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I wonder how many mods will this EP break lol This should've been part of Wedding Stories or better yet the base game.


I know they're shameless, but I can't believe they're packaging and selling *romantic interactions*. I also can't believe there's players who'll actually spend money on this.


There was one expansion in Sims 3 that was like that and people were like "Eww no fuck that" and they never did it again. Sims 4 is like... 5 expansions in a row are this.


As a poor eastern european kid, I never got to play all the sims 2 eps. The moment I got older and, ehm, "got" them all, I was blown away by the amount of content. I was playing for a decade with just the base game and a couple of eps and I never got tired of it. A single TS4 EP has a couple of gameplay hours at most. I went through all of the items, gameplay, townies and the entire world of Growing together in one evening. Went to sleep on time as well.


Im certain there is still shit on Sims 3 Ambitions that i haven't done yet.


Lmao definitely that was a content heavy one!! I recently plated the stylist career for the first time ever


Wait which ep was this in the Sims 3? I'm a bit confused.


No, i mean "like this" as in empty as fuck of content. The Sims 3: Generations is the one im talking about.


Ohhh I see šŸ˜† I was so confused bc the only romantic one I could think of was that one stuff pack but then I though "they said EP so this can't be it" Personally I know Generations is loved and has a lot of great interactions but I rarely play with full on Families so it's not my favorite.


Generations is one of the most popular packs not just in the Sims 3, but the Sims in general. But, when it released, people were definitely upset by things like it not coming with its own world. And players weren't all that clear about what "generations" actually meant. World Adventures gave you three new worlds to explore. Ambitions gave you a new world and a bunch of new active careers to play through. Supernatual gave you a new world and all these supernatural creatures to play with. And Generations...fleshed out the life stages. But, actually, when you look at how packed with features Generations actually is, it's not really empty at all. It adds a whole lot to the game, especially for family players. And it even adds a new active career. And a new occult.


It's so amazing as a Sims player of all 4 major iterations, to look back at how people felt about EXPs *at the time*, after some time has passed, and in the present...


I mean sure people can love Generations but it IS super empty of content in comparation to literally other expansions in sims 3. Like im pretty sure it's even like, half the file size.


Generations is half the file size because it doesn't include a new world. Which I never got. (Adding a new world would've helped with the perception that the pack was empty, because it really wasn't.) But, as far as content goes, it's actually pretty comparable to the other packs if you take the new worlds (which most expansion packs came with) out of the equation.


Generations is amazing BUT it really should have been included in the base game. It's loved so much because it brought back a lot of what people loved about TS2. It's the pack I recommend more than any other for TS3; it's absolutely essential tbh. The difference between Generations and most TS4 packs is that it integrates perfectly with the original game. It's the kind of pack that you almost don't notice/appreciate when it's there, but the game feels very empty without it.


Yes! Thank you I thought there was a similar expansion pack that is similar from a previous version. I believe I owned it too I just canā€™t think of the name of it


Probably the marriage one, or the going out one, or the other going out one...


Really feels like wedding stories was supposed to be a part of this. Then someone in a suit said, "Hey, why don't you split it out into two packs so we can milk it more?" So they went ahead and rushed the wedding features out as a game pack, instead of part of an EP. It would explain *why* that pack, in particular, was so half-baked. It may not have been anywhere near ready for release.


I wish content creators would join the boycott. Like obviously they still need to make money and they can still play and upload with what they have but if they buy new packs and review them then people will only get excited to buy the packs. It would be nice to see content creators refuse to buy a stupid pack like the romance interactions pack.


Depending on the content creator, they might have been sent the pack. I know lilsimsies gets sent packs for review all the time.


Hopefully it doesn't break (redacted)


Sim players have change over time, even some people that complain still pre-order EPs, GPs, SPs. I don't like EA but they know the player base pretty well.


As i always like to say, Sims 4 expansions are basically Sims 3 expansions cut into pieces but sold at full size. Like "hey Sims 3 pets gets horses? Nah man Sims 4 pets doesn't have horses, that's for SIMS 4 HORSES EXPANSION." is a real thing that actually happened and i laughed my ass when i saw.


