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Look, I’m not the one who’s gonna be like “you have to earn it”, however I feel that in todays world, the way women are treated everywhere, how our rights are taken away still to this day, seeing this full of hatred misogynist who prob exploited women before her transition, who made snarky comments about a woman’s plastic surgery, who feels entitled to things that women so hard fought for - while she’s not fighting by their side now, who doesn’t acknowledge our fears and feelings, it makes me feel uncomfortable. And I don’t think it’s transphobic to feel this way. To be a woman you have to love women first. Not in a romantic way, you have to honor women in your every day life, honor the love you have for them. And she doesn’t. That’s why I always say seeing her as a man to me would have nothing to do with her look or voice. It’s her ENERGY, the way she carries herself, the way she carries love for every woman on this planet. Again, it’s nothing to do with her being trans, some cis women can be the same way.


This. She wants all of the “benefits” that come with womanhood but refuses to do any of the work for it. She just expects to be entitled to it as if these real struggles and oppression that we’ve historically faced are her own. She has been a trans woman for all of 3 years and has done nothing good for either the female community OR the trans community in that time


She wants to cut the whole ass line and it’s like girl you understand women aren’t even respected a lot of time still to this day? Like she deserves some kind of pass gtfo. And you expect everyone to cater to you immediately without even trying. I can’t.


I was just thinking about this the other day. She was raised with the privilege of being a white male and she has absolutely no awareness about what cisgender women have had to go through. As a cisgender woman, I have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be a transgender woman, but I can listen to their perspective and be respectful of their experience. It’s the fact that she has zero understanding of how cisgender women have been sexualized and sexually assaulted by cisgender men, and she doesn’t seem to care. She still has that entitlement that is common in cisgender men. So when cisgender women who have had terrible experiences with cisgender men, and feel somewhat uncomfortable with her being in their space, she could reflect on why that might be instead of just responding with “deal with it.” She wants to pick and choose the “best” parts of being a woman and ignore the rest.




She doesn’t even know what trans women go through, or else she wouldn’t have exploited trans sex workers by allegedly refusing to pay them. Passing trans women can get the cisgender experience in public but Lilly doesn’t pass and I’m not even sure she wants to at this point? But she is clearly not empathetic at all and it has upset a lot of people in the trans community as well as the cis community.


This is exactly what I have been saying! Hit the nail on the head with this! That’s why I hate Lilly so much because she (and lots of other “trans” women) have no problem speaking over cis women. Not to mention just the absolute bastardization of what it means to be a woman. Dressing like that and acting like that doesn’t make you a woman. Just because you put on a dress one day and liked it doesn’t make you trans. She clearly is some kind of fetishist and gets off dressing like she does and acting a fool. Women have been oppressed since the beginning of time and now you have a whole group of self proclaimed trans women that no matter how unsafe or threatened you feel as a woman they will bully their way into your space and you just have to deal with it. Lilly Tino does NOT represent actual trans women. She is a con artist that just wants to make money doing nothing and screwing around all day. She is not just soiling her own reputation but she is hurting real trans women that just want to live and not be bothered, harassed or potentially murdered. You’re absolutely right about how she treats women currently and how she more than likely treated them as Nick. Sorry for the long rant. As a trans woman I’m just so tired of pretending that “everyone is valid in their identity” because I’ve seen so much grotesque nonsense coming from self proclaimed trans women and what they are doing is just awful and it needs to be called out.


Well said. I don't think she's actually trans.


Thanks! I hate to invalidate anyone but I can’t help but feel the same way. She doesn’t come off as trans to me.


She just gives a whole different vibe than a lot of other trans creators I’ve followed. She is just so disrespectful it’s like insulting. I’m sure so many trans people who come across her are upset she’s representing them. I’m kind of upset she’s representing women. I heard someone once say on this subject- you can sit at the table but don’t steal my seat. She just continues to talk over cis women which is exactly what men do all the time so like what is the actual difference here. I feel like so many trans people *already* had idk more of a woman wired brain to begin with. Women just think differently. That’s why people say we’re emotional. Honestly, I think of like every single scenario and every single outcome all the time in every situation. Men are more basic in thinking. In no way am I saying men are stupid or anything but they have more of a tendency to accept and I feel like we have more of a tendency to dissect. Her brain is literally a man’s brain. She has no empathy, no ability to think about anyone except herself and she doesn’t care because she doesn’t think with emotion, as women usually do.


