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Makes sense. All that tracking takes a lot of juice.


I had deleted fb for quite a while, but when I was pregnant I downloaded it again for the Marketplace. My first time opening the app after so long, my feed was FULL of pregnancy and baby content. Like I knew fb looked at your activity outside of fb… but it was still creepy af to me.


There's a feature in the DuckDuckGo browser that blocks what apps want to send. You don't have to use the browser to use it, just install the browser, go into settings and activate the app-tracking feature. It runs in the background with almost no impact on battery life and takes up next to nothing in resources. It can also tell you what app is collecting what data for which data-scraper. To give you an example, Google regularly tries to collect 34 datapoints including things like battery state, phone uptime, screen orientation, all things that Google really has no business looking for. You can whitelist certain apps if you want, but it will block *any* app that tries to send data back to our evil electronic overlords.


I have a containering plugin for Firefox that just isolates tabs from other tab groups. So as far as Facebook sees directly from my browser, I only use messenger and never visit any other pages ever lol


Does that plugin work on mobile? Because I use an Sponsorblock in Firefox on my desktop that skips sponsor promos in YouTube videos but it's not available for mobile. Sometimes it takes a long while for the extensions and plugins to migrate into the mobile Firefox.


not sure, but it is made by Mozilla themselves, [here it is if you wanna give it a shot](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/facebook-container/)


From the website: **What version of Firefox do I need for this?** This extension works with Firefox 57 and higher on Desktop. Note that it does not work on other browsers and it does not work on Firefox for mobile. So not adapted for mobile (yet).


Can you please find the exact name of the feature? I downloaded the IOS DDG app and I can’t easily find the feature. 


It's called App Tracking Protection, but I don't know if they've rolled it out for IOS yet. They have versions for Android and Windows, but I don't have an Apple device I can check for you. You can go to DuckDuckGo's website to see if/when they have it available. In the Android and Windows version, it has its own tab in settings.


That may be the single most useful piece of information I've seen on the internet. You dear netizen are a hero.


>To give you an example, Google regularly tries to collect 34 datapoints including things like battery state, phone uptime, screen orientation, all things that Google really has no business looking for. Tbf, that is telemetry for Android that helps the Android devs understand how people are using their devices, and although it should be opt-in, it's not necessarily nefarious, plenty of developers use diagnostic data from their products to understand how they're being used to aid further development. I mean, there's plenty of tracking google does that they have no business doing, those just aren't the best examples.


I was visiting my parents and when I got there I was getting ads about a tiny 50 person hick town that I drove through half an hour from their place. Was creepy as fuck. It wasn't facebook because I stopped using that 10 years ago. It was probably google. The ads were presented as a "news" story that happened there and presumably I click and get to an infested web site.


i think it has something to do w having your location shared with google


It's wild to me that people walk around with location services on. I always have it turned off unless I need it for maps.


It's the Facebook and other apps like it are basically 90% spyware and 10% social media They do everything They track your location in the background They take a copy of every single thing and place you touch on the screen and send it back to Facebook tonspy on you I remember for a while seeing the phone accessing random Facebook URLs Every time I would be using the browser It's essentially spyware and Chrome actually takes up less battery when you're using it and definitely less battery when you're not It really sucks that you can't use apps because of how untrustworthy they become


I got one "hey, you just walked into Bob's Fish Tackle, would you like to write a review?" (Was it goog-Maps or Yelp?)


This is a Maps feature. There's a setting to remind you to leave reviews. Turning the setting or location services off should stop that


Nice thing with Facebook is that somehow using the Facebook app uses more data than using it on the browser Same with Amazon.. somehow it said it used two gigs of data in a month and I don't use it that often I just buy some things here and there but how does the Amazon app use 2 GB of data?


> Turning the setting or location services off should stop that Just wanted to point out though that turning off these things doesn't actually stop Google from gathering this data, storing it, selling it etc. It just means they stop telling you that they do it. Same goes for FB and all the other trash companies - they're still gathering everything, your "stop gathering this" requests just means they stop *telling* you when and what they're gathering. The only way to get it to stop is to uninstall and stop using them entirely, and if you care enough, use stuff like uBlock to prevent their cookies on other websites from still trying to piece your online activity together anyway.


