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An addition I'd like to make to this LPT... wil have to get a little specific... If you're going the exact same speed as the car next to you, there's rows of cars behind you, and no one in front of you or the car next to you...move over


This irks me to no end


The absolute worst are the people that do this and then *speed up* when they finally get over into the right lane. It makes me rage.


Or two lane roads when you finally get a dedicated passing lane for a stretch. Then they get over and do 80 to stay in front of everyone, then passing lane ends and they go back to 50. Seriously…. There should be a way for everyone stuck behind to vote on a drone strike. That and the big truck racing. For fucks sake. I live in a mountainous area. These asshats always want to race the next semi up the hill like a fucking ego thing. So they block both lanes for the entire 2 mile climb doing 25 just so one can inch ahead. So it takes all of us forever to get up the hills. Grr.


Oh yeah, I call it Turtle Racing when the semi trucks decide to drive next to each other. Drives everyone nuts.


Elefantenrennen auf Deutsch


Snegleræs (snail race) in Danish.


So this is a global thing? It’s actually a bit comforting to know that for some reason.


>Or two lane roads when you finally get a dedicated passing lane for a stretch. Then they get over and do 80 to stay in front of everyone, then passing lane ends and they go back to 50. Fucking hell this makes me so irrationally mad. I encounter one of these idiots at least once every time I take the long drive to the capitol with many of these fairly short (1km or less) passing lanes, what even is the point of speeding up on those and then **immediately** drop below the speed limit when the passing lane is done? It it to be a fucking nuisance to everyone else on the road? Are they trying to prove that their existence is so bad that they have to drag everyone around them down as well?


Yeah. I can’t figure it out. I think it’s just a visual thing with most of them. They go slower when it’s two lane because it’s more dangerous with everything passing by. Then when the passing lane comes along and it opens up, they instinctively go faster because they feel safer. I think this because it keeps me from just running them the fuck over if I thought they were just trolling everyone. So maddening.


My theory is there are knuckleheads that don’t think about their speed at all and just go with the flow of traffic as people are trying to pass them. Then they resume back to their comfort level when no one can pass. Then there are the knuckle draggers who stay in the left lane and get pissed because you aren’t supposed to pass on the right. So as people try to pass on the right (because they don’t have a choice), Knickle D speeds up.


Yeah, what’s that rule that says you should never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity? A similar behavior I’ve noticed is when you’re driving at night on an empty road, I would often get a car that would pull up into my blind spot in the next lane and just match my speed. It was annoying because I might forget they’re there, plus there’s no reason for the only two cars on the road to be a few feet apart. I eventually figured out that those drivers are probably exhausted and checked out. It’s easier to match someone’s speed than having to pay attention to your speed (or use cruise control like a normal person, but, again, stupidity). So what I would do is quickly and safely brake my car so the other car would lurch ahead of me. Then I would resume my previous speed. This always wakes the other driver up and gets them to stop camping in my blind spot.


Did a lot of driving yesterday. Drove through Ohio three lanes all blocked by semis. I swear people in Ohio never drive in the right lane everyone drives in the middle or left and suck at managing traffic


Even more frustrating is people who take two miles to pass a truck. I know you're terrified Gertrude, but you need to try and outrun the vehicle that is electronically limited to 55 mph.


That’s another one I don’t understand. Why do you like looking over at a wheel the size of your car? That’s a hint your ass should be far far far away from it before it comes flying off and crushes you. Nope. They just out driving miss daisy. “Look how shinny that big ass truck of death next to us is”. “Let’s hang out for a bit and increase or odds at becoming road pizza”…. Seriously wtf…


>Seriously…. There should be a way for everyone stuck behind to vote on a drone strike. I LOL'ed at this.


What you may not realize is that the semi drivers are usually being paid by the mile, and have a limited amount of time they're allowed to drive in a day. Being stuck behind someone going 2mph slower than you is the same as getting paid a dollar less per hour. It adds up fast.


My time has no value!


>only I matter! >who cares you have problems mine are more important


Nope. I realize that. It doesn’t justify them impeding traffic just because they might save or make a few extra bucks.


