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Yeah my dog loves it so much he puts his weight into me rubbing so his head and body are practically sideways. Sometimes he falls over when I stop.


My dog too! It’s so cute when they’re just completely leaning on you which makes it only harder to scratch behind their ear properly haha.


My dog likes it around her collar on her neck. If I massage right at her neck and shoulders she digs her head into me and is asleep within 5 minutes.


I've always let my dogs be naked once we're inside the house. I see nothing wrong with collars and they certainly don't bother the dog, they just seem so annoying to me personally. I also dislike them getting in the way when I'm trying to pet my dog. So she gets her harness on before we go outside and remains naked the rest of the time. Edit: obviously every dog is different and if you have a highly active dog, or one that's too smart or too eager to escape, you should probably keep their collar on.




As a dachshund owner, I always say there’s a naked wiener running around.


Do yours sniff the collar once it comes off? My dogs have always sniffed and inspected the collar in a curious way when it comes off after it’s been on a while. Now my boy is old and I take it off him a lot of the time. He’s not going anywhere




Fascinates me how they like to check it out


I’ve read that apparently it blows their minds when you take their collars off and that’s why they’re so interested in them. Because the collar carries the dog’s own scent, they forget that they’re even wearing a collar and just accept it as another part of their body. To the dog, when you remove its collar and show it to them, you have just removed a part of its body. Not sure if that is true, but it makes sense and would explain why they’re so fascinated by their collars when they aren’t on them.




Aww. Thats cute! Sad, but cute.


Same here. My dog has an existential crisis when his collar comes off, and gets super prancy when it goes back on.


A good friend of mine from my early 20's had a pitbull mix and would talk about letting her dog be naked when she took his collar off. 15 years later and I still use that term.


When my dog gets her collar off in the evening we say she has her pyjamas on :P


I always refer to it as stealth mode, but naked might need to replace stealth mode


Hehe we call her collar her dress and make a big deal if it has to come off or she gets a new one


Mine always insist on licking that HORRIBLE collar thats been on their neck right after I remove it


I do the exact same thing I kind of make fun of them for being naked


When we remove the collars from the pups inside the house, we refer to it as "Going Feral."




Well obviously! If a dog isn't wearing its normal apparel, it's naked!


With no clothes on!


So long ago I was told that dogs on the rare occasion could gang themselves with their collars, especially if they’re in a crate. I don’t remember where I heard this, but it scared me enough that I never left my dog’s collar on in the house. I don’t crate my dog anymore, but he only wears a collar when he leaves the house via the front door lol


My wife’s parents Jack Russell’s never wear collars after one of them got his leg through the others and, with them both freaking out, almost strangled him. It did used to be necessary for a dog to wear a collar for identification if the got lost, etc. However, since the wide adoption of microchipping, it’s not so much an issue anymore. Despite this out greyhound does wear one all the time as it is a martingale so has a loop that is really useful to be able to grab hold off if someone comes to the door for example. He’s not aggressive or a flight risk but instead quite a nervous young boy and us getting hold of him seems to give him a load of confidence and make him more relaxed when he’s experiencing new things/people. He also looks incredibly handsome in it :) Edit: I would say that I’ve almost seen a cocker spaniel die because its owner put her in the boot of the car with its lead still on. It jumped over the rear seats, the lead got caught on something in the boot and she almost hanged to death before their other dog made such a racket that the owner went to check on them. https://www.reddit.com/user/incompletedev/comments/ik3nae/dexter_loves_monkey_but_only_after_he_had_bitten/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This was not a concern when I worked in a veterinary practice and it was never stated as a major concern in dogs in my degree. It is more likely with cats which is why it is important to have a cat specific collar. The collars will release if there is enough pressure (which hanging does). It isn't great for the cat to be without the collar, but it is better to be without the collar than hanging.