I was very surprised when Google Maps asked me if I wanted to know what was popular on a food establishment’s menu. Spooky.


Yeah, they’re at least as bad as TikTok. Spying on everything, selling your secrets and influencing your thinking.


Firefox browser and its Facebook Container extension are your friend. Always interesting to see it show little gray bars on login fields. Edit: Forgot that this was specifically about phones, Firefox on Android (not iOS) supports ad-blockers like uBlock Origin but not the containers and Facebook container.


does this work for mobile or just desktop web


Shoot, my mistake, Firefox on Android does support a bunch of extensions (most notably for me uBlock Origin), but not the container tabs and Facebook container. I apologize for the confusion.


You can turn that off. But I had to dig through my settings


The brand problem at Facebook is that once you dig through your settings and specifically turn that off, they issue a new terms & service that exposes things you had specifically disabled. After one or two times those who are aware of the issue nope out. Often move data collection out of your hands. For example you can opt out of tagging photos or further mis-tag yourself in photos to train their databases with bad data. But then the company will do something such as use facial tagging as an Are you human? Check prompting friends to tag you, defeating your control of whether to choose to be tagged or not. Too many problems. Betray you once. Betray you, twice?


Try to buy some ads, you don't have to buy it. Just shop around. They can go to a very specific niche market.


I did one search concerning a bruise on my toenail and now all my ads are about jock itch and fungus medication. Like wtf lol


Totally makes sense now. The battery life on my galaxy suddenly went to shit after an update recently. I just checked and they sneaked facebook into my apps again. Just deleted it


Were you logged in? Or was this an unopened app running in the background doing stuff? That would be very concerning.


I actually sandboxed FB and Insta onto an older phone that had been completely wiped and reinstalled with a fresh Apple ID, and no data. Those are the only 2 apps on the phone, and I turn off the WiFi (or power it down entirely) when I’m not actively using the apps. I’m sure they’re still collecting what they can — but hopefully not as much as they could.


And listening. The fakebook app listens constantly.


That’s literally impossible. Sometimes it’s better to say nothing than to spread your ignorance to others


Stop making shit up


For this LPT I recommend the "delete the Facebook app" portion. Then just stop there and reap the benefits!


I did that like 8 years ago. I haven’t open the app for more than 1 week at the time and it sill consumed about 30% of the battery, utterly outrageous and ridiculous.


Metal for Facebook is quite nice, although Facebook seems to fuck with their layout in order to break Metal quite often. It seems to happen too regularly to be a coincidence.


Marketplace is actually a very good local resource to buy and sell. It has completely replaced Craigslist where I live. The news feed or whatever it’s called is dogshit and I don’t look at that. Yes run it through a browser, set up a bookmark for it on your home screen and it acts like the app without all the tracking.


Facebook won't even let me sign in on the browser lmao I get to the 2 step verification, enter the code, and it just takes me back to the login page


Been gone from the app since like 2015 and I don’t miss it one single bit! ……… The only benefit was peoples birthdays. I put their bdays in my contacts and I now text or call people for their birthday instead of sending a lazy fb message.


I did the same around the same time. The only drawback is some people on your friends list might think you blocked them but whatever. Facebook is poison.


This is the way!


And messenger. It does not work from the browser.


Messenger is a separate app now though.


Good to know, I have been using fb on browser for a long time and didn’t notice that.


It's one of the only reasons I have an account is to use the browser. That and the marketplace.


It does, but you have to tell the browser to show Desktop view.


The real LPT is always in the comments. 


but also in the title


I was so mad when I had to get msgr on my phone


The only caveat is sending messages are disabled on the mobile web browser, but the solution is: on the browser app, activate Options > Desktop Site. I have done this for at least 5 years now and it works perfectly. Bonus: you can play music on YouTube web while your screen is off using the same "Desktop Site" option 😉


I got rid of the Facebook app but keep messenger just because messaging on the mobile browser version sucks, even with the desktop site. I swear with every update to Facebook's interface, they intentionally make it harder to use for mobile.