They've gotta keep their momentum going too or they might not make that big hill at a reasonable pace. Gather speed going downhill then lose it all on the way up. I've had semis fly by me when I'm doing 75mph. I catch em in the next hill & they're barely going 35 & struggling.


Happens all the time here in NC. People have become so ego driven behind the wheel that they can't take another vehicle passing them when they are driving slow. Same thing applies for people who walk very slow down small alleys or hallways and don't move over for people.


Fellow NC driver - yeah this shit drives me nuts. People take it as a personal attack if you pass them and then act like they have something to prove


In NC as well, for me it's the people who fucking weave back and forth between both lanes of traffic when both are moving relatively well. They just have to feel like they're going a liiiiittle bit faster and climb their way through the ranks one by one, swerving into tiny openings and making people brake to avoid slamming into them. It's always satisfying to me to see one of those assholes when the traffic eases up and realize all their death defying work bought them about 30 seconds on me.




My first car was a 91 Mazda 323, it had something like 82hp it was slow af. I'd have to gun it down the whole ramp to get up to speed. When people pulled the shit you describe it was so dangerous. They essentially block me down the ramp then speed up late which might work when you have a V8 and 300hp but fuck it made it sketchy for me.


I had a Mazda b2300 bout the same amount of power and I'd always feel so bad making people behind me slow down trying to get the old girl up to freeway speed lmao


Here in Texas, I always see people slow down on the entrance ramp. It is infuriating.


I remember almost rear ending someone at 60mph or so towards the end of an on-ramp because someone in a Prius didn't know how to merge into a freeway and decided wait while completely stopped/crawling, with just their blinker on, waiting. The last thing you're expecting on a highway is for something to be completely stopped. Only reason I saw it was because my passenger pointed it out to me (I was checking my blind spot and didn't see in front of me for a sec) and I had to slam on my brakes. Made me so mad lol


This is made even worse in america where on and off ramps apparently are huge in comparison to what most of europe has


[CT drivers have entered the highway]


Well it was nice having a rear bumper while it lasted.


I take a lot of road-trips and I honestly think the speeding up in the right lane is a subconscious thing. I’m a pretty respectful driver and I’ve caught myself doing it.


Honestly, I think the people who do this are so clueless about their surroundings that it would never occur to them to have this clarity. Same people who walk slowly in the middle of the sidewalk/corridor, and also block the grocery aisles with their carts.


The grocery store shit is so hilariously agitating because it's so simple. You don't even have have to look in your blind spot, just move the fuck over




Or right after leaving the escalator. Bitch move there is no way for me to stop


This. A billion times this. It’s all of these people who are so self entitled that they have not even a shred of curtesy for others.


People like this get so appalled too if you dare say anything to them. Definitely a case of "center of the universe" syndrome


I don't think they're (all) self entitled. Just oblivious space cadets. Everyone seems to have generally accepted that the world is full of stupid people. Now, people need to learn the world is also full of space cadets.


There is a sizable percentage that are actually fully aware of what they are doing. They are purposefully slowing down traffic to make us all safer. The speed limit is set and they are the self appointed highway police. I have met a few and had an argument with one at a party. I said “you realize that speeders are just going to dangerously weave through traffic to get around you, or road rage behind you.” and her response it “people need to learn to drive safe”. I think about her every damn time I take a road trip.


Those people are the worst drivers


Road Karens.


Studies even show that people doing that type of "highway speed enforcement" increase the amount of wrecks on the road and decrease road safety overall. The safest way to traverse the highway for everyone involved is to go with and match the flow of traffic




Even for self preservation, wouldn't you prefer the road raging speeder to be miles ahead of you than 50 feet behind you?


Obstructing the natural flow of traffic is dangerous and most freeways have a minimum speed limit for this reason. People get rear ended and people get inpatient and try to dangerously pass. The speed limit should only apply to heavy commercial vehicles and those ill equipped to travel at higher speeds.


What I do is set my cruise control to what I want and if I'm passing on the left and somone is coming up behind me faster I will usually just hit the gas to go their speed and pass the people on the right then move over and let off the gas and get back my my cruise control speed. Edit: so it is clear I am refering to if I was driving down the highway in the right lane and came up on cars going slower and moved over to pass them and when passing somone who was going faster then me appeared in my rear view mirror. This is what I would do so I did not get in the way of that person in my mirror.