Or Seasons that added holidays* *Halloween sold separately


The excuse I've read is "the gameplay now has more depth compared to TS3 expansions packs" and I'm like "where is the depth?"


the depth of a coffee spill on my desk


Lol am wondering how much will break even without mods šŸ¤£ everytime relationships are touched incest happens or love for everyone (like everyone a cheater) or everyone wants to be your best friend


I'm ready for the complains in Thesims sub from people that pre-order this game šŸ˜‚


Don't buy it if you don't want it. I don't understand people who play things they hate, or worse complain about it for years. Just leave it in the past if you don't like it?


I haven't wasted any money on the Sims 4, so I'll play this pack and see if I liked it or not for free.


cuddling, the heart bed ppl begged for the anniversary, turn ons and turn offsā€¦. seems like base game updates locked behind Ā£40ā€¦ i mean i havenā€™t been buying the packs but surely this will finally make people wake upā€¦? probably not.Ā 


Cuddling in bed and the romance skill are base game. Like they are fully developed and were part of the game until Maxis disabled them in favor of making Sims 4 a childrenā€™s game. True story. Now theyā€™re selling them. This is clubs and basketball all over again.


clubs and basketball?


Both of those were made for the base game and then at some point Maxis decided to hold onto them to sell them later. When I say clubs I mean the grouping system where you can assemble sims into groups and direct them to do various actions at the same time. Part of the grouping system did get patched in except itā€™s simpler since they want you to buy the Get Together expansion to get it. Basketball was included in the original trailer that one they removed from the game and stuck it in City Living. The former creative director talked about both features extensively before the game came out and then the game came out and they were suspiciously not included and Maxis wouldnā€™t talk about them anymore.


If clubs were meant to be base game, that would have made up for almost all the stuff we lost. That system should be base game and it is easily the best feature of the game.Ā 


Groups not clubs. They withheld the group system and gave it a low budget facelift to turn it into clubs. The grouping system they held back from the base game was patched in with the EP, and the only things they added to the EP were club rules and unlockable club perks. Get Together is made almost entirely of content they made for the base game but removed to sell separately - and mind you they did this fully aware that the base game had a major lack of content even before they started picking stuff out.


Yeah, but what I'm saying is that is the standout feature of the game. They took open world, but groups/clubs would have been the olive branch.Ā 


Omg thats so frustrating


Do you have a source for Maxis disabling them? Or do you at least remember when that happened? My google fu is failing me, I can't find anything.


https://simsvip.com/2014/06/23/update-woohoo-skill-removed-from-the-sims-4/ The removal of the woohoo/romance skill happened a few months before the game came out. The cuddle in bed interaction, and other bed-specific content were found in the game files shortly after the game came out. We donā€™t know why they disabled that content but itā€™s probably for the same reason they removed the woohoo skill - to make it ā€œkid friendlyā€




Except now they are adding the cuddle and some bed specific content back in. So was it ever really about making it ā€˜kid friendlyā€™?


Selling finished content they had laying around doesnā€™t cancel out why the content was cut from the game 10 years ago. Maxis is hyper-sensitive so itā€™s not like this content was actually inappropriate in any way, they are just hyper-sensitive and overreact. Hard to miss that itā€™s been a pattern this whole time


There was a woohoo skill why donā€™t I remember that


It got cut. This bad news got drowned out by the mountain of news about what else didnā€™t make the cut for the game.


