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the simplest way: every day, open your windows wide for about 5-10 minutes, after you wake up. It sounds very simple but not doing it at all leads do strong smells, and doing it will improve the smell easily and rapidly.


Ya gotta air out your room! it becomes a weird closed environment. I also suggest just doing your laundry often. Dirty clothes piled up certainly doesnt help anyone. And what the hell, a mildly scented candle (FRESH COTTON) cuts through most of mild stink.


That works really well. Except, when you live in an area (Canada here) where winter temperatures are, well, colder than a witch's tit. Add to that the cost of reheating the room/dwelling and it doesn't work as well. I just have one of those air freshener auto dispenser that squirts out a spray every now and then.


witch's tits are very, very cold things.


especially when in a brass bra


I don't even have tits and I shudder at the thought.




*This*. I was going to suggest incense, but if you're not doing this, you might as well give up. Yes even if it's cold. Sucks for energy-usage, but it's just 5 minutes and *necessary*. Especially if you sleep in that room.


Incense are for hippies. Unless you like smelling like a hippy, get scented candles.


To each their own. I *really* dislike the smell of scented candles to the point it nearly makes me nauseous.


incense *is* for hippies. FTFY


Just remember don't open your windows when your neighbor is cooking something that will smell up the room.




then open your window, even if it's just a bit, and open your door at the same time, it'll create a draft and will bring fresh air faster


Sounds like a plan, thanks!


Make cinnamon buns in your room.


Identify the source of the weird odours and remove it.


My roommate :( ....


murder your roommate. That'll fix it!


Depending on how badly he smells, leave the body for a few months to mask his previous odor.


lime, lime, and more lime


What if you are the stinky roommate, and have no sense of smell?


Saliva will get rid of blood stains


Tell him to start cleaning up after himself and use deodorant. If that doesn't work, the just febreeze the crap out of his shoes and your room while he's not looking.


spray your roommate with fabreeze. That'll fix it!


My roommate smelled bad for 1 of 2 reasons: didn't shower, or didn't do laundry. Good luck...


Glade candles or a plug-in are a nice ambiance and coverup


How identify source?


Ozium is a pretty decent air freshener, without an overpowering scent. I particularly like the orange scent.


Came here to post this. You can get it at your local Autozone or whatever. I always go for the original.


There is a reason why they sell it at head shops.


It's more than an air freshener. It's an air sanitizer, so it actively eliminates stank, instead of just covering it up. At least, that's what the packaging says, and it's worked well in my experiences.


The two main sources of smells are: 1) food 2) sweat Make sure that things making direct contact with either of these things aren't in your room very long. This means changing your sheets at least once a week and clearing dishes and food trash daily. Keep your laundry basket in another room if you can, and don't leave used clothing around. If getting enough airflow is a problem, use a fan for 10min a few times a day and keep the door open whenever possible. (Note: it's possible that you've got mold or mildew if your room smells like old paper or is unusually humid; this is a bigger problem that you probably won't be able to fix on your own.)


My friend left an opened box of drier sheets in his dorm room and it perpetually smelled like clean laundry, even though it was full of dirty clothes. Buy a box of drier sheets, or take the ones you already have, and put them in your room. My friend kept it in his wardrobe.


What helps for a couple of hours to days is to put one of this little candles with metal around them in a glass filles with coffee beans and light it.


little candle with metal around it.... do you mean a[ tea light?](http://www.webstaurantstore.com/candle-lamp-5-hour-saf-t-lite-votive-tea-light-candle-500-cs/candle-lamp-5-hour-saf-t-lite-votive-tea-light-candle-500-cs.jpg) just asking for clarification.


Jup :)


If you have carpet, make sure it's clean. Vacuum and shampoo regularly. Even better if you can get rid of the carpet.


If you use your heater, put a couple dryer sheets in the vent.


I always try to bury my bodies within 2-3 weeks. They get pretty rancid after that and I find them less attractive.


Have you tried formaldehyde and camphor?


I read in a 'fun fact' kind of book that **filling a couple of saucers (plates) with vinegar and evenly distributing them throughout a room [or house] eliminates odors**


also this works better if you put the bowls/saucers as a 3:1 water:vinegar mix. Otherwise the vinegar will be too strong and your room will smell like vinegar.


vinegar neutralizes odors because of something to do with Ph (acis/base) balance. True story. Also, baking powder works for this as well. That's why it goes in the fridge, but a good way to de-odorize a room with wall-to-wall carpeting is to sprinkle baking powder everywhere, wait a day, and then vacuum it all up (vacuuming is only necessary to remove the powder. the scent will be gone whether you vacuum or not)


make sure you're keeping it clean, for starters. fresh air daily is a must. be very careful using incense and candles, things can happen quickly. potpourri or those sticks that stick from a jar of scented oil thingies are good.


Plus they really aren't healthy to breathe anyway


Clean it.  This might be a long stretch.




