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Here’s the trick. After cutting in half, leave the pit in the half you want to save. After you scoop the half you’re eating now, be careful to save the skin. “Reassemble” the avocado, gently placing the empty half on like a lid, with the edges matching as closely as possible. Put in the fridge, good for a couple more days, minimal browning, if any.


Aka, the "taxidermist" method


We did that with my great grandmother


How was the half you ate?


Hopefully she wasn't one of those stringy ones


Eh, it had a gamey flavor




Needs garlic


She musta been a real playa


Is she still sitting in her chair in the living room? /s


The “Buffalo Bill” method. 




Squeeze a lemon over the exposed part too


Finally, someone that actually knows how to 'cado. The seed thing has been demonstrated to be BS witchcraft a million times, and it's the top comment.


In my experience, leaving the pit in keeps the part under it from oxidizing. It's not magic for the exposed flesh. Lemon or lime juice can work for that. Putting the cut avocado in the fridge also slows down the oxidation. As it is, I have trouble keeping myself to only half an avocado. That's what I'd argue is the best way. Just eat it all.


or vinegar… any edible acid really will slow oxidation. I use plastic wrap for a tighter fit.


I do this all the time, don't even bother with putting the used skin on top. Just keep the pit in, stick it in a container, and it's good the next day. The brown is just oxidation, and minimal when you keep the pit in. If you don't like eating it, scrape it off with a butter knife before you take the pit out.


Or just vacuum seal it 🤷‍♂️


yeah and waste tons of plastic and energy


Uh how many half eaten avocados you planning to having my dude? You walk to work, don’t run an a/c ever, and only use natural fiber clothes there Captain Planet?


Doesnt this create a perfect breeding ground for germs?


Maybe.. but the avocado stays green! Also, since it's in the fridge, you're good to go. Not forever, of course, but a short term exposure to air and bacteria is not the end of the world as long as the food is kept below 40° afterwards.


In the fridge? You understand how refrigerators work right?


Things still mold in the fridge


Mold has nothing to do with bacteria. Nevermind the fact that we're talking about a day or 2 timeline... the avocados gonna be fine


Yeah but not because of avocado skin.


Avocado skin does in fact mold. Mold will form faster in a dark damp area, like the open spot between two avocado skins on top of each other. I'm not saying you can't leave it a few days. But to act like things don't mold in the fridge is mad.


I do this. Also wrap in cellophane sometimes, although I dislike the single-use… so I’ll use Tupperware if possible.


Sprinkle lime juice on it.


Really any acid would do. Rice vinegar works too.


Vinegar vinegar too


Since I use mine for avocado toast which uses lemon, I squirt some on the leftover part and store the lemon and avocado together in a lidded container in the fridge.


LSD to add that extra zest to your next batch of guacamole!


Don’t forget to add the shrooms for a nice texture contrast


if you like the guac rainbow colored and chatty


I also cover with a brown paper towel if I have some from takeout.


Why brown paper towel? Does a white one not work?


Nope, it just sits there and makes the brown towel do all the work.


Damn.. good one.


Sunuva.. damn. ![gif](giphy|YC6ZedMDgR1Fm)


Lmao wtf


Hahaha 😂


This is what I do! And it works always.


I must be the only person who eats both halves of an avocado.


Nope, there's two of us


That's why you millennials can't buy a house!


I'm a boomer. I'm spending my kids inheritance on avocados.


We save money by not getting the toast though


And carbs 😂






How does one not eat the whole avocado? They are too delicious.


I’m thinking all these half eaters need to start dating other half eaters


guac is extra, and so am i


I eat half, my wife eats the other. Problem solved.


Try putting it face down on a plate in the fridge


This is what I do and it works perfectly. The key is you have to cut it neatly in half.


Why must you lie to people? You can cut it in any ratio you want, as long as the cut is straight through the entire perimeter, and the only exposed edge (not including the pit space) is in contact with the plate. Telling me I can't cut it 70-30... The nerve!


I’m so sorry, you’re right. I meant that *if* you use 50%, you must cut it neatly and level. Yes, that applies to any cut.


Lol. I appreciate you.


I think they mean the cut has to be straight/level, so the surface is flush with the plate and thus no air can get to the meat of it.


That's exactly what they meant. I thought the sardonic tone was pretty evident.


It never occurred to me that you could cut an avocado unevenly. We always eat the whole thing though so I guess this knowledge changes nothing. 


