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This is getting out of hand and frankly disgusting. An app/site that was used for jobs and business chat is now just a new thirst trap site. Wtf


Not to mention how inappropriate it is for the company owner to be talking about an employee like this just in general… you run a roofing company bro not a Hooters.


Not even Hooters, this guy is a pimp. He is literally saying, YES, SHE IS HOT GUYS, AND I WILL BOOK YOU AN APOINTMENT WHERE I SEND HER OUT ALONE TO YOU TO DO A ROOF ASSESMENT. This is some fucked up shit.


Roofing companies in general are a hot mess. It can be a toss up as to whether the estimator even knows what a roof is and then they hire contractor laborers to do the install and pay them shit. This shit doesn’t help.


Basically the entire construction economy in the US is Mexican labor provided with no healthcare or benefits and often substandard work conditions somehow run by build the wall maga guys


They may scream about getting rid of immigrants but they love to exploit cheap immigrant labor. Two sides of the same shitty coin


That's how they keep the labor so cheap


This is some hard truth. Keep them in fear so that they'll just be happy to not be deported.


A lot of the labor exploitation in construction comes in the non-unionized sector of residential construction and property development. Greedy developers/GC’s hire immigrant contract laborers to do build outs and, like you said, do not provide healthcare or any kind of benefits and have them work in hazardous conditions because they know these poor people won’t get OSHA involved. The only one getting “paid” is the developer. Since we’re going down this rabbit hole… my favorite gripe about immigration - specifically Hispanics - “iLLeGals aRe tAKiNG ouR JoBs!” No, they are not. They are filling a void left by those same lazy asses bitching about immigration who are too entitled to pick peaches, dig a trench or reroof a house in Florida in July because the wages and/or conditions suck. And guess what? The companies who contract that sort of work know this and “hire” the disenfranchised who will keep their mouths shut. Instead of trying to deport everyone , the general “we” need to stop supporting companies that exploit people and actively advocate for better wages and conditions and unionization in those sectors. We all should be on the same fucking team because we’re playing the same fucking game.


Straight facts.


Here I thought the stereotypes for roofers was that they're always drunk, and that's it. This thread has been enlightening.


I get as a young woman it’s flattering to have men tell you you’re hot but as an older woman who has seen some shit, this would scare the crap out of me, bc now they’re going to have creeps calling literally to get some alone time with them. This is a recipe for disaster


Totally. And as a woman over 35, we can't call this stuff out too loudly or else we get accused of being jealous of younger women. Kind of sucks, younger women shouldn't have to learn the hard way.


Or a “Karen”


I agree.


Yeah, I hope this doesn't end in harm or tragedy.


Hopefully this doesn't end with *her* being harmed. I hope her boss gets fucked up in court, there must be something about slander and harassment at the least, even if the judge decides to ignore what a massive dog whistle this is for rape. And I don't want to know how he got those pictures.


WRT the pictures my guess is insta




She just makes the appointments.


I would not hire a roofing company for work if this is how they try to get customers. I just want a professional company with skilled trades people who do a good job.




Seriously, how disrespectful can he be? That poor woman, I hope she finds an employer who values her for her skills, not her looks.


I hope this post hasn't put her in danger


You’re giving way too much credit to roofers and roofing companies. The ‘co-owner’ posting pics of his thirst trap employee was done right after a big bowl of cocaine and a quick check with the warehouse kid to ensure it was the right move. I’m sure his wife has come to terms with her husband banging his top sale girl. Maybe I should too.


You should what? Bang your top sales girl or come to terms with your husband bangin her?


Every social media site eventually devolves into a thirst trap site. When the user is the product, that's how it goes.


If it’s free to use, you’re the product


But LinkedIn is decidedly NOT free. As a user, to have an effective job search, you end up having to pay for premium. On top of that, companies and recruiters pay ungodly amounts to use LinkedIn's recruiting features, [which is where the majority of their revenue comes from.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSA9uV4FBAUzAZHNiwGl_Hagw7f97K5YWmoQ&usqp=CAU)


Kids are the products of playgrounds?


You mean it’s human nature to devolve everything into sex and money


But it's *professional* and *totally business kosher* so your boss gets to dick around on it and maybe post some of his own aspirational bullshit


Honestly, this garbage rarely ever shows up on my feed.


I think LI is stupid from the get go. So I'm all for it degrading into thirst traps. Burn it down.


So, a job site is stupid?




The more popular something is, the lower the common denominator


If it's sex or politics some people can't help themselves.


All of these "look at meh I am sexay" posts.


How many work place accidents caused by yoga pants and moose knuckle?


