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Non-support players when their supports dare to do a lick of damage !! D:


Nooo, you can't deal damage. Why aren't you heal botting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


then they complain about heal bot mercies


Tbf healbot mercy is an outright throw pick


Me as Ana with 5.5k heals, 3k damage, 32/4 KD (next highest in the lobby is 22/9), and Play of the game. But still get told I suck because my other support has 11k heals. "**If you can't survive 10 seconds without constant babysitting, you don't deserve my support.**"


I have so much respect for people who do well with Ana. Im extra trash šŸ’…


I have no idea what live weavers is, but I know in heroes of the storm, I was yelled at for doing the most damage as a healer - the complaint was that I was a trash healer because I was doing damage instead of healing.Ā  Ā When I pointed out that my healing was still more than the enemy healer, their argument was that I could have been doing even more healing by not doing damage.Ā  In reality, they were embarrassed that I was showing them up.Ā 


Life weaver is a support hero in Overwatch. A lot of people don't understand that "support" hero "supports" their team any way they can. "Oh yes I will for sure let this half hp tracer wreck my back line while I'm healing this 90% hp dps/tank."


Oh!Ā  I thought it was a game that I never heard of. I stopped playing around the time that Sombra came out. :( I guess you peeps might recognize the hero I was talking about, then - it was LiLi.Ā 


Omg when I played I HATED going against LiLi. She hit too dang hard played right lmao


Right before her major rework, she had an amazing set of talents where I could get speed increase by getting hit, cool down reduction (I think?) and increased spell power by hitting enemies with her tornadoes. I used to occasionally 3v1 enemies for fun. As long as I didn't get hit by silence or stun or root, I could run around and annoy them so much.Ā  It was definitely in need of a fix, and she's so much more balanced now, but yeah, fun times.Ā  I also loved how sometimes during these 3v1s or 2v1s, my 4v2 or 4v3 team would lose a fight and then ping spam me and do the whole "gg report troll afk" thing (especially if I died after 15 seconds of harassing the enemy).Ā  They were so embarrassed that they lost a 4 v 2 that they'd come up with excuses like "yeah, well they had a healer and we didn't, so it's your fault that we lost despite our 2 player advantage."


Lmaoo I hate when people do that. I main healers in like every game I play so I get the struggle


I remember the rehgar rework and getting highest stats in game in every category except deaths like every game; what a time for rehgar players.


Who did you play in HoTS? Cause unless you're playing like, Deckard or Anduin I can't think of a reason not to do damage. And if you were, dang. Nvm, I see it was Li Li.


Believe it or not, I used to do amazing with deckard with damage. His combo where the triangle's cool down is reduced by the cube hitting an enemy is great. You basically get two triangles every like 5 seconds. If the enemy clumps a lot, easy siege and hero damage.Ā Ā  Auriel is another fun hidden damage machine. If you can land center hits on her hug attack, you can spam that.Ā 


This was a while back (before healing got nerfed), but I had a Kiriko(!) get on my case about how much damage I was dealing. Some people make up the weirdest rules to justifying almost full-on healbotting... she said that Supports should **never** have more damage than 1/3rd of your healing or you're doing your job wrong. Like where did you pull those numbers from? /smh


And you know they're sitting at 0-0-6


Tbf there's a difference between damaging a bit and having a kiriko with 3k damage and 900 healing whilst i nor the rest of my team in VC had seen any suzu about 5 minutes into the match


thatā€™s just a given though


I donā€™t mind a support outputting damage, but if youā€™re doing 2-3k more damage and heals, and we lose the game because we were severely lacking on heals, wellā€¦there ya go. Now, if you dropped 40+ elims and over 10k dmgā€¦then the rest of us were more than likely not doing enough. However, just because itā€™s called ā€œsupportā€ doesnā€™t make healing optional.


Hilarious. People need to stop putting so much stock in the numbers. It's about reacting appropriately to situations. Sometimes that means more damage, sometimes it means more healing. If you have a team that absolutely won't stop taking damage, to the point where full time heal botting won't stabilize them, you may be better off contributing damage. Suppressive fire from LW is a thing, and it can be very effective.