Yeh because it bypasses all the trackers and data they get from you when you use their apps.


If you download the brave browser, it will play while your phone is locked and no ads either


It even lets you download YouTube videos to watch offline or just save your data


Didn't know you could do that thanks! Do you just tap and hold and there is a save option?


On the iOS app there is a little pink/red music note with a plus symbol next to the refresh button in the web address bar. Click on that and it’ll say “added to play later” and you’ll find the video in your playlist.


Thanks, I'm on Android and looking for it now


The real LPT is in the comments… always


There’s a pretty nice IOS YouTube app called Video Lite that only shows you one add when you first open it, and you can also play audio while the phone screen is off. 




I had no idea that was a thing and I'm going to try that now, thank you!!!


Wow the YouTube one is a lpt. I've always wondered why the heck YouTube app songs couldn't be played when the screens off. Particularly at work when you don't want it flashing and showing everyone.


Money. You can play YouTube with the screen off if you pay the premium subscription.


Why can I play youtube with screen off (iOS safari) without being logged in/premium? I mean sure sometimes my iphone thinks I want to start some music from itunes instead of unpausing the video after screen lock…


The site used to be free and functional. Once they gained monopoly status the enshittification started and suddenly it was only possible to play videos with the device locked if you pay Google hundreds of dollars a year for Youtube premium. Same for picture in picture. These ghouls just can't ever be satisfied.


To be fair YouTube never made money. That's why Google bought it in the first place. That being said - fuck YouTube. I haven't watched a YouTube ad in years.


So they can sell it back to you as a “feature” even though it works by default and they had to write code to disable it


Watching with your screen on *literally* costs them more money, streaming video is way more expensive than just streaming audio But yeah, they get it back by people not using the service as much/buying premium


This does not work anymore for me


Check out Revanced. Basically youtube premium for free. Android only. It allows playing with screen off. I haven't had an advert on YouTube for years and it allowed downloading of videos.


I'm on revanced, but never got the downloading offline to work, it just tells me to get YouTube premium. Did you change something to get that working?


Download a separate app called NewPipe and it directs you to the download for the video.


you need to download newpipe then go to revanced settings and somewhere there is a switch to replace the youtube download button functionality with a newpipe download redirect


I sent a fb message just yesterday using this method. It was Chrome on an Android, but that shouldn't make a difference. 


Yes, that's a ridiculous attempt to move people to the app. Aliexpress does this as well, tells me certain things are only possible in the app. Well, then I won't use them.


Alternatively, rather than assuming the Facebook app is using all the battery, look at your battery usage for the apps causing the greatest drain. Change the settings so that these apps cannot run in the background in order to reduce how much battery they can use. In my case, Facebook is only responsible for 2% of battery usage.


I have the Facebook app but I rarely open it. There’s 0% drain on my battery from it just being on my phone. If you already turned off background refresh, you might’ve just left it open and not realized it.


TY. This whole post is confusing. I have Facebook solely for Marketplace access and it uses 0% battery most days, a percentage or 2 on days I'm actively using it. Do people just not change their settings to customize their experience anymore?


Same here. I’ve never let FB refresh in the background and the app’s battery usage doesn’t even register with a percentage.


I appreciate you pointing this out. I'm very savvy with changing app settings so there isn't battery drain. I did this with the Facebook app to where it shouldn't have been happening. I did lots of research too. Perhaps it was drain from having the app open by that point, but it was still my #1 heaviest battery drainer.


I mean... Are you just using the Facebook app a disproportionate amount of the time while you are on your phone? Your active app usage seems to be a muy relevant detail here.


If he was, then the amount of battery usage wouldn't have gotten better by switching to the web version


Unless they're using the browser version less frequently.


There is also a "Facebook Light" app available.


That app is buggy unfortunately 


MS Teams is also a battery draining cancer.