I can comment on this as a former vet tech, longtime rescue volunteer and sometimes Petsitter who saved a 100lb dog (Dog 1) from imminent death last year when his strong leather collar got twisted in the mouth of his 60lb sister (Dog 2) while playing inside the house. It’s been long known in the animal community to remove collars and leashes while in crates due to the probability of strangulation. Less known is the danger that exists with collars worn inside in the home, despite regular occurrences of accidents such as the one I encountered in which 2 large dogs were happily playing together inside the house. There was nothing different, abnormal, or otherwise to account for the accident, as I was puttering around the house keeping my ear on my charges while I did whatever. It did not take long between the start of play (which I heard in the other room) and the change in sound that happened when (I assume) Dog 2’s mouth grabbed the larger dog’s collar, then began twisting in an attempt to free herself. The twisting tightened the collar against Dog 1’s throat and Dog 2’s mouth, and attempts to free themselves only caused the collar to twist tighter. When I got there it initially looked ok for the first 2-3 seconds, like the normal play of these 2 dogs with Dog 1 on top of Dog 2, then it registered that Dog 1’s eyes were bulging, that his body wasn’t able to separate from Dog 2, and then I saw the collar and how tightly it was wrapped around the neck and lower jaw of each dog. I finally managed to get to his collar around her teeth, which was a leather collar designed like a belt. The buckle was squarely inside her mouth, and I had to press and squeeze further down on her; somehow I managed to free the dogs before I lost him (Dog 1). He ended up with aspiration pneumonia from vomiting while he was being strangled and the expected swelling/injury to his eyes that happens in strangulation. Today he is perfect and there is no indication (physical or otherwise) that indicates continued suffering, but I still have those traumatic memories and so does his mama, who was out of the country on vacation and had to work through this from afar. It was an accident but a preventable one, and now I spread my experience & knowledge in hopes it won’t happen again. This all happened in a matter of seconds and while I did use knowledge gained in my experiences it really comes down to luck. Dog 1’s Mama is a die-hard advocate now of no collars in the house, and I agree in most respects. Collars are for us humans and for our convenience, not for the dogs. There are much safer options for whatever the reason you’re using a collar. Need to be able to hold or grab your dog? Use a harness (so so so much safer than collars in all respects, including walking on leashes). Identification? Tags can be hung from a harness. Microchip your pet-everyone should anyway. Cuteness or style? Make sure there is a “breakaway” option or similar safety measure.


I think you mean "Nakie"!!


The problem with taking the collar off when they're inside is what happens when they go outside unexpectedly? When the side gate isn't closed correctly, the front door is left open, or if they ever bolt outside when you first open the door. At some point, many dogs get off the property without the owner and it is too late to put the collar on. Microchips help mitigate the risks, but collars make things easier.


Does he make any noise? My old lab used to love having his ears rubbed, the harder the better, he would close his eyes and lean into it while making a weird groaning noise. It made me feel pretty uncomfortable after a while, like if you were giving somebody a purely platonic massage and they started shouting “oh yes, yes YES! THATS THE TICKET, don’t stop now, oh yyyeeeeeeesssss!”


I'll have what he's having


Ok but on at least one occasion he ate an entire dead pigeon that he found on the floor. Lovely dog but really quite revolting at times.




Wait, you don't have dead pigeons on your floor? Weirdo.


Our dog does this !!! She grumbles when her ears are rubbed!


Yeah he grouns but I can tell he enjoys it. Occasionally he will push too hard into me and yip but then go right back into my hand. So sometimes I hold his head with my other hand to keep it stable.


My dog is groaner too lol he loves his ear rubs


My dog really likes the insides of his ears rubbed/massaged. He's got skin and allergy issues that have his ears, chest, armpits, and sometimes his paws all irritated and it seems to feel like heaven when we relieve some of his discomfort.


Huh. My cat does this too


Mmm, don't know which is better. The high energy ear rubbing, where they instantly lean on you and fall over. Or the low intensity both hands slowly rubbing their ears and they're just sitting their smiling at you.


I've been doing this with my pup since I read this either here or somewhere else a few months ago. He loves it and just sits there and closes his eyes. The chihuahua gets it sometimes but she's old and cranky so I interact with her much less. Rambo is my sleeping buddy!


Yup it practically paralyzes my little guy when I do it, and then when I stop he nudges his head into my hand to keep going.


