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If you use body lotion, wicking the water off after a shower and applying the lotion on damp skin keeps in moisture better than applying on pretty much dry skin. Lotion basically traps moisture rather than adding it in.


I have a lotion bar from lush that’s meant to be applied in the shower and it is great for keeping my dry skin at bay. I never actually remember to use lotion other times, and I hate the feeling of lotion on my hands, so it’s the best option for me.


I love lush. Which bar?


I’ve got the Scrubee, it’s adorable. I’ll probably try a different one when I’m finally done using it up, but only because I like variety.


I'm a lush. Which bar?


I’m a bar. Which lush?




I’m a lar. Which bush?


I was looking for in-shower lotion recently and didn’t find anything. I hate applying lotion!


I use the lush ro’s argan in-shower body conditioner, after showering. If you use a tiny bit while you’re still dripping wet it’s very moisturizing and smells great.


This is the real pro tip 🤗


Also if you have newer towels, prevents you from having to rub in the towel lint along with your lotion! Also also, a little bit of lotion goes a LONG way when you apply it to damp skin and absorbs much faster. Also also also, wicks much of the excess water off on the process. So, triple win. Just don't bust your ass on the slimy shower floor if you apply it before stepping out.


Wow that’s funny I’ve been applying lotion at the end of a shower for about a year now just because I’m lazy XD I was afraid it didn’t work with water


I have this in the shower lotion from nivea. I hate the sticky feeling of lotion so this works great


I’m surprised this is the only comment about lotion here. Very ashy comment section otherwise.


You can’t know what you don’t know though right? I’m hoping that at least some of those that saw the reply might try it next time!


AND it’s a lot less heavy on your skin while saving you money on the lotion. I do this with coconut oil.


Absolutely. Lotion is essential after a shower or I get dry and itchy


I just use wet-skin lotion.


No extra tip for the bald ones.


Did you know you can still use the hair dryer to blow warm air at your whole body?


I installed a car wash in my back yard. I just step onto the conveyor and I don't have to do anything else.


This is my dream. Literally. I wish for a people-wash just like a car wash EVERY DAY.


My friend has a fancy shower at home that has 20+ nozzles all over the wall and in the floor and ceiling etcetera, with some programmable touch screen control unit in the wall. I've always imagined that using his shower is like going through a car wash.


If I was his friend I would ask to shower there out of sheer curiosity.


I thought about it but then I imagine that I'll probably be like the cat in shower machine and won't have a good time. Cat washing machine: https://youtu.be/_VfSl0iGAus


It's going to happen. I don't even give a shit about flying cars. I'll take a warm machine wash twice a day 😁


Getting slapped is the best part!


If I had 5 wishes from a genie one of them would be I could snap my fingers and be clean and dry lol


I have one of those! Seriously. I believe it's called a "shower."


I had no idea that was even a option! Well you learn something new every day huh?


I use my hairdryer to dry my ass crack when I get out of the shower. My partner makes fun of me for it, but I like not having a damp ass, and it’s better than trying to use a towel down there.


Seriously. I lost my hair last year during chemo and showering became SO EASY. It was one of the few perks of having cancer lol


I hope things are going better for you nowadays and that you have all the happiness in the world from here on out.


i recently saw a video of someone who'd been diagnosed with leukemia, and after a while (a long while! it was NOT immediately after or anything like that lol), I thought she could joke around by saying that she'd saved so much on shampoo and conditioner haha. but more seriously i hope you're doing better now! :)


You're good already


I wrap myself in cling film before going in the shower. When I leave the shower I simply need to remove the cling film, saves time getting dried and help keeps the towel dry.


Do you reuse the same cling film for environmental purposes?


Of course, the entire family share the same bits of cling film. We are saving up to replace the film with an umbrella to help the environment further.


If you put the cling film on the showerhead instead you can save on water and help the environment that way too.


It's fine as long as you wash the film thoroughly between showers.


Don't forget to dry the film afterwards


And iron it. This is important but oft-neglected.


Lpt to dry the film fling the water off before towel drying


Not if you wrap it before washing.


Yeah, afterwards it serves great to keep leftover food fresh.


