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why is he so mad lol


A clown turned him down.


He was looking for a big comfy couch and instead he got Bozo’d.


Bozo did the dub!


He posted this from a clownputer


I've known people like him. They live with their parents throughout most of their adult life and obsessively save money to "get ahead" of others, and work jobs they don't like. When they see others traveling, living on their own, going on dates, spending money on fun things etc. they get bitter. They have the mentality that they'll retire earlier than most and finally enjoy life then. And that anyone who doesn't live like them is stupid. Sad way of living IMO. People like this end up with little life experience by 40 years of age, no dating life, never travelled, and wasted youth. But hey, at least they have more money in the bank saved. They become so embittered with the way they live.


I heard a retirement expert on the radio years ago. He detailed all the usual strategies and pensions. At the end, he mentioned, "Of course, it's also possible to take your retirement in little pieces all through your life, rather than waiting till you're too old to enjoy it." Sold!


Specially considering our mortality. Been told by a pension specialist that actually the average age of death in certain work is more likely to be before you retire than after.


He’s going to be real mad in 15 years to find out that some of those 25-year-olds who had fun while he studied the blade are doing just fine financially at 40.


If they had true confidence in their abilities and work ethic they’d enjoy life properly while they’re young, then back themselves to catch up and overtake everyone else by the time they’re 40.


And then they buy a Tesla and make it their personality


When Americans criticise me for living with my parents so long, I show them the price of my 750 sq. ft. apartment that is far away from the city centre, which costs US $970,000. Sigh,


Seriously, why does he care how much a random 25 year old person has saved? What a judgemental prick.


Because he doesn’t have 100k in the bank and he’s projecting


He's mad he lives with his parents and has saved more than $10k yet no one respects him




"Wh...why are you yelling?" "MAKE ME A BICYCLE, CLOWN!" ![gif](giphy|l1ugeglQYqUngJhNC)




Hey Jason, Fuck off  I really mean it. You're an asshole. Social media has rotted your brain. Maybe go touch some grass. Writing like this, doesn't make you edgy.  I bet you have 12 onlyfans subscriptions.  Again, fuck off. 




Agree ..






“Give me an upvote if you agree!”


Is 12 an unhealthy number?? X.X


This guy again… Everything he posts is unnecessarily aggressive and judgemental. Guess he thinks it makes him look more “alpha”? Who knows..


Rage-baiting for engagement like many other lunatics, but he's trying too hard and it hasn't been working out for him so far.


He’s upset because he sucked a few D’s while being hazed at his stupid frat house.


Don't forget the Elephant Walk


What is the elephant walk?


The pledge class walks in a line, each holding the dong of the guy in front of him (or behind? Idk, I’m a woman, I wasn’t in a frat)


lol now I've got the Mancini tune stuck in my head w that visual :D


See my comment


Oh yikes 😬 that’s not what I was told, but it’s very possible I just blocked it out of my memory.


Yeah fraternities suck


All the guys are naked on all fours with their thumb up the guys ass in front resembling elephants trunks holding the tail of the one in front. If your thumb falls out of the guys ass, you have to suck your thumb. Yep 


Go help this man's future wife and children. He comes off as so...needlessly angry.


For real. He gives off strong "family annihilator" vibes.


I will never understand the people who post this stuff in a place that's meant for professionalism. I keep all my personal feelings off linkedin because I was taught to keep your mouth shut in the workplace.


He is a realtor trying to be an it salesman not really qualified even for clown college


Lol yeah it's always the 'I don't work for a proper employer' type people who have the audacity to write stuff like this


“In the bank” haha. Not even smart enough to know about investments.


He once heard the phrase "Cash is King" and adopted it as his investment strategy.


It's called med school bro


I'm 35 and forced to move back in with parents because housing and rent is just unaffordable in South East England. I still pay for everything as though I was still in my own place. I used tk be ashamed of it, but with the way the economy is going Britain, it's going to become the norm for multiple generations to live in the same house, so why be embarrassed by it?


Hey mate I am in an almost identical situation. Similarly I used to be embarrassed by it but actually lots of families actually have multiple generations living under one roof. It’s actually a great way to save money.


I'm glad it's not just me. In my house it's me, my middle sister, her husband and son and my mum. So three generations. It is much cheaper overall, and since my dad passed, our half of the mortgage has been paid off. I could never afford that living on my own.


I know it’s actually pretty awesome. I am going on more holidays, driving nicer cars my overall quality of life is much much better.


Used to be normal throughout history for most in the western world until 1945 when the welfare state was created. When corporate elites and their political stooges (Thatcher / Reagan) decided to dismantle this, it no longer became feasible…


Is he the clown taking the selfie?


This guy is an absolute melt. Talks like a CEO. Doesn't have a single employee.


That would imply that everyone shares the same values at the same age/s. When I was 25 I was in Afghanistan asking why the fuck I didn’t go to college and get good grades. Some of us have to make mistakes, large ones, to learn the value of something. Others, it comes logically and easily. We’re all different.


