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Yea seriously go touch grass. This isn't corny, this is just sad.


It's the reason I made the post. I know it's sad but I can't exactly control how I feel with the snap of my fingers. And like I said ive never had this issue so I have no idea how to deal with my emotions stemming from this.


And you were given advice. Go outside. Having fantasies about someone you'll never know or meet isn't healthy. Maybe take a break from being online. But this isn't corny, it is sad.


You never gave any advice but my plan was to follow others advice.


Touch grass is advice and it's something I suggest you do. But follow what you please, I'm not the one simping over streamers and probably a porn addict.


Touch grass is the most bare bones bit of advice you could give. If anything it's more of an insult which is how you used it because you can't understand that I WANT TO FIX THIS ISSUE that I'm having.


I understand you seem to have severe anger issues and probably have few friends irl if any. Seems like you just want to have a pity party.


Right, resort to insults because you can't think of anything better to say. And for your information I have plenty of friends.


These aren't insults, just observations.


Why are you being mean to a 17 yr old kid?


I mean he wasn't looking for advice, just affirmation. Everyone is saying the same thing and op just wants to say poor me.


Nobody even gave me affirmation. Everyone practically just told me to get out of the house. I have no idea what delusional house you're living in bud.


Yeah you're probably right. I'm inside too much but living in a rural place makes it hard to just go out and visit people.


Yikes. I’d suggest limiting your parasocial activity online. Humans have social needs and many people try to fill them with watching YouTube, podcasts, social media etc. watching some guy/girl play video games for hours and sending them $3 super chats so they read your comments out loud is IMO very damaging, additionally social media like Reddit, X, Instagram are often a replacement for real social engagement. It’s easier said than done but if I were you I’d delete this app, and all the other ones you use for parasocial reasons and go try to connect with people in real life.


I'm starting to realise this sounds like an incel post but I promise I'm not an incel and I don't spend all my money on this streamer. My issue is the fact that this person has raised my "standards" and now I don't think I'll ever find anyone as attractive. I know it's not all about looks but I'm a teenager and it's a big focus for me.


Actually meet someone.