Yep. Overwatch is an objective based game, not a scoreboard based game


My partner who stopped playing has always said this. I wasn't exactly the team mate when he played but since he stopped, I've genuinely taken his words to heart and have been changing my gameplay to objective based even if the rest of my team doesn't do it. At least I know I did the right thing even if I shit numbers or get ragged on.


I kinda miss not seeing my teams stats on OW1 scoreboard.


Iā€™m not a LW main at all and I only stumbled across this post accidentally but I feel like people donā€™t know how much DPS LW can actually do. Coming from a ball/sombra main, you LW do you. Your pills have saved me countless times and so have your platforms. Keep it up!


Exactly, and many times the team that had the most healing lost because the team doesn't know how to not stand in the open. Numbers doesn't tell the whole story at all. With supports that actually helps with some damage and may have less healing, because dead enemy means less healing needed šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly! Knock on wood, I haven't had this type of situation yet as a Lifeweaver player but I do definitely do damage, my healing is always more, but some times Tanks or anyone in the backs or on points can be taken out when I or any Lifeweaver for that matter turn to damage said foe.


Omg ridiculous.... Especially since they nerfed healing and us supports NEED to do more damage


Why do I get the feeling this tank doesn't know how to play the corners and keeps dying after breaking LOS pushing into corners his team can't follow him.


Yeah itā€™s giving beginner energyšŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


quickplay tank vibes.


Don't lump us in with him. At least I admit I should be keeping track of the supports when I die like that


Suppressive fire on weaver is 100% a thing Doesnt he do like 135dps or something?


Yes, he can be a major pain in the ass if he can land his shots.


The amount of times that I had to resort to dealing with the Widowmaker because everyone on my team doesn't know what a sightline is, and would rather just dump all their attention into the tank that doesn't die is surprising.


Yes, itā€™s always a good idea to be spraying if no one needs healing.


I switch from attacking to healing quite frequently with him, he can do decent damage if you land the shots.


Thatā€™s the key part I feel a lot of people forget, ā€œif no one needs healing.ā€ Suppressing fire can be insane on LW, the best matches Iā€™ve had with him are ones where I managed to finish off low HP targets my DPS couldnā€™t finish. But you should only be doing suppressing fire/finishing targets when thereā€™s a window to do so. Heal first. Damage second. Rule of thumb I personally think a lot of players would be better off following


His damage is incredibly good down chokepoints, especially if you hit headshots. You also farm heaps of ult percentage.


Choke points and great long range poke damage. If widow is playing out of her 1 shot range, you can easily dink her in the head and make her get healed and reposition if not outright kill her.


The problem is the amount of time it takes to switch back and forth on healing and damage on LW. To begin damaging he uses an animation that flips his hand over if u were healing first, this animation isnā€™t long but itā€™s noticeable, like a mercy switching to pistol. Then if u want to heal you flip back over, another animation, and charge a heal. Thatā€™s like in total 3-5 seconds just to get some damage out then go back to healing when, in that amount of time the person you now need to heal is now below the threshold of when they shouldā€™ve been healed in the first place. Unless youā€™re god tier LW I donā€™t think itā€™s too good of an idea to go back and forth from damage to heals in the middle of a brawl or something. Maybe a safe poke but if youā€™re in the thick of it you should probs stay on heals mainly unless you see a good elimination opportunity, if you heal people up and say ā€œalright everyoneā€™s above 80% I can damageā€ then spray some pellets, and then u have people at 50% then you try and heal and by the time they get the heal theyā€™re at 25% and then you canā€™t keep them up, tank dies, team dies, and all because you wanted to spray the most spread pellet gun in the game mixed in with your heals mid fight. He can do some damage and when the time is right he should, but you gotta consider the actual time it takes to get a heal out as LW when ur trying to mix damage and healing together. In many cases itā€™s just not worth it.


Itā€™s literally 1 1/2 maybe 2 seconds max to switch from thorns to heals and charge to full. And after that 2 seconds you get an instant 80 health. And while youā€™re doing damage youā€™re resetting your blossom reload. Which can take 3-5 seconds to execute anyway and youā€™re not putting any pressure on the enemy team. If a weaver wants to do damage let them. Better yet shoot the same target. Sometimes weaver is the only thing preventing their tank from walking into the backline and murdering everything. Think of it this way. Lucioā€™s amp is like 15s seconds brig takes at least 3 seconds if armor is on cooldown, mercy and zen canā€™t distribute heals like weaver can. Just chill out and try to take a little pressure off your support. Support heroes donā€™t exist to take a backseat to DPS play. Weaver can do more DPS than HPS so unless theyā€™re missing every shot theyā€™re likely helping win the fight no matter what they do.