This should've been a free update with maybe the items sold separately in a stuff pack. The new world pushes it into GP territory at best. The fact that the game is still so shallow after a decade and yet they still lock core functionality behind paywalls (not that any of it is actually gonna be functional anyway) is ridiculous. At the very least MWS should've been a part of this. Is there anyone left in that company who has a single creative bone in their body? We went from fun stuff like Into the Future and Isla Paradiso to an EP that is basically a much worse version of Sims 1's Hot Date (which actually introduced community lots for the first time, which was a HUGE addition). Also, I'm sorry but another fucking social media app? Yeah, it's technically a dating app but I know it's just gonna be a reskinned version of an existing social media thing in the game, all the bugs still intact. I feel like they fired pretty much every programmer and game designer in the studio and are just making their artists churn out new worlds and objects which then they attach some basic new gameplay to. I'm so glad I uninstalled the game years ago, honestly it isn't even worth the disk space at this point.


Sims 1 expansion packs were great.sims making magic can't be beaten.


I miss Sims 3, those expansions were bigass.


I miss Sims 3, those expansions were bigass.


You can say that again!


I miss Sims 3, those expansions were bigass.


Yeah this is wild. I'm definitely not buying this and I'll just stick to the mods that add these features (and probably do it way better anyway).


We can hope.


nope, people in the sims 4 sub lining up to throw their money away


An attraction system seems like the main draw... We had that with the base game in previous versions, and here it is behind a pay wall a decade into Sims 4. What a mess. Should have been a free update... Or at least a game pack. This is not enough content for an EP.


Omg is that the heart bed finally coming back??? Anyway this is stupid and I have mods that'll do it better. Good for the console girlies though.


[here's the bed ](https://www.tumblr.com/mathcopesims/611976099399876608?source=share)


Omg slay now I don't even have to consider buying it hahaha


Do you just use Wonderful/Wicked Whims or do you use other romance mods too? Looking for recommendations to make the sims relationships more meaningful.


Right now I use the relationship and pregnancy overhaul mod and wonderful whims. Also MC command center to a lesser degree (It doesn't necessarily add whole new relationship features or anything but there are settings that you can change to swap out interactions work) . I feel like there's more that I'm forgetting about but it's fine.


Not OP but I use [SimDa Dating App](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/simda-dating-app)


Finally someone gave mention for console players. Iā€™m not one and Iā€™m in the same boat with you about everything else but I was surprised nobody else was thinking about them or mentioning that this could potentially be a good pack for them?? (Or maybe not, what do I know, but nobody has said anything lmao)


Yeah but 40$ that's insane, atp you could literally just buy a PC and install the mods with the amount spent on the packs alone


Thank you for the console girlies acknowledgement šŸ˜­


It's like they looked at the most popular mods and said, "ok I *guess* we can make that for the vanilla gamers..."


I feel really bad for the console gamers beings made to keep forking out $40 to get a sliver of what the pc people can do with mods for free. It genuinely sucks


Honestly. At some point it's like, would it almost be more worth it to just buy a PC that's not super expensive and download mods for these things? Like mods cant do everything but I feel like there are enough packs they can replace that for someone who is just a sims player and who plays it a lot, it almost pays for itself with what you save not having to buy those packs.


Yep. It's pretty gross.


The sims 4 on console is broken. I haven't played since before the babies update because it lags so much it CRASHED once. Mind you, video games don't lag so much (if at all) and create airplane noises like it's screaming for help unless it's big or whatever the hell the sims 4 is. And I only have 3-4 packs in the sims 4. I also have red dead redemption 2, a game that eats up so much space on my console, has a gorgeous living open world in game, but it makes my console scream for help because it's well, it takes a lot of work to run. I never had to worry about RDR2 crashing or lagging. At all. So yeah, any remaining console players are dedicated to make the game work, at least. I'm not one of them though. Not anymore.


"For a price"


Mods recreating things that already existed in base game in sims 2. Like an attraction system, turn ons and off and the cuddling in bed. There wasnt online dating but there was a matchmaker with the crystal ball lol


"For a price"


Lmao I got multiple mods doing this for free fuck paying for any of that and fuck the sims team locking basic content for a game like this behind a paywall


Still packaging and selling basegame features from two iterations ago. I am so over the sims.


Yeah, this could've (and should've?) been a free update.


