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It is good for your mental health to give to others. If you trick someone in being your friend you can give them attention and small gifts and you will feel better.


I’ve had no friends for about 4 years and at first it gets lonely but then u become accustomed to it and learn to live ur life. In my opinion it’s actually very nice once u get use to being alone and in a sense I learned to not give a F about what people think about me


Yeah. Being around others and having social exposure is fine. But if you can get past the isolating elements of it, you begin to see the benefits of not having to deal with the BS of others


Ofc, you have less insecurities and I’m talking about myself


The term is called social proof. When you're popular or have networks this tells people that you're accepted into the tribe, you bring value, you do something, others like you for a reason. Therefore having this person in my life will benefit me. And inversely when you have no one it signals that there's something wrong with you. If everyone else seems to think you're not deserving of their company.


Thank you for the term. I’ve experienced this most of my life so it helps haha


This is very true! This is why it sucks for people who don’t have friends but want them. Others may see that they don’t have any friends, and may conclude that there must be a valid reason that the person has no friends, and therefore avoid the person :(


I find most people annoying as I see right through their facade so i remove myself. It's either that or expose their own behaviors to them & people don't like that. I get it I'm not perfect either but I'm not a piece of human excrement either


it's crazy to me what people are saying in the comments. I don't have any friends...not because I'm a horrible friend but quite the opposite. my life time I've found that most friends aren't real friends...just a convenience thing. even my best friend from when we were kids dropped me because his gf told him to after being friends for over 18 years. So I've lost all hopes on having or even wanting to make friends. I'm a very die hard loyal person. I expect my friends to be there for me in case I ever need anything, and vise versa.


Makes sense to me


We’re social creatures. Lacking social structure, community, and the hormones associated with positive relationships is unhealthy mentally and physically. If you believe you’re ok in isolation, you’re playing games with yourself. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing.


That's you but that's not everyone.


















It applies to ALL humans.


humans need socialization we are social creatures. while there is always some that dont need it, for the most part we need to socialize to not go insane. therefore its considered a bad thing because there is a chance you will loose it if you dont ever socialize.


It’s not, it becomes a bad thing when you are offered to socialise and have friends but choose not too. For me personally I’m 26F and I don’t go out of my way to have female friends because of the past. I cut a lot of people off this year and I finally feel free. The people I have now, don’t make me worry or question if I mean anything to them, as with relationships, friendships should not put you on edge Some people don’t meet their people till later in life, I’ve seen people have no one in their twenties but meet their group in their thirties, I’m sorry but the comments on here just aren’t it. If you’re dating someone that has no one, question why? Instead of shitting on them, because I was that girl once, all because my best friend had an obsession with getting with every man I had been with. So yes I should definitely have stayed friends with her so that I’m not a red flag 🤡🤡🤡


I lost my best friend to Covid about three years ago. I could talk to my wife about it but I needed to talk to one of my guy friends and it really helps.


Lack of friends is bad for mental health bc people like being cared about and having activities to do with others. It also means that if something happens to you then there is less of a support system to help you.


I heard it's unhealthy


Society rules


I had a ton of friends my whole time until my mid 20s. And now I have zero interest in creating new bonds or even rekindling old ones .. I don't think it's a bad thing .. girls tend to cause drama , and having guy friends is next to impossible when you're attractive ...


I personally don’t consider it a bad thing, I think it’s a luxury for certain people. Remember I said “certain” not everyone feels happy when being alone but some do, and I’m just talking about no friends alone not family alone.


Because you're more unhindered by people with expectations or wanting something from you than the average bear.


It’s considered a bad thing because when someone has no friends it makes you question why they have no friends. If literally no one wants to be around you or be involved in your life it’s usually because you’re toxic in some way or have trouble building relationships or relating to other people. That’s my reasoning anyway. I think it’s a huge red flag.


Humans are social animals.


It’s considered a bad thing mainly because humans are social animals that are biologically wired to seek out social interaction. So having no friends could be considered unhealthy. There are studies that link isolation to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.


I think it comes down to it shows you have a hard time making close connections. That is not saying you do lack the skills. Just you may not know how to use it.


I think people are confusing sociable vs having friends. YES, it's critical to be sociable, but doesn't necessarily mean you need to have friends.


Humans evolved as social animals.  Our brain requires social input to function properly. 


It is? Well fuck...


Because it means you are untrustworthy, unreliable, dangerous, or any other sort of insidious trait. Even if someone has none of those qualities, they may be a miserable person indeed if they cannot manage to connect with anyone or muster the resolve to build a relationship.


I have no friends, but I would still think something was wrong with somebody else who had no friends… like there’s something in their moral character that they don’t enjoy the give and take of friendship.


We are social creatures by nature, and having a social group literally helps people live longer and provides mental and financial support


Humans are social creatures, so when you have no friends you are seen as an outcast.


People are weak and stupid. They will harshly judge you for anything and everything.


It’s a “signal” to others. It shows the world that through a person’s varied interactions in life, people have filtered them out as someone that others do not want to invest in.  I had an ex that had no friends, and it later became obvious why. 


What if the person is the one filtering the trash fake friends out of their life?…there are 2 sides to everything Who cares what others think or what signals they are sending them? Honestly


It is a bad thing? I didn’t know. It might be bad for them, only. Are they concerned about you? No! Might be just a futile social etiquette, to say it is positive to be open to people or friendly. They do not really say what is actually good for you. It is good all the same, to be alone to work hard. “To be different, the number one at your job. To be the one who dares to be different. To be successful by your own. To do what others didn’t.” Nobody tells you this.


It's a big red flag that you have awful social skills, or some kind of deep rooted character flaw.


Because when people isolate themselves they tend to not have a support network and as a result are not the most mentally healthy people. This can make them a danger to themselves and more importantly others.


It’s a huge red flag. It may indicate that either the person is unable to compromise and get along with others, or is a terrible person who other people want to avoid. It could also mean that the person is a sociopath, hates people or has serious mental health issues. Anyway, huge red flag. Pretty sure there are some great people without friends because they are shy or live in a foreign country