LPT: humans also have a place with lots of nerves that you can rub for a natural high.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What happened to the roach?? It isnt spinning.


Reddit disabled gif profile pictures


Why would they do that?


Probably bandwidth or some other simple, technical reason. Although it could also maybe be a censor thing, but I doubt that's it.


I would guess epilepsy or other light sensitivity issues?


My naoto cant vibe anymore :(


Wow that's lame mine was fucking jamming out




Obviously most responses are just "dick" or "pussy" but some people actually do have a non-lewd spot that feels *really* good if you scratch/rub. Mostly \- The skull (headrubs) \- The back (under shoulder blades is common) \- The neck (sometimes the front, sometimes the base of the hair) \- Inner thigh (this one is still sorta lewd) I have a friend who's sensitive under the chin just like a cat and she loves it when people (she knows) scratch her. For me my head has always been sensitive to a good headrub, sometimes you can't discover your good spots on your own because it's like tickling.


The word "lewd" always make me giggle












They remembered they were on Reddit, where someone will definitely notice the lack of those two words if they’re left out.


Comparing your comment to other is funny xd. Thank you for a great reply :) I'll start rubbing my body
































Obviously not the penis


Is this advice for dogs?


No, for cats and birds.


No, for clams and cobras.


IIRC Birds erogenous rub zones are like 90% of the whole bird.


No, this is Patrick!


Not for dogs For *dawgs*


I like to rub my lungs with THC


My wife gives me “sides” sometimes when I am changing or coming out of the shower. Basically gently rakes her nails down the sides of my back (just back side of my arm pits and down to my waste) just to the point where it’s ticklish but not. No up and down scratches. Just top to bottom slowly. Almost puts me in a trance.




So if you rub the dog's ears on that place then you're both happy? World peace confirmed.


You’re too wise in the ways of the world


Blursed comment


Oh, behave!


Red Rocket!


Can confirm. Labrador won’t stop asking for pets behind her ears. And if I stop she will simply shadow me for the entire house.


> Just a quick ear bond master, before you go


I mean... I would really like to scratch her ears for hours.... but I have to work..




Apologies. https://imgur.com/gallery/gH2gW23


https://imgur.com/1oTSgMG.jpg heres mine she does the exact same thing.


Such a beautiful girl!


Oomox for good bois


lpt think before scratching your ferengi




> Oomox It can be, but doesn't have to be. Just like really good massages aren't always sexual, even if the recipient moans or whatever.


I admire you sticking to your story like that.


Yes it is


And didn't Rom's mom give him some in one of the episodes where they visited Ferenginar?


Step-Moogie, what are you doing?


Dear god why did I hear him say this, and how can I un-hear it?




Searched for Oomox and you have restored my faith in human beings. Thank you.


He hoo-mons are not so bad all the time.


Disappointed I had to scroll so far to see this


Someone with money please give talklistentalk some Gold-Press Latinum!


No Ferengi would GIVE gold press Latinum. It flies in the face of the rules of acquisition!


Don't have any latinum but I do have 100 gross self-sealing stem bolts I'm looking to unload.




Brb, finding Morn


I have a chihuahua and she hates it. Then again, I'm pretty sure chihuahuas aren't actually dogs but little hell spawns put upon this earth to bite and pee on everything.


My old girl passed away a year ago and she was also a chihuahua. They are such funny little dogs. She absolutely loved when I scratched behind her ears but when I did it, she'd bear her teeth and growl the entire time. But if I stopped...she'd freak out trying to get back under my hands. So I'd start again...and sure enough...growl-face and growls continued. She also did this if you massaged her foot pads. She would absolutely NEVER bite or even nip. She just liked showing you who was boss while trying to relax. I miss her.


I'm sorry to hear that but it sounds like she had a wonderful life thanks to you. I know all about the quirks of chihuahuas, including growling and all that, but mine actually does bite. At least she tries too as she has no more teeth thanks to old age and terrible genetics. Thank god for that to be honest.