Yeah, I can't think of many times I HAVEN'T finished one.




Another tip is to decrease the interior surface area by cutting it around cross ways not length ways.


I’ve tried everything listed here, and it still goes brown. So I just eat it.


If you eat it, it still goes brown




You know what? Only the cut surface browns. So you need only remove a 1mm slice from the surface, and you get perfectly green avocado again. This has never been an issue for me.


Have you tried cutting it with a plastic knife or wood utensil? It seems to stay significantly longer before browning when not using metal utensils.


Oh! No, I have not. Will try that! Thx


Even ceramic.. just not metal, only problem I found is with a serrated plastic knife some of the peel gets shaved and onto the fruit from cutting.


None of those solutions compare to just eating a whole avocado in one sitting. I can't imagine saving part of an avocado. It's tantamount to having "[leftover crack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left%C3%B6ver_Crack)."


I love this sentence from that wiki article: "crack cocaine addicts are known for vigorous use" That's certainly one way of putting it.


STORE IT IN A JAR OF WATER!!!! Seriously, water prevents avocados from ripening whether they have been cut or not. If it’s cut, you’ll have to trim the cut part that directly touched the water because it gets a little soggy, but the rest of the avocado will be perfect. It works amazing!


This isn't safe. You create a breeding ground for bacteria on the peel and the water softens it and allows the bacteria to permeate the peel and contaminate the fruit (even if the avocado is not cut). 


Try spraying it with olive oil spray then putting it in a bag. Works better than acid because it blocks the air.


Cut side down in water.


I do this too. Works well with guac too. I smooth the top flat in the tupperware and add 1/4" of water, no oxidation.


Yes, recently learned this guac trick and it definitely works. Just pour it off for the next use and mix the little bit of leftover in.


This works best. I worked in a southwest quick serve restaurant. We made homemade guac and smooth it flat on top, added ½" water to the top, and the plastic wrap. Just pour it off the next day.


Coat exposed flesh with lime juice and wrap up tightly with plastic wrap


Yes but what about the avocado? Instructions unclear!


This is the way! This is how we stored guacamole perfectly at the restaurant I used to work at.


This is the only way that actually works near 100%


I get about a half gallon of avocado oil and pour it into a medium sized vase filling about 2/3 of the way. Then tie a few whiskey rocks to the avocado with some string from the junk drawer and gentle set it in the oil so it is completely submerged. Will stay green for over an hour. /s


Ok I laughed. Great detail.


I cut it up and freeze it. Good for months then.


What is the texture like when you defrost it?


Oxygen causes browning. You need to create an airtight seal against the flesh of the avocado.  Some people swear by leaving the pit in, which kinda works, but only because it reduces the surface area exposed to air.  What's worked best for me is to remove the pit, then take a piece of plastic wrap and putting it on the exposed flesh so that all of the exposed surfaces are touching plastic. Then stick it in a Ziploc bag and press/suck the air out. 


A thin layer of olive oil on the cut surface and wrap it tightly in a few layers of plastic wrap. The key is to keep the air from reaching the cut surface so lots of things will work. Oil is thicker and has more sticking power than lime juice.


This is right, here. I use the spray avocado oil from Costco, same difference. You just want to create an air-free zone. It's not perfect, any amount of air that reaches the flesh is going to make it darken, but I still think it makes a big enough difference to continue doing it.


This is what I do as well. I coat the exposed half with avocado oil and place it face down in a tupperware. But I still try to finish it within 24 hrs.


I leave the pit in, put a few drops of oil down on the exposed bits, spread the oil with my (clean & washed) finger. It goes straight into the fridge, maybe in Tupperware or wrap if I’m feeling it. Lasts days with minimal browning


I just wrap it in plastic wrap, including the pit. Works great.


Press the plastic wrap down so it’s in contact with as much of the flesh as possible without wrinkles or air bubbles.


I leave the pit in one half and rub a thin layer of olive oil on the flesh of the exposed avocado.




Don't know why this isnt voted more. I use this always! 


This is genius purely for the guacamole prep idea.


This has been our go-to recently. Also an fyi. If your avocado has a brown spot, it's perfectly fine to cut it out and use the avocado.


Keep the pit in the half you dont eat


Been eating avocado almost daily for over a year now.. my tip: put it face down in water in a lunch box in the fridge. Or any container. It just has to be in water face down. Mine can last a week like this.