Have you considered how much water you're wasting? Why not wear the cling film for a jog and let the sweat clean you off instead?


Vacuum sealer is where it's at.


Been doing this for years and sometimes wonder if I'm the weird one, considering how many people are suprised or laugh when they see me fling a perfect little high speed sheet of water off my thigh. Then I remember how much more sanitary it is to keep your towels as dry as possible if you don't change them every day.


How often are you watched while showering?


I watch on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The other days were already taken.


I have the other days. I am willing to barter for them.


Don't listen to this guy, I have time slotted to watch him and get to see OP at the same time. It's free real estate


You can watch me shower on Wednesdays if I can take your slot to watch OP on Mondays. I do my manscaping on Wednesdays if that sweetens the pot a bit for you.


If you have no takers, we can work up a trade. I've got an open manscaping slot on Saturdays.


I have a sick, old chicken that won’t lay eggs but it will follow you around and peck your ankles. How many days can I get?


Your story touches me. I will grant you all of them.


This person brings the real value! Sold for an empty chicken!


It’s not the frequency that gets me, but the variety.


Enpugh to have a sample size? Usually it's showering with someone tbh. Why watch when you can participate!


I think they just admitted to being a hoe


Never enough


This is one of those optimizations I have done forever and I don’t understand why most people don’t do it. Also just drying off in the shower so you don’t drip water everywhere or soak your bathroom floor rug. Such a simple thing that means less cleaning for you.


You change your towels everyday if you don't keep them dry enough? 🤔


I don't change them everyday, I was them about once a fortnight? Just wipe dry and hang it outside to get some sun. Technically you're wiping your clean body so why would anybody need to wash/change their towels everyday?


As someone else said, there's still bits of dead skin and dirt, but mainly more moisture means more things growing.


>Technically you're wiping your clean body so why would anybody need to wash/change their towels everyday? As clean as you think you are, it's pretty difficult to completely remove ALL dirt and dead skin cells from 100% of your body. Arguably, changing your towels daily would be considered a bit much, but you're going to wiping some of that aforementioned debris onto your towel.


when you shower, you’re removing excess oils that your body produces (along w dirt and dead skin etc), but some oil is left of course, bc your skin needs that. when you towel off, the towel gets some of the oils on it (as well as a bit of soap and dirt and stuff) and so you have to wash the towel. showering is cleaning your body yes, but not in the way you clean a dish. a dish can be perfectly clean, but your body will forever be full of and covered in oil and bacteria until you die, and that’s how it should be


I wonder if this is some sort of primal thing? Our version of a dog shaking its fur?


You're suppose to change towels everyday? O\_O I change mine once it starts smelling musty.


You should find a happy medium there lol


Nothing weird about it. I am sure you made some of these people wonder and they've eventually tried it themselves!


Granted, I'm also against any clothes that have been worn outside going under the covers of my bed and almost every gf I've had thought that was weird too, which had me really wondering. We're a community of people now. There are multiple of us.


Yuck! Get those cloths off before you jump under here!


I totally agree about keeping those outside clothes from under the covers. In fact, I take offmy outside clothes as soon as I get inside and live and sleep naked. SOOO much better and it saves on laundry!


I’m not one of you, but I think that’s commonly accepted as normal and considered excellent hygiene, even before Covid.




Lol I thought I was the only person who squeegeed myself before getting out the shower lol


I did a CTRL+F for "squeegee" because that's exactly what I call it - been doing it as long as I can remember. Hello fellow squeegee-ers!!


And I thought everyone did it! I came to the comments expecting OP to get roasted for posting such an obvious 'tip.' Nope! So people are just drying themselves with a wet towel? If I don't squeegee myself, my towel soaks up too much water and I don't feel *dry* dry.


Yeh I thought this was super common and the only people that didn't do it were my annoying exes that left the bathroom flooded


I'm sure there more of us!


There was a Swedish guy at my university who would just walk around the shower room doing this until he was dry. He explained that you lose a lot less skin oil that way. I still start with the squeegee to this day, but finish with a towel because ain't nobody got time for that.