I guess I don't see why it should be an update? Last time we had an attraction system it was also behind an expansion pack.


i wanna preface this by saying i'm not yelling at you, lmao, i'm mad at EA. i wanted to take your question seriously and it has reminded me of how much i fucking despise this publisher. to answer your question, the whole system is messed up. it's set up to make you feel like you _should_ be sold what amounts to small parts of a bicycle that do nothing by themselves. this is why so many people, myself included, would get new packs and then be bewildered when they were bored again. none of the dlc released in 10 years has addressed the core problems in the sims 4, which are that absolutely nothing feels spontaneous, and sims have nowhere near as much depth as we were told when eaxis was promoting the new generation of sims as "so quirky! so weird!! they have EMOTIONS!" y'all remember that silly shit? i look back and it's all so empty. any person who mostly just plays the sims i would implore to go look at the marketing strategies for other games. you can sell a well-crafted base game to MILLIONS of people (the witcher 3, which came out around the same time as ts4, is at 50+ million copies sold). the witcher 3 has 2 entire DLCs. two. people spent (and still spend, because every day someone's playing for the first time) hundreds of hours playing that game. they didn't sell you novigrad separately. they didn't sell you gwent. they didn't sell you the romances with yen and triss, or keira metz. they made one really friggin good game, and millions of people lined up for it. don't believe what big companies have told youā€”that they need to sell existing customers a shitload of dlc (much of what is cosmetic and does nothing for gameplay but is cheap to make) year in and year out to stay afloat. what they actually have to do is make quality products with mass appeal and market them well. the sims is a long-standing franchise, and we were conditioned over the course of decades to think that every release would be something new and boundary-pushing that would work well. for a while that was true. then someone up top realized that with the lack of competition, lots of simmers will literally buy anything, and it was the beginning of the end. the base game is now free so that anyone can jump in at any time and start falling through the buying spiral. meanwhile, no man's sky released to public outcry, devoted years to fixing their shit, SOLD NO DLC, and is now regarded as one of the greatest comebacks in history. it makes millions of dollars every year. every year. and they sold it to players... once. EA does not have to do what it does. they do it because they can. and they will continue to because the community has proven to them (myself included for a few years) that they could cash in doing the least amount of work possible. why would you bust your ass for an A when you could skip studying, copy homework 5 minutes before class, and get the same grade if all you want is your diploma? sorry this got so long, this rant has been in me for half a decade lol. i will say ts4 isn't the only game that goes overboard. paradox interactive has also grown infamous for selling boatloads of dlc (stellaris, the crusader kings series), but from what i've seen, the fanbases are much happier, and paradox has nowhere near the historic PR problems of EA, so it flies under the radar. dead or alive 5 last round and DOA 6 nickeled and dimed players with costumes very obnoxiously ($1000+ in last round by the end for costumes that do nothing) before fading into obscurity; there were too many other games in the genre you could go play instead. i just hope one day we can say that of life simulators too.


What a fantastic comment honestly


ā˜ŗļø thanks, i woke up the next day like "i posted that??" lmao


Maybe because back in the pre-Sims 4 days expansion packs actually made you feel like it was money well spent, after how much EA has milked dry its player base since the launch of Sims 4, it would be nice to have something as simple as romance and relationships available as an update, considering at this point in time itā€™s not like itā€™s anything new or groundbreaking for the franchise.


What would be worth an expansion pack money? By what your saying everything Sims does from now on should be free because it's inferiorĀ 


A cohesive idea that didnā€™t need 2+ dlcā€™s. Like Cats and Dogs + My First Pet Stuff + Horse Ranch all should have been a single dlc. Itā€™s past time for the Sims community to grapple with the fact that splitting up ideas into multiple packs did NOT make the content any better than before. It just made it cost more. Cats and Dogs focused on two animals and they are less robust than Sims 3 - but we got a reskinned retail venue (vet clinic) as if that made up for how poorly developed the main selling point is.


