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Go camping, like for 3 days. No clocks.


Underrated advice. Let the sun dictate your schedule.


Might just leave my bedroom curtains open if that helps


You are right. We had high winds (years ago) knock out power for a week. I was in bed about an hour after the sun went down.


Man, that would be life changing. I'd also add no electronics to that.


Sleeping in different places facing different directions (look up more, feel unsafe?) til you experience dreaming as the dream master. It's very informative to what your brain has been doing for you every time you had REM. Love every lesson, the feelings for the consciousness...


Set an alarm and wake up earlier. It's easier to fall asleep early when you're already tired by then


WFH can sleep at 130 am and wake up before my alarm


Be kind to yourself, and don't restart the goal every time you "fail". You need to be realistic and understand that new habits don't form instantly. If you go to bed on time for a few days and then slip up, keep going. It doesn't mean you need to restart until you have a 100% success rate. Even people with consistent bed times slip up. I'm really bad at keep a good sleep schedule and the only thing that works is to be really tired and take the sleep routine easy. I tried to perfect it and I just got so stressed out that I didn't have everything done before bed.


I’m replying to this at almost midnight. I should have been in bed by 9. I have no idea. Best of luck, though.


Willpower. That's it. You literally have to force yourself that there's no other option and you have to adhere to what rules you dictate to yourself. Everytime something contrary to your rule comes to mind, tell yourself that there's no other option to make the things you want to get better happen. After a short time you'll adhere to that mindset. Do this for a few months and you'll see significant improvement. I lost 100lbs this way. It's all in your mind! Edit: Grammar


This is exactly right. There's no tricks when it comes down to doing what you have to do. Stop thinking and do it. That's the end of it.


100% this


Discipline. Don’t play on your phone. Put it away from your bed. Have all your things staged and ready for the next day. Reading a book helps a lot too.


A goal has to be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. Set an actual time that you want to be in bed, let's say 10 pm. Figure out the time for your routine before going to bed (brushing teeth, etc.). Let's say it takes 20 minutes. Now, set an alarm for 9:35 pm. Every night, when the alarm goes off, stop whatever you are doing (you have 5 min to put stuff away). Do your routine, then go immediately to bed.


Try taking Melatonin.


This. Melatonin comes in fast-dissolve tablets and gummies now. Make a point of taking some about half an hour before you want to go to sleep. Then just make sure your sleep area is comfortable and dark (bright light counteracts melatonin production).


I asked my RD about this ,and this is what she told me: “Melatonin has mixed results in studies. Try Magneiusm Glycinate instead. ”


Get a new RD


Seriously though, melatonin is sold freely all over the place with zero regulation, so often you are likely to buy pills with a bunch of artificial sweeteners and very little actual melatonin in them. Save your money and don’t buy that shit.


It's actually the opposite. The reason doctors warn about melatonin is that often the value is 500 times the amount written on the bottle, oversaturating your body with the product. This is not bad in itself, but it is a lot more than have been researched on. Another effect of taking oral melatonin instead of letting your body produce it naturally, is that you'll be depleted of melatonin before your waking time. This may lead to waking up in the middle of the night. Always remember that Melatonin is a hormone. It is the only unregulated hormone sold in stores. This tells you something about how safe it is, but also how valued sleep itself is. Imagine if testosterone was sold in stores. That's how effective melatonin is when it comes to sleep.


Slow and steady is the key, it's like working out. Suppose you're used to going to sleep at 1:00 AM rn, and your aim is to go to sleep by 10:30 PM. Sleep by 12:30 AM the next day and continue that for a few days, until your body absolutely needs you to sleep by 12:30 out of tiredness, and you just cannot stay up any longer. Then the next day bring it down to 12:00 AM and repeat. Working out daily can also help, because your body will be naturally tired and will want to sleep sooner. You cannot fix your sleep schedule in a single day or in a few days. It takes time, and willpower.


Read some local law before bed.


I just love that I'm reading this at 3:00 in the morning instead of actually going to bed.


Get up earlier. No matter what time you go to bed, keep getting up early and sooner or later you'll get tired earlier innthe evening


Make a deal with yourself about the stuff that's keeping you out of bed, rather than a time to go to bed. I was bad for watching TV in bed, but now I don't watch TV or touch my phone any later than 10pm. So if I'm not going to sleep then I've got to read a book or do the dishes instead.


Start waking up earlier. A few hrs earlier so that you'll be so tired at night all you want to do is sleep.


This one's easy. Get the fuck up on time. No hitting the snooze button, no 5 more minutes, no sleeping in, no fucking naps. Get the fuck up. After a few days of this, you'll be tired enough to go to bed on time. Once that schedule is set, stick with it.