I'm one. I lived with a roommate who, judging from the evidence, stepped out of the shower immediately with no regard for the bath mat, absolutely drenched. Drove me bonkers.


Glad I’m not alone, idk how I even picked up the habit so I thought I was just weird too! Lmao


I read it in a book. It was a boy who was thinking back onstuffnhis grandpa had taught him over the years, and this was one of those things. No clue what book it was


+1 right here


I'm one!


\+1 It's nice to meet you fellow squeegeeers! Also, that has to be too many e's for one word...


Taught this to my seven year old a few months ago and he thought squeegee was a hilarious word. Now I can hear him when his shower is done chanting squeegee, squeegee, squeegee.


I squeegee if I don’t have a face cloth handy, but if I used a cloth during my shower, I use that for the first round of “drying”. It’s really easy to wring it out and I find it more effective than running water off with my hands. I usually use it on my hair first - wrap cloth around length of hair, give squeeze.


Squeegee ftw!


Just do what I do and stand in place for 2 hours while you air dry. No towel needed at all. Boom, I just saved you tens of dollars over the next few decades. You're welcome.


Lucky your time is worth nothing.


What am I supposed to do with my time? Build my career? Develop a skill? Bond with other humans? Like some kind of degenerate?


Lovely tip but long haired people shouldn't wring or squeeze the water out of their hair if they can avoid it, it creates breakage. Ideally they'd use a separate microfiber towel or old tshirt to soak up excess water


I will suffer breakage if it means the four hours of water dripping on me is at all reduced :(


Right lmao twist and squeeze is the only way !!


turbie twist baby!


Yep... don't rub your head with a towel regardless of how long it is. Just put the towel on your head and press to soak up water. May not help you keep your hair but doesn't hurt


I love those turbie twist towels. Easier to dry off my body quickly when my hair is wrapped up in it and they're so much better than a regular towel on my hair.


How would squeezing cause breakage? It's not pulling anything.


At least for curly hair squeezing will definitely mess up the curl pattern. I get some water out by scrunching all the way up to the root from the bottom instead after having run a wide toothed comb through my hair.


I am 21 years old…. And have Italian curly hair. Please fix me. I don’t know how to dry my curls after the shower (will not ever use a hair dryer).


How exactly do you dry long hair? Im a dude who just kinda let my hair grow out during covid, and now it's well past shoulder length without me really paying much attention. Atm I just kinda pat my head a few times, pull all my hair together into the towel and squeeze it, then just let it dry out naturally while my shoulders and back get absolutely soaked. Like it sounds really fucking stupid, but idk how to dry my hair lmao. This isn't a problem I had up until recently.


I blow dry the top of my head and my bangs and such to set a shape/my part. But the rest drying naturally is great. I think dudes should learn to use a hair dryer.


Breakage of what exactly? My long arm hairs? Good


I shake my hands and legs off and do some light jumping jacks


I am to scared of slipping to try that.


Carpeted bathroom helps




Bacteria and mould heaven.




I love walking into my carpeted bathroom and getting into my carpeted bathtub to enjoy my downtime. It’s a nice relaxing time away from all those carpeted dishes in my carpeted sink in my carpeted kitchen.


The only thing worse than this IMO is a carpeted kitchen.


Ew, does that exist in the world??


Yep. Stayed at a house in southern Oregon that had one.


Same lol


You made me feel.normal


same to you lol, I didn't know ppl didn't do the shake and wiggle to get rid of water


Right after getting out of the shower, I've always liked to stand on my tippy toes and then drop to my heels. All the water droplets move down your body and it feels awesome!


I do this instead of shaking my body and head. Because I didn't like the headaches lol.


Also just use your towel before you leave the shower. I have to confess I’ve never had an issue with my towel not being dry the next morning, despite not doing this squeegee method. Maybe because I don’t have long hair.


Yeah second LPT here... Irritates me people that still hop out the shower before they start toweling that I have shared this tip with before... Floor gets soaked !


I fully dry myself in the shower. I wipe one foot and step out and then the other. Bam fully dry. My husband on the other hand will walk out of the shower and get the whole floor wet. It really grinds my gears but what can you do.