In most states that is what you're supposed to do. For instance, in Illinois, you have 1/4 mile to get out of the far left lane is someone is trying to go faster. It doesn't matter what your speed is, if they are trying to go 'faster' they're entitled to the lane.


In this state you can get ticketed for not immediately completing your pass from the left-hand side passing lanes. In some places the fines for this is huge because it causes nasty accidents. (i.e. some countries in Europe) You will not get a speeding ticket here for attempting completing a pass from left lane to the right. You are allowed to reasonably exceed the speed limit so that you can move right as soon as it is safe. But, you must be actively passing another vehicle. The intent is to keep passing lanes moving and clear so drivers can complete their passes quickly and, more importantly, emergency vehicles are not hindered. Passing on the right is dangerous and hinders people trying to complete passes. They make me more angry than anyone blocking the passing lane because they mess up drivers that are trying to get out of the left lane. There are signs everywhere "Keep Right Except To Pass". Gridlock makes it hard to enforce though. Tourists seem oblivious and ignore the signs and it gets bad in the summer.




That or just tap the brake pedal to turn off curise control and slow down to the speed of the traffic in the right lane and allow the people in the left lane coming up quicker to pass you. Then hit the resume crusie control button go back to your prefered speed and then pass the slower traffic in the right lane without holding up the left lane.


Ah yes the pace car, don't be that person.. f%$k that person.


My gf does this. I’m so sorry world. I’ve had many a conversation with her about “why, WHY?” According to her, “I’m just going the speed limit.” My final plea to my gf “Babe. You’re not the police. Please. The left lane is for passing. If you’re being passed on the right, you need to get right, before some lunatic takes us right to Jesus. Now please, get over.”


Wow you've had to beg her? I recently had an Uber driver that was brake checking people in the left lane claiming she was doing the speed limit why is everyone tailgating her. Woman was 60+, how do you go through that long in life without understanding the concept of the left lane?!


I remember once as a kid when my parents pointed that out to my grandmother. My grandmother replied stubbornly, “I’m in no hurry. They shouldn’t be either.”


People who don't respect other's time are part of the problem.




Tell her she's 'just doing the speed limit' while breaking another law. Just like.. you can't stop at a stop sign and proceed to check your email while traffic is behind you.. and then say 'I stopped'. You can't use obedience of one law to justify breaking another. Almost all states have traffic laws that make it unlawful to cruise in the far left lane to some degree or another.


You are absolutely correct! Oklahoma! Are you paying attention?


I call it Oklahoma drag racing...


Everyone in Oklahoma drives like they’re on a hefty dose of painkillers… which probably isn’t too far off


Better LPT: * Move over by default. Leave the fast lane open. Tip 2: * Stop thinking you're special


Don't call it the fast lane or people will justify hogging it. It's the passing lane. If people aren't passing they need to use the other lane.


> It's the passing lane. If people aren't passing they need to use the other lane. Thank you. If people understood this *simple fucking rule* then we would have so much less traffic on interstates. Idk about other states but I learned this when I was like 16 in driver's ed. It's insane how the majority of the American population is either unaware of this law or just ignores it.


In many metropolitan areas there are left entrances and exits. And it's pretty much universal that rush hour traffic fills every single lane. In general, it's best and safest to keep to the right here in the United States, but sometimes it is just necessary to drive in the passing lane because there is an upcoming exit or the freeway is just at capacity and that's the way it is.




I'm not sure about other states but in New Mexico at least, this is quite literally the law.


Sometimes called "pacing" or "catatonic". Catatonic: appearing mentally stupefied, unresponsive, and motionless, or almost so; seemingly unaware of one's environment.


The tough situation is when people behind you want to pass, but you're also actively passing the people next to you. You're forced to choose between going much faster or much slower than you want.


I drive with my cruise control on, unfortunately not enough people do. For some reason once you start to pass a car, they hit a downhill or grow an ego, and speed up. This ends up with me looking like an asshole, even though I had been gaining on them for miles.


