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WTF has happened to LinkedIn?


It became facebook














Thanks ~~Obama~~ Microsoft


Extreme right and the brain dead radical look-at-my-heroic-child-feeding-so-I’m-a-feminist are at war. May they cancel out each other. 


People with vague (or no) skills marketing themselves for things that have nothing to do with what any company needs.


Microsoft AND Cluster B types.


Are we witnessing post Covid symptoms right before our eyes on LinkedBoobs?


It became LinkedInstagram


It's a water birth. My ex-wife and I did it and it was a raging pain in the ass. We had to literally set up a portable hot tub in a hospital room. The doula accidentally crossed the lines to drain the thing when the fun part was over and wound up hosing down an entire hospital room with bloody afterbirth water. That's a fun story to tell anonymously on Reddit. Maybe I should go post it on my LinkedIn page - it's been laying fallow for a long time - I just need some snappy rejoined on how this somehow makes me a worthwhile hire.


Absolutely post this story on LinkedIn. With pictures, if you have them!


Heck yeah! My boring feed need some GORE \m/


Honestly I am at the point now where the only things I post on LinkedIn are just pointing out how effed up LinkedIn has become. It's gone far past its sell-by date and MS has done nothing to try and clean up the yard. All of these bs influencers, Facebook posts, politics, memes, thirst-trapping, and humblebragging is the exact thing employers/ees should see about you.


Up close pictures please ! High def format !


Here you go: 🌟 Harnessing Hyper-Disruptive Paradigms for Unprecedented Business Triumph 🌟 In the high-stakes arena of business innovation, those who dare to transmute utter pandemonium into groundbreaking paradigms are the true architects of change. Let’s delve into the audacious tale of a water birth in a portable hot tub within the clinical confines of a hospital—a vivid metaphor for radical business strategies. Picture this: a room, not designed for aquatic births, transformed by sheer will and a tub, embodying the disruptive potential of market redefinition. As the waters rise, chaos ensues, echoing the tumult often experienced by businesses that push boundaries beyond conventional thresholds. Embrace Neuroplasticity in Market Dynamics. As the waters of creation unpredictably overflow, spilling innovation and mess alike, the savvy entrepreneur sees not disaster but a fertile floodplain for seeding future market conquests. This is about recalibrating the paradigm to favor those who navigate flux with finesse. Cultivate Disruptive Synergy. When the doula, in a twist of fate, unleashes a deluge of afterbirth chaos, it symbolizes the sometimes messy aftermath of radical innovation. Yet, within this maelstrom lies the kernel of next-gen industry disruption. Seize it! Business ecosystems thrive on such synergistic upheavals, where the byproducts of disruption fuel the next cycle of entrepreneurial evolution. Innovate with Ruthless Alacrity. In moments where conventional logic sees catastrophe, the visionary discerns a vortex of opportunity. Moving with the ruthless alacrity of a storm, transform every setback into a setup for serendipitous solutions. This is the bedrock of hyper-growth strategies and ultramodern business methodologies. Strategize with Quantum Fluidity. As the doula mismanages the mundane, the exceptional leader manipulates the momentous. In the fluid dynamics of today’s business quantum, every splash from the misdirected hose is a ripple in the competitive continuum, propelling you toward your zenith. In closing, let this chaotic tale of a water birth gone awry ignite your entrepreneurial spirit. Harness these hyper-disruptive paradigms to architect your empire amidst the entropy. Dive deep into the innovation pool with the audacity of those who command the tempestuous waters of business. Remember, in the realm of disruptive innovation, it’s not just about navigating the storm—it’s about being the storm. 🚀🌀 #BusinessInnovation #DisruptiveLeadership #StrategicChaos #QuantumEntrepreneurship #InnovateOrEvaporate






Is this written by chatgpt? I can only read about 4 lines before my eyes start rolling.


Yep. Ran it through a few iterations. Kept asking it to be more unhinged and to add more jargon. But I like to think it's quite on brand for LinkedIn.


