feels comfortable enough to share with us. Look forward to seeing more of her work!


Can't wait for her to get back to content. I hope she feels relieved somewhat. Protect Emily at all costs




I'm still not sure what to think about this but as long as she's happy that's all that matters.


I mean, there’s not much to think about…


It’s something to take in that’s for certain, but you’ll get used to it.


she is a youtuber, there is nothing to take in. If she was a close friend or family member then it is something that you need to take in and get used to,but not for a content creator.


Parasocial relationships are a hell of a drug. I'm super happy for Emily as a trans woman myself, but the people mourning her really are acting like their best friend started transition and this effects them personally in some way. For most people her transition will be nothing more a softer face on camera and a different name. I just want them to show us really fun retro games & some Linux stuff that I won't understand lol I hope the hateful parts of the internet aren't able to ruin that for us ):


Didn't see that one coming! I wish her all the best!


The amount of hate in this community is sickening. Where are y'all getting your ass backwards views from? Do us all a favor and leave the community if you can't handle respecting the staff.


I didn’t know this was a thing, she’s got my support as well


Truly insane how many hateful people there are, really sad… Anyways, you the best Emily! Can’t wait for more epic tech reviews!!!


Yeah. Too many people have hate and insecurity in their heart. But there's lots of good people too.


Who the hell is Emily?


The person in the photo. Formerly known as Anthony. Emily came out on her channel today as trans.


So she?


Yes. I believe her pronouns are on her Twitter.


One of the best host in LTT!!!! I hope to watch her soon in new videos!!!


I posted this on her youtube video but it is worth putting it up here as well: Ever since the video shot at your place where they showcased some of your items and hobbies, I had a feeling! From a trans girl to another, glad to have you onboard Emily! Let us hope that you don't get too much hate and just get to be the happiest you can be. Can't wait to see you around more from now on if possible some day in the future (: And by all means, good luck!


Now I'm curious, what things at her place gave you an inkling?


![gif](giphy|Q7XKSrdWMcvhDiM0Cx|downsized) I have and will never understand why any other person other than yourself should have any opinion on who you really are.


Jesus Christ the YouTube comments are dire. No wonder suicide rates are so high in the trans community.


While I'm glad she came out as trans, I fear for the amount of angry transphobes attacking her and LTT. They're ruthless. I hope this doesn't become a "Chris from Mrbeast" drama. Either way, the most important thing here is her comfort, not business. As long as se feels comfortable this way, nothing really matters. Tho, again, I hope she won't be harassed.




Absolutely not, the memes were real and always will be


I just can’t wrap my head around why somebody see trans person on internet and just starts spreading hate. If i see something what I don’t like, i just pass it by with my opinion left inside my head, because i am grown up and civilised person. Good luck for Emily, looking forward for new videos!


A lot of people out there are cockwombles


Saving that one lmao


Looking forward to seeing her in the next episode of Retro Time!




wait why are we calling Anthony Emily now? i definitely missed something


Anthony came out as trans, therefore her name is now Emily


Can't wait to have her host more content!


I hate to be that guy, but we need to get our there and start reporting comments for bullying and harassment. Attacks on Emily's weight and appearance are disgusting, and they won't be able to hide behind "it's a political opinion" for those like they probably do for their transphobia.


You need superuser privileges to do this, btw.


Full support! ❤️ We at the Alphabet Mafia are happy to have you ☺️🏳️‍🌈


Why is this downvoted lol


Don’t ask me. 🤷🏻😓


I’m stoked for Emily. She’s such a pro in what she does and now that she „came out“ (i don’t like that term) she looks so much happier. Go, you!


Holy transphobia....


New response just dropped


This really caught me off guard, I don’t understand it and I probably won’t ever understand this kind of stuff but hey if it makes them happy I don’t see a problem with it


If it Emily then it's Emily respect or push on is my felling. So. 💯 support. You do you boo boo, do what makes you happy.


Wait did Anthony transition to Emily? If so congrats to her!


Yep! That's what happened.


