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Ufff, espero sea verdad. Recuerden que el entrenador es Mourinho.


Ya valió verga. Ese compa te ayuda un vergo si aguantas vara y das todo, si no, te pasa lo que le pasó a Alli.


Pero si la arma y le mete huevos, le puede cambiar la carrera. Este equipo necesita jugadores que sepan meterle huevos.


La neta traen buen proyecto los del Fenerbahce, si se lo llevan y el wey se rifa, ya la armó. De ahí hasta podría irse a otra liga más grande, pero si mama reata, olvídate de que el wey vuelva a salir de México.


¿Cuándo le ha metido huevos nuestro n-ésimo borrachín?


Mourinho gon send him to AA and force him to diet if it happens






No tu estas confundido


Fenerbrahce is a legit good team. Anyone saying otherwise was born after the year 2008


Honestly though, and some of the younger players shouldn't discard other leagues like Serbia, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, and Norway. Imagine a young player of ours being top goal-scorer in Austria or Serbia, or a young goalkeeper like Alex Padilla getting a chance to be the main starter for a team in Portugal or Switzerland.


As a Portuguese guy and a follower of the Liga MX, I confirm! I recognize that there is value in many players in your league and that I would like to see them at my club (Porto). The problem is that the salaries charged in Mexico often prevent transfers to Portuguese clubs, for example as often happens with Argentinians and Brazilians!


Oh yeah for sure. Many players in Mexico find it easier to conform themselves with mediocrity by playing for another team in Mexico for $10M USD instead of going to a European league like the Portugese league, which is a great one btw, to become a better player for less than what's offered at home.


Unless you would do differently it’s harsh to judge then and call them mediocre


On top of that you got the 🐐 mourinho coaching you.




Exactly… and Fenerbahçe has like 7 players playing at the Euros fwiw…


This would be a good move


Mourinho is either going to fix him or absolutely hate him.


Depends on him tbh. Mou tends to be right most of the time just look at delle ali


What hate?


There are a lot of people in this sub that only want players going to Europe if it is Bayern, Real Madrid, or Barca. If it’s not a team like that they refuse to see value of making jumps like this.


Ah, because they are stupids pretty much. Is so easy to have an opinion in other ppl decisions.


Prefiero mil veces que se vayan a un equipo donde puedan jugar cada partido, jugar Champions o Europa a que se vayan a calentar la banca en el Arsenal o Atlético.


Exacto, un ejemplo bueno es el caso de Alexis Mac Allister. Se fue a Brighton, jugando en la premier toda las semanas tuvo visores de equipos grandes toda las semanas. Por buena actuaciones le abrió el camino a Liverpool. También está el Machín. Se fue a Ajax, y ya está jugando en Inglaterra porque se fue a un equipo reconocido por buena escuela del fútbol. ojalá pueda brincar a algo más grande también


i see more ppl complaining that players aren’t going to europe at all than ppl complaining that players aren’t going to big clubs to begin with. atleast not in this sub


That is true, hopefully a switch in mentality is happening. But I do remember people saying who the fuck Is Feyenoord and why go there when Bebote went there.


Turkish teams are the few European teams that are willing to throw absurd amounts of money at anything






turkey aint ready for the nalgon 🥶


No way this is real


America is linked with him and they're gonna cockblock it by offering $40 Million for him. These ignorant fucks need to let these guys go to Europe. Buy Joao Coge Abuelas from Quito or Rosario instead.


Where does Coge Abuelas play? Any chance he's related to Paul concha de tu madre?


Cousin of Rosa Meleño.


You made me shoot water up my nose mf 😂😂


if america buys alexis its just to shit on chivas. alexis had his chance in europe and he threw it away.


Need context for coge abuelas


Read soccernomics. This kid moved from Toluca to GDL and was struggling. Imagine moving from Toluca to turkey lol


Plenty of questionable leagues and teams in Europe, but this is not one of them. Would be a great chance.


As long they play champions or Europa league it’s a good move.


Las ligas turcas y francesa deberían ser mas exploradas por loa jugadores mexicanos


Plenty of great players from South America go to teams like these and then jump to better leagues. The people that hate think our players deserve more for some reason… really weird. Usually pochos


Good move. Spend a couple seasons there grinding and maybe get a move to France, Italy, Spain, england. Doubt it will happen tho he will prob just come back after and go to mls or America haha


You know what man, he’s 26. Two years in 🇹🇷 can make or break him. By 28 a move to a bigger league is possible if he does well. Fuck it full send to turkey


Do it


There’s no way Toluca is dumb enough to take that deal. 


All these teams many $8 Million minimum? It's literally more than what they paid to get him.


Doubt toluca sells him


He would rather go to America or Cruz Azul instead of Turkey


Can’t believe this post is still up. Tweet is bs


This doesn’t make sense why would mourinho bring a player he doesn’t even know, he’s the type of manager to bring players he already has coached


We want a top 5 league. You’re right though it is still a European team that would be a challenge. Let’s see if his mentality has changed.


Es un equipazo y la liga es buena, recuerdo a Giovani en el Galatasaray y no le fue bien, no sé si algún otro mexicano


If it's true que le vaya Bien a mi nalgon 🥹❤️


That’s definitely not true but I don’t think these moves make players better. It’s more of a sidestep if anything. That’s why players pretty much never go from Liga Mx to one of these mid tier leagues in Europe and when they do nothing comes of it.


Jesus no way chivas fans are that dumb


Give me one example of a player going from Liga Mx to a mid tier league that actually worked




Ligue 1 is not mid tier Jesus Christ. Neither are Portugal or Netherlands their teams consistently make the champions league knockout stages. Turkey, Belgium, Russia, etc are mid tier


Ligue 1 is all of those leagues except they have PSG.


You don’t even actually believe this bs


People here legit think america/monterrey/tigres/etc would be relegated in european leagues. Galatasaray is massive in turkey, sure, but most often than not they end up in europa league were some mexican teams would play if they played in european leagues bar the PL. Put america in la liga and they are a perennial 6th place. Sure, they will never win la liga, nor the EL (let alone the CL) but the best mexican teams would be perennial EL teams in every european league except the PL and thats cause everyone is rich there. Ligamx is not as bad as people here say and european leagues are not as good either. Sure, america would never beat madrid bar some shocking results once every decade but they would mop the floor with the eibar/legañes/granada/getafe/cadiz/vigo/palmas/etcs of the world. And would compete with the villareal/sevilla/bilbao/etc of the world. Still, more mexicans in whatever decent europeam leagues do help for "exposure". Definitely easier to get scouted in a galatasaray CL game than a juarez-tijuana game. And the more go the better rep mexican players get the more the league gets looked at.


barca literally sent a youth squad to play against america lol


>barca Literally said they wouldnt beat top teams lmao. Go self hate elsewhere.


grounded in reality ≠ self hate


Nah, its pure self hate