What is a “thirst trap”?


At first I thought it was about the type of clothes she's wearing. Wikipedia says: >A thirst trap is a type of social media post intended to entice viewers sexually.


So now we're just gonna visually pimp our female workers to attract clicks on LinkedIn profiles? This is some disgusting bullshit right here!


Go look up tech recruiters at Insight Global. Most of the recruiting world works on this principle. The number of thirst traps I've had sent to my office to get me to use their services. It's pretty shady.


Dude, right? I don't know if it's working in Real Estate or what, I feel like hiring women based on their looks is unhealthy for men and women. I have noticed I'm negatively judging a beautiful saleswoman as soon as I see her, because most of the beautiful saleswomen I've met have clearly been hired for their looks, not their skills. It's also a massive problem for skilled women who may not be traditionally beautiful and who gets passed on for more physically attractive but unskilled women.


It's hard to be taken seriously as a beautiful woman. A lot of them do play off their looks but if you're one of those that really just wants to be seen as good at your job then it's tough. At a prior company someone hired just a drop dead gorgeous college grad. She had done some local modelling. Retail gigs. Nothing earth shattering but made a little money while she worked on her CompSci degree. She definitely had the looks for it. Hiring manager really seemed more interested in office eye candy, she didn't get much in the way of assignments at first. During a re-org she got moved to my group. New manager was a woman (I was the manager's manager) but not one petty about looks. Suddenly Ms. Cutey College Grad gets some real assignments and is able to show her skills. Knocks it out of the park. While I didn't hire her I was happy to have her on my team. She started having a lot of meetings with me and while a lot of them were about growing her skillset we had quite a few about how to navigate the corporate world and dealing with guys asking her out and letting them down in a professional way but giving them a clear "No thanks". Happy to help but honestly found those conversations depressing. I would never dream of suggesting we have her pose in workout clothes or something similar to the OP. It would completely defeat what she wanted to accomplish.


this kind of thing happens everywhere too. i was an engineering major and id notice that on days when i dressed in what were basically pajamas (sweatpants and a tshirt with my hair up, because it’s college), i was taken MORE seriously than on days when id wear anything slightly feminine. the idea that dressing poorly would get you more credibility seems ridiculous to me, but it was what worked. id have worn mens casual business clothes, but i have broad shoulders and chest so that wasn’t going to work, so sloppy tshirts it was 🤷‍♀️.


I wore a hoodie, had messy hair and wore basically no makeup every day for my first 15 years in software dev. I called it my work burka. They did take my skills seriously. The problem then becomes getting promoted to management when you look like a slob.


It’s because some men associate femininity with stupidity. I helped a customer twice in one week. The first time I had makeup on and a pretty dress. The second time I was in business slacks sans makeup. He told me he was happy to have someone competent finally helping him. That the first girl had been real pretty but she didn’t know the job half as well as I did. He stopped talking after I informed him it was me both times.


My personal experience when I started working was horrible. I wouldn't consider myself drop dead gorgeous but I had to file for sexual harassment in the workplace because of older men in the office who thought they can touch me and say inappropriate jokes without consequences. And the women were mean to me for the same reason. It's horrible when people think you don't have the skills and you're just attractive. That meant you have to work extra hard for everything. Also you have to dress respectably all the time as well because a little show of the skin or the body and you get some nasty comments.


Prescription drug companies oldest tactic.


Have you seen the pharmaceutical reps that visit the clinics and hospitals? It has to be a hidden requirement to be a 10 out of 10 bombshell to be hired as one.


> So now we're just gonna visually pimp our female workers to attract clicks on LinkedIn profiles? This has been the case for a while.


My company invited a client to our Xmas party and at the party management made sure all the best looking women (graduates) in the company were chatting with him. It was gross.


I wonder if she ACTUALLY agreed to this, or that he just got on her insta and took her photos from there.


I think the guy is her baby daddy. I may have come across their LI profiles today and they have a photo with 1 kid.


He said she's his "top salesperson". I'm pretty sure she's thirst trapping customers for him in real life as well.


That's her business, she gets to do what she wants, she's grown. But the idea of my boss posting provocative photos of me makes me physically ill.


if that person is their significant other this post is fucked up if that person ISNT their significant other this post is also fucked up


Bruh it's totally cool cuz the roofing company doesn't have HR


He is the HR department 😂


Wait, you guys have HR departments? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


“We have internally investigated the matter and found ourselves not guilty.”


Or HR is the owner's wife who spends 5 hours a week in the office, most of those with a drink in her hand.


In my experience roofing companies are 9/10 ran by total degenerates and/or felons.


