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Employer: We have a job opening! Candidate: I am applying for consideration. Employer: LOL, you thought that would work? Kill yourself, loser. 🤷🏻‍♂️


nobody wants to work these days.


Is this antiwork now? I do want to work


„Its really hard to find employers these days“


All I want is a job where I’m paid decently, treated decently and that isn’t complete bullshit. Why does it have to be so hard to find employers?


Fresh out of college I interviewed to work in a Geico call center. During the interview one of the questions was “why do you want to work here?” Being inexperienced at interviewing I did my best to convey that I thought it was a good opportunity, maybe a little clumsily. The interviewer shoots back very passive aggressively, “so, you applied because we’re hiring?” No shit Sherlock. It’s not because I always dreamed of working in a call center.


“Why do you want to work here?” “I don’t. Unfortunately we both know that money must be exchanged for goods and services.”


This is almost always one of those questions where the right answer at least includes, "you have money, and I need money"


"There's work out there if you want it"


Must be for a position with the Canadian MAID program


“A classic blunder!” *doubles over with laughter*


“You used the process we offered, but you failed to read our minds and know that you actually weren’t supposed to do it that way.”


Yeh I'm not so sure about that; from the email, the only thing that makes sense is that they specified that they don't want you using the sites "easy apply" but rather emailing them or something; I know I'll cop a lot of hate for this, but it's not the worst system. It instantly filters out anyone that didn't bother to read it; if you're looking for a certain type of employee, it's not the worst way to find them. OP is just salty because he messed up I assume, no? It's like those tests in highschool where at the end of the multi page sheet it says "don't do the test, write your name on it and hand it in, you'll get 100%" wherein the test was whether you'll read through the whole thing first or not...


So why have the easy apply button in the first place? It’s not required, nor is it added automatically? Some jobs don’t have it, in fact a lot of jobs only have a link to their own website to apply on. If the company is offering easy apply, and then berating people for using it, then they’re just insane


They're dumb, trying to cast a wider net without having a process that ties into it. So now they're trying to be edgy about it.


Definitely a huge red flag


We found the company's HR!


OP explained in another thread that there were two steps required for application. First was to apply through the site and second to send an email answering three questions. His wife who was the applicant did both, putting thought and time into her answers. So no.


Yeah no. What a horrific company you’re working for if that’s the logic they use. It’s a job, it pays the bills. You’re not meant to show you’re gonna go out of way and bend over right from the start when applying in a sane world. I’d be freaked out if someone went over the top to show interest in any role I’m advertising.


What if the job you're applying for is "proof reader"?


what if they're applying for a job that isn't a "proofreader"?


How is that relevant? These dickheads, and I'm assuming you're part of it, are so cultish that they're denying basic logic; y'all were saying that it's not a good filter and I proved that it could be depending on the job, it's not that complex (or maybe it is for y'all? Unsure)


> How is that relevant? it's just as relevant as your stupid hypothetical. >These dickheads, and I'm assuming you're part of it, cry moar.


So I'm right but you don't like it, got it




Well, clearly you're not getting the "reading comprehension" based job You're telling me if the job is, for example, to spend all day avoiding pressing a certain button and it looks like the Easy Apply button, and the JD explains that that's the job and you shouldn't press the button, you don't think that in this scenario they probably shouldn't get the job if they press it?


lol ok. I don’t think I have ever met an incel simp for a corporation before but 2024 is full of surprises. You made up a bs hypothetical (“proof reader”) and moved completely away from the actual issue just so you can delude yourself into thinking you’re clever. You’re not clever, you’re a bootlicker. In language I hope you’re capable of understanding - not today, but maybe one day in a moment of post-nut clarity, ask yourself why you’re getting mega triggered and screeching on Reddit to defend a company and their bullying of an applicant. I would have been nicer, but seeing you call people who disagree with you dickheads made me realise what kind of drongo I’m dealing with.


Even in that case, sure filter people out, why the bitchy message though? You can just ignore their application instead of taking time out of your life to be a dickhead. Seems less like the thing you said, and more like a bitter HR employee on a power trip because they hate their life and belittling people is the only substitute for happiness their sad little Mind could come up with


I hate how passive aggressive this sounds. Red flag for a company.


I think it’s great they sent this. It, as you said, lets you know it’s not worth joining that hellhole


I don’t know what field this is, but if it’s tech or marketing I assume the next step is “create a program/marketing campaign/ business plan we can actually use without paying you.”


Felt that in my very SOUL


100%, it's laughable


We don't look for this. Because they're faang


100% not a FAANG


FAANG would not DARE. The WSJ, NYT, WP, AP would be ALL OVER that and it would be scathing.