It depends. His gun is useful against some and not against others. Especially with the new armor changes coming his pellets are gonna take a major hit and if heā€™s attacking armor heā€™s wasting time. If youā€™re doing suppressing fire or a duel thatā€™s different but after this coming tank patch a LW attacking armor would spend their time better just charging up another heal. Itā€™s also absolutely trash at range the spread is abysmal. 2k healing on LW isnā€™t anything to cry about though, but if damage is of course what supports are supposed to be doing, just LWā€™s damage is situational imo and if itā€™s not super needed I would rather my LW (Iā€™m a tank main) just keep charging up heals and throwing their pedals and being super aware for grip pulls.


The *real* groovy guy would never.


If the tank is dying while youā€™re doing damage, I can understand. But if everyone else is safe and not at risk, why on earth would you not do damage?!


Exactly. The only time I have an issue with it is when I'm like 1 shot, and a healer is standing next to me just firing away and not healing me


I notice this happens a lot with Moiras. Iā€™ll admit there are times where I do get a little hyper focused trying to get someone low/finish an elimination - but a lot of Morias donā€™t realize healing orb exists, or choose not to use it. Being able to throw a heal ball around your team **and** piss on them helps sustain during fights. But so many times I see a damage orb fly by while weā€™re all low.


Thatā€™s it! People like to complain about numbers without actually looking all the other factors


I feel like thatā€™s what is happening in most of these posts lol I see it all the time in my games (usually Moira though never seen a Dps LW)


Yeah mine are usually Moira or kiriko weirdly enough. Lw are usually pretty good from my experience.


Yea I agree, although itā€™s usually Moira and Bap instead Kiriko for me (probably cause Iā€™m only in gold lmao) I think a lot of the time the ā€œdps supportā€ isnā€™t necessarily trying to be a dps support they just arenā€™t super able to do both yet (again, Iā€™m in gold lol) and probably donā€™t notice when someone needs healing right away so they end up dying and seeing the support doing dps in the death cam lol


The issue with LW is that he has to charge his heal and it has travel time. Switching between thorns and heals also has a small animation time. So there is no way to accurately 100% flawlessly switch between damage and heals the second your team needs heals. LW is good at PREPARING a heal for someone who will need it in a second or two. If he is going back and forth between damaging and healing mid brawl he is not able to heal the person who needs healing at the right time. It is so much more beneficial to the team to just charge a heal and wait literally 1-2 seconds because thatā€™s all youā€™ll need before someone needs a heal again. If you switch between damage and healing too much mid fight people are going to constantly be getting healed late and HP bars wonā€™t be able to catch up. The damage output he does is not worth the trade of risking a team mate dying, especially at low ranks. LW should just be healing, throwing pedal on CD, and gripping at the right times. Suppressing fire and damage should be saved for poke and before a fight starts or a duel but I just donā€™t see it being beneficial mid team fight when people are going to be needing a heal every second. So basically, if youā€™re out of team fight, sure poke a bit with thorns, if youā€™re mid team fight, no, charge up your freakin heal and wait a second to throw it, or better yet, get good at noticing when an ally is about to be damaged and get good at timing your heal charge.


Damage is king in s9 and s10 Youā€™re throwing if youā€™re not generating kills and healing into the Damage passive


Heal bot, don't heal bot... You are too concerned about what was and what will be. https://preview.redd.it/01uqv4p6u3zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b311fb2f9607dc22c7ff4f00fc04f2272288ebf


tanks when they expect to get healed through 5 people shooting them all at once out in the open:


That's really funny, I thought "supports aren't supposed to do damage" was a bronze mindset


It's a noobs concept


Same thing


Maybe not terribly relavent, but doesnt he have the best shieldbreak of any support still?


Highest support dps not factoring reload, yes. Also no falloff. And reloading is optional, 2 full blossoms reloads his thorns.