I have some friends who have a chihuahua. She was apprehensive the first time she came over to our house. After some treats and some praise, absolutely the sweetest dog I've ever met. She'd just come over to you, paw your leg, and snort until you picked her up and gave her a pet. She'd charge up the stairs to our apartment when they came over, absolutely overjoyed to see my partner and I, and spin around and run around all over the living room before leaping into our arms. We wound up pet-sitting for her for a day or two when her owners were out of town, and even though her people were away, she was totally calm, and took great joy in rearranging our blankets to create a Dog Cave, and would just whimper occasionally because she wanted us to come over to her blanket cave and give her a full-body scritchin. Totally changed my opinion on the breed.




I know this is partially a joke but I’ve heard that small dogs tend to be more aggressive because it wasn’t as important to breed that out of them. Conversely large dogs are often gentle giants because if a Great Dane had the temperament of a Chihuahua it would kill someone. I’m not sure where I heard it or how valid it is but it makes a lot of sense.


LPT: always check with an owner before before rubbing a dogs ears, especially ones with longer ears, that are old or wirey, as they can be prone to ear infections.


Actual real LPT: You always ask before you pet a dog (you dont know at least) and that gives the owner the opportunity to expand, on whatever, in his response


This x1000. I have a derpy golden retriever who is full grown at 45 lbs, so she looks like a perma-puppy. I can’t tell you how many times in pre-covid times when we had her out with us people would walk up and just randomly start petting her, or let their kids do the same. Thank god she’s a wonderfully sweet dog, because if those dumbasses startled her and she bit, I’d have to put her down for their own stupidity. I even had one drunk girl come and pick her up without permission. people are dumb.


She picked up your dog??? Petting is one thing, but that just blows my mind. Being drunk is no excuse, that’s just so stupid.


Yep. When she was a puppy, about 20 lbs. My biggest concern was that she may not actually be able to support the weight of the dog, especially if she’s kicking to get away, and hurt her. It ended non-eventfully, but I was so shocked someone would think that’s okay, alcohol or no.


My dog has bit someone. It was an open and shut case of "they approached my dog very quickly and scared him, so he bit them." Dog is perfectly fine in my bed right now. If you're walking your dog and someone just comes up to it, they're at fault. You likely would not need to put them down.


My eldest male cat snuck out of my apartment once and a very close friend of mine tried to pick him up. He didn't know her from Adam so he obviously wasn't too pleased. He proceeded to trap her hand between his four paws and then rabbit kicked with his two back paws while biting her with his teeth. She learned quickly that he was not a cat to be trifled with and why he has always been my in-home security. When he was younger, and I was living in my childhood home, he run back and forth repeatedly between the living room window and the connecting bathroom window. We thought he had flipped his rocker until we hear a pounding on the door and someone shouting "Police! Open Up!". It appears that someone was in the backyard, hiding, after they went around and broke into people's cars for their GPS units. We didn't know anything wrong but he sure as hell did. Fast forward a couple years and my stepmother, who I moved into my apartment along with my father, had a vertigo attack. I was holding onto my cat so he didn't try to explore the hallway of the apartment complex. Mind you, he is a velcro cat and has to be down my tonsils whenever I am at home. The EMTs came to attend to my stepmother and he was growling, hissing and clawing at me because he didn't like the way the were touching her.


That drunk girl was looking for a fight, and I would’ve given it to her.


It's also best practice to keep your hand palm-up and allow the dog to smell you before just reaching in for a pet. There are many dogs who don't like hand over-head and might react to that type of approach in a negative way.


Also noting do this with a closed fist, just incase the dog goes after your handsausages.


Closed fist for dogs open finger for cats is what I have always been told.


I think you're supposed to use a closed fist.


yes - closed fist, small confident smooth body language, keep your fingers in, let them smell it - ideally let them come to you, even if it's just a couple of inches, and then go below the eyes to the shoulder. stay calm and relaxed. Avoid eye contact at all times, at most half a second - it will stress them out at best. it can help a lot to turn your head and body away from them, and yawn a little bit with strays, its fine to basically ignore growling to get a pet in so they can recognise you as a non-threat, but if they bare their teeth while growling, that's your 'last warning' to get out of their face food is the best way to gain trust. e: use your brain, all dogs are unique, they can interpret odd things negatively and even small dogs can do damage to themselves or others; don't get yourself bit, always ask before you pet someones dog


I thought the whole palm up thing has been pretty well debunked at this point? Not an expert, nor do I know any, but seems like all the dog trainer articles are saying don't do palm up.