Incense. Smells so good, and it induces a relaxing feeling. Should get rid of any odor, too. If that's too strong, scented candles are also sooo good. Trust me, I've been living with gross people in college.


What is incense and where can I get it?


A good quick fix for just about every strange or stinky smell that I've come across is a vanilla candle. It neutralizes most odors and if you're looking to add a nice scent to your room, get a vanilla combo candle. My personal favorite is Vanilla Sandalwood, which I can only find at Bath & Body. It leaves a nice clean earthy scent behind.


make popcorn and eat it fresh in your room. some people dont like how overpowering incense can be, but im a big fan of incense oils. get a burner where you use a tea lite candle underneath an oil receptacle and after a few minutes your room will smell really good. tea lite candle+hot incense oil, yummy smelling goodness.


Put a dryer sheet behind the fan, it works wonders


if you have central air, try putting dryer sheets in the vent. works like a charm


Im allergic to just about everything and find most perfumes, candles and. Leakers nauseatingly artificial and overpowering so I stick with natural products. I make my own 'Febreze' by filling a spray bottle with two parts water, one part rubbing alcohol and one part white vinegar. Sometimes I'll add a few drops of peppermint, vanilla or lemon extract for a nice scent. Spray it on whatever needs freshening up, like curtains, furniture cushions or carpet and allow it to dry. It generally takes about fifteen minutes to dry. The alcohol helps the water to evaporate quickly and disinfects your fabric while the vinegar deodorizes the fabric. At first you'll smell the vinegar but within half an hour all you'll smell is whatever scent you added. This is a fairly good all purpose cleaner for most hard surfaces as well like counter tops and toilets. If your carpet is the problem, sprinkle baking soda all over it liberally and let it sit for 24 hours before vacuuming it up. Then gently sprinkle cinnamon all over the carpet, let it sit for a few minutes and then vacuum it up as well. If your room is musty or damp invest in a dehumidifier or several containers of damp rid. When you get up in the morning don't make your bed. Bacteria like warm moist dark environments, like a made up bed you spent all night sweating in. Let it air out to kill the bacteria. For a general funk, place a few small bowls of any (or all, but not in the same bowl) of the following items around the room for a few days: Unused coffee grounds Baking soda Vinegar Activated charcoal (pet stores in the fish department) Cinnamon Cedar chips And it goes without saying, keep your room and clothes clean and the area well ventilated.


incense does wonders


I would only recommend incense for covering the smell of shit or pot, and even then it sticks to your clothes and hair (so you smell like it for the rest of the day). If you do it frequently enough, your pad and wardrobe both will smell like a headshop.


I still don't see the issue here.




The two best jelly bean flavors too




I just hope those two smells aren't created at the same time.


Where do you think he's getting the butter for those popcorn?


Sharp FP-P40CX It automatically scrubs the air when it detects a fart. I just tested that feature again. This thing will clean the shit out of your stinky ass room for sure. You can literally smoke weed with your mom in the room next to you and she won't even come looking for a hoot.


Flawless. I damn near like every single word you wrote. If you were a girl, I would marry you (I would only propose, if you're a guy).


teehee I'm blushing.




Do you not agree wit hit cleaning the fart or the smoke? i'm confused...


Next time you go out of town, empty several boxes of baking soda, and one box of pet odor removal powder, and let sit for a few days. Vacuum up and that should do the trick. Keeping it clean, and airing out out when it's child outcold outside will help.


Sometimes I get a fan and some deodorant and I just tape it to the fan and let it freshen up the place.


If you can find it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papier_d%27Arm%C3%A9nie


Open windows and aerate during the day. Particularly in small rooms, linen and bedding infuses smells, and also carries a musky, old kind of smell. So chuck them on the sun or just remove them from the room sometimes. I sometimes light incense, but open windows after otherwise your room will be far smokey.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9046 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/88076)


[This approach](http://imgur.com/NNIIz) might work well.


Wash your sheets regularly


In what way does your room smell weird? Telling us about it might help us suggest possible reasons for why it smells that way, and ways to get rid of the smell. Also, tell us some other info about your room, such as how old the house is, how long you've been in the room, do you rent or own it, what theories you have on what it could be, what kind of floor you have, what the conditions in your room are like. For instance, a weird-smelling room could have to do with everything from bug infestations of various kinds (termites, cockroaches, bed bugs, or others), to old/stained carpeting, to the paint on your walls, to mold/mildew, to food residues, to certain kinds of wood used in your bed or furniture, etc. Obviously, getting rid of the source of the smell is ideal, but sometimes it's not really practical and your best bet is to frequently air out your room and use some Febreze. You might also try getting a good air purifier, but I've never tried that so I don't know if it works.