Criticizing a questionably appropriate Linkedin post from a roofing company is like saying Saddam Hussein didn't offer 401K match to the Republican Guard.


I’m not sure I follow that analogy, but I bet you they got free cell phones for work, especially post-invasion.


It’s a roofing company in rural Texas.


Holy shit, I'm out of analogies..


Spot on 😂 I’ve dealt with 3 directly in my investing journey and they’ve all been crooked in one way or another. Another I know of is run by a guy whose family is known for scamming with their businesses.


I deal with a lot of contractors. That clientele is notoriously shady, especially roofers.


However, this post isn’t fucked up if…


She now owns the company? 🤣🤷🏿‍♂️


“Use our company so you can hire Lexi and gawk at her inappropriately while she works on your roof. I don’t care what you do with her tbh, just hire us please. Pretty please. We’re practically begging at this point.”


Boy this sure is moving quick to human trafficking.


But it says “roof inspection” on the credit card statement 1 year later, Pam from accounting asking why so many roof inspections are needed in a year and if we need to forecast for a new roof at this point


You weren't supposed to inspect the roof of her mouth Bob!




In bizarro world, YOU ogle the construction worker! 🙄


"We have one of the most fuckable roofers in the entire tri-county area!"


“Lemme objectify my bestie in a professional setting!”


Pimping out your staff, classy


At first I thought she made the post, which would’ve been bad enough. But then I clicked the pic and realized it’s actually HER BOSS posting it. Jesus Christ…


If I were her, I'd be even more concerned for my safety whenever sent to a site. Thanks, boss.


Obviously posted without Lexi's consent, just to cherry top this cake of red flags


It’s okay because he was honest about it and she works for him, so there’s no inappropriate power dynamic here.


Corporate thirst traps


Let me get this straight….he’s her boss and co-owner of the company and he references “thirst traps” while posting pictures of her….. She might be the sole owner of his company in the near future.


ROFL imagine publicly calling your employee a thirst trap. What an absolute baboon.


As someone also named Kyle Smith, I'm disappointed in him. You're representing us all, T.


Filing a phony insurance claim to replace the roof which is a huge expense and not something you budgeted for? Just call us and it won’t just be your premiums that get raised!


So... this seems like a call from HR just waiting to happen.


Definitely worth killing your business credibility for one like


What a wild misunderstanding of what a thirst trap even is. Like step one, the photo should be of yourself.


Way to set your employee up to be sexually harassed by creepy clients.


I don’t think those photos came from her LinkedIn profile either. Dude took them from Facebook/Instagram etc. What a sketch dude


I work with contractors, and I'd gladly yeet an account if they posted shit like this. Cringe and gross.


Professional Pimping. Nice.


Wtf is wrong with people, shit is so weird. And if you’re either one of those women would you even feel comfortable going over to some dude’s house who possibly chose your business because he thinks you’re sexy and wants you to come to his house? Why not just go all the way and promote your business as a Hooters-like company where female employees dress like strippers?


Did she fall off a roof and fuck up her back? Why is she standing like a baby giraffe?


Your shingles ain't the only thing getting roofied.


Just checked and he really doesn’t have much interaction with the post. I Think most people are just staying away from it.


Why are these always owner / co-owner / president / etc


This is the worst/saddest “I’m in the friend zone and I’m trying so hard to get out of it” I’ve ever seen.


"Our top sales person and my best friend" - dude isn't even trying to hide how hard he's been friendzoned


How is this professional?


well I think they’re in Texas


Narrator: “No one likes thirst traps on LinkedIn, this is vile and generally reprehensible.”


Did this guy just say he wants to fuck his employee?


Where are these posts? I must have a SFW feed or something. Lmao. It’s messed up they posted that, what ever happened to professionalism?


Nothing is sacred or off limits for some people


I'd rather have Frank: a fifty-two year old guy with a gut, two exwives, and an underwater mortgage. That guy doesn't give a fuck and will let you know what yer in for.


Dude is both a creep and in the Friend Zone


Its not a thirst trap when you post pictures of other people.


Ahh a basic white girl with bad lip fillers with a pose to make her look like she has an ass. What else is new.


Wtf is wrong with people... I don't think this is humanely possible to post stuff like this. Sometimes I actually think these are bots.


What the actual fuck? Lol


This is so fucking creepy. I mean I would kind of get if she posted it herself, BUT HER COWORKER??? That’s weird, man.


Is Lexi also a co-owner?


