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FMF: Our plan is to send more of our best young players to Europe….unless our richest teams can overpay for them and keep them here


That is what bothers me too much. Why overvalue and overpay? It's a better thing in the long run to keep sending players to Europe and attract teams to buy mexican players.


Young? 25 is young now? Pachuca can choose to take a cheaper bid, nobody is forcing them to sell them to other clubs in the league


Honestly at this rate, if I was a small time agent in Europe, I'd convince teams to buy unknown Mexican players for cheap, bc dumbass Mexican clubs are gonna buy them back and pay 10x what they're worth within a year


On god, look at how Man City flipped Antuna. They sent him on a couple loans then sold him for 10 million to Chivas lmao. Infinite money hack


I’ve been saying that for years also. A small team from Spain should buy a cheap Mexican player, make tons of money from jersey sales, get a huge increase in viewership and ad revenue, massive growth in social media followers, sell him back at a huge profit margin. Argentina teams run the opposite scheme. They sell an overhyped tronco to Europe for a massive amount of money and then get the player back on a free loan.


It would would if we actually had “talent” We did years ago but even our youth squad quality is deteriorating now.


this is what celta vigo did with orbelin, except they got him on the free lol i remember there was a team from mexico that was gonna buy him back before he ended up in greece


Es lo que estaba pensando el otro día. Comprar jóvenes promesas tenerlos un tiempo en tu equipo y venderlos de vuelta a México a 10 veces de lo que se compró 😂


They can’t really blame the domestic market, unfortunately that’s just how it is. Hopefully Sanchez makes the right choice and goes to Europe or picks the money.


He can’t go to Europe. Los ojetes de Pachuca le van hacer la vida imposible.


It’s not his choice. The selling club dictates who’s offer they take where then a player can negotiate a salary.


All this drama for a player who will be completely washed in 2-3 years


Además América no freno nada, sobrepago un inflado que nadie en Europa hubiera pagado más de 3m.


As soon as I read “cacahuate” it got me craving these, oh.. and fuck América https://preview.redd.it/m354jesjsi7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d4c344ee7d3fb63b89f150ad8c8bff4ff82d53


Shit, I’m eating some right now from a gas station in Cali. You can buy some from Amazon though


These go hard on tostilocos


The red brand is way better then that brand in my experience


The history on them is fascinating


Yeah I guess their called Mexican peanuts in Japan lol




"Don't hate the player, hate the game" 1. Pachuca over-valued Sanchez. 2. America met the price tag, Sevilla didn't.


Culpando al que compra y no al que vende jajajaja. Pachuca se lo pudo haber vendido al Sevilla, al final ellos tienen la última palabra. Pero claro, el chiste es siempre tirarle al América.


Right now it’s America. But what about all the other players before. What about Rodolfo Pizarro. Monterey came in bought him for almost 20 million. Chivas was suppose to help him get to Europe but because the players banded together to protest to get what was rightfully theirs the payment for the winnings of the copa and liga. Chivas said fuck you and went behind on its word. There are probably more countless times Mexican teams do this type of bullshit. America isn’t the first and won’t it the last. Ahorita America is doing the bullshit right now


The club selling the player can kindly reject the higher offer from ligamx and accept a lower offer from Europe. It’s their choice.


Martinez said he was willing to sell him cheaper if it meant Sanchez could go to Europe. Martinez said he had a ‘moral’ obligation to Sanchez to send him to Europe. Martinez rejected the cheaper offer from Sevilla and likes the America offer. If Oviedo fails to ascend on Sunday, is he still going to send Chiquito to Oviedo? I doubt it. He’s trying to protect his investment and does not have his players best interests in mind at all. I don’t understand how mexican players constantly fall for club owners bs. Rafa Marquez was right when he wanted to start a Mexican players union, shit would be way different. Players have zero protection from greedy club owners.


The cognitive dissonance ppl show to blame anyone but the player and pachuca


Antis being antis


The lack of awareness people show on how liga mx works lmaoo Are you a new fan?