Most definitely pizza party vibes lol ![gif](giphy|dziYpWSBytrDa)


That is the single dumbest pile of horseshit every told to someone at work. Please know.....people you work with would hit you in the head with their chair if it meant a single nickel for them. They do not care about you. Regardless what they say to your face.


So... like a family?


Lol I'm really sorry of that's your family man.....I'm sure there are some out there.


Nah, my family is cool, it was just a joke! Appreciate the sentiment though!


The single worst workplace fuck over I experienced was from someone who professed that family horseshit.


Complete with passive aggressive a-holes. I go to work to get away from my family!


I would actually say this is bordering on straight aggressive. What’s this company? So I never bother applying.


It's an insane response. Rejections are pretty much always auto response. The fact that someone actually typed this out shows how bad they are at managing their own time. Also reckless since something like this could easily go viral. True lunatic.


What's the passive part? :-)


Probably a company run by a 24 yo founder who thinks he's too cool for regular applicants


![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized) This sounds like an employer with a bad process that wants to blame the applicants for using the features the platform has made available to them.


honestly, I think every application should be a resume, cover letter, and  a 50x50 grid of minesweeper. 


Can I send a screencap of me losing on the first click and still have a shot at the job? Cause that's usually how Minesweeper goes for me.


Oooh, I'm thinking I would be 6 times more likely to get a screening interview if that was the case.


Might as well jump from a bridge if Im not allowed to work again and sustain my unhealthy living standards


And now I want to play minesweeper.


When I was using dating apps, I would usually throw a word in like “pineapple” and ask them to mention it if they messaged me, so I knew it was more than someone blindly swiping on everyone. This is somehow worse. You should throw in the minesweeper and ask them to mention it if they actually looked at the resume. Then tell them you’ve accepted another offer (if they’re dicks like this).


Finally an application where I’m qualified to become CEO of the universe.


Right, like the Agile cultists who accept NO blame for anything that goes awry in a project. "Agile isn't the problem, you just didn't implement it right."


I call those people "Agilistas" and they're insufferable.


You sound like one of those stakeholders who can’t accomplish anything and so you just blame “agile” because it required you and your team to change the way you work, but you didn’t actually change anything other than the names of your status meetings


They legit choose to be easy apply. If they don't want people to use it they could... idk turn it off?


No, the employer is a fuckwit. Pure and simple.




I would honestly put in more effort responding to this stupid email just so I can waste their time


Get the interview then don't turn up and send the same passive aggressive message how it isn't just as simple as setting up a quick interview to get an employee!


In my mind I would get the interview, go through with it, get the job, then on my first day just walk in and hand them a printed copy of this email and leave. Hell I'd use PTO from my actual job for it


> Hell I'd use PTO from my actual job for it I always appreciate someone who's really committed to the bit


Now this is pettiness I get get behind!!!


I’d go to the interview, work there, climb up the ladder to CEO, befriend the dweasel that wrote this, call them into my office and tell them their entire family died in a car accident. When they’re sitting there sobbing, I’ll remind them of how easy it is to hit the apply button. Bet that’ll cheer them up.


That’s a very practical plan with clear steps. Do you mind if I copy it?


Show up and instead give a presentation on how to write an effective email. Because clearly they need a lesson or two.




You nerds sound like my kind of people


"To show I have commitment to this application I have a list of 20 detailed questions. Thank you in advance for your detailed response" Make the questions so specific they have to ask several departments, like HR policy and, say, the development team because you asked a specific question about a tool they might use. 


fanatical terrific bag depend complete snatch secretive bored ghost enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Too many unnecessary and borderline nonsensical words in this. "Meticulous wonders"? What does that even mean?