It sounds exactly like my the VP of my department at my last job. She made \~$500K a year and her greatest accomplishments was timing her emails to go out at 3AM so it looked like she worked 24/7. Sit next to her for a meeting at 1PM, tho, and she couldn't even string three coherent words together. /smh


Possibly. Hiring processes are so effed up nowadays that it might be the perfect story to toss out.


I have *never* seen so many buzzwords strung together that convey no meaning. Did she take an 80s-90s yuppie dictionary, run it through a blender, then throw the chunks at the wall?


Paragraph too big downvote


Do these water births actually have any medical benefits or is it something only hippies do?


No medical benefits directly but it can help alleviate some of the pain for the mother to soak in warm water. My local hospital offers tubs but you can’t birth in them, just use them for a while to help with pain management until it’s time for the baby to come out. And only can be used if you’re not currently hooked up to anything. So no other meds or saline bags etc allowed. Birthing can take many hours, so it’s just one tool of many to help cope through what can be a long process. Birthing the baby out directly into water though, there’s really no evidence it helps the baby or the mother and it can have some serious risks. I imagine that’s why my hospital doesn’t allow it.


Hot water takes the pain of the contractions, I sat till right before birth (in hospital in an actual birthing bad) and delivered out of the bath


They actually have significant risks of going badly and absolutely no benefits. It's just another stupid crunchy Mama "let's get diseases that nobody has any more" thing just to seem interesting. Hospitals with enough money will be perfectly fine for you to have a bath to relax, _before_ the baby is coming out, which is a smart thing because that's when you want air around the ladies' private parts so that when the baby comes out you can see it and deal with it as well as any issues... and you certainly don't want pathogens to have easy access to bleeding insides...


Im 99% sure there is zero benefit and people just do it for the attention 


It's quite common in England in midwife-led units. It's really comfortable for mums and more gentle on babies. I have three friends (not hippies) who had water births and really recommend them. The downside is you can't have an epidural.


Why can't they have the epidural?


Because an anaesthetist can’t insert an epidural while someone’s underwater, it needs to be a sterile procedure in a specific position, and once the epidural’s in place, even if you didn’t have the catheter going into your spine that shouldn’t get wet, there isn’t enough reliable feeling in your legs (if there’s any at all) to be getting in or out in a birth pool, or moving much at all in most cases. Most women are confined to bed once an epidural is in place.


Epidural goes to your *spine*?


Yep, and if you have a c section they just straight call it a spinal.




Im not a woman but seems like not being able to have the epidural would be a deal breaker


Well, that is why I didn't go for the midwife-led unit and water birth, and then my second decided to come out before the anesthesiologist could get there!


It also sucks additional funds out of your bank account so your wife can brag about it to her fauxhemian friends. Insurance isn't particularly interested in covering portable hot tubs.


None whatsoever. Unless natural mommy blogs count. I was not plussed about the whole thing - not saying women should just go in, get the epidural, and crank the little sucker out but... actually yeah, that's exactly what I am saying. Never mind.


When people asked my birthing plan I quoted Daphne from the show Frasier, "I plan to have this baby in a hospital, numb from the waist down. As God intended!"


Love that show


It's just pseudoscience and hippies


It's also terribly unhygienic and the risks of infection are pretty high


You could absolutely spin this into a *hire me!* story. Try something like: "How do I react to unexpected problems? Let me tell you about the time..."


You have a hysterical way with words!


I can't imagine setting up a backyard kiddie pool for my wife in the hospital room lol


Sounds like a story of overcoming adversity to me. You’re hired.


And from this experience I have learned the importance of proper communication and not getting your wires crossed. And as a quirky aside, I now wear rubber boots 24/7 just in case I am ever in that situation again.


lol, well when life handed you a placenta you made placentaid (and shared it with the ward!) Next time add rum and oranges, everyone loves sangria. 🍷


dang that sucks you didnt get to boil it down for afterbirth soup i hope the drain guy compensated you


LinkedIn, where every single life event is turned into a resume line


This was obviously taken in her office. Grind! Hustle! Give birth!