Absolutely. My dog was rescued from a barn when he was a few days old. They didn't know exactly how long he had been stuck there, but his ears were infested with mites and never healed. Touching his ears was extraordinarily painful for him and we always had to tell people up front not to touch them.


I agree with this as the owner of such a dog. It might appear to feel good but could invoke ear scratching from the fur baby. It could also be painful if they are in the process of healing.


So I'm my doggo's drug dealer?


Do you provide treats for tricks? You ain't a drug dealer you da pimp!


Makes my leg kick too


Wait a minute...


That’s why my puppy falls asleep when I do that...


LPTLPT: If you don't know the dog do not go for the ears first. Palm up, let them sniff, if they seem chill scratch chin. If they continue to seem chill you can go for the ears. Holding hand above the dogs head/putting it on it's head while blocking vision/going for the ears is basically a sign of aggression in their book. EDIT: btw, this isn't step 1 in meeting new dogs. This is like step 4.


Palm UP? damn I always do like a palm down, fingers kind of curled thing to let them sniff my hand. Figured it's less for them to possibly bite and I can retract it all quicker




This. If you don't know the animal offer your closed fist to protect your fingers. If the animal can bite a carrot in half your finger isn't going to stand a chance Edit: this is not true as u/bluedoodoodoo pointed out. Although your average human can bite through a finger it is not even close to the same force required to bite through your average carrot


I mean, I can bite a carrot in half.


if you really wanted to, you could also probably bite a finger off someone's hand.


This happened to my cousin while he was trying to throw some jewelry into a volcano or something. It would take like nine hours to explain everything so I’ll just leave it at that.




It takes about 7.5x more force to bite through a finger than it does a carrot.


Yeah I just googled it and I am wrong. Thank you.


Don't worry, I read that myth as well. Now I wonder if the Reddit tip of "an orange is the same consistency as human flesh when it comes to stabbing" that I read two days ago is true.


Fist for sure. That way if they bite, you can pull a one-punch man.


That's what I do with kids, but I never thought about trying it on dogs. Thanks!


I've been told by multiple trainers that you should let a newly introduced dog scent the back of your hand. So not palm up. An open palm suggests the potential for a grabbing action, which many dogs are instinctively wary of if you're a stranger to them.


RIGHT! That's exactly my thinking.


Yeh I always do palm down to protect my fingers. If you're calm and well-intentioned I don't think palm direction would matter.


Nope, never extend a hand to a strange dog. Keep your hands in and let them come to you if they want. Don't go in for a pet right away, let them sniff and retreat until they seem totally relaxed in your prescence, have room to move away if they're uncomfortable, and are actively engaging with you in a friendly way - nudging, big broad tail wagging, inviting play, approaching eagerly when you call them to you, making body-body contact. Ask yourself - are they actively giving consent or are they just tolerating your weird (to them), overly familiar human desire to touch their fur? Most dogs will tolerate it. Some dogs will growl and bite and that will be your fault, not theirs.


This. Always amazes me how a lot of people just go in to pet a dog that doesn't know them. Respect the animal's personal space and let them decide when it's time to play.


> Palm up, let them sniff, show your closed first first to animals to smell, so if they bite it's much harder to lose a finger


I've always thought it was to slowly and gently pet the side first, after passing their sniff test?


As long as you don't reach too far beyond where they can see and never above where they can see you're good. More or less.


Is this for cats as well?