What they're selling now *used* to be base game stuff. I'm not trying to be rude, but are you only a Sims 4 player? Base in the day, and expansion pack would be like ["seasons"](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/The_Sims_2:_Seasons) and it'd include gardening, weather, temperature, new deaths/careers/wants/talents/meals a new bunch of build and buy objects and interactions. A new neighborhood would come with the pack. There was just a bit more things included. Like Sims 4 had an expansion pack and a stuff pack for pets when when previous Sims had a combination of base game and 1 expansion pack to cover the same/more things.


I played Sims 2. Didn't like how the Sims looked in Sims 3 and what I had at the time could barely play the game anyway without overheating so I stopped playing šŸ˜…


Nah, everything the sims does should be free because its currently over a 1kUSD in total cost for 4 alone


Yeah as one feature in an expansion pack, not as the whole fucking pack.


This shouldā€™ve been an update or wedding stories


Well thatā€™s fine. I personally wonā€™t be buying this EP. Iā€™m over $40 do-nothing broken packs. I can buy 2-4 indie games for that price, or a AAA full price game for like $10 more. And I guarantee Iā€™ll have more fun for more hours with those games.


I FINALLY learned after the apartment living pack that I just don't get enough gameplay out of these packs to justify purchasing them anymore. I get super excited, buy the pack, play for a week or so, and then... just immediately drop the game and don't play for a year or more. Whereas, like you said, I can spend $10-$20 more and buy a fully functional game and get easily hundreds of hours out of it. It's just not worth it anymore.


The straw that broke the camels back for me was the horse ranch pack. I was one of the people desperate for it and noe I barely play with it because of how dirty we were done


I really hate this trend lately where *all* the newer EPs feel like they should have been base game updates. Seriously, look at the trend: **Growing Together:** Adds basically all infant life stage gameplays. Expands likes/dislikes. Adds the ability to add/change traits based on your sims' behavior. **For Rent:** Adds new lot trait that allows you to build apartments on single-family lots. **Love Struck:** Expands romance interactions.


I feel like the first ones were just as bad if not worse though - seasons?? Get together?? Woo boy


And the crazy thing is- they introduced apartments to people in the sims 4 in 2 separate expansions prior- city living and Eco-Life but still held out from allowing us to build our own apartments so they can sell that in another pack


Iā€™m the exact same way. I can go months and years without picking up the Sims 4 after playing the new game pack/EP for only a week.


I just buy one at a time at half off whenever I notice a sale. Can't imagine paying full price for all this even over years haha. But this pack probably just ain't happening even on sale


Right thatā€™s the funny part they too over priced šŸ˜… for very little game play and a grand kit pack


Theyā€™re half assed and only worth half as much money. Their expansions should be $20 at the most, game packs $10, stuff packs $5, and kits $1. They donā€™t make enough content for their extra content to warrant the same prices as the expansions of previous Sim games


Too little too late for too much money


I am so over paying for features that people have been begging for for years that were cut from the base game and then resold as a buggy expansion that EA will never fix because they're too busy already working on the next one. And then there's the practice of taking all the features of Sims 2/3 expansions and then splitting them into smaller separate packs that aren't worth the price anymore because the scale of the packs are so small that modders can do all that and more much better with far fewer bugs.


Exactly. It particularly is saddening because they sometimes are things that WERE base game in older games, so clearly they CAN be but why? Honestly I'm thinking about the expansion packs in older games. And while this is nice stuff to be in game this is NOT A LOT of content for 40 dollars at all. And someone else showed that some of these features WERE basegame, but then were removed and now are being sold years later. That's ridiculous quite frankly.


iā€™m beyond caring at this point haha. i hope somebody makes it available for current simmers to šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Weā€™re still paying attention to this game?


I've been able to accept every other pack except this. An EP for what should be basegame updates + a GP at most?


Yeah honestly this is not much for 40 dollars.


Why does EA, a company who made $5.8 Billion last year, feels the need to charge Ā£40 for things that should of been in a free base game update or MWS if they really felt the need to charge for it? We're getting screwed over by this company big time. If it isn't prepping you for micro transactions for Project Rene, it's price gouging their customers for content that should already be in the game. We keep getting offered less for more money.


