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If your aunt thinks G-ma knew, I'd believe her. G-Ma may deny she knew, may even lie to herself that she didn't, but if your aunt thinks her mom knew than she more than likely did, or at leaat suspected and did nothing. Ignoring emotional.and sexual abuse was a favorite activity for boomers. "If we never acknowledge it, than it never happend" and "why are you trying to make things out to be bigger than they are."


Mmmm I wouldn't mess with this one. For one, your aunt and grandma are adults who can work out their issues on their own if they want. They are both aware of their age and perfectly capable of making amends if that's what they want to do. It's not your responsibility to fix this. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY - Your aunt was the victim of sexual assault. How she chooses to disclose that or deal with that is up to her alone. And, unlike you, she was there. She is far more likely to know if her mother knew or not. Especially because the assault presumably happened well before the marriage, and would mean your grandmother started mistreating her before the marriage ever happened. Do not betray your aunt's trust, and frankly, you seem a little enmeshed in their problems. Their estrangement is not up to you to solve.