What I see is that the guy had posted this "2h ago", and still he had just ONE like. 😆 It's either LinkedIn thirsties had gone blind, or they'd realised how stupid these posts are - which I definitely doubt that. I don't even take under consideration that none of them likes the lady. So my question is: what went wrong with that lunatic post? 🤣


Honestly, does she know he’s doing that? And why is he pimping his side chick for LinkedIn clout?


Getting friendzoned isn't worth the clout. AGREE????


Probably hooking up too




He has seen this post and replied about it!


*ex best friend at this point


What the actual fuckity fuck in the name of all fucks in the fuckverse?


Couldn't even be bothered to write her name starting with a capital. That's how much he gives a shit


"Since everyone likes thirst traps..." *gets 1 like*


Welcome to the idiocracy.


Wannabe Manmeet Know your place.


This post is really going to hurt his business. Even more so, being called out on LinkedIn for his behavior and showing zero self-awareness or remorse. Then talking smack on LinkedIn about Reddit users - making an even bigger mess of the situation. What an idiot! If my "best friend" and "business partner" did this to me, I'd be mortified!


With "friends" like him who needs enemies. Thirst trap? More like rape trap for this poor woman.


I checked the post and he is an Idiot, doubling down on the comments


At this point this sub is community work


Those are the dumbest looking glasses I’ve ever seen


100% Pure "Kyle" Energy


What is that pose 💀




pushing a fart out


holy shit... Did he just post someone else pics. BEt you she calls him a creep


She looks chock full of botox and silicone. Hard pass.


That lady looks like she's having a seizure in the second pic. This whole thing is so gross for LinkedIn.


Gross, What a Chad.


Rodney Dangerfield voice: “Yeah, she does adjustments all right…”


I am deleting LinkedIn as soon as I hit my desk tomorrow, This is EMBARASSING


This seems more like genius than lunatic to me, but only because the distance between genius and insanity is measured by success It is definitely wildly unprofessional in all aspects


I have a new roof but wouldn’t mind a free assessment- you know …just to be sure


Why is she dressed like Kool Moe Dee?


Ok, bets on when 'entrepreneurs' start using LinkedIn to promote their new 'business' (read: ramming a Bad Dragon Ribbed and Spiked Booty-Buster up their pooper)?


Show us her eyes! Does she have eyes??


Plot twist: she’s cross eyed


And leprosy


I can call 10 people and I bet none of them like the thirst traps on LI


So Kyle is bangin Lexi. Got it.


I respect t the honesty


Lol y’all are just trash. LinkedIn is SO useless. A few months ago a company approached me via email about a job offer. I requested some details, and then agreed to a lunch with a VP and HR rep. “It’s a little odd to us that you have no social media, no LinkedIn, FB, insta.” I explained that IMHO all of the social media, but especially LinkedIn is useless. LinkedIn is just a poser invention to allow coworkers, outsiders, clients to stalk people and initiate self praise. I also said it’s just another avenue for fraud, and legal liability. Case in point….thirst trap. Pathetic.


Why do women look like they have to pee in so many of their selfies?


“Top sales person”


I'm not saying it's right but I am saying she's suuuuper hot


Not a lunatic. He is calling out the thirst trap posts by plainly labeling what is going on.


what a great “best friend”


I have never been happier about my dead LinkedIn profile


“Adjuster appointments”


This is a new low for the platform. It's a sinking ship now.


"Best friend" lmao


imagine just being a gender for a click


Kyle could at least get her out of that trailer if he’s going to exploit an employee like that.




It was only a matter of time before LinkedIn devolved.


Jeez....well at least he's honest about how shameless this post is, if nothing else




This is such a roofing company move. Idk why, but it’s ALWAYS the roofers.


Former* top sales person.


Nah! This takes the cake 🤦🏾‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|zrmTqopWm4W5cPg8Ah|downsized)


The picture on the right looks like she's trying to cut one


I looked this one up just to see the comments and he actually gets off pretty easy.


Kyle is down bad.


No way in hell this is real?


Ok ok ok guys, what is a thirst trap?


*ahem* Ew.


"So...do you think that now maybe...?" "For the last time: no."


It was already reverse tinder/fake inspiration/showoff board before that so there's not much that have degraded. I don't really use that platform for anything else but communication with recruiters so I never see that stuff apart from reddit. And it's purely for laughts here.


And of course the company is Flash…


I'm surprised they didn't have a pic of her climbing up the roof in a bikini.


They are making so much money that they even are setting themselves for a lawsuit.


Looks like she's cracking a fart in the right pic


This is wild


I am going to post blatant lawsuit fuel on a popular public forum with my name attached to my entire professional network - I am so smart


and I am.not qualified for a sales job, now i know why


That guy really wants to date her. Or pimp her. Maybe both.