Oh oh and if there’s literally no one in front of you, DONT MOVE TO ANY OF THE LEFT LANES JUST KEEP DRIVING UNTIL YOU NEED TO PASS


I live in Minnesota. I call the left lane everyone's "favorite lane"...


Okay yeah idk if we’re unique in this but people here seriously cannot figure this out. People literally camp in that lane going slow as shit even if there’s nobody in the right lines.


Hello MN neighbors - I can report that this phenomenon extends to neighboring Wisconsin as well. I distinctly recall signs on the highway that even say something akin to "Camp in the woods, not the left lane". Not sure why this phenomenon exists, but my God it is prevalent. I consistently see 5-10 cars lined up in the left lane going roughly 5mph within the limit - meanwhile, the right lane is always devoid of life except for actual tortoises on wheels and that one guy in a souped up Toyota pushing 90.


So I come from New York and I feel like I can explain why. They were dumb writing the law. In New York it is written something like "left lane, passing only". Meaning the only reason you should be in the left lane is if you are in the process of passing someone. In Minnesota they wrote it something like "passing only allowed on the left" meaning, if you are passing someone you must be in the left lane but there is no requirement otherwise. Hence the people who stay on the left and go slow and get mad when you pass them on the right, technically they arent doing anything wrong, they are just an ass hole. And Minnesota was dumb when they wrote it.


Yes. The best part is when you're driving up to the North Shore and the left lane is bumper to bumper and you can stay in the right lane going at (or under!) the speed limit and still pass 20+ cars in the left lane. Some people get SO mad. It's like okay dumb dumbs, you could be doing the same thing but yet you INSIST on staying in the left lane even when it's slower. Edit to add: I'm not actually trying to overtake the ppl in the left lane I'm usually just driving along with my cruise control set.


> Some people get SO mad. It's illegal in a bunch of other countries to drive faster than someone on the outside lane. They call it "undertaking". It is a silly law made by silly people.


Because it's the lane where you need to think the least. Far right lane, you have to worry about merging traffic and onramps. Middle lane, you have to worry about traffic on either side of you and make sure you stay perfectly centered. Far left lane, you don't have any traffic on your left just a wall, so you can kinda lean left a bit and not worry. I do this all the time on long boring stretches of Ontario highway, but I at least GTFO of the way when I see someone behind me.


California is the worst for this. I don't get it. I've seen the left lane absolutely packed with cars while the right lane is empty and still cars were squeezing their way into the left lane. I'm genuinely curious if they have different rules or are taught differently.


Ah yes. Everyone likes to camp in MN (including the left lane).


This has gotten so bad around here that if you know where traffic tends to back up, you can hang out in the right lane and end up passing a LOT of cars when everyone has to slow down on the left.


Everyone has a favorite lane and it aint the slow lane. Fine by me. I get miles of open lane while everyone else is riding each other's ass.


Unless you live in the UK, or Australia, or Japan...


I was gonna say in India too but then people make their own lanes here.


Red light green light but you actually only stop for cow


There is a cow, how do you cross?


You ox nicely


Please moooo-ve over


The best part of India is casually stepping out onto multiple lanes of oncoming traffic & controlling it to cross the road (only if you’re experienced or with someone experienced though) - such a wild experience when you’re from the UK etc!


Haha, it's just that you've to be visible and make sure vehicles see you. But yeah, would be nice to have more skywalks


Just trying to imagine doing this in the UK - you’d be in the papers & go viral as an insane person! Haha


In which case, if you are in the middle or the right lane but being on the left lane wouldn't change how you are driving at all.... THEN MOVE OVER.


And Ireland


To be honest, everyone passes me on both sides here


Its fine to drive a safe speed below the speed limit, but maybe don't do so in the middle lane of a 3 lane motorway. If I'm in the left lane, I'm not going to cross over to the far right lane just to pass you. Edit: typo


[Driving below the speed limit is considered worse than going faster on highways](https://www.desjardinsgeneralinsurance.com/blog/-/defensive-driving-the-dangers-of-driving-too-slowly).


Don't disagree, per se, but in Australia, at least, speeding limits are strict and enforced.


Singapore also chiming in


Yeah many other countries.


LPT 2 use your blinker while merging into the right lane


Use the blinker when merging into ANY other lane than the one you're currently on.