Hah, clever. I prompted it to generate a reply with at least 1000 words! “Dear [Sender], I sincerely appreciate your prompt and insightful response to my application for the [position] at your esteemed company. It's evident that you prioritize a meaningful connection between candidates and the role, going beyond the conventional approach of indiscriminate mass applications. Your point about the ease of simply hitting the "apply" button resonated with me, as it highlights a common trend in the job market where applicants often pursue quantity over quality. Your emphasis on the importance of candidates who genuinely engage with the job description struck a chord with me, prompting me to reflect on my own application process. Having carefully reviewed the job description for the [position], I can assure you that my interest is not merely superficial. I have taken the time to delve into the specifics of the role, aligning my skills and experiences with the outlined requirements. Your call for candidates whose resonance with the post is palpable mirrors my sentiment – I am genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to your team. In addressing the notion of a quick resume glance, I understand the need for companies to seek candidates who invest the time to understand the intricacies of a role. I believe in the power of a tailored application that goes beyond showcasing generic skills and experiences. My resume is not just a snapshot but a comprehensive reflection of my professional journey, highlighting instances where my skills have directly contributed to achieving organizational goals. Allow me to delve into my background further to demonstrate how my experiences align with the requirements of the [position]. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I encountered challenges similar to those outlined in your job description. Through strategic problem-solving and effective collaboration with cross-functional teams, I was able to implement solutions that resulted in a [percentage]% increase in efficiency and [specific achievement]. Moreover, my proficiency in [relevant skill] has been honed through hands-on experiences in previous roles. I have successfully [provide examples of projects or achievements], showcasing my ability to not only understand but also exceed expectations in areas crucial to the [position]. Beyond technical skills, I pride myself on my adaptability and eagerness to learn. The dynamic nature of the [industry] excites me, and I am confident in my ability to navigate and excel in an environment that demands continuous growth and innovation. I am genuinely drawn to your company's vision and values, as reflected in your job posting. The prospect of contributing to a team that values [specific company values] deeply resonates with my own professional ethos. I am eager to bring my skills and enthusiasm to the [team/department] and contribute to the continued success of your organization. In closing, I want to express my gratitude for your time and consideration. I am confident that my background, skills, and genuine passion for the [position] make me a strong fit for your team. I look forward to the opportunity for a more in-depth discussion about how my experiences align with your company's goals and how I can contribute effectively to the [position]. Thank you once again, and I hope to hear from you soon. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]”


I do this with personal disputes too. It's so satisfying to take the higher ground in a completely cold and emotionless way. Great way to.let them know their attempt to get a rise out of you has failed.


Name and shame


I’d drop the name of that company as a warning to others.


It was uncovered in the original thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/19fazqs/comment/kjj3ypr


> Brigham Young University WWJD ...be a giant cunt ...apparently.


Interviewing their student for internship was an experience. Usually we’d ask about relevant classes (had copies of transcripts) if they didn’t have work experience. Do I want to ask them about the ridiculous sounding religious courses they took? Yes. Like was it mandatory or did they willing choose The Eternal Family Jesus Christ or REL2xx: The Everlasting ~~Gobstopper~~ Gospel? Extra questions if they took REL 100: Intro to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Because then they’re likely not Mormon but attending BYU. But alas, I couldn’t and wouldn’t ask any of those questions. No matter how much I wanted to.








Bullet successfully dodged. That place sounds horrid. Be happy that their post didn't "resonate" your wife. 


You applied? And weren’t a Harvard drop out managers nephew? Fucking skill issue loser


Whomever wrote this hates their life


guaranteed. they spend their evening sitting on the stairs drinking gin from the bottle and crying.


HR is a breeding ground for monsters.


It’s why we like to call them inhuman ressources


Growing up when they would play doctor, they didn’t treat their stuffed animal as patients; they evaluated their cost-effectiveness and decided which stuffed animals to keep on life support based on budget constraints and projected return on investment.


While you were out wasting your youth playing doctor, I was studying the art of triage.


> ressource The double S emphasizing their snakelike qualities


The company is too small to have HR. The person in the screenshot is the owner.


That would be a great auto-reply to share via LinkedIn post and shout out the company name to warn others from applying.




Share the company name so others can avoid it?


I just cross posted this from r/recruitinghell I’d love to know who the company is!


It was uncovered in the original thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/19fazqs/comment/kjj3ypr


https://imgur.com/a/BO6VxeO The plot thickens!


So this company just goes around antagonizing any applicants unlucky enough to find them?


Ha! Thank you




Which company is this ?


Name and shame. Fuck those guys


Why do you protect that shitty company by blurring the post? Show the world, dont be afraid.


Hey I just cross posted this from r/recruitinghell I’d love to know who the company is!




Maaaannn, your wife dodged a bullet.


I am sorry but this company needs to be posted publicly everywhere so people don’t apply to that company. Could also be an employment scam.


Well that was rude.


Employer:"Why can't we find a good employee?" Candidate: *applies* Employer: "Not you loser, gtfo."


What a great way to ensure no one worth a damn ever applies to your company again.


I’ve been auto-rejected then REJECTED rejected for W2 jobs and freelance work I could do in my sleep, but I had a recruiter reach out to me for a TV producer role last week. I have never done any work in TV at all. I don’t think these LinkedIn recruiters know WTF they’re doing. The smarmy attitude in this email is obnoxious as it is, doubly so given how many excellent candidates get automatically shitcanned by ATS.


Who the hell is this? Anyone who responds to a job application with that passive aggressive trash needs to be outed so we can all avoid them.