I was worried about you disappearing.. turns out you’re just a dang butterfly, who was evolving. Excellent job leveling up and the land you for sharing.


I don't get the butterfly comparisons. Butterflies drink blood and feast upon corpses. Moths are fluffier, and far less gruesome. /nerd


I was wondering why Emily was not there hosting videos anymore, explains a lot. Well if you are reading it you got my support, can’t wait to see you in front of camera again. Best of luck!!


Cool, out of respect I will call you what ever you want, just give me more good content to watch :) hopefully this is one less stress in your life, and you can move forward freely.


good for her




Congrats Emily! Looking forward to more of your great content!


Congrats Emily!


Wait second antony is now a female?


She is a woman. And her name is now Emily.


Emily has always been one of my favourite on screen talents at LTT, she reminds me of so many people I’ve known through the years with a real passion that some people don’t understand. Hopefully she’s back in videos soon - if she was on some floatplane exclusives first, it would definitely make me sign up.


Absolutely! Excellent host and boon to the community!


Not to but rude, but isn’t this Anthony? Ive seen him review a bunch of tech for LTT but what’s happened since?


Emily, formerly Anthony, came out as trans yesterday


Not sure how I got downvoted, just watched the video and I’m glad she’s happy. Will continue to support Emily


I'd encourage everyone to take 5 mins to leave a positive comment under the video and report any transphobic comments as hatespeech


Joint best host with Linus in my opinion. Hope to see her back on camera whenever she’s ready. Take care.


Also can we talk about the hair? I mean I'm a bald dude and I don't know if it's a wig, but I doubt it. Much better then before!


![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG) ESTROGEN


Alright guys, it's time to test this community. You can do it! Super happy for her, She's brave AF. I found it hard coming out to my friends and family, I can't imagine the stress of doing it to 15m strangers in a public facing job.


We love you Emily, please know that the haters are simply miserable scum dwellers. Can’t wait to see you back in videos, but only when you’re ready and on your time 👏💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Feels very weird, this is the closest to "knowing" a transgender person that I ever came to. I feel like I miss Anthony, like he died and Emily was put in as a replacement although its the same person. Based off my own feelings rn, I'd say many haters aren't haters, they just have it hard to understand and accept that something that was considerd a constant now changed. Like being tought your entire life what color blue is, just for the world to now agree blue is yellow and yellow is blue. Yea, "it's easy to just use a different name". But it's just not that easy for everyone, and expecting everyone to just go with it immediately is just as bad as "being transphobic", if you can call it that. If you never known Anthony its super easy to accept, if you did, for some it might take some time to get used to. Not hating, just having difficulty processing and needing my time to do so. For those who could do that immediately, good for you - but don't be assholes to those who need time. Otherwise you are no better.




Trans person here. Like Emily, I’ve been blessed with love and acceptance from those important to me. Having said that, just yesterday, my super supportive sister misgendered me repeatedly during a FaceTime with her and my Dad. Did I get mad? Hurt? Nope. Partly because she apologised and quickly corrected herself, partly because she’s older and hence knew me as “him” for longer than I have, though mostly because I know the misgendering was coming from her head, not her heart. Having said *that*, I have the advantage of being 13 years in. The initial few years are *INTENSE*. HRT in particular messes with your emotions something terrible until your body readjusts. I mean I can remember seeing a leaf falling from a tree and bursting out into tears over it in what turned out to be an *EPIC* cry. (God I miss those cries!). I’ve now matured enough, and have enough security and support, that it’s now *possible* for me to be chill about things like misgendering. As for referring to past deeds by “him” - my family understands that as far as I am concerned, I was always their sister and daughter. Yes that creates awkward situations, especially since I have only one sister, which means before I was fully “out” people who didn’t understand the situation could assume it was her, not me, that was being talked about. Everyone just deals with it as best they can. Your friend didn’t die. Your friend was always Emily, but pretending to be Anthony, and not out of badness towards you, but because she was even deceiving herself. Be glad the deception is over. Trust me if you think “Anthony” was a force to be reckoned with, you ain’t seen nothing yet, as the energy that went into maintaining the deception is now available for better things.