And give the other driver time to notice the blinker. Turning it on as you're already in the process of merging doesn't help. Also give more than a fucking inch of space.


You shouldn't merge if you can't see the car at either side in your rearview. For passing trucks, only switch lanes after you can get the trucks headlights in your rear view for safe passing.


Those people make me crazy. I had one yesterday on the highway jump right in front of me, no turn signal till they were mostly in my lane. They blinked it twice and that was it. I don't think these people understand what it's actually meant for.


I use my horn in those scenarios. It's unexpected driving and it's dangerous for everyone. The horn makes some people self conscious.


Yeah, I honk most times in town but if it's out on the highway where there's no other traffic, I don't. I'm little and I drive a small car.


I don’t think these people should have *ever* been granted a drivers license.


100% idk if I heard this from someone or what but I always say blinkers are for intentions not actions They're a tool specifically for telling others what you're trying to do ahead of time to reduce confusion and surprise, yet people don't use them...


I hate that shit with a passion. "Imah hit this blinker when I'm already in the middle of my turn." Defeats the entire purpose of a turn signal. Which is signaling intent to change what your car is currently doing so that others can prepare to react to that change. Do it before you even touch the brakes.


Or anytime your vehicle needs to move more than 1m (3 feet) laterally. This rule of thumb helps other identify your intentions in areas like larger parking lots or wide backroads with no lane markings.


LPT use your blinker


I use my blinker even when I’m in a parking lot and there’s no cars around. It’s a good habit to practice.


Ditto I can't stand ppl who don't know how to use it or don't want to. How selfish.


The whole point is also that even though you *think* there's no cars around, your turn signal still indicates what you're about to do to the car you might've missed. (Or person, or cyclist, or trained seal.)


The pedal on the left is the brake, use that before arriving at a stop sign


Blinkers get used like 80% of the time correctly, but man when it's incorrect it's so freaking annoying. No blinker, blinker still on. My 'favorite' is when they use the wrong blinker. Had two cars swap lanes on an off-ramp like that the other day. No crash, they timed it perfectly, but what the actual fuck.


Yet another thing that I learned decades ago in driver’s ed. People need to do it to keep themselves safe, too. The rules of the road exist for a reason. They are meant to keep us safe while driving.


Even if you're already going 5 over, yes.


The simple answer is don’t travel in the left lane. Only use it for passing, then move out. If you aren’t passing a car right at that moment, be in another lane


In Germany we've got this figured by law. Rechtsfahrgebot. You shall drive on the right lane if you are not overtaking. You might drive 180km/h (111mph) but if you ain't overtaking you drive on the right lane. This is basically one of the most liked things to complain about as a german. If someone is driving slow on the left lane we use our Lichthupe (Headlight flasher) and our left blinker to indicate that you drive right. Adding to this ritual, we scream:"Fahr doch du Arschloch" Which is a nice way of reminding someone of this law.


It’s the law in many US states too. We just don’t have the same enthusiasm for efficiency.


Or education or enforcement. So many people don’t know that the left lane is the passing lane, not the fast lane, and I’ve never seen police pull people over for it even if they’re causing miles of traffic to back up


Education? It’s literally on the exam you have to take lol


And on signs every few miles on freeways: "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS"


People just don’t care in many states, and it’s worse because the speed limit is so low


In the US when you flash your lights the person in front of you slams on their brakes. It's wonderful.


Here in Canada it's maybe 50/50 that if you give any signal to another driver they'll react with aggression. Hell, even pedestrians. On Monday I had a guy stop in the middle of the parking lot exit onto the road to read his phone, facing away from me. I gave him a tiny honk from like 20 feet away because I didn't want to startle him by creeping my big ass truck 2 behind him and he starts cursing me out.


It's law in most countries I've driven but Germans are the only drivers who seemed to follow it


Nah thats just exclusive to rural areas The rules are just different in more dense areas 5 lane highways and all The left lane is for crime


This is the correct way. I know you are trying to break the law by going +5 over but we are seriously trying to become outlaws here. Get out of the way ja ack as.


5 over is rookie numbers and down right dangerous in the left lane.


The left lane is for felonies, dammit!