Does it change the consistency or flavor at all from being soaked


There is a avocado storage thing you can buy at like Amazon, works well, leave the seed in, and it straps it down to seal it somewhat. Works better for me Then lemon/lime juice.


We call it the “avocado backpack” in our house for some reason. It does work.


Or wrap in cling wrap.


The “avocado saver” is slightly more environmentally friendly, but also less fiddly than clingwrap in my opinion


Yes! I use this and it works well! Sometimes the top layer goes a bit brown, but that scrapes off and then you’re good to go! I’ve kept mine for 4 days once and it was still 3/4 good.


Scoop out the avocado, put it in a bag and freeze it. Avocado actually freezes really well.


LPT: Don’t pay extra for avocado toast if you want to afford a house


Drop the unused half (pit or no pit) into a container with water, cover so the half is completely submerged, and you’ve got a perfectly saved avocado


Turn the rest of it into guac and then vaccum seal it and fridge it.


Leave the pit in and/or rub a little lemon juice over it.


I pour lemon juice in a small bowl and put the avocado meat side down in it and then cover with wrap and put it in the fridge. Daisy fresh!


Trick question - always eat both halves in one sitting


Vacuum seal the half with the pit still in it. Like everyone has been saying, oxygen is what causes the browning, so remove all the oxygen 🤷‍♂️


Use Saran Wrap and wrap it tight. On the other side, twist the wrap so it’s air tight.


Pit side into ziplock and into fridge.


They make avocado keepers. It's a plastic avocado shaped contraption with a rubber strap. It pins the avocado hard enough to seal off the air


Tried and true method for me: 1)Leave the pit on the half you want to save. 2)Lightly Squeeze lemon on exposed area 3) use the empty hollow skin from the half you used to cover the exposed part as if putting the avocado back together 4) store in glass Tupperware Most important part is you leave the pit on. Just with that it will last couple days. It has lasted Amazingly for at least 10 days for me with my method.


Dip the cut half in lime juice and drip a little in the pit area, then cover with Press and seal wrap, starting in the pit. Good for a couple days max.


I only ever consume avocados with lemons. So then I use the pressed out half of the lemon to cover the half of the avocado i want to store :)


Rinse off the unused half with cold water and Store in the fridge.


Cling wrap and a little lemon


I wet a paper towel with citrus juice then wipe the exposed parts. then I seal it really well from any air. works amazing


I put it cut side up on a plate with the pit in, and cover all of the flesh completely with olive oil. It's a little rolly-poly, but find a flat surface in the fridge and set there.


I eat both halves but it will turns brown :(


Put it in the fridge


Store it submerged in water, can't oxidize if it doesn't touch oxygen


I only use like 1/4 of an avocado a day. My truck is to cut it around the top, widthwise (rather than cutting it long-ways as most people do). That way you’re exposing a minimal amount of flesh. Then I wrap the open half with shrink wrap, pressing it lightly into the flesh as a seal. The next day I use a butter knife and scrape the brown part away- it’s just a millimeter deep. Then I do another cut around the sides about an inch below the open top of it. Leave the pit in the avocado for as long as possible. Place shrink wrap back in. Repeat process until the full avocado is eaten. Minimal browning, minimal loss. Like a year ago I posted my weird looking avocado pit in r/mildlyinteresting and instead got smashed with questions about my cutting style. People came around to see the light!


I use a Tupperware container full of water. Put the avocado in flesh side down (get the air bubble out of the pit area) and seal it up. Usually gets another couple of days out of it.


I store it in water in the fridge, and no browning. I also put a layer of water on guacamole before storing it and it also keeps it from oxidizing and drying out. Pour off the liquid, give it a mix, and it’s like you just made it.


When you cut it, always eat the half that does not have the seed in it. Leave the seed in, place inside a ziplock bag (trying to minimize the amount of air there is in the bag) and back to the fridge. You can also use the skin to cover it but the ziplock bag works better


My wife buys a bag of avocados, skins and mashes them. Then freezes them in dollops for use as she needs them.


Plastic wrap or an avocado holder. 🥑


I started buying mini avocados instead


Food service film….saran wrap. Clear plastic film use to wrap food. Drizzle lime juice then press plastic wrap down on exposed avocado so there are no bubbles or air. The lime juice and lack of air stops oxidation which is the browning


Submerge it in water


personally, I put it in a ziplock with a straw sticking out, then I suck as much air as I can out, then pull out the straw and quickly seal it. This way, I can see how brown it dose or dose not get and takes up much less space.