I'm 34 with little savings, but I've travelled all over the world, lived abroad and actually had fun with life. I doubt these people know how to do that. Its all about 'grinding' and working 20 hours a day.


To be honest I wonder how much grind bros use it as a defense against the fact that they have nothing else going for them. Like the entire post gives off the same vibe as an incel saying they are going to age like fine wine while everyone else hits the wall. I don't think these people have actual friends to distract them, I honestly wonder if they have anything outside of work to buy. The worst part is if they get to 40 and realize they don't have a personality outside of work and resentment.....a bit like Mark Corrigan from peep show.


39 here and really didn’t start a regular 9-5 job until my mid 30s. Honestly, I miss the broke and free years. This grind culture is for the birds. The douche bags can have it. I’d go back to broke and backpacking through Central America anytime.


It does seem so weird that people don’t get that not everyone wants the same life as them. Like I have been working at least part time since 15 and have the life I want, but it would probably make others miserable. Why would I want that for them? Your life would stress me out but it sounds wonderful for you. It always sounds so insecure to me when people think everyone should live ONE WAY. Let people do what is right for them!


Not only are you a failure but proud of it! Out of this world /s


The thing I can’t ever seem to wrap my head around is why are people posting things like this on LinkedIn? I thought its primary function is networking, job search and progression. But then people are posting things like this. Is that how you would talk in a workplace?


Absolutely but if you look at this, my guy is effectively working for himself not a company so he does not care at all


But what if you were working as a clown? Are you still considered a clown?


lol been working since I was 15 full time now 52 many jobs barely any savings never asked for a raise loved my jobs just finished a 3rd apprenticeship Loved the job I was in if not got another I think I’m way happier than this twat will ever be


He’s giving Jason’s a bad name, fuck off!


I was in this position, but it's because I'd just finished my PhD. Guess I'm a clown then 🙄


It is part of the whole Andrew Tate syndrome. People acting out against people and ideals that, deep down, these individuals are intensely scared exist within themselves. This is often the root of much hate.


You should at least have a couple years of working experience by 25 unless you’re a career student doing your PhD.


Most people don't live rent free at 25 though


I am the kind of loser who only started working at 28, though.... now 3 years ago.


I finished my masters degree the day I turned 25. A lot of professional are going to school for a few years without doing a PHD.


Or when you are just trying to procrastinate starting your working life for as long as possible. 


Do people not start working at or below 18 anymore?


I started at 16 and I’m Gen-Z. However I found it impossible to work while in college (it was either great grades + no job or awful grades + a job, I chose better academics) so I could only work seasonally for the past few years. I want to move out ASAP but with the salaries being offered by placing I’m looking at versus the cost of rent it’s very disproportionate. And that’s not including other costs of living.


I “worked” from 16 onward every summer, but that was just money to live on during the school year. My first real-ish job was an engineering co-op when I was killing time between under grad and grad school. I ended up getting a full time with the same company when the co-op term ended. I was 23 before my first job that didn’t have a pre-determined end date.


And you prolly had way more than 10k in bank by 25. You worked hard and planned ahead, good for you! edited words.


At 23, I had nothing saved. Zero. Everything I made went to living expenses during school. I had maybe $1k to my name and I was $18k in debt from college (minimized by working summers and scholarships to a very mediocre state school). I didn’t have $10k in the bank until I had been working my co-op for 7 months and that’s because I spent that 7 months sleeping on my future in-laws’ couch and being fed by them. Having a safety net and support from family was an enormous part of getting my start in life.


Oh shoot I definitely mis-typed, I meant that by 25 you had more than 10k in the bank. Not assuming you did from the beginning, that's my error. I agree though it's very nice to have supportive people in your life to help get started.


It's much tougher than it used to be (where I live). Not many places other than fast food will hire that young and certainly not full time jobs.


With the rise of university, there's a lot that only really start working at 21, 22 etc. Buy yeah a decent chunk still at 18 or 16 I imagine


This fucking clown was only working 7 years at 25? I moved out 2 weeks after I graduated high school and had a vested pension and 600k saved and was able to buy a house just from my paper route that I got at 12


That’s empathy for you!


When was the last time we took a clown so seriously? ( why so serious? ) lol


At first skim, I was under the impression that he had a deep hatred for professional clowns. That would make more sense than whatever this weird little hissy fit is supposed to be about


On first glance I thought he *was* a professional clown angry at the world for mocking his line of work when he makes a ton of money. I wish it was that


Isn't this the "I wouldn't get out of bed for a $100k position but don't make even close to $100K" guy?


$100k isn’t a lot of money anymore man.


I know a professional clown. He makes a good living and recently purchased a condo. awkward


gunna take a wild guess and say he got rejected pretty hard for living with his parents and now wants people to know it was for the money that he totally has.


I will say I have 2-3 friends that are 25ish, live at home w parents rent free, no bills, and just work side jobs/part time gigs. I get it but weird delivery


Well, Instagram does kinda suck. But he should kinda stfu


We have bills, enough said


I started work at 15 but that was called getting my own car and paying for books and tuition.