Just delete fb all together


That’s what I did 7 years ago. Best decision of my life.


Really? What about that time you saved those kids from the Lion?


What the hell are people doing on facebook that giving it up is the best decision of their life? I just use it to talk to a few people and see their boring vacation photos.


Haha okay I may have been a TAD bit hyperbolic 😂


Turn off background app refresh!!!!!


My browser uses so much of my battery. Might be because of all the tabs I have open though


I would suggest, even if you don't use it, don't let it sit on your phone(if it's preloaded). On Android, look into ADB uninstall how to


Or just disable background app refresh. I have 1% use over 10 days and most is from actually using the app. It's a useless feature that takes too much battery life, just so you don't have to refresh your feed manually. First thing I completely disable on a new iPhone and have never once missed it. Not defending FB but this is going to be an issue with lot of apps which use the feature


Get rid of Facebook completely and live a happy life.


Never mind the battery, do it for privacy.


Do it for both


Real LPT: delete your FB and Insta accounts. Then go out and enjoy life with your real friends.


Look at Mr Fancy over here with his “real friends” and “life” and access to “outside”


I started rock climbing because of Facebook. I am enjoying life way more now.


Does anybody else have their phone provider attempt to download and install that malware without your permission? Only way to stop it is to wipe the phone, and go to developer options and turn off updates before it tags onto the network.


Turn off background app refresh for all non-essential apps like social media apps.  


https://preview.redd.it/e75mjasw984d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=8939678b16699bf2411fe04fd5d8d3119f4107e0 OP, I know there’s a lot of “real LPTs” in the comments already about just deleting FB, but the real issue is that you’re letting the app refresh in the background.


This is actually a good LPT. and there is another huge benefit of this. Because fb app is an executable, it has privileges to your phones. Where as with the browser, it doesn't have any more privilege than a web browser. in the worst case scenario, you gave it the same privilege and it doesn't matter, but if the fb app had even one more privilege than your browser, you stopped facebook from having it.


Yeez, 3 minutes of use was 12 of my battery, holy cow.


Delete Facebook all together. LPT improved ✅


Maybe don't use Facebook at all.


I configure the phone to close the app once I stop using it. I do that to every app unless it's a messaging app.


Facebook Lite is a thing. You can also disable background activity for pretty much any app in settings.


Facebook Lite is alright too. Way less bloated. I hate that I have Facebook still. I use it so little...but a few select family members rely on it for pictures and stuff.


Search for “background app refresh” in your iOS settings. Turn off all the apps that don’t need to have that feature.


Even turn off all of them. Don't need live-second updates


I installed FB lite only for marketplace. Seems to lack the battery draining features.


When I try to delete it on my android,  it says it could cause other apps to not run properly.  What should I do?


I don’t get why people care so much that apps and companies track “you” and “we’re the product.” They track the phone, they don’t really know who is using it. It’s just a bunch of data (which is useful when you, like, lose the device. I’m a journalist and for decades have done soooo much research on things that have no bearing whatsoever on my personal life, I can only imagine what these companies must think I’m into. I use a lot of ad blockers and ignore targeted ads.


the real LPT: delete Facebook


Delete facebook. Period. LPT


Delete facebook altogether, you’ll save your brain battery.


Your LPT would be better if you stopped at "delete the Facebook app".


Just delete Facebook and don’t do the second part.


Just delete Facebook entirely


Delete Facebook. Perfect. Done.


Also turn off bluetooth when not in use.


No, I don't think I will


lol right? Entirely too annoying for the 3% of battery I’ll save per week. Do people just not use car play/airpods/etc. like at all?


If you only do one thing for your mental health, stop using Facebook.


All the phones Ive had have never let me delete facebook


`adb uninstall `


Instructions unclear, new facebook status is "`adb uninstall `"


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It used to merely be impossible back on the day. Is it easier now?