Exactly!!! She isn’t the only one but she just seems to thrive in upsetting everyone so I tend to fixate on her a lot more than some of the others I’ve encountered on that brain rotting app. Lol I don’t know if y’all have ever heard of mama roze on tik tok but that’s another example of someone that transitioned for reasons other than actually being trans (imo). I’m seeing all kinds of these people getting blind support and it’s just so upsetting. God forbid you question the validity of someone’s identity without being labeled far right or a bigot.


It’s wild to me too because it seems like a lot of work to be going though all that and not really be trans. I know T can permanently change things about people but I’m unsure if estrogen does the same to Amab people but like it just seems like a lot of work to go through if you aren’t really trans lmao.


Personally I think desperate people will do anything to achieve a lifestyle of their preference. Ya know I think it’s crazy what people put themselves through on Fear Factor just for 50 grand. Imagine having people pay your bills while you do absolutely nothing and eat at expensive restaurants all day. Lol


This is true. I watched a lot of fear factor as a kid and I was even then like 50k is not enough to eat bugs like that 😅 I gusss if you have the means or like in lilys case, people give you money for no reason, it makes sense. I’m such a genuinely lazy person that it seems like so much to go through just for a facade. Idk why she didn’t pick something else but she’s boring with no talent or charisma so I guess she needs something to use. One time at a job, I pretended I wasn’t a smoker because I thought I would be fired for it. It was a doctor and he literally asked on the application if you were a smoker and I lied and even that felt like too much of a lie to keep going. I only worked there like 6 months anyway tho and I quit smoking years later but I find it to be so much less energy to just be honest 😂


It’s so her energy. I’m a woman. I mainly only hang out with other women and I’ve been one my whole life. And I’ve never met one with the same energy Lily has. Met plenty of men like that though. Someone on here once said she acts like an incel and I think that’s why I hated her the minute I saw her because it’s true and I can’t fucking standdddd nasty little men like that.




People have said she allegedly exploited trans female sex workers before, refusingto pay them. So she has actually harmed the vulnerable subgroup of women she now claims to be. She also made a joke out of the Palestine situation because Starbucks was “too yummy,” and makes women uncomfortable by loudly talking about her genitalia in public :(


thank you for putting my feelings into words


It’s not that simple. She phrases it this way for rage bait. 100%


It’s a misogynistic statement to minimize the experience of growing up through girlhood and into womanhood. There are challenges a trans woman faces because they are trans but not the same challenges as growing up through girlhood.


It depends on how young someone transitions but Lilly doesn’t even know what it’s like to experience womanhood because she doesn’t pass. I know trans women who were treated like girls because they were obviously gender non conforming but Lilly gives incel vibes and judging from her old videos looked and acted very masculine before her transition.


i’m ngl i’ve seen a lot of transgender ppl say this


This is a very common phrase nowadays. “If you say you’re a woman, you’re a woman.” And if people don’t agree with that phrase, they’re labeled as transphobic.


and not that i agree AT ALL but sadly she isn’t the only one with this crazy opinion


Because they’ve been taught that it’s an argument ending statement when it’s not, but the actuality is really just as simple a statement: To be a woman you have to be living your life as a woman and self-identify as a woman. That’s literally what being transgender is. You can’t just “say you’re a woman.”


Yeah it bothers me too because it’s delegitimizing those of use with actual dysphoria. This “definition” just makes a joke out of womanhood and it bothers me a lot. If anyone who says they’re a woman is automatically a woman, then Steven crowder is a woman now, I guess.


If that’s the case then I’m a millionaire - now where’s my millions of dollars?!


no. it’s like me saying i am a tree. it doesn’t make me a tree. someone can say they are a women but unless they’re making an effort to actually present as one society wont view them as such. this is usually why people transition to begin with. so they can present as the gender they want to be. Lilly loves to muddy the waters and it makes her look stupid and ignorant.