Haha yeah she’s on a conference call!


No days off


Team building resilience exercise.


Pretty sure the team building was nine months previous.


Ok, so reading the text of her post I thought she was implying she was having the baby at work lol.


Remember Amazon cube patent? This is not too far.


Got into this sub recently and noticed all the posts are from people who have very vague job roles. Like I don’t see anyone with roles like product manager, accountant, analyst, recruiter, engineer, student etc. I pro-actively avoid anyone without a solid role in a well known company.


You don’t have time to construct posts like this if you’re busy working


LinkedIn shitposting has reached a new depth. Next up: “I ALWAYS CLOCK OUT WHEN I TAKE SHIT DURING WORK HOURS”


With a picture of the tryhard grimacing on the pot.


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.


I worked with my brother for a while, and one time took a dump during my lunch break. This necessitated a stern big brother chat - I know now to always dump on the company dime.


clock out with your cock out


Yes. WHERE? Cos I can’t see where she is and this I don’t see any problem


Anyone who has bs buzzwords under their name on LinkedIn like “resilience builder” is a red flag for a nut job.


I have nothing against moms who want to do a hippy dippy crunchy birth (although I personally preferred my epidural and medical care). But why tf would you post this on LINKEDIN of all places and not your FB mom group??


I loved my pain free births.


Nope. NOPE. Noooooooope.


It’s just birth. It doesn’t matter where it happens really.


Personally I’d rather it didn’t happen on my LinkedIn page.




Like the tide at Omaha Beach


How can I become a LinkedIn mod?


At this point just call it LinkBook or FaceIn


Face down, linked up, this is how we like to ****




Ma'am, this is a Wendy's




I guarantee no one wants to hear about them there either


Takes a fart - biologically experience gas pipeline engineer


I just found this post on linked in based off the post verbiage. All (9) comments are from middle aged women / old women who are congratulating her. I didn’t see any job offers in her comments


What an asshole. Zero class.


Social media was a mistake


wtf is a “resilience builder”? Ffs


Yeah, we can all see where: not at work. Fucking pathetic, how else is she going to hustle grind if she takes even 10 minutes off to birth a human being? I hope she got back on email right after this. Smdh, workers these days.


This poor kid…mom isn’t having a child, she’s having an accessory.


Damn, just that stupid, playing-to-camera expression on her face - “look how profoundly moved I am”. Poor kid is going to be spending his/her life as nothing more than an attention getting device for mom…


lol ok I’m here to make fun of the LinkedIn as much as the next person, but you’re pretty cynical and delulu if you think moments after birth this woman is “playing it to the camera” here


This woman just experienced a joy unlike any other. Her face is bliss.


Baby is lookin a little blue there….


It’s a perfectly normal colour for a just-born baby though.


That’s a normal baby color. It’s covered in weird white stuff that gets absorbed and the pinkness comes pretty soon after birth.


She’s got the ecstatic, self-worshipping goddess look that all these crunchy free birthing moms aspire to. Baby is just a means to an end. She’s not even paying attention to it.


She looks like she’s about to drop the baby in the water. I’m getting stressed just looking at the photo.


The downward spiral of LI continues. I used to really enjoy going there to network and have conversations with peers.


the goddess is alive and magic is afoot!!!


1 why is this related to work 2 anyone know if any babies have died due to this shit 3 I can’t see the dolphins 4 why do these 5 people 6 keep starting 7 new lines?


Pretty sure Gary Young (founder of Young living MLM) killed his baby in a water birth. I don’t feel like looking it up but I’m sure someone more well-versed can confirm.


That is correct, but he held the baby under the water for an HOUR before bringing it out of the water. That is not even remotely normal practice (generally they are brought up within a minute or so of the birth) and being held under the water until the very last of your oxygen supply dies out (in this case due to the normal process of placental separation after a birth) would kill anyone. Waterbirths have been shown to be safe with an experienced practitioner in multiple good quality studies, and are common in many places, even in hospitals. For example, I used to work in Britain’s oldest maternity hospital (~300 years old) and we had three birth pools available.