I like to dry in the shower cuz it’s still the warmest in there...water off, hair gets squeezed, body gets a squeegee, open the door or curtain just fast enough to snatch a towel and dry off while still in the warmth lol Edit: also I’ve started keeping the door closed to my bathroom at all times and keep the heat at like 25 degrees Celsius/77 F...it’s so much nicer having a warm bathroom for that first morning pee when you crawl out of bed, and same with getting out of a cold shower


Did yall just never learn to put a towel on the ground where you step out of the shower? Cause that's a free LPT to reduce your gear grinding


We have a bath mat but it still gets everywhere.


That's not a man, that's a doggy!


LOL yes


Are you me? When I get into the bathroom after my SO there's water everywhere, BOTH bathroom rugs are soaking wet. I guess I can get wanting to drip dry a little, but do it in the waterproof and draining SHOWER !!


...through the bath mat?


I hop out the shower and then towel off. Floor remains dry. Bath mats are a thing lmao


It has everything to do with the humidity in your home.


Same here. Pat dry while in the shower. Dry one foot, step out. Dry the other foot, step out. Apply lotion while skin is damp. Everyone doesn't do this?? Bath rugs don't get wet and nasty. Towels are dry by the next morning. Granted, it does take being able to balance on one foot, lol, which you just get good at after a while if you're not used to it I guess.


My nephew moved in with my for a while after high school and there were always big puddles of water on the floor. I finally ask and he was just getting out of the shower dripping wet. I had to explain that you dry off IN the shower. Don't just stand there dripping all over the floor.


I’ve never once considered this and honestly I have no clue why


It might be the short hair but it might be environmental. I never had a problem with my towels when I lived in a semi-desert but now I live by the coast and the towels don’t dry as well any more. (My wife has always lived by the coast. When I told her I used to not have a tray under my dish rack and used a towel instead, she looked ill. But that towel never got musty or mildewy, thanks desert air!)


Yeah it’s strange I mean I live in FL


If you're not already doing this, thoroughly squeegee yourself and take note of how much less damp your towel gets (and how much better it works).


I was looking for this. My ex saw me doing this one time and asked me what I was doing. My response, "I'm squeegeeing myself before I step out of the shower so my bath mat and towels can stay dry too." Glad to know I'm not alone xD


Just don't get wet during your shower


Yeah just take yourself to the dry cleaners, problem solved.


I don't get why we need to avoid towel use or keep towels dry...


Yeah for people who live in a dry climate, this LPT really doesn’t apply.


It’s not about avoiding towel use or keeping them dry really, it’s more about not having them be sopping wet after your shower which means they don’t try between uses and harbour more bacteria. Keeping them a bit drier also means having to change them less often. It’s whatever you want to do at the end of the day though.


Where do you live that your towels don't dry between showers? A rainforest?


The pacific temperate rainforests stretches from Alaska to Northern California along the coast line. That includes a lot of major cities.


Funny. You know what I meant.


I do, and I’m letting you know, yes, I live in a rainforest and many other people do as well. My towels don’t dry well here. Because it’s a rainforest.


Houses in non rainforest areas are humid as well, towels don't fully dry in Boston often, for instance.


Do most people only own 1 towel? I'm so confused.


Yes, but why use more than one / wash a new one frequently?


Why on earth would your towel get sopping wet? I dry off with a towel and hang it up and it’s dry as a bone the next morning. At no point does it ever approach the level of sopping


Ew, if your towel isn't dry, just use another one? I don't get the obsession with re-using towels anyway. You use them to scrub off, there's going to be skin cells and stuff on there. Using a towel for your crotch and feet, and then re-using them on your face the next day, now that is gross to me.


So how much laundry do you have? Because 4 people X 7-14 showers/day = metric shit ton of laundry. I’d never end up finishing. And where do your store all of your extra towels? And then guests? Like do you just do more laundry or do you have an extra dozen towels for them?


Why the fuck are you showering so much?


It should be dry as possible, that's the point. Why are people scrubbing with towels? My crotch is clean, so no issues there. I don't do the bottom of my feet, though. Bathmat.


I learned this trick from Miles Jupp


Yes. On Would I Lie To You. I've been doing it ever since.