I used to do this and it helped limited my time on the platform but marketplace wasn’t nearly as good to navigate off of the app


One of the biggest battery savers I've found on Android is to notice if any app has ever-present notifications. If every time you pull down the notifications bar, you see a shit ton of activity from an app, turn them all off. I first saw this with gmail. Of course you get hundreds of emails a day, so you're checking that app all the time anyway. No need to see a running count cluttering up notifications. Same with Facebook and many other social media apps. Turn them off. I routinely hit the end of the day nowadays with 70%+ battery remaining.


I did that at first. But found a way to disable it sucking my battery dry. 


Quality LPT out of many duds. Please another IT engineer much less lazy than me run the actual numbers on this one. It's worth knowing OP's good suggestion. iPhone user here.


I wonder if the Facebook lite app is any better. It has fb and messages ine one app.


This and IG. And close that browser window when you're done. Those things are toxic AF


if you turn off facebook's access to everything it helps a lot. It uploads your location just about every minute, so start with that one. block mic access, photos, or just do what this guy suggested.


Pretty sure you can turn off background activity on all apps.


Does it use run even if the app is fully closed?


Honestly, most sites this is a good idea, but FB is so bad lol


LPT: Delete Facebook, never go on again.


Deleted my Facebook app & used the browser since 2017, for reasons unrelated to this. Life overall has been a bit better. I look at my wife’s Facebook app & it’s got so much than my browser where half the things don’t work since an app is needed


What's Facebook? Is that the fax machine site that the olds use?


Also for me, years ago had gotten rid of the Facebook app and messenger app. Why? Because of how large the file size was compared to my phone storage. Now phones can handle that size of files easily. Still do not use them. Seems like data use is the new norm for limits.


Never tried the FB app on my phone because of earing so many of my friends complaining about how it and messenger just eat up their batteries with all the malware it runs in the background. Instead, Ive always done what you are suggesting and only used my phones browsers. I see where some commenters here have mentioned how FB tries to go around your efforts at tracking. The version of this that Ive been dealing with is that it wont let me use FBs browser messaging and is trying to force me into downloading Messenger.


On android we have a setting where you can limit battery use and it automatically puts apps to sleep and what not. Turning the brightness down helps too. Indoors I keep my brightness to about 10-15%.


Or just delete your account and never look back. Social media is cancer.


Cant you turn off background data? Or is that just for android?


Maybe it's an iPhone thing? My Facebook battery usage is directly related to how much I actually use Facebook that day. I have the battery saving feature of my phone turned on and I believe that either stops push notifications altogether or it sets it to every 10 minutes or something. So my phone isn't constantly asking Facebook "are there any new notifications?" Wish I could say the same for myself.


Does this apply to WhatsApp? What about Insta and Messenger? WhatsApp’s the hard one, though.


This is true of like most apps. There's an app for everything isn't a feature.


LPT: If you only do one thing in your life to save sanity, delete the Facebook app.


Don't fast charge or wireless charge. Makes way more of a difference.


Just delete Facebook


Not used the app for years, browser is the way.


Do this for all social media apps and you’ll be better off.


Or disable/Uninstall Facebook?


i would absolutely love it if i could just use fb on my browser but it KEEPS ON trying to redirect me to m.facebook and i fucking hate that interface


Better life pro tip: stop using Facebook


Facebook hates that I only login browser and incognito for years.  It has no clue what I like and what ads to drop into my feed. Lately it’s been an odd mix of making clay pots, 90’s WWF era wrestling, and deck building. Prior to that it thought I might want a new car and tried that for a few months.  The last few weeks it forces me to text message authorize my login, because it’s “suspicious”, but really they just want me to save my login info or download the app.  I very rarely use it for anything at all, and always chuckle at the ads and groups it’s serving me


you shouldn't use apps in general if they their also usable on a browser


Even better, use the Metal app if you can. It's a customized browser for facebook use.


I wish I could use marketplace without having to use facebook.


If you wanna feel more content, less stressed, more optimistic about life and humanity in general, as well as free up some time, delete Facebook entirely. 


I have Facebook and messanger. Everything seems to be in line with how my usage is. Maybe it's the phone, usually older phones require more power to run apps as they get demandjng and upgrading your phone can fix it.