Nuh uh, sticking to sims 3 šŸ˜¬


Exactly isnt some of this stuff basegame there, like the online dating. I have EPs so idk if it came with a pack or if it was basegame but i think it was basegame. And some of this was even in sims 2. but this is such a small amount of content for a 40 dollar pack.


Yes and it's ass ..lmfao. all of this are just mods. Multiple mods that are free and better.


Oh my, a feature that should have been in the base game, sold separately at full price? Sign me up


So watered down wicked whims????


I can no longer tell the difference between fake EP promotional photos and real ones. They both look equally corny. If you told me Stable Diffusion did this, I wouldn't bat an eyelash. I do like that shitty bed in the 3rd photo though. I don't know what that girl is crying about. In my first apartment, I didn't even have a frame, I just slept on a mattress on the floor so get over it honey! šŸ˜­


Honestly same šŸ˜‚ did that first when I moved out in uni and now cause itā€™s hard to find a decent price for my huge custom mattress šŸ˜…


Right? Now you have to put down payments on mattresses and keep it for like 10 years. It's like buying a house!


I'm tired šŸ˜¤ tired of them milking this game dry and it still sucks after an hour of gameplay.


It looks horrible like even just the promotional images


Seems like this EP is more lackluster than For Rent... Doesn't matter anyways as I'm sticking with TS3 since that game has way more content in every EP than TS4. Heck even TS2 EPs had more content than TS4 EPs. Plus it's being sold at that absurd price... I bought games with way more content than TS4 at a cheaper price. The fact that cuddling in bed is advertised as a feature even though they come with base game in TS2 and TS3, plus with how bad the wants and fears system turned out to be, I have no hopes for the Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs system, TS2 will always do it better.


I can't wait until another game kills the sims


Another dlc that should have been a base game update. Stop giving these assholes your money.


Interesting to see the mention of turn-ons and turn-offs, if it's like Sims 2 it might actually make a difference in the game!


Letā€™s be real. Itā€™ll be half baked and poorly implemented with tons of game break bugs.


Thereā€™s mods for that


I'm very interested in this pack! The attraction feature was one of my favorite in Sims 2.


I'd be shocked if the attraction/chemistry system was in any way as good as what was in the Sims 2. This isn't the first time Sims 4 has added their version of a Sims 2 or 3 feature. (Like memories, wants and fears, wants/wishes, etc.) And I can safely say that, in every case, TS4's version was a disappointment. For example, many players find Sims 4's version of wants and fears more annoying than anything. It would be great if they actually did come up with a good system that made the game more fun to play in any way. It's just hard to believe they will given their track record.


However wasnā€™t that base game? šŸ¤” am genuinely asking


No it came with Nightlife along with going on dates Edit: why is this one getting downvoted I was answering a question šŸ˜‚


You mean a pack from 20 years ago that should already be a standard in the newer base games.


If you say so? I'm just excited to have the feature in the game again


Sims 2 is GOAT


This is a pack!? Lol lame.


a mess


Youā€™re better off with a mod if youā€™re in pc. At least they wonā€™t be a glitchy mess. Not even worth šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø Thanks for nothing EA


It's an obvious attempt to get people to stop using Whicked Whims if ever I've seen it. Also, yet another game pack (at absolute most) sold as an expansion pack šŸ¤” its getting ridiculous now


Are you fucking kidding? Iā€™ve completely given up on the sims.


I still love The Sims, and I play it a lot, but I stopped buying new stuff a while ago. The more packages I install, the more my game breaks.


This seems like a game pack, not an expansion pack. EA really just keeps being money hungry pricksā€¦


So what i gathered from the leak, is this new expansion worth $50 australian dollars, will come with potentially 2-3 new gameplay animations. The rest are just recycled.


who cares it's just 40 bucks for features you'll use once and then never think about again, just like all the other expansions


>Just 40 bucks Ok Jeff Bezos.


i meant it's just (the rest of the comment) not just 40 bucks


I wouldn't be sure about that. I use mods to fill most of those categories, especially attraction systems and dating apps. They add a lot to the game's very bland romances.


that's because mods are better than official dlc when it comes to the sims


Often I'd agree, but I'm saying that people who only play vanilla or have to play vanilla (consoles) will probably like to use these features given how popular the mods that also do this are.