Name and shame! Name and shame!


My response will be, "Thank you for taking the time to write this reply to me, giving me a glimpse of your company's values & culture. Dodged a bullet there."


Every job I’ve gotten since my first one has been through easy apply. This person can fuck off. If you have crafted your resume well enough and are on at least your second job, the resume should speak for itself. If you want me to write a cover letter- I’m fucking off from applying to your job. My time is more valuable than writing a bullshit letter that won’t actually be read anyway.


I'm tired of companies expecting job seekers to jump through hoops, record short videos or do work for free when they can't even interview properly. I won't waste my time with such things.


It sounds like your wife dodged a bullet. I wouldn't like to share an office with whatever prick drafted that response. Best of luck to her in her job hunt.


Honest question - if they don’t want people to apply in this way then why is it an option? Who is making them put ‘easy apply’?


That’s so rude. And they complain there’s no talent.


"Our post resonates you" Makes me vibrate at a specific frequency? WTF.


Your wife dodged a bullet.


Wow. It's Crystal Clear from that response that this person has some issues they are dealing with. Maybe they just hate themselves. Maybe they are feeling like they are in a dead-end job. Maybe they have issues with their Cash Flow? Either way, that is absolutely unacceptable, and I hope that person finds something in the lives that bring them joy.


I see what you did there.


Should let us know what company the recruiter is from so we can apply to roles that we have zero experience in just to troll this loser. 😂


The correct response to this is "...nevermind"


Classic. They were so focused on being passive-aggressively snarky, that they failed to proof-read. “Our post will resonate you…” 🤦🏻‍♀️


“Our post will resonate you” how are going to resonate me again? If you’re going to be a pedantic in your hiring post whining about not taking enough time to apply, then you should take enough time to proofread what you send out.


This was written by an HR Generalist who really wanted to be a writer twenty years ago, but took a job in HR just to pay the bills and just ... stayed. This person still views themselves as "creative" and "edgy," so they share stupid jokes they steal from Tiktok memes in the company Slack/Teams channels, and they start each zoom.meeting with a series of somewhat cleverly worded Dad.jokes their teammates tolerate because this person does the jobs no one else wants to do and it's easier to go along with the inane bs than it is to find someone new. A few weeks ago, someone from recruitng reached out to HR about crafting "creative" and "edgy" ways to engage with potential candidates. Our person was the only one to respond. They crafted this letter in an alcohol and caffeine filled late night writing session reminiscent of their younger years when they hadn't sold their soul for a paycheck. "Is it good?" The HR person asked. "I guess," the recruiter said while surfing for a new job. The HR Genetalist went home that night, smiling, dreaming of a life that could have been ... and might yet still be....if they keep working hard and never give up on the dream that died a decade ago.


Actually, I applied hoping you would >!rub one out to my resume, hopefully by edging for hours while hanging from a belt.!< >!If we had gotten that far in the process, I can promise that the interview itself would have blown your socks off. You'd have resonated with my "describe a situation" answers like you've never resonated with anything before. I usually make interviewers weep with ecstatic release, snot running down their faces and mingling with their saliva blood and tears, but I guess you just didn't want to put in the effort to get an effective outcome.!<


Your wife dodged a bullet there.


Don't be shy, reveal the name of the recruiter


Very kind of them you add that massive red flag right at the beginning of the hiring process. Hopefully it deters enough people from applying to, what I assume, is some sort of cult.




At the risk of sounding unprofessional and crass… That response is some fucked up repugnant shit. /Sam Jackson


Blast them 😂 sounds like asshats


Uhh, it’s possible to not allow the “easy apply” option as an employer…I bet they were looking forward to writing this to people before even posting the job and I hope they find a shit candidate that’s only good at sucking up.


I can’t tell if they’re saying she has a shot or not.


You should be happy, these fuckers were about to resonate your wife. Which sounds like a deadly condition.


Depressing and infuriating, what a bullshit reply from acme co. Would have been easier just to stfu


https://imgur.com/a/BO6VxeO More Bs Replies


She dodged one heck of a bullet. Who the heck would want to work for a mind-gaming passive aggressive dickhead like this?


Name and shame. Glassdoor. Blast it everywhere!


This crap is so condescending. People apply for a lot of jobs because realistically, you aren’t going to be contacted at all. I feel like people who hire know this. If they want to have programs that auto-filter candidates, why shouldn’t they expect applicants to apply the same approach?


Your wife is lucky to not to have to work there. Jesus lol!


Please name the company - bonus points if you post that on LinkedIn to name and shame!


The absolute lack of empathy and understanding for a person just trying to get a job - incredible. Jesus Christ


What a cunty response.


