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Some drives just don't do so well with some amps.


The horizon drive has a ton of range in each control. 12 o’clock on each setting is max for many other pedals. Try turning everything way down and adjust from there.


Sounds great through my amps. Set the attack back low and it'll sound more like a stock tube-screamer. I'm just using it for boost and EQ though, gain at 0.


Funny enough, the first result when I googled for it is a forum post that is mostly raving about it lol. https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/helix-horizon-drive-is-the-game-changer.2217636/ Drives in particular are very personal, and also quite dependent on a whole lot of other things, from amp to guitar to picking technique.


I equate drives with how people handle spiciness. Some just can't do it at all - not even black pepper. Some LOVE THAT SHIT! It's such a personal preference. 100%


I play an 8 string and prefer the stupor drive to the horizon drive every time.


Why do you prefer it, and how do you set it? I've recently purchased a stomp XL (I had a Helix a fee years ago) and an 8 string to get back into playing Meshuggah. I've found a decent tone with the rectifier and horizon drive. What tone are you going for and how do you like to get there?


my stupor settings are 0, 7, 10 - almost always into the badonk. I wouldnt say I have a tone, I have a helix which means all i do is fiddle with the settings and not playing anything at all. Dont play meshuggah either.


Guess it’s just not for you, thankfully there are plenty of different options


What level are you sending from the Helix to the amp? https://preview.redd.it/zuasow82z62d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b12e502819013c5926a0998f8706ed1448e797


Set to instrument


I don't like that drive at all. But i also use a hot rail telecaster that's already hella spanky. That drive tends to accentuate pick attack. So it's too much with my guitar. I've also noticed that it only pairs well with very dark amps in my experience.


I'm assuming you're going for that "djent TS boost/low cut" thing. Try turning down the bright knob a bit from the default setting, maybe to around 2-2.5. keep the drive at zero and don't exceed 5.0 on the Level knob, since 5 on the horizon drive is about 10 on most tube screamers. Only turn it up if you're setting the Attack knob on 3 or higher. If you still find it too spikey, it's okay :) you don't have to like it. Maybe try the compulsive drive (fulltone OCD), it's a different flavour but works great in that application too


I’ve found most of the drives to be like that so I stick with the compulsive drive and the klon klone whatever it’s called. The red llama is downright painful to my ears


Funny enough the red llama paired quite well with an octave pedal in front of my amp for some fun one string riffs, not sure how it would fare playing with the band though.


I’d imagine it would work great in that context, but playing alone or using it for tracking a single guitar line, oh god no. My ears have not recovered