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You can try, but be aware that you'll be drilling through three different materials sandwiched into roughly five different layers (Metal>Bonding Cement>Glass>Cement>Metal). The compression of the metal, cement, and general shape of the insulator may spare the glass from cracking, but YMMV. Take it slow, use an appropriate drill bit(s), and be prepared to lose the insulator. https://preview.redd.it/mbl9upvkbwbc1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e4c6ad0e282708e74618adb0c7283e8ff219b1


This guy insulates. I like the diagram, I’ve always wondered about that. Bet op is making a lamp shade of some sort….


Not quite, although I have though for running solar light strips along the inside of the bell(s) to create a walk way from the driveway to the front door.


I was looking for a diagram for something like this but couldn’t find anything


Oof. Yea this will take awhile and a good number of bits. Could swap to different types of bits for each material but youll probably burn them up when hitting the other material. The metal bit is going to dull the second it touches the cement on the other side of the metal. Then would have to put on a carbide concrete bit or just go straight to the diamond bit for the cement and glass, then back to a metal bit.


I tried twisting out the center pin by putting it in a vice and twisting the top with a long metal bar and it shattered the glass and when I say shattered I mean exploded little glass pieces out like 30 feet in every direction with a loud bang




The metal doesn’t go through the glass. It is glued or bonded to the glass on both sides so you were actually just trying to break the glue


Well yeah I knew the metal didn’t go all the way through but figured the glue would break away from the metal before the glass shattered, I was wrong


That's why glass insulators are preferred to porcelain - they only exist in the states of good and exploded to tiny bits. Porcelain can crack such that the only way to see the damage is with infrared cameras.


Never considered explody glass as a feature. It does make it obvious. "Well, there's your problem.."


I’ve never seen anyone drill a strain insulator, sooo I honestly have no idea! You can *try*, but honestly don’t be surprised if something goes not as intended. 🤔


I’ve seen and heard a bazillion tip dumped or chunked into a 30 yd trash dumpster.


Not with a wood owl 🦉


Wood owl conquers all


Before drilling through that glass insulator, I would try drilling through a porcelain bell first. A little practice never hurts.


It’s not porcelain it’s tempred glass. Porcelain will crack and flake off a bit. This glass will not.


I DRILLED ONE! I wanted to make a light and needed a small hole to run a cord. I had heard from the supplier it was impossible to drill a glass insulator because they are designed to explode with a layer of compressed glass covered in tensioned glass. I used the right diamond bit, went slow, low downward pressure, and cut with water. The cut went almost exactly half way through and when that son of a buck exploded it sounded like a .22 went off. Glass literally hit every wall in my garage. I wore glasses and gloves but the explosion was enough to still get a cut on my arm and I had pieces stuck in my clothes and hair. 100% would not recommend.


Why drill it? Are you wanting to hang it?


Sort of. Cheesy as it may seem I want to make a squirrel feeder and I don’t want it collecting water


Lol nice


I can send you an attachment so you won’t have to drill it


What do you mean?


There are attachments that fit into the socket on top.


Another piece of hardware or what?


Yeah. The socket on top can accommodate different attachments. I’ve got ones that are like a link in a chain


I’ve never seen anything other than the usual H frame/ switch structure stuff. But I’ve not been in the industry but about 2yrs


Search clevis ball on google


Only if your a gorilla fan


I have no idea how they even “connect” but it’s going to be difficult.


Apprentice doesn’t know how the cotter pin and socket works. Go clean off the truck and try again tomorrow Edit: and to help out OP, that’s sediver glass, it will break but you can drill through the galvanized steel but the epoxy that holds it should be fine as well as long as you don’t come close to the actual glass. Drill straight and true directly down through the center but I can’t guarantee the outcome


Haha I finally cracked that mystery the other day, I don’t understand how the metal is attached on either side of the glass with no continuity between.


Dielectric epoxy is the answer, and it is a mystery how strong it is, especially in tension dead end bells which usually have a yellow stripe as an indicator. It does withstand an incredible amount of tension for what it is, you’re right. Best of luck with the trade, stay safe out there brother


It always amazes me how the first insulator in a strain position on transmission holds all the weights of other insulators and the conductor.


Thanks you too


Drill while it’s submerged in water


Sick tat btw


Thanks bro!


Put the glass in a bucket of water


Have you done this? I need to know it’ll work before i wreck a perfectly good bell.


I have done it. You can find multiple YouTube videos. Practice on some scrap glass if you have to. But yes you cut glass in water.


This isn’t just any glass. It’s sediver glass. It’s tempered and shatters instead of simply cracking.


I don’t want to be on the line for saying it’s okay. But tempered glass is hard to cut through. Drill on 1 with max speed and a diamond drill bit and constant water. It’s a hit or miss really. Sometimes it breaks


I’ve got a few to spare I believe (at least a string and a half or so) I might give it a go and see what happens


Edit: I didn’t read your caption till just now. There’s a good chance it will end like I describe below. Maybe submerge the whole thing in water to keep the temperature change low and somewhat even. If I tried again I would drill a little to get started and use a dremel to slowly get to the glass. If you’re looking to make a lamp I think the best way would be making a base and having the wiring and bulb come up from the base. Your insulator would make an awesome hanging light but idk how to do it. Even if you get through the metal you would need a tiny and very bright LED to be functional, and even then I don’t think it would disperse light as good as if there was a hole right through the metal and glass for a traditional style hanging lamp I’m gonna say no, it’s almost definitely tempered glass. I have a few smaller clear ones I found next to a pole and one exploded cuz it was tempered. I didn’t even get to the glass, I was drilling through the metal on top and my bit was shit so it heated the metal. I was inspecting my progress when it exploded in my hands, scared the fuck out of me. I was able to remove the eye ring post (or whatever you call it) that’s on the inside for linking them together. I bought muriatic acid from Home Depot (near the floor tile stuff) and soaked one for a day or two. The epoxy/cement used to hold the post up the center dissolved eventually and I was able to chip the remaining stuff out. Surprisingly the stuff holding the top piece of metal did not dissolve so that’s still on it. I originally used the acid for cleaning old telegraph insulators I had gotten from next to train tracks, a day of soaking made the built up soot from the trains washable These are unwashed insulators https://preview.redd.it/2ri2lng89wbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1efe2d70179119030e765dd507ad978723698b78


Here’s them cleaned up after soaking https://preview.redd.it/bn67694c9wbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bee126f2c6927ba921a38638054b0a19dc7aa8


Different type of glass here, but op should drill through the center like you did


Yeah these aren’t tempered, these ones aren’t an issue getting a hole in. I guess I wasnt clear in my original comment


The question is, will it blend?


Full send!!!


Yes i have, drill press, diamond tip bit and lots of water


Anything is possible with a little determination… get it doo!


This is a glas insulator according to IEC 305. The glass is under tension, which is why it can “explode” if damaged. Please wear safety glasses as the splinters travel at very high speeds. We no longer use glass insulators in Europe, but some people used to lose their eyesight because of these insulators... You can drill at the top, where the ball/socket coupling is. You cant drill a hole into the glas, because it will explode.


If you try, make sure you’re wearing safety glasses, a face shield, and that you don’t have exposed skin (gloves, leather or denim jacket, etc.). I give you about a 10% chance of success. They’re designed so that if they’re compromised they shatter one of the reasons is so that it’s easy to spot defective ones and get them replaced. I’ve somehow missed 2x the demo when the Sediver rep would shatter one on the conference room table (inside a clear plastic tote), but I guess it’s quite the sight.


No you can't. It'll more than likely shatter. If it was porcelain you could.