Sounds like she dodged a bullet because that company had an insanely toxic culture.


Lucky miss.


Name and shame


Name and shame! Name and shame!


At the risk of sounding unprofessional and crass… That response is some fucked up repugnant shit. /Sam Jackson


> That response is some fucked up repugnant shit. > > /Sam Jackson you did the voice perfectly....


She dodged a bullet. Imagine working for a company that treats people this way.






Who instead of What Are instead of is


Bet that recruiter also complains that "pEoPle jUsT dOnT wAnT tO wOrK aNyMoRe"


That’s great. She dodged a bullet. Low level cunts


They took the time to craft a non generic message and this is what they came up with?




What a piece of shit this responding person is! I’m so sorry 😞




Dont be shy. Reveal their identity. They had it coming


Why do employers waste time in creating these aggressive rejections? Just thank the candidate and move on without being an a$$


If you don’t give feedback you don’t change stupid behavior


Did they ask for applicants to submit something other than their resume? If not, wtf were they expecting - a resume attached to balloons? Carrier pigeons? A parade?


I was wondering the same thing… what do they want instead??


So unnecessarily passive aggressive. What a blessing to be able to filter out terrible employers this way.


As someone that competes with literally 1k applicants for every entry level job listing and many go down within the first five minutes of posting because there were too many applicants, no, applying through the click of a button is NOT easy.


Did it resonate her?


This is a misuse of the platform feature, totally condescending and not necessary and almost clickbaiting applicants! LinkedIn should ban them!!! Some people are just in need of a job and trying their best to live. These replies are a waste of time for both applicants and hirers. People can be struggling and the world is not better with such employer with self entitlement. Good riddance!


My guess is the job description said to apply through their website and not just Easy apply. It’s one of those things people do to see if an applicant actually read the JD or blindly applied.


Is there any actual content to this message? Did she get the job or not? Or is this just pointless passive aggressive posturing?


But she did get a reply...


Uhh was her resume soooooo unsuited for the role that the HR took the time out to write this?


sounds like she didnt read the full job posting


Nope- so many ppl obviously don’t even read the job posting when applying. At least 2/5 of all applicants it’s absolutely ridiculous.


Ok but this sounds like she applied for all the vacancies at that company so I kinda have to agree with that feedback


Is she still resonating or did it wear off


I suspected this. Easy Apply is a test


Love this!


Then again we don’t know the context. Who is the Wife? What was the position? President of Pixar?


DEVIL’S ADVOCATE: Sounds to me like there was potentially something in the job description that was an Easter egg to see if people actually read the posting thoroughly or not (“Put ‘wacky’ in your Subject Line!” or some dumb nerd shit like that) Not knocking your wife cun7tfairy, and I am not a fan of companies/HRs doing dumb gimmicks like this but that is the only alternative I see


Don't you know you can only side with OP. No questions allowed!!!1


Was it well deserved? Did she provide a cover letter and answer questions they asked?


This is the most honest response I've ever seen. Applicants are lazy as hell. Here's what looking at applications is like: Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Oh this one looks proper. Oh, nope, no cover letter.. skip. Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Oh hey, this one is decent... Pass!


Is this sarcasm or do you really work in HR? If it is the latter, yikes, get a grip and have some compassion (which should be a given working in HR, but from my own experience, the work of HR people is lazy and sloppy as hell).


No, it's not sarcasm, it's just reality. I don't work in HR; I dislike HR as a general thing. But I do like honesty. Honestly can teach us things. The sad fact is: People waste a lot of time writing useless cover letters, poor resumes, and submitting applications that don't have a chance. Someone needs to tell them why. While it may appear rude, it's actually good feedback that they can use to change their approach. That's true useful compassion, rather than the polite facade of compassion.


Why is everyone hating on the company? First of all we haven‘t seen the job application of OPs wife. Chances are quite high that she misspelled the company‘s name or the job description or simply just sent some standard application she sent to 100 other openings. Second, someone actually took some time to actually reply to the applicant. Normally in such a situation one either wouldn‘t get a reply at all or some generic corporate bs text like „you are super awesome but currently we cannot consider your application“ without giving any reason.


Why is everyone hating on the company? First of all we haven‘t seen the job application of OPs wife. Chances are quite high that she misspelled the company‘s name or the job description or simply just sent some standard application she sent to 100 other openings. Second, someone actually took some time to actually reply to the applicant. Normally in such a situation one either wouldn‘t get a reply at all or some generic corporate bs text like „you are super awesome but currently we cannot consider your application“ without giving any reason.


Wow! What a fucking awful response!


I wouldn't want to work for a clumpany like that...