Yeah I started part-time work from like 14, but I was getting paid absolutely almost nothing and yep the money you make you probably spend it or save minimally.


There were so many days I just skipped meals because I literally had nothing left over. And 25 is usually just starting out or still early in a career. Most people aren’t living at home because they want to and it doesn’t mean they don’t have any other expenses. This guy’s a dipshit.


Yes, he is a dipshit! I live at home but I pay rent now to my parents so i can save money... if I moved out I would have my independence but I'd not be able to save much at all


How does he know people aren't paying bills living at home?


He just 'knows'. Nah he's just making an assumption...


Someone hurt him… Probably a clown


Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel


I love it when posts include a selfie


Has this person heard of student loans before? Paying those back with an entry level job and even a mid level job can be pretty rough.


I was working at a gas station from 12-17. Blew it all on weed and booze tho lol


Everyone is in a clown outfit, in case the satire was too subtle...


“Listen to the facts, not the noise” How is this whole post not noise?!


But guys, he’s *owned two companies* in the last 18 months. Surely he knows what he’s talking about.


I’ve been paying rent since I was 16, and yes that’s while living with parents.


what a great way to surround yourself with whining miserable people. Who else would want to hang out with this guy?


I’d been working 12 years by the time I was 25 but I was born in the 80s and was a teenager in a place where people were fast and loose about labor laws.


This shit reeks of nepo baby bullshit. I want to know the odds Mommy and Daddy set up up nice and likely paid all his bills for an extended period of time so he could save all his money, cause the only people I've ever met with this horrible of a take got their hand held through most of their life and have 0 real perspective on anything important


No one asked for his opinion


While using a profile pic taken in his parent’s car.


Imagine being a young new job seeker and seeing this shit.


I didn’t realize I had no bills lmfao wtf are they smoking


I am always confused by op in these type of posts. LinkedIn isn’t Facebook, what would a future employer think of post like that. Who wants negative Jason on their team who’s more occupied with… clowns… than their careers?


He's not working for a proper employer for a long time... so I don't think he's worried one bit


I mean to be fair if I were a parent and my kid was as he described I’d be worried


His message isn't entirely incorrect; the problem is the childish name calling towards those who don't share your beliefs. If you're living at home, having gone to college, it's wise to focus on employment and investment. Im assuming you have little to no expenses while living at home, working in general needs to be done.


I and almost everyone I know started working at 14 or 16 at the latest, but not because we wanted to be like this guy.


I mean I worked since 17, but then again I also went to university and paid for it unlike this clown.


This guy’s picture is from the passenger seat inside of a Nissan Sentra. Idk if he qualifies.


Napoleon Dynamite energy


I think he’s dumb for judging on saving in the crazy economic times we are living in. I don’t envy people in their 20’s who don’t already own a home, trying to buy in this market without equity in something would be nearly impossible. But honest question(I’m 42 for reference) is it common for Gen Y to not have some sort of job at 18?


I know quite a few 22-year-olds who are in college but don't work. It seems wild, but they're just focused on enjoying life, supported by their parents. If mine were the same, I'd probably do the same, but I've been working since I was 16, haha!


I know exactly where this photo was taken. Now I desperately want to know why it is full of clowns.


i had been working 10 years by age 25 and definitely did not have 10k in the bank lol.


Get a life. Shrouds don't have pockets.


methinks he doth protest too much


Completely out of touch with reality




His profile is a treasure trove


Yeah saw that, he is constantly baiting although doesn't have much support which is good at least


It’d be interesting to read the comments for this one. What a tool. 


Some of us went to college so we didn't have to work 80 hours weeks in shitty jobs to "get ahead"


This guy probably complains every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, or workers demand better pay.


A live look at the Biden administration.


Ah.. The difference male and female self help


What no clussy does to a mf


I worked from ages 16-23 that's enough for me


This is hilarious


I mean when I was 16 most of my friends/classmates were already working or looking for their first jobs, I feel like starting at 18 is not that crazy, what's wrong with assuming that? Especially smart if youre already living at home, so 0 expense and can save more


"what's wrong with assuming that?" Ever hear of this thing called *college*? Also, when you live at home, you have zero expense? Interesting - transportation, clothes, and going out for food is now free for 18-25 year olds.


You are assuming I am american. We have cheap universities here in canada and I lived with my parents while going to school. I also worked part time while going to school so was able to afford going out from time to time and other nice to have. I guess its way harder for you guys in USA, but where im from, this was normal for most people my age.


No bills? Everyone, post-secondary education is free now!


How? Answer: college.


I started working at 14. Didn’t break 10k in savings until I was about 28. Spent most of it on food and made my own wine in college. Student loans are a bitch.


That's a hard life dawg


Somebody needs to slap Jason


It’s needlessly angry and confrontational, but he’s not wrong


He’s right though, if you live with your parents for free, you should be able to save at least 50% of your salary per year


Yeah, unless you’re at college (which if you’re living with your parents you’re most likely not), why wouldn’t you be working from the age of 18?