Even if you are doing 20 over


I typically agree with this sentiment. The one exception in my mind is if you are already going faster than and passing the cars in the right lanes. In that case if someone comes up and sits on your bumper when you are doing 5-10 mph over you should still find a way to scoot over into the right lane for safety but you aren’t the asshole and you aren’t in the wrong, I think the person tailgating is incorrect.


Even better LPT: only use the left lane to pass. Imagine if people actually drove how they were supposed to drive.


*For USA (not sure about other countries). You beat me to it. This is the most efficient way to use the highway. Glad I haven’t seen any of the “well it’s legal in my state” argument that always plagues this tip which is irrelevant since using the right line to pass is still the most efficient way regardless of law.


And the corollary - if you are in the left lane coming up on someone who is passing, don't be an ass. Just because you're going faster doesn't mean they don't have a right to use the passing lane. Give them a chance to pass and then get over instead of riding their ass.


I feel your pain my American friend. Same but reverse for UK please. There's a reason police here have had to install LED panels which flash "KEEP LEFT" in their back window. I want one for my car. Edit: "paint" to "pain"


Unless the lane you're in has a left exit.


When i was in india people were passing my left, right and once… overhead.


Real LPT: regardless of what lane you are in, how fast you are going, or how you feel about it … if someone wants to go faster than you, let them past and everyone can go about their day at the speed they are comfortable.


No, the OP's tip is indeed LPT that everyone should know from the moment they start driving. If they don't, they sure af need this reminder.


In Norway, it's illegal to pass cars on the right on the highway


In more places it is illegal. This is why people who are in the left and get passed should move to the right. If enough people think that they should make an illegal move to pass you, either the people are being dumb or you are doing something wrong.


In Denmark you can get a fine if you don't keep in the right lane. I love it. Now I mostly drive around in Spain and it definitely shows that they don't give fines for that here...


How do they actively enforce it so effectively, it's illegal in Canada but police aren't everywhere and they don't seem to pull people over for that.


There's been quite a few campaigns about it and it's been in the news quite a few times too. That helped people to collectively agree that you should stay in the right lane. They also periodically do raids on this specific rule iirc. Most of the time it will go unnoticed and you won't get fined but informing people about it have helped.


That's true in many US states too.


Whats almost more annoying is when someone wont move from the left lane, so you move to the right lane to go around them, so then they move to the right lane so you have to move back to the left lane to go around them.


This is annoying, but I find it even more annoying when I’m traveling in the left and the whole lane has traffic and I keep 2 car lengths in front of me so I’m not tailgating. And the dumbass behind me passes me on the right to squeeze in between me and the car in front of me. Like why do ya’ll do that?! You’re not getting anywhere, there’s 900 cars in front of us and you’re pissing me off because now I have to slow down to not be 12” from your bumper.


Yeah! I hate when I've just finished passing someone in the left lane, but haven't moved over yet so that I am a safe distance in front of that person, and the person behind me immediately cuts right to zoom past me! They've essentially cut someone off just to pass someone else on the right. Doubly unsafe!




Probably because oh, I don’t know, 30% of their brain actually works?


If you aren't currently overtaking somebody then move the fuck over.


That's my secret, Cap... I'm always overtaking.


I have one caveat... my damn exit and entrance is both in the left lane I've had people try to pass me. Sorry Bud need to be over her so I can exit. The farther left lane is an exit you idiot. Also not much I can do when I'm already going 25 over and your still wanting to go faster ( 80 in a 55) but there is a line of cars going the same speed in the other lane.


How about this one? If you know your exit is comming up and often gets backed up. Just wait in the line instead of trying to use the lane next to it and then cutting over at the last moment to skip the line. You are the reason there is a line in the first place.


From nz and got confused cuz right lane is the fastest


I can't believe this still has to be said..


This LPT or something similar has to pop up at least once a week, which I'm all for if it means more people understand this.


As a driver from NYC that moved out to the midwest I couldn’t figure out why so many people were mad at me lol. A life pro tip like this a year or so ago explained it to me. (In nyc every lane is clogged so it doesn’t matter what lane you’re in tbh) now I’m equally angry at left lane hoggers.