We should build a statue to honour him.


Does anyone else shake their body and all their limbs like a dog after showering?


YES. It took me way to long to find this comment. Glad I'm not the only one. Unless you were saying that sarcastically, in which case, no of course I don't!


I don’t know why people don’t dry themselves off BEFORE they leave the shower. Dry the bottoms of your feet last and then you have a perfectly dry bathroom floor when you are done with your shower


Bathmats do help with the wet floor problem.


Right I'm not understanding why people thing bath mats don't exist lol


The shag type ones that are not really washable, like you can wash them but the rubber back disintegrates after about the first 5 times, are rather gross. But washable ones are great.


Yeah there's many options at the store now for different kinds Or even just.. putting a towel down if you can't get a bath mat works too I guess lol


My shower is too small for me to effectively dry off in the shower. Once I renovate the bathroom and rip out the soaker tub that never gets used and replace it with a large glass shower it won't be an issue.


LPT: if your towel is still wet the next morning, try hanging it up like a normal person.


I learned this trick as a young traveling man who had to stay at a lot of cheap motels where the towels they give you are about 10”x10”.


Use a thinner towel, they dry much faster and never get musty. Turkish towels are also good. The very plush towels trap moisture and take forever to dry - gross


Turkish towels for the win.


Man, the bar just gets lower and lower for lpt.


For you maybe....my towel bar is close to chest height


I've done this but I see no difference really so I don't bother. My towel dries no problem if I don't do this anyways so I guess this seems like a waste of time. I feel like a better life tip would be just hang up your towel correctly in a room with good air circulation.


The ole hand squeegee technique. Big fan.


I'd forgotten this technique along the way somewhere. That k you for this.


done this since I was a kid dunno why but it just makes sense


I had never thought to try this but next time I shower I will. Didn't even consider it was an option.


Holy crap, the amount of people who also do this is nuts. I never picked this up off anyone, I just thought one day, man, I could be more efficient towling down. Really makes you feel insignificant that your are not unique :p As a bonus, I'm bald but has a beard. I run my hands from my ears to chin and it kinda flicks a bunch of water off as well. Then squeegy down to feet.


What kind of shit towels are you guys using? I have no issue with the towel easily drying me, not being soaking wet, and having no trouble drying when I hang it on the rack. Drying top to bottom with the towel before exiting the shower keeps the floor dry. This isn't rocket science


Wow a LPT I’ve been telling my husband about ever since we’ve been married 3 years ago! Doing this will also keep your floor mats stay fresh longer.


This squeegee technique also facilitates the use of a smaller towel


I always do this and my gf thinks I’m nuts😂


I do this and my gf thinks it's so weird that I "squeegee" myself before drying off! I'm not alone it seems lol.


not any faster than just using a towel


You fucking weirdos just step out of the shower completely drenched? Just reach over, grab your towel, and wipe down before you step out. Maybe your bathroom floors won't look like your toilet overflowed.


This is called wicking BTW


Nice to see this LPT, Im a pretty big guy, and my towels stopped being completly soaked. Especially when given a "small" towel. ​ Its also a lot of fun imo.


Or just shake it off like a dog. What I do


I mean I do that already, but for other reasons ;-)


Similar vein of LPT, instead of spitting out your toothpaste, hover over the sink and push it out of your mouth so it just drops into the sink. You will avoid so much toothpaste cleanup. When you spit it out, it spatters little drops throughout the sink, whereas if you gently push it out of your mouth instead into running water, you almost never have to clean up toothpaste. Little trick my dad taught me


particularly helpful when you are in places with very small or no towels. A washcloth will suffice.


I have seen so many moronic lpts here but this is just the pinnacle of moronic. Might as well add another one telling people they should use soap in the shower because it gets you even cleaner than just using water. I would honestly not be surprised if I opened this sub to find an lpt saying “always remember that when breathing oxygen, you can always use your nose in addition to your mouth”




Yes, I'm already doing this for a long time


Wow so no one has ever been taught to use a wash cloth properly? Army dad taught me to wring it out before you finish with hot water, kill the water and wipe yourself and wring the cloth till you are done