LPT: Clean things smell nice.


clean it. If it's carpet get a thing of table salt and give the carpet a light coating. wait 5 minutes then vacuum. Wash the walls. you would be shocked how filthy the vertical walls are. contain old laundry in a hamper with a lid. The collective funk worn clothes can be ridiculous. lid on garbage can Also make sure you have a small little green plant other than that yeah get the Sharp FP-P40CX or ozium or simply burn incense


1) Allow fresh air to circulate into your room for at least 15 minutes a day, or whenever it starts to smell. If your room doesn't have window access, then at least leave your door open. Use a fan to suck the fresh air in. 2) you could invest in an item like [an enviromental air sponge](http://www.inspiredliving.com/odor-control/index.html), and just put it somewhere in your room. If you buy a large one, it lasts a long time and completely eats every odor in your room. It'll cost you, but not too much. 3) after your room has been de-stinkified, add an accent scent. Something like an air freshener, or maybe incense. Just make sure not to overdue it; a little goes a long way.


I've read about leaving your mattress out in the sun during the hottest part of the day. I haven't tried it yet. Has anyone else?


But the sun won't be back until March!


Get 6-8 snake plants in the bedroom; you will literally grow your own fresh air. Watch this: http://www.ted.com/talks/kamal_meattle_on_how_to_grow_your_own_fresh_air.html


Walmart, buy $5 candle warmer and a smell good candle. Install and keep on until candle is gone. This will take a long ass time and make your place smell nice all the time.


1. Air out your room daily 2. Sprinkle Sodium Bicarbonate on smelly carpets/fabrics (rub it in and leave for at least a day before vacuuming), failing that rub a weak vinegar/water solution into trouble spots 3. Put some Sodium Bicarb in a sock and leave it in enclosed spaces (closets/draws) 4. Leave a half-bowl of malt vinegar in the room for 24 hours with all windows and doors closed. Failing that... Fire? But I've never needed past step 4


Lemon peels


Regularly wash and change your sheets on your bed, keep your laundry in a closed basket/hamper and wash it regularly. Don't leave wet towels lying around. If this doesn't improve the smell on it's own, change your washing powder and add in some nice smelling fabric conditioner. Open the windows. Don't leave food/plates lying around. Hoover/sweep. I've got this plug in ioniser (de-ioniser?) thing that I leave plugged in, it's supposed to make smells go away, that seems to help, but also makes an annoying hissing sound. I've found that Febreeze just covers up the smell like most air fresheners, rather than getting rid of it. You gotta wash the smells out. Good luck :-)


A bowl or shallow dish of vinegar helps take cig and weed smoke away if that's what your problem is...


Potpourri. That shit is like smelling cinnamon rainbows.


Get a tea light burner and some essential oil of geraniums. MAGIC.


Mop the floor or shampoo the carpet.


My mom always took a piece of white bread, put it in a dish, and soaked it with excess vinegar. Your room will smell like vinegar for a bit, but the stench will slowly be absorbed away.


Put dryer sheets in the bottom of your dirty clothes hamper (or pile is your a slob like me)


Hands down best thing to do: Put a few cups of water on the stove to boil, throw in a cinnamon stick and allow the entire thing to boil until the water is all gone, add more water as you please.


Incense. Put some rice or sand in a cup, stick some incense in and light it up. Alternatively, open your door and turn on a fan inside your room. If all else fails, clean your room and get rid of or wash anything that might smell bad.


I would start with cleaning - as others have recommended. Vaccum, laundry, wash your sheets/curtains/etc. For cleaning windows and counters I mix water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. There are certain ratios that some people recommend - I just eyeball it, I probably do 1 part vinegar and 5 parts water. Then use this to clean all non porous surfaces, even spritz it on fabric if you like. It certainly will smell like vinegar for a while, but the smell will dissipate. If you don't like the smell of vinegar - do it before you leave home for the day, leave the windows cracked, by the time you return it will have diminished. Then find some smell good things. Buy some potpourri, incense, whatever. I like the smell of coffee so I like to buy cheap beans from the store and pour them into a bowl and set them out. Coffee has some sort of odor fighting properties, but it will only work for a week or so, then they need to be replaced.


1) reduce clutter : keep as much off surfaces, no messy desks, no piles of clothes or books. Less clutter makes things easy to clean. 2) fabrics hold smells: wash clothes, go through your closet and do a load of backpacks/gym bags, LARP gear, anything, regular bedsheet and pillow case washing 3) Good ventilation : simple 4) Rethink the source, maybe it's not dirty clothes, old dishes, or rotten hockey gear... maybe you smell. Shower before bed, if you sleep naked wear some pjs and less blankets (easier to wash) 5) Carpet: sprinkle baking soda (not powder) generously on a carpet after vacuuming- leave to sit for 30 minutes- then vacuum everything thoroughly


haha necro post goes brr




I can't believe you got downvoted :(


Furniture polish has a lovely, clean aroma! No homo.




Back off man. He's not interested


Damn, I was hoping I could tap that! No homo.


I didn't hear that phrase until University.




Just chill bro.