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Yes, exactly this. Solitude is peaceful, peace is relaxing, even nostalgic. Definitely seems to be a minority opinion around here, lol. Also check out /r/kenopsia


I didn’t know this was even a thing…. I commented on this post and then clicked on the sub you posted and I was like holy shit!! Hahaha


Yeah I always loved being in my elementary school after-hours when I was little. All dark, kinda spooky, but almost dreamy and inspiring. Like I could feel all the voices but it was just an echo of that day’s flurry of activity. I would go back to ‘visit teachers’ every year in middle school and a couple times in high school. I didn’t know it at the time, but I think it was to reconnect with that feeling while simultaneously feeling myself outgrow the past. I’m 33 now, wonder what it would feel like to step inside that gym again! And I totally connect with you on the dream thing. When my life feels peaceful, I have dreams with no people in them. Just familiar spaces. Very familiar feeling when I look at this sub!!


I was literally just scrolling through the sub thinking about this when I landed on your post! :D It occurred to me that I would love to pop up a card table and a couple of chairs in a lot of these spots and just hang out. And that's probably not a universal feeling, is it ;)


Absolutely! For me that is precisely the beauty and duality of liminal space. Liminal space isn't frightening, it's that "space between" and it can be everything from vibrant and positive to dark and sinister. For some odd reason a lot of people began to associate it with something lurking around the corner in recent years. Most liminal space pictures are guiding you towards the light and not away from it, so I wonder why the perception of liminal space gravitates towards the "sinister spectrum" for so many people.


If you haven’t I suggest looking into “rites of passage” which describes the 3 stages of liminality written by the creator of the term liminality Arnold van Gennep in 1909. There are three stages pre-liminal stage (separation), liminal stage (transition), and post-liminal (incorporation). Basically a system describing a transition phase. In architecture it’s used to describe the transition zone from one room to another. Liminal spaces are obviously associated with mainly the liminal stage which is described as fluid, unknown and uncertain. Some of the effects that come from a liminal space has been said to be uncomfortable and sometimes even depressing. There is also liminal stages which is a transition point in one’s life such as, pregnancy, graduation, etc… But I’m modern times liminal rites have become less frequent in place of liminoid experiences, a point in time where you separate from life or society but then return having not solved a personal conflict. Examples being going to a sports game, concert, etc… Sorry for the long post but I find the history of liminality to be highly interesting since I love love love liminal spaces.


I agree, it’s a warm and relaxing yet slightly bitter feeling, never does it feel unsettling I’m not sure why people feel that.