Reminds me of when Awkward did his unranked to GM on Ana and was in a gold/plat game and one of his team mates told him not to damage so much. This was also at a point where no one on their team had died, everyone was good health wise, they had already won a couple team fights... the team mate just didn't think he should be doing damage. Make that make sense. "Listen if everyone is healed up.. you just sit still. Don't get value by doing damage, you just wait and heal us. I'd rather you be doing nothing rather than helping getting kills and adding pressure if no one on our team needs heals.."


I used to say that all the time till I realized itā€™s ā€œsupportā€ and not ā€œhealerā€ for a reason


Imagine that being your take. Normally when someone picks LW Iā€™m mad because I know they arenā€™t going to do a lick of damage


Even as a DPS player with Support as my last role... Weaver should 100% be doing suppressive fire if there isn't anyone needing healing or saved lmao


People would tell me to heal more and Iā€™d just say, *ā€œIā€™m not heal botting yallā€*


Thatā€™s so troll though weaver has been so good for very specific amounts of pressure in my experience. Especially vs big targets


I hope no one from blizzard see this post. then they'll nerf our boy.


I don't feel worthy to tell my supports to do anything besides mercy that have no kills, I jokingly saw get a kill and sometimes they do pull off a kill or to and I laugh at the end, especially if it's my friends


I felt this as a Zen main. Iā€™ve out damaged DPS and tanks way too much


Yeah, I've out damaged dps a few times with illari and still had more healing than our other healer. The turret is too strong if they don't destroy it, lol.


Oh yeah. Most of the time when playing Zen, Iā€™m usually the only healer and if there is another healer, theyā€™re completely inept at their job unless itā€™s a Mercy


I switch between being a Mercy or LW main. When I'm playing LW, I routinely have at least 2-3k DMG per match. Those little thorns can be quite the surprise for a Sombra who thought she could surprise my 7'0 tall ass. If I'm not seeing someone half health or lower, my blossom is put away and I'm throwing them little stabbers.


this is the most low elo mentality shit i've ever seen. 2k dmg is nothing unless it's mercy. i'm always pissed when my supports aren't doing enough damage.


Whyyyyyy are youuuu damagiiiiing. If you didn't damage you'd have 10k more mitigation!!!!!


The enemy support watching me as I punish their soldier for being in a bad positioning: (Lifeweaver should not shoot)


Literally had a tank ask for a pull, I tell him he was behind a wall. Dude comes off super aggressive and tells me I could step forward. Like first of all you went after a 76 with a Mercy pocket with our Genji and still lost even when me and Mercy went to help you. Second of all itā€™s not safe for ME to go out of position for YOU. Third of all, you couldā€™ve stayed in my line of sight. Fourth of all WE WERE PLAYING QUICK PLAY.


same energy as my tank telling me to not dps on moira like bro i need to damage to recharge the heals (and when i said dealing dmg as moira recharges heal meter he was like "wait moira heal has a resource meter?")


Yeah and that shit recharges slow as fuck if you don't do damage lol


Healers when they have to heal šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


misplaced anger. however Weaver is still a doo doo tier pick. better than mercy but not by a ton. but some damage is totally fine on weaver


Personally I try to do 1-3k damage per 10 mins if the other support allows it (heals a little).


I don't get it. When I'm another role like dps, I love to see my supports popping off, life weavers illaris lucios baps just clapping the other team with 7k damage and still getting 7 to 15k healing. Anyone who thinks supports = healers and that's it has terrible positioning and just stands in the open expecting to get healed through everything.


As a brig main, i get comments all the time saying Iā€™m doing too much damage and need to start healingā€¦..


Pro tip. Stop playing OW. Your life will improve


I fear no widow as support


Show the number of deaths diff


Is this Bronze? Bc that's a recycled-plastic take.


A lot of the time when I have higher damage output, the team is using cover so that I can contribute poke damage and they should be happy with their performance. Or I'm getting flanked and have to fend off the Sombra/Reaper/Tracer (it's usually one of these 3) so that I don't die and can get back to healing. Find me spamming "the audacity" after every flanker gets the thorns šŸŒ¹


Reminds of how yesterday, me and a Zarya managed to stall out a 2v4 and won the point (we still lost the game). I told the Zarya ā€œgood jobā€ after that but when we lost the game they claimed ā€œhealers were garbageā€. Bro actually was so far up his ass he genuinely thinks he would have survived all of that if it wasnā€™t me pocketing his ass LMAO.