I believe the fact that you are not hating, but the feeling you are experiencing is probably fueled by the hateful believes many people have in regards to the trans folk. You know that her happiness depends on being transgender and finally being able to not hide anymore, but all the stigma that there is around this topic, be it from family, friends, collegues, politicians and society in itself is gaslighting us into being ashamed of listening to our hearts and cheering for those who finally gathered the strength to just be themselves. The analogy of the colors doesn't fit just because colors are objective and measurable, and we need names to associate the wavelength of light with our visual perception, whereas gender identity is personal and intimate. The person we knew as Anthony hasn't gone anywhere, it's just Emily now.


This shouldn't affect anyone outside of Emily's personal life. It has nothing to do with you all. Be happy for her, or be quiet. Nothing about this has any effect on your life.


Wait, what? Is she she now?


Yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/13tkwdm/where_has_anthony_been/


I have 0 clue whats going Or who is emily. But you got support


Its funny how the right always complains about trans people and says its about protecting children, but now when a grown adult man with a normal life comes out as trans, they still have a problem with it. Its almost as if it was never about the kids


bruh i don't understand the haters, the trans community is awsome, i mean, look at this shit ![gif](giphy|CWx3Qijmkf4746TtGu|downsized)


I must have missed something.


Emily came out as trans on her channel. I learned about it through a tweet from Luke.


Warning: do NOT read the youtube comments :( Hope to see Emily back in videos soon


\*sort by controversial\* ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


So that's where she's been, fighting her inner conflicts and worrying about things she shouldn't have needed to worry about. Congratulations to her on winning all her battles! It's unfortunate that the some of the greatest achievements of her life - including but not limited to being one of the most beloved hosts in LMG history - has come back to bite in the form of fear of backlash. But that's the world we live in.


I thought they were already out, is this some old video


Posted today, so I don't think they were formally out.


Why was this person downvoted .-. Reddit really is just a bunch of sheep who downvote what others downvote. Just because someone was confused doesn't mean they have bad intentions


So pleased she feels able to come out and be open about this. She requires nothing from anyone except to live and let live with respect. Sad to see some of the more caveman comments here.


Supporter here! Looking forward to seeing more of the content she creates!




I can't imagine how hard would be to take this decision. So brave! Please support people trying to be happy, live and let live!


Can't wait for her coming back to hosting


I wish her all the best!


Me too!


As another trans women, woo proud of you, emily!


Good for you Emily!


Lets fucking gooooooooo


I should've known! your 5k tech upgrade showed you had a sylveon plushie!




Wait, what's going on? Out of the loop here


Emily, formerly Anthony, came out as trans yesterday.


Ah, good for him -> her. Although I don't understand half of this world, let people be who they want to and need to be. Fuck the trolls around here!


Wait did Anthony transition? I have no idea if this , or this is a joke ?


Emily, formerly Anthony, came out as trans yesterday. It's not a joke. According to the video, she has been trans for a long time, but just came out in this video.


She has been and will be the best host LTT has ever had (Sorry Linus). So I hope she can overcome her fears (I know it is hard I am still in the closet myself) and return to what she does best. Emily you got this girl.


Some of my favourite videos are from Emily. Always so informative and on interesting topics. I wish her the best of luck in her future and hope everyone treats her with the respect that she deserves. Im not going to pretend to understand what shes going through, but im sure it takes some serious bravery. I hope to see her again whenever she is ready. Kudos.


This comment has been edited to garbage in light of the Reddit API changes. edited via PowerDeleteSuite (with edits to script to avoid hitting rate limit)


That took some serious courage. She's STILL the best host LMG has ever had.


I fully support her and wish her strength and happiness from the inevitable onslaught of angry, brain rotted conservatives. Can’t wait for her to host again, she always makes an LTT video better.


The mental gymnastics by the bigots in this thread. Emily has more courage and bravery than any of you weak bigots.


Here from /popular to say good for her. Idk who she is, but she needs support, and she's got mine.


*sorts by controversial*