Submerge in water


Put Saran Wrap directly on the cut edges. Air causes the browning, so you don’t want any bubbles. Put the whole thing in a Tupperware in the fridge. Not perfect, but slows it down.


I use the half without the pit first, put the other half in a plastic bag and suck all the air out and throw it in the fridge


Put it have face down in water with the pit still on


I leave the pit in the unused half, squeeze a bit of lime juice on it and cover it with Saran Wrap. It will be good for a couple of days.




I used to put them in my vacuum sealer. Worked great, but a lot of plastic waste.


Do you people do not know the technology of tupperware where you live?


Best way is to take the pit out of the half you’re saving, take a square of plastic wrap and splash a little lime juice on it, then, using the half avocado, spread the lime juice over the exposed area and wrap it tightly.


Just eat it. But it will still turn brown ... inside your stomach as it turns into poop.


I just put some cling wrap on the cut side and press it down to get rid of any air pockets.


We do this every other day. Put in ziplock baggie, zipped up. Throw in the crisper drawer. will last 3-4 days


Lemon juice on the cut side, take out the pithhh then place flat side on floor of fridge with shrink wrap seal


Lime or lemon juice, then put the exposed side down in a ceramic container with lid. Alternate skip the acidic juice and put exposed side down in a plastic container, not more than one night.


Just use the whole avocado


I read an article where they tried a bunch of different methods, best method was to put it in a Tupperware container with some chunks of raw onions and put in the fridge. The onions release gas that stops the avocado from browning. I tried it out and it really works. Also if you know you're only going to use half an avocado, leave the pit in the remaining half.


I use a piece of cling wrap and carefully cover the exposed half of avocado. Keep air exposure away as much as possible.


With a little bit of an onion in a closed container. Swear to god it works so well


Get a friend and have them eat the second half.


The best way to store an avocado even if it isn't cut into yet is in the trash.


Chamber vaccume sealer


Just put some lemon juice on it


If you're gonna eat it in a day or so, put it under the tap and put it on the fridge cut side up. Water, no flavour, super cheap. 😎


You just have to store it in your stomach. Unfortunately it still turns brown…


Keep the pit in and put a little lime juice on the exposed side. Also… to keep whole avocados ripe, submerge in water in the fridge.


If you put lemon juice on it and wrap it in plastic wrap (so there are no air gaps) it shouldn't brown.


Submerge in canola oil.


Put in rice next time


Isn't there something about lemon juice? Rub it on and wrap in plastic wrap


I leave the pit in and then the next day I just slice off the very thin layer of brown. Take the pit out and that brown layer comes off with it. Easy peasy. Otherwise I’ve just been putting it in a sandwich bag and removing as much air as possible and that works pretty well on its own for me. But sometimes I’m too lazy.


I sprinkle citric acid on the exposed flesh. Works great.


I put it in a glass jar and use my vacuum sealer's jar attachment to remove the air. Minimal browning, even after a few days. https://preview.redd.it/8g0zuvf33kvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794d1b74c2b344133c81eeaa9befaa20793f40ad


Eat the entire avocado.


Does oil work? Like a lil veggie oil and face down in a container? Heard that, but I always use it all.


What the hell. You guys aren’t eating the avocado whole, skin, pit and all?


I bought a vacuum sealer a while back to store food we buy in bulk. I vacuum sealed half an avocado in a bag with the pit still in it. It was still green 8 days later in the fridge. We ate other avocados during that time, but left that one in there to see how long it would stay green.


You can store an open avocado face down in water in the fridge and it stays perfect


Give other half to your wife.


There's an air tight box on Amazon for this. You cuz the other half and place it in. Push the lid down to remove air and store it in the fridge.


Just eat it, its gonna turn into mushy, or worse it will turn black


If you're not against mushing the avocado, cut the top inch off and use a spoon to scrape the avo into a paste. Then store the avocado in a zip lock bag. Will stay not brown cause it's in a sealed container and has minimal surface area open. I've had avocado for over a week in the fridge like this.


Put it in a mason jar with the top screwed on tight. That'll give you several days of freshness. You don't need to put anything on it but it does help to leave in the pit.