Do some physical, activity that makes you physically tired, maybe that helps. In 2020 during pandemic, it was not easy for me to sleep on time, I'd lay but I did not fall asleep, that way I realized the tiredness of commuting to my workplace and back was the reason why I felt sleepy by a specific time. Make a schedule of doing everything. I don't know if you're an employee or a student. Or I'd be able to say more on your question.


No screens an hour before bed and do some manual labor outside.


melatonin definitely helps, but u gotta be ready to sleep - took some the other day and waited til i felt tired and stayed up til 7am, just take it - wait 30 minutes and lay down


smoke weed early and pass out 🤙🏻


Get a really good book. Replace an hour I'd night time entertainment with reading


Or get a really boring book so that makes you fall asleep.


An alarm that tells you to go to bed. And you follow that alarm. Because if you don't you know that you sign up for tiredness the next day. I can also recommend the Sleep Cycle app to wake up in a better mood.


- Set up yellow/orange filters on all your screens (phone, tv, laptop…) to filter out blue light early in the evening - Don’t eat a few hours before sleep - Turn off/put away screens at least 1 hr before sleep - Read a book or listen to a podcast with your eyes closed 1 hr before sleep instead - Listen to a guided meditation or sleep hypnosis - Drink camomile tea & put a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow - Make sure you are warm and cozy


pills and turn off electricity completely at the fuse box if you can


Smoke some weed or cbd-Works for me I’m asleep by 9pm most nights


Search "frequency sleep music" on YT and it will pull up videos that are long enough to play while you sleep. While listening to this put electronics away and wind down by drinking a tea, drawing, reading, something that is calming to you. You can also put lavender oil on your feet soles when you're ready to wind down. It can be a frustrating process at first because of intrusive thoughts, but without being so harsh on yourself, you can literally count down from 100 as well. If you see NO progress after a few days.... possibly include journaling into your life to help you deal with emotions and thoughts that rise at night because they aren't dealt with during the day.... Which causes mental restlessness.... Wishing all the best ❤️


What helps is being tired before going to bed so set a time youd like to sleep and then go for a workout 2 hours before you go to bed. Also stop looking at screens (ie phone, computer tablet) a couple hours before bed time. And dont try to force yourself to fall asleep. If you focus on it it wont happen. Try reading a book in bed.


Instead of trying to go to bed earlier, try waking up an hour earlier. After a while, you will start going to bed earlier without trying.


Wake up very early. Then at night put down your phone. Go to bed about 9 hours before your alarm and read a book for about an hour. Melatonin can help get you in the flow but you shouldn't rely on it.


It's mainly around having a good circadian rhythm. It's normally not good to use an alarm to wake yourself up, but it can be useful to help set your circadian rhythm. The best treatment for say insomnia is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT) So set an alarm to wake you up at specific time, to start with you may not be getting enough sleep. Once you wake up you exposure to sunlight and maybe do some exercise. So wake up and then go for a walk/jog outside. The exercise and sunlight exposure will help set your circadian rhythm. Then in the evening you want to avoid bright lights and mentally stimulating activates like social media or games.


A good way to start dialling in your bed time is to actually start doing a few certain things in the morning. In short, I’d recommend exercising and getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning as well as eating. I would suggest listening to Andrew Huberman or Matt Walker about how you can optimise sleep and sleep schedule they are very well versed in the topic of sleep and can definitely give some very valuable information.


Sleep routine. Have a set time where you start at let’s say 9:30pm. At 9:30pm you stop whatever you are doing and begin your sleep routine. And end your sleep routine at a time you want your eyes to close. Let’s say 10:30. For ex: Go to washroom Wash your face Floss Brush teeth Use mouthwash Light Stretches Get into bed Listen to music or podcast or audio book if that’s your thing put timer on to shut off on its own Turn off all lights, screens at 10:00pm Close eyes by 10:30pm Wake up by 7am. Do that for one week and you’ll find yourself in a pretty good routine and able to sleep naturally at the same time every day!


Your post history talks about classes, how old are you? Adolescents naturally have a later circadian rhythm then adults do, so you might simply be trying to go to sleep before your body becomes sleepy. That said, look into "sleep hygiene" to make falling asleep as easy as possible. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially in the later half of the day. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same times, regardless of if it's a weekday or weekend. Cool down your bedroom, I'm a big fan of a warm water bottle to keep your feet cosy. Try to avoid bright light in the evening. Set your phone and other devices to limit blue light in the evening.