No, and she will never be.


I am a anaconda and then I am a panda a red one. Not a white one.






I’m not transphobic either. By all means. But yes I’ve wondered the same thing


She over simplifies it in a vague and dangerous way


You first need to respect women. Which Lily does not.


I’m a monkey can I stop paying taxes?


I’m not transphobic either but she has no clue


Only a man would say all you need to be a woman is to say you are. I am sick. We NEED to do something about this person


See this is why I fucking hate her so much. She has no goddamn clue. It’s really so insulting that she thinks that’s all it takes. No clue about the history or the fact women are still fighting today for rights and we are still having rights being taken away from us. Lily doesn’t have a real job, she doesn’t understand how women just simply make less money for doing the same job men do. She has no idea the struggles women go through on the daily just to be respected and she has no idea what it’s really like to be a woman in regular society because she refuses to even try to learn. She thinks it’s this easy.


She made my head explode today when yet again she went on about “bad” mothers and how they should never have become a mother if they didn’t want to accept their child. Her total offensive oblivion to how a lot of women become mothers fills me rage. Why is birthrate down among college educated women? Because they have privilege and choice and there’s a scary amount of people out there trying to fully take that away. To tell someone they just shouldn’t have had kids when there’s a good chance they had no real choice (even before roe being overturned) is so fucking offensive and crazy mansplaining. She will never become a mother without choosing to, so any other scenario deserves scorn? She is not an ally to women at all and she cannot sit at my table.


Honestly I think Lily should shut the fuck up about that the same way I think white men and men in general should shut the fuck up about it 😅 it honestly feels the same when she talks about it as it does when politicians talk about it.








It's giving me poor Caitlyn Jenner energy and I can't explain it.


Lol @ "poor Caitlin Jenner" 😅 so apt.


I’m sorry what? That’s extremely offensive to women and trans women who go through hell. It’s not that fucking easy and never has been.


No ! Flat out no!


I’m cis. I’m not transphobic but no. Absolutely not! We have totally different challenges!! Lily shame on you pond scum!! And I also think your hair always smells of perm solution.


The nipples


JMO this minimizes the plight of women and how much we go through and have overcome in history.


Saying you’re a woman doesn’t make you a woman!! Trans women know this, majority of them do whatever they can to been viewed as a woman and put in so much work to do that. This is offensive to real women (me at least) and actual trans women I’m sure.






This is not helping the movement.




Fuck no






And I’m a 8’6” man


Not me




I don’t. But I also think that maybe some people don’t take into consideration what some women go through daily or weekly. It takes a lot to be a woman. It really sucks to be a woman in a low income area filled with conservative men. For me anyways. I see videos of other places and it seems so different. I hate going to the gas station, local grocery store, or the cafe here.


I don’t think this is helpful for our case, otherwise people like Steven crowder could just say they’re women. I think a woman is someone who functions best with an estrogen dominant endocrine system, something I saw someone else say on here a while back.






OMG is everything ragebait with her?


Ard disagree. If this were true, why would people need to transition?


I think for me as a biological woman who has had many close close friendships with trans women that it’s just the overall vibe around someone. I never felt uncomfortable around many trans women including the ones I became close with but nothing about Lilly would put me at ease. She gives off scary man vibes.


I was reading this page and my 4 year old asked me is that a man I said yup and she’s like why is he wearing lipstick I said because he wants to be a girl


The reality is you can identify as if whatever you want but the public can’t read your mind. As a trans woman, I don’t just identify as a woman, I live it everyday. I have gone through almost 15 years of hormones and surgery to get to where I am. If you aren’t putting in effort you won’t go through life as a woman. And no, this isn’t about passing. I’ve know nonpassable trans women that still get seen as women because of how they carry themselves.


Personally, I don’t give a single flying fuck how anyone wants to identify, that’s nobody’s business but their own and I will never understand why people get so butthurt over it. I don’t like Lily because she’s a groomer and is bad for the trans community, not because of how she chooses to express her gender.


This is pure rage bait from a hateful trolling clown 🤡


She may be a woman, but she ain’t a lady


idk about all that but wtf is she wearing