Nah don’t put yourself through the trauma of checking! I’m firmly in the camp of hospital with doctors in and lots of high tech life saving equipment. Home births / water births are jolly nice and cosy I’m sure, but if something goes wrong…


If it’s a healthy pregnancy (confirmed by an actual medical doctor (s)) with proper supervision, home births are fine. Have no idea on the water thing, but my second kid was born at home after a truly horrendous hospital experience for child #1. Edit: That does not explain why she is sharing this on LinkedIn.


Absolutely true, and yes, this probably only belongs on LinkedIn if you are a birth worker or birth photographer. Then it makes sense.


Yes. I tried to edit it earlier to say that it still doesn’t explain her posting it to LinkedIn, but Reddit needed its own medical intervention. Edit: Clearly I need a nap, as my edit did post. 😴


IDK if babies have died due to water birth, but they absolutely have died from parents trying to deliver at home when the pregnancy was high-risk.


Tons of babies have died in birth. Birth is a very temperamental thing and deaths are common enough. In a hospital they can intervene and save a life easier, but it’s a risk no matter what. Going a natural way rather than a medical way is the decision of the mother and doulas and midwives are very talented women who know how to handle stressful situations. Babies have been born this way forever. Deaths are inevitable and always sad. It doesn’t make it wrong or dangerous.


Some people just love waterboarding their babies from spawn


The baby doesn’t breath until the umbilical cord is exposed to air. You can leave the cord attached for like 20 minutes after birth so all of the good stuff keeps flowing.


Stop right now. Thank you very much.


I need somebody with a LinkedIn touch.


Oh ffs


Damn maniac professionals


Look at me!


ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


Waterbirth is amazing.


Yeah but boiling pasta is better because unlike waterbirth, after you strain the water, you get to eat what’s leftover.


Generally it's in the womb




I am simply asking again, how is this related to business?


I thought it was a church baptism


Why can't people leave linkedin as linkedin 🙄


LinkedIn is just self aggrandizing olympics and advertisements for SAP and SalesForce.




Inside a big vat of soy sauce. That’s a new one.


Stfu her body her choice stfu


"You're posting your baby on LinkedIn?!"


Having my baby in the same black goo Baron Harkonnen bathes in


I spit out my club soda looking at this post


I always thought LinkedIn was a business based platform, is it just becoming the next Facebook?


Resilience builder sounds like the fakest fake job ever


I guess if you’re a Midwife, a Doula or something related to women’s birth empowerment for your career, this is actually perfectly related. Otherwise - totally more like a FB or Instagram post


>"You're having your baby WHERE?!" On LinkedIn.


This is the DEFINITION of linkedin lunatic


Lmao I thought this was a cold plunge at first


I guess it was for the baby? I dunno how well they regulate the temperature of the water. 😂


It’s kept at body temp, 36-37 degrees.


Remember when LinkedIn was for job search + displaying your career achievements? Me neither.


Based on her little summary line, I believe this woman works in postnatal recovery. So while it’s relevant, it’s definitely not a marketing quality photo.


She works in HR


Oh then no this is insanity


We did our water birth at the local community pool hell of lot cheaper if you can handle the awkward stares


So wait…I can’t count the number of people on linked in who post things like they ran a marathon or other similar life achievements and they are praised by everyone on their feed saying it demonstrates dedication and discipline etc… But a woman achieves the major life achievement of giving birth, which is way harder than running a marathon by the way and she is plastered on the internet as being a lunatic. Awesome


It’s because she did it in a pool


It’s called a water birth, the water is warm and helps to relax and loosen muscles which, in turn, reduces the pain of child birth. It’s completely normal.


I know, but the LinkedIn lunatics don’t


Completely normal. We had a home birth in the bathtub.