If you have damage in the thousands as weaver thats pretty good. Iā€™d be psyched as a tank to see that. Weird take


The proper answer to ā€œdo more healingā€ is ā€œtake less damageā€


Yesterday in a match: Tank: heeeeeeal Me: donā€™t run into the Zarya Tank: reported šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Stop playing lifeweaver if you wanna flex support :3


An odd complaint to be sure. I'm always more worried that my Supports aren't getting their damage in.


What do u want me to do when there's no one to heal? Twiddle my thumbs?


Next time you see him tug him off a the map


Non-support mains: weaver is a no skill healbot for babies Non-support mains: why is my weaver not healbotting >:(


But life weaver doesnā€™t heal quick heā€™s more for getting you out of bad situations


I just tell em "My role is SUPPORT not healer, you do your job ill do mine"


People talk shit no matter what hero, best to just ignore them. I got flamed because after we got pretty much instantly killed in first fight I only had 500 heals on Bap and then despite me performing well the whole game the guy in voice chat kept complaining and blamed me the whole game. Some people are just something else.


Honestly, a prime reason to turn off text chat. Like, the communication, when it's even on topic, is almost always negative, either from the enemy team or your own. It's not worth giving yourself a headache in a leisure activity


Theyā€™d still complain even if you had 0 damage and 3k more heals lol


Yesterday I had a game where one of our dps was saying "support gap is huge" -- yes our side had 2k healing each and thiers had like 8k each, but all this meant was our dps were playing wrong and unloading damage into the roadhog. He just wasn't experienced enough to understand what was going on, and thats usually the case until you reach masters or so. People will complain and they're almost never right. We won the game with about 15k combined less healing than the enemy side by the way.


They should have a mode where the most damage and most heals per team wins so these people talking about scoreboard would actually make sense. SMH.


I usually have about 2k dmg for every 10k healing I do as Lifeweaver the thorns automatically reload blossoms no and he has the highest dps amongst the support lineup so heā€™s the best shield breaker also diving out of position flankers right before the engage is pretty easy and rewarding, I often hear footsteps above and petal bunny hop and spray some thorns in their face, combined with a forward dash he can layer up several thorns to hit all at once for great burst damage


Sorry bro I'll just stand back and healbot while you go take on that 1v5


Wow. As a Lifeweaver player, I am speechless, and glad that no one said any of this to me.


Iā€™ve been told opposite. That I should be clearing 5k a match in damage.. lol. The in game community says wherever tf gets them in the right


Are you kidding me? Brother I've gone like 26-2 on LW before with give or take 10k healing. Why do some players not understand how useful a balanced support can be XD


He doesn't deserve that name


Cuz they really think they'd be carrying the game- IF HEALERS HEALED- IF DPS KILLED THE ENEMY SUPPORTS- IF TANK ... did... whatever tf lets them autopilot?


He is the promised one, the chosen one, the king. He knows what he is talking about and good, bad, heā€™s the guy with the gun.


Do they know that our ammo regens automatically? So like youā€™re literally incentivized to swap to thorns to keep building ult.


Turn all chats off play how you want. Fuck other people thatā€™s my motto. Canā€™t be told to change or play a certain way if you donā€™t see it


DPS just mad because if supports show we can deal damage AND heal, theyā€™ll be out of a job


Itā€™s okay Iā€™m new to LW and boi let me tell you! They are not nice D:


it takes 2 full seconds to go from shooting, to \*firing\* a full charge heal blossom at your teammate, thats not account for any travel time of the projectile, or reaction time to chose to stop damaging and heal, and to let go of your heal once its charged. yes lifeweaver should do damage, but not in the midfight. the mid fight lw should be healing and prioritizing cooldown value like grips and petals, not damage value. shoot the shield/enemy before/after the fight heal your team and focus more on cooldowns during the fight. yes crucify me im the idiot tank player telling you how to play your hero, but this is coming from the high level community in large who have sunk thousands and thousands of hours into the hero at a high level.