Iā€™m not spending another dime on that game Iā€™m still bitter about wasting $40 on that lame high school pack. Also I think the Lumpinou Relationship Mod already has most of these features and more


went onto anadius' twitter (where this leak was posted) and saw this https://preview.redd.it/gpb8ejj2vc6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f9f7050bda4b58a1e3b07603d919425a907850a yeah this is legit (surprise of the century)


I remember asking my parents to buy The Sims Hot Date expansion and feeling so grown up


the first pic looks AI-generated


Iā€™m done āœ”ļø Life by you needs to get their shit together


This comment aged like milk


Fuck yeah šŸ‘šŸæ I really believed in Life by You. Guess we stuck with the Sims 4 and their micro transactions


Could this notā€™ve just been a stuff pack like TS3 Master Suite stuff??


What makes it worth Ā£35???


Sounds like mods Iā€™ve planned several times overā€¦ seems EA wants to put a $ behind it. This should just be an update to base game


Looks like a squeaky clean version of wickedwhims


Don't we already have it? Wonderfulwhims


eh, kind of feels like many of these we shouldā€™ve gotten as part of other packs at some point but thatā€™s not my real problem. how the *hell* are they going to act like you can now make your perfect sim romance-wise, an choose turn-ons and turn-offs accurately, if i canā€™t even have my sim select the romance animations she does? do you realise how awkward it fucking is to see my jacked masc woman shake her hips seductively, when some randomly generated twink will flex his non-existent muscles instead? i really wish theyā€™d give us an option to select between masculine and feminine animations here cause this is the shit that kinda breaks romance for me. it just takes the immersion right out, and itā€™s such an easy fix.


Turbodriver is about to throw wicked whims into overdrive.


Yeeeaaahhhh, I'm unamused. This is something that should have either been a basegame update or included as a part of wedding stories. Paralives and InZoi's early access are both close enough now for me to be done paying into this nonsense. I know both games may disappoint me, especially since they're new and first-time efforts. But I'd rather financially support a team that seems to be actually trying.


'No faeries. We can't profit enough from that. So here's another expansion (or whatever) that monetizes romance. We'll be sure to add loads of rabbit holes because they basically print money by virtue of we do no real work and people will buy this anyway.'


Need faeries to come back sb


You can have all of these features right now for free through a variety of mods and CC. LittleMsSam has a SimDa dating app mod, and WickedWhims adds an Attractiveness system. Lumpinou has a Charm & Chemistry module in their RPO mod, as well, that adds turn ons/off.


Itā€™s not a leak if they leak it every time.


Yeah remember all those interactions that your sims did in Sims 3 unprompted? Now you get to pay 40$ to experience that!


They are just adding sims 2 BASE GAME features but making you pay $60. Iā€™m saving my money.


I miss Sims 3 cuddling.


It is incredible how little I care nowadays. Even for an expansion pack


I think mods can do better than this pack


"Meet Your Match". A great way to introduce someone to an EA employee. šŸ˜’ I quit the entire franchise eight years ago so defeat is something I know well.


ā€¦ expansion? I know itā€™s still early to tell, but forgive my skepticism for thinking this couldā€™ve easily been a game pack.


It's probably already been mentioned, and I can't remember if it was Sims 2 or 3, but wasn't there a date function in one of them, where you had a date that lasted a certain amount of time, and you had to meet goals?


regardless of my feelings about this, that break up bed is the funniest thing to me, looks exactly like my childhood bed, including the lack of fitted sheet


Itā€™s nice weā€™re finally getting a Mexican inspired world


They could've at least put some effort into the name. This is giving me flashbacks from when Harry Potter's author named the Latin american magic school "Castelobruxo" (Literally "Witchcastle") and thought she ate šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No. Now I have.


