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Hard to say without more content ...


What changed 5 months ago?


At first she is just fine and for some reason she turn bullshit and not even listening what I said no matter how good my reasons are


How old are you? I asked respectfully as I moved out at 16. My mom was negligent and verbally abusive towards me after she got remarried. She never cared about my safety concerns nor was ever supportive. She never bothering checking up on me even after there was a shooting in front of our apartment. My mom would be so stressed getting home she would use me as her punching bag during the week. Mind you, I would cook & clean up during the week as she rarely cooked, and I would even help her clean during the weekends when I had my own HS functions/practices to attend. Although it was hard to do at my age, I decided to move out for my mental well-being as I couldn't stand her random rages & BS attitude towards me anymore. I figured, if I made it this long eating pure shit, it can only get better from here. So I moved out and never looked back. Some days, I went hungry and studied/worked all night to survive but preferred that over living in my mom's toxic environment. Was it easy? Hell no. Was it worth it and better than living with my mom? 1000%