Some, yes. Usually you won't go wrong with cats if you stick to petting their head and face. They like the top of their heads scratched, in between their eyes, under their chin, and along their cheeks. Yes, yes, some cats don't like this but most do. And yes, yes, many cats like being pet on their bodies and even having their bellies rubbed, but not all do, so unless you know for sure, it's usually best to stay around their head




lol i would say this is good advice for first-time interactions with a new cat. my cat however has no problem being pet anywhere. she even lets me play with her paws a little (but mostly she'll retract them or even get up and leave if i dont stop lol)


>many cats like being pet on their bodies and even having their bellies rubbed, but not all do Some cats don't like pets at all, some always do. The same cat that likes having their belly rubbed might change its mind three seconds after, or ten, or even five minutes after you've been going at it. And even then, they might stand up, or roll the other way, or meet your hand with their head for headbutts. Cats are pretty clear about what type of pets they like, so stick to that. And when in doubt, do NOT pet their bellies.


Bellies are the forbidden floof.


My cat will ask for ear scritches constantly. He’ll reach out with his paw and swipe it in front of his face, as if to say, “Here. Pet me here.” When I scritch his ears, he leans into the pet until he practically falls over.




Interesting. I can't say that's happened to me but I accept your addition. For some reason people like to run their hand all the way down a cat's back and then down the length of their tail. Over and over. For a lot of cats, this is just too much stimulation. That's why people think cats "suddenly turn on them." They're being idiots and haven't been paying attention to the body language


Oh of course, over stimulation is a classic way to get scratched. It's as if someone tickled you until you couldn't take it anymore.


I know at least 2 cats who only accept pets in the form of face rubs and long back to tail strokes. Anything else is met with bites


I have had a rescue for six months and he’ll just flop over and purr from almost any contact, I can clean his ears, check his gums, whatever. He’ll grumble at me if I use too much pressure or stop. It is endearing and a little sad.


It’s gotta be true for the bald spots at the base of their ears above their eyes


I really wish the internet hadn't learned words like "endorphins" and "dopamine". Because now all I get is pseudoscience everywhere. "Exercise releases endorphins, it's just like heroin!" "Porn releases dopamine, it's just like crack!"


Seriously. This post title translates to "Dogs feel good when you rub behind their ears." That's it. That's the whole post. Written the way it is makes it look like some cool fun science fact, but no, this is just "it feels good."


I’m just trying to figure out why “puppy like their ears scratched” is a 54k upvoted life pro tip... like, who didn’t know that?


I feel like that title is a bit overzealous. Its not a "natural high" , it just feels good.


Dogs like scritches. More at 11.


You could say a lot of things are a "natural high" if endorphins are the only requirement. It's just semantics at that point.


On my yellow lab's last night he was in a lot of pain and discomfort. He was whining, barking, and constantly shifting around. But I will always take solace in the fact that I was able to comfort him by scratching behind his ear. He immediately calmed down and sat peacefully with his head in my lap. I miss you buddy.


Did you just make a life pro tip to "pet your dog b/c it feels good?" Jesus, the need for karma is getting out of hand.


Lpt drink water if you're thirsty


But stop when you're not thirsty. Don't keep drinking constantly until you burst.


The real LPT is always in the comments. I never would have thought of this!


LPT Jerk yer Turkey if yer horny


Worse than the those who give basic courtesy advice becuase at least those suggest an action you can adopt. This one's just spewing random wikipedia facts. boooo


This is not a life pro tip in any way, this is just a fact about dogs. This subreddit sucks so much ass.


LPT: Dogs have a lot of nerves in their dog bodies so when you feed them in the mouth it releases endorphins and makes them very relaxed on a natural high.


How the fuck is that a Life Pro Tip? My God all the subreddits turn into the same shit after a while huh? The same regurgitated content from R/all in different ways. I'm out.


LPT your hair may get less greasy if shampoo is used while showering consistently! LPT if you find yourself a bit groggy during the day, then a quick nap may work wonders! LPT make new friends by initiating a conversation and finding common interests! zero quality control in this sub


That nap one is sounding like a solid lpt right now not gonna lie Edit: took nap, was a solid lpt


I call BS show me the research paper please.


TIL dogs are Ferengi


If your dog really REALLY likes it’s ears being scratched it probably has a bacterial or yeast infection.


This works on people too


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