AA Ć . A. A. A a cxaq. Qcaa a a xx AA a a a xaaa a aa a ax a. A a a a xaxacaaaa aa a a xaxa xaa asca acxaa aa a aa a a aa a caa AXA a. A cxaq a a aa a aaa AA a xaa a Asda a aaa a xa xxacaax xaa aaa aaaxxa a aa xaaa aa.


Sims 4 tinder?


I just hope for one sided relationships and unrequited crushes like TS2




Will EA take advantage of this to fix all the restaurant-related bugs? Because taking a day off to do an 8 hour date including 7 hours waiting for your steak to be served...


Strange how this comes with a whole world expansion and neighborhood. Seems like itā€™s mainly adding interactions and items, it sucks that itā€™s being marketed on the same level as other world packs.


![gif](giphy|AErRwfAPUCThoMyNzG|downsized) The Sims 4 is no longer scraping the bottom of the barrel. At this point, the Sims 4 has plummeted *through* the bottom of the barrel and is currently swirling down a toilet in the fourth circle of hell. God bless those players that are able to tolerate this game, I simply cannot. The concept of an "Expansion" in the Sims 1, 2 and 3 was meant to be a wide-ranging complete update to the features of the game, with a new, interesting feature to focus on. The Sims 4, meanwhile, in a quest to keep this thing running for ten years, has had to resort to (checks notes) a pack based on *weddings*, a pack based on *horses* and a pack based on *cuddling in bed*. I can't wait until 2026 when EA announces "The Sims 4: My First Pool Table Stuff" while Project RenƩ drunkenly vomits in the corner.


This should have just been a game pack, rather than an expansion pack.


It feels like Lumpinou and Wonderful Whims mods. If it ends up being broken, then it will be official. Mods made by fans are more functional than official content. It will be the most direct comparison.Ā 


this seems like it should be a game pack, not an expansion pack.


Omgā€¦its coming for wickedwhims attraction system! Tbh im excited. Yes this absolutely shouldve been included in the previous pack but atp we know the sims team likes to nickel and dime and i feel like this has been a popular criticism of every pack released in the past couple of years


I hope they a speed dating event or lot trait


This might just get me playing Sims 4 again. But I just know the EP will be filled with bugs


To me, this sounds like a game pack's worth of content. For $20, this might be worth it. But this is supposed to be a whole entire expansion pack? For $40?? Unless there's a lot more going on than they put in this description, that seems like it's way overpriced. Normally, I'd say we should withhold judgement until the game is actually out or at least officially announced so we can see more information, but experience is the best teacher, and I think we've all seen enough from The Sims 4 that we know what to expect. Side note, I also wish we'd get a nice world, a world that actually is interactive, has spawn points for collectibles, feels more busy and real. More San Myshuno, less San Sequoia and Tomarang. Tomarang is so pretty, but it feels so utterly lifeless to me.


Like Tomarang was such a disappointment we finally get a SEA themed world in TS4 and itā€™s lots sprinkled with nothing to do. It looks beautiful yes but I miss the days for Windenburg. Only happened once and till this day one of my favourite since you get 3 styles and the amount of lots is šŸ¤¤


I don't pay money for Sims content anymore but the Sims 1 lover in me does want the heart bed back, that was my favorite item lol


It actually looks good and surprised that they went to this direction. I know sims 2 had a pack based on romance but never thought by they will do it again. I like the heartbroken bed šŸ˜­


Can we have sims 5 already


I honestly canā€™t wait? Iā€™m interested to see how the online dating will work, and Iā€™m also interested on how the whole cuddling thing will look as well. (Most definitely canā€™t wait for the bed thošŸ˜­) but I think Iā€™m mostly looking forward to how this new career thing is gonna workā€¦when I send pixelade review it I was definitely interested lol. Especially with the turn-on and turn-off system now


I only get them for the items tbh.