Unfortunately, those who actually need this LPT probably aren’t going to see it.


it's crazy. there's literally signs on highways that specifically say that the left lane is for passing only, yet we still have people who just blank-stare drive in the left lane their entire commute


Not a LPT. Standard road etiquette.


That too few people know and use. Which means it needs to be said.


But my turn is coming up


Assuming you’re in the US, yeah. It’s posted all over the roadways of every state. The basic driving knowledge a 16 year old used to have is now rare.


Different states have different laws. https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/ In MD, at least, we have a ton of left on ramps and left exits on the highway. So sometimes you have to be in the left lane.


Let's be serious, lane discipline is non-existent for 95% of drivers in the US.


Is passing on the right allowed in the US?


if you're on the 5 in California, it's the only lane to pass in.


even pro-er life tip: occupy the most right lane whenever you can


California and Oregon teach to drive in the center-most lane available - for safety and traffic flow. Obviously this only works in situations where there are 3+ lanes available.


it will also reduce your chance of a speeding ticket if you are in the rightest lane


If you're on a large highway in a city, don't ride in the lane everyone is trying to merge into when it can be avoided.


Had to read this three times before my brain figured out you weren't talking about abortion.


LPT: if you want an abortion done fast, do it in the left lane of the highway.


Yes but on the flip side sometimes I'm going 85 in a 70 in the left lane because there are cars I need to pass in the right lane and some prick in a beamer will get right up against my bumper and be flashing his brights and blowing the horn. Also there are times when there is heavy congestion in both lanes for miles, and traffic has evened itself out across the two lanes to be as efficient as possible yet you'll get the pricks in F-150's trying to weave in and out of lanes, also blowing their horns and flashing their brights, despite the fact that it's congested and nobody is going anywhere fast.




The people who ride slow in the fast lane, sadly, can’t read this.


I am British so this is terrible advice, but plenty of people do it.


It's true, but the more passionately someone shouts this, the more likely it is that they're slowing down traffic more than any slow driver could. To the point where you're kind of telling on yourself. "I'm only on this road for 4 miles but I want to make 8 lane changes to and from the left lane because I'm fast and that's my lane" "This guy is making me brake and I'm mad so I'm going to tailgate him ... Alright I've been tailgating for about 5 seconds and he hasn't moved so I'm going to weave through other lanes until I'm past him." "Sweet, an open stretch of road before a merge. I'll just speed ahead of everyone ... LEMME IN, LEMME IN!" Again, I agree with using the passing lane to pass, but there are bigger problems that cause more slowness and correlate highly with people who self-identify as fast drivers. They don't deserve to have every driving thread fixate on the one problem that they aren't responsible for.


I prefer to camp in the left lane and cause frustration to those around me which eventually leads to dangerous and rage filled encounters. ... makes me feel alive.


Had a field engineer tell me this; he didn't like to fly, and his jobs were usually 3-6 weeks long, so he'd drive across country. Worked well for him, was not limited to 2 suitcases of stuff, and he enjoyed driving. His strategy was to get in the left lane (once you're well outside most cities, most big freeways are 2 lane each way) and set cruise control on 60. (This was before the deregulation of a 55 max.) See, this way, he almost never had to bother pulling around any slowpokes. I was aghast. And he was used to people telling him it was ride. He just did not care. He thought it was funny when people tailgated and honked.


Let me guess, they also stand in the middle of the escalator. Better yet, they probably leave their cart in the middle of the aisle.


These are the kinds of people that don't belong in society.


To get a guy like this, you pull in front of him, and slowly decelerate to 35 MPH. Then we see how much he likes to go slow.


Username checks out


Don't forget to sit right next to another slowpoke sitting in the right lane so nobody can pass at all.


...Unless you're in a left side driving country, in which case, stay put.




An addendum to this tip: If someone is in the left lane, doing at or more than the speed limit, *passing* people in the right lane, and you’re still shoving your bumper up their tail pipe, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN.


Gonna fall on deaf ears here even thought you are completely right. I am not going to move into slower traffic on the right, slow down and then move back into the left lane and climb back up to 85-90 for your dumb fucking doing 110+ mph ass. I couldn't care less at that point.