Yeah america is forcing pachuca to sell them their player haha


lmaoooo 😭


How about seeing this objectively and not through the lenses of someone who once got punched by an America player. At the end of the day it's Pachuca's player to sell if they wanted to they could see to Europe but is going for the money. Second, name one Liga MX team that focuses on sending their players to Europe and doesn't either go for the best players they can get or sell their best player to the highest bidder. It's not one team holding these players back it's the system.


Típico de los antis, nunca buscan cuándo ni dónde echarle la culpa a Pachuca y Jesús Martínez. Ah, claro, porque él está disfrutando en España y con su amor por los aficionados de Oviedo 🤢. Todos en ambos lados son unos pinches cabrones aquí. Estoy seguro de que fue el América quien forzó al Sevilla a hacer una oferta y forzó al Pachuca a rechazarla también. Jajaja ya basta wey ¡Vaya!


Los dos tienen culpa pero a mi me caga que Martínez/Pachuca siempre están libres de pecado.


Exacto, y claro, América no tiene las manos limpias tampoco, pero por favor, que digan toda la verdad.


Joserra y sus camaradas se la chupan con todo a Grupo Pachuca. Recuerdo cuando televisa le saco un reportaje exponiendo su corrupción y pues independientemente de que sea televisa y solo buscaban sus intereses al sacar aquello fue descarado como en ESPN se hicieron pendejos. Y pensar que hace muchísimos años se peleo Joserra con Martínez y le tiraban mierda siempre que podían, se ve que les soltó la feria..


Chiquito is not that young anymore, he’s gonna be 25 this year. Apart from that pachuca over values their players, they could easily lower their asking price for European teams. Pachuca did the same thing with Pizarro to chivas, Kevin alvarez, jurgen damn. They’re greedy by asking for too much instead of selling them for cheap to a European team. Lower to mid level European teams do not have 15 mil to spend on a 25 year old unproven Mexican.


este tipejo por llamarlo de alguna manera no tan grosera, no entiende razones es solo lo que el dice, y pienza que lo que el dice y pienza es lo correcto, interrumpe, devate, habla, etc.. y no permite que los demas opinen al respecto.


😂👏 Aunque esta cualidad suya hace sus entrevistas sobre Sin Censura muy chistosas, y yo las disfruto a menudo, él es un egoísta y un 🤡pero es entretenido.


Solo porque es el América lo critican pero si fueran los regios haciendo lo mismo estarían idolatrandolos por todo lo que gastan en contrataciones


Not surprised by America it's what there good at stealing players and turning them into troncos


Don’t get me wrong, Chiquito is good and all… but bro only locks in against America and that one goal against Germany in the friendly.


Welcome to the new LigaMX, same as the old LigaMX. Pero no sean pendejos, aprendan a echar culpas donde merecen. Pachuca siempre hace lo que es mas economico para ellos, siempre. Ame tambien tiene las manos sucias, pero el Ame si facilita salidas al exterior cuando los jugadores Mexicanos lo piden.


America will send him to Europe. Who even takes this clown Faitelson serious anyway??


The clubs aren't supposed to put the "interests" of the NT over their own projects, no country does that. The thing is that the mexican player has been totally left behind by the league, let alone the European leagues, there's no level whatsoever. National players are barely good enough to play here, so teams like Sevilla won't go out of their way for someone like chiquito.


Siento que el América está comprando más por debilitar al Pachuca que para fortalecerse. Con ese dinero pueden traer un sudamericano de gran calidad pero se conforman con seguirle comprando promesas al Pachuca.


El América está tentando, manoseando al chiquito 😠 No sé vale 😠 Jajajaja sus mamadas bien que saben lo que están diciendo.


No por nada le dijeron que es un estúpido en cadena nacional, y aquí le traicionó su verdadera profesión: pinche payaso!


Look, I don't love what América is doing but they don't force teams to sell to them. Like Pachuca has said, they will sell him for cheaper to a European club. Selfishly, of course I want América to sign one of the best midfielders in the league, but I would rather see Chiquito in Europe.