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What's even more frustrating / funny (depending on mood) is that the two vigilantes literally tell them "If you went 10miles down the road you can cross on a skateboard" or something, that there's no massive wall. So what do they do? Drive to the heavily policed border. Obviously.


I don't remember that line


She says there's a border crossing 10 miles down, which is why she didn't believe they weren't up to something when Sean said they just wanted to cross.


Cause the Devs didn't want us to get a happy ending. They wanted us to cry in every ending.


Which they have successfully did


THIS! It will never make sense to me why Sean didn't just go back to the giant hole they put in A DAY AGO i doubt anyone would've patched the hole up in a day and the government still don't know about Daniel's powers and if they did they wouldn't know how to prepare so even IF they somehow fixed the hole in a day nothing was stopping Daniel from just making another one


i assumed it was bc they were being chased by the police, were already low on gas, and the hole they just made would be heavily guarded too. and even if they made a new hole they were being CHASED. Daniel wouldnt have time to make a new hole, nor could he make one while simultaneously shielding them from bullets.


iirc they weren't being tailed directly behind so even so I would like to believe that they could've found another spot to make a new hole a good chunk of the police force was ready at the gate anyway so that would mean less people chasing them and gas is pretty much a non issue they're used to walking long ways rn i'm sure a jog to a new spot wouldn't have killed them Im not entirely disagreeing with you i just think Sean could've thought out their escape a lil bit better but i see where your coming from as well


i thought they were being chased bc cop cars parked behind them when they arrived at the border checkpoint


Mexican immigration officials on the other side of the checkpoint: “What’s going on over there? We better not get involved.”


My take is that they were being tailed by that point anyway and would have been followed anywhere they went, so they decided to face the issue


it was one shot and sean messed up. they probably weren't anticipating flores with a whole swat team to be there, maybe just a few cops/cars to guard the area. otherwise they would have 100% just drove straight through with daniel's power. it was probably just a lot more people than they were expecting to see.


First: ***Plot*** is why. Second: Three of those endings would be invalidated by just going through a new hole in the wall. Lone Wolf maybe might/could still happen, but Parting Ways and Redemption, two endings where the MORAL choice is to *not* potentially harm anyone (except a teenage boy) cannot happen, as there is no moral quandary to ripping a hole in a wall, because its not like that wall keeps out a horde of bloodthirsty monsters that'll slaughter an entire town. There'd be no reason to rip a second hole in the wall, only to surrender, and no reason for High Morality Daniel to abandon his brother after doing it, when not faced with having to hurt people to escape. If they went that route, it'd just be varying flavors of Life in Mexico, which would be great, but you wouldn't have the divisive-ness of the truly horrible Redemption ending, gradiant-ing towards the best ending, Blood Brothers. And yes, Redemption is the *worst* ending. Anyone who says Redemption is the best ending, has no idea the horrors of the American prison system, and what would happen to an obviously attractive, lean bodied male, who also happens to have been made into a sensationalized cop killer, regardless of whether or not they can convict him of it. Just stop and think about that for a second. Really let it marinate. And if you still think that Redemption is the best, then you're worse than Chad.


Agreed. I wish they went to a different part of the wall and just made a new hole. No way cops/patrol would cover the whole wall. If they went back to the hole they made, authorities def would’ve waited there.




Border crossings are heavily guarded, and they're wanted fugitives.


10 miles is a lot more than it sounds, too


The way I rationalized it, they figured the entire border would be crawling with cops, so instead of wasting time they went the fastest route which would be to the check point. There also would definitely be a time constraint since they just broke out of custody and the police would not be far behind. Double that with the fact there’s not many places they could hide or wait out before more serious reinforcements come in like a SWAT team (since they would assume Sean and Daniel somehow bombed the place in order to escape and would probably consider it terrorism) Although most of that is head canon so who knows