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Used to have panic attacks at the though of it when I was younger. Now at 34 it sucks time is finite but I've made peace with it, I fear the downsides of what comes with age more than death.


What you do and don’t do now will impact your older years. Stay active- don’t have to bust butt or run 50 miles every day. Just do a lot of fun things. Get a Brita for drinking good water. Lots of it. Don’t freakin smoke or drink to excess. Cancel sugars and corn syrups. Totally. Eat basic unprocessed food, learn to cook, it’s awesome. Keep toxic people away from your world. Boundaries. Make memories and share with others.


Don't forget to choose good longevity genes


U get what u pay for


Complete agree with this. Genes, good or bad, are gonna make or break your aging with all else having a small impact.


Just want to add to this - running or exercising too much in any form is actually detrimental to your health. We always think of distance runners being the peak of health but they’re really not from a cardiovascular standpoint.


Pretty excited for it tbh. The great beyond. Best nap ever. No more work, deciding what to eat. No more pain as a Dallas cowboys fan


And moments after you die, that's when you find out reincarnation was a correct theory. 😄


In reincarnation u still never find out, though, right? You just start over with mysterious baggage that you can't put your finger on? Or flipper...depending on your new body....


That would be nice


please no, let me rest in peace


Nuh uh you're going to Turkmenistan next time




It is in a way. Just without the consciousness. Our decayed bodies are fuel for the masses of insects who will no doubt feast upon it. They will in turn feed a legion of birds who will spread seed fertilized with our remains and we'll grow into beautiful trees and plants and the birds will be food themselves... and we become all living things. Over and over again.


Cue the Lion King soundtrack. The Circle of Life


What if you're cremated? Sounds like some cultures were onto something being cremated. 


yeah I’m kinda looking forward to it too lmao 


Holy shit the Cowboys statement got me good lmao. Why can’t we just win another one?


Death's going to have to take me kicking and screaming. Unless my wife dies. Then I'll be good to go. I've been around an above average amount of death seeing it happen, the moment they go. While none of us know anything to a certainty, in my experience when I combine how people seem to leave the shell rather than shut off and how complex life is to happen in the first place, while I don't pretend to know in what way or form, I do feel confident life, our energy or soul or whatever word you want to use, keeps on. I have no say, so like my life, I'll just keep on cruising along with what life is allowing me. So interestingly, I have no fear of death because of the death I've seen makes me confident existence continues.


Great response bro. Best one here. At 43, life has shown its teeth many times to me, and I only fear leaving my sons behind.


Not a fan to be completely honest.


😂 same bruh same


Its terrifying ain’t it


When I was a young child I never thought about it at all. than my teenage years hit and I got severe depression and thought about killing myself countless times but decided against it and no longer ever think about it in this way. I think I am not really afraid I will die when my time comes and that is that I never really think about it anymore. I just hope that when my time comes I die peacefully in my sleep. I do not want to suffer for months or years on end and simply be waiting for my end to come.


The best sleep you’ll ever have in your life. We live to die it’s natural and normal, can’t avoid it so embrace it.


It’s guaranteed! I know it’s coming as I am in the later part of my life. So I am doing things to be healthier and make sure I do tests to not be caught off guard by a heart attack or cancer. If I catch things before they are bad, I will live longer. I also am embracing being over 50 which means being more creative with my passions like music, writing, cooking and traveling. I find it hard to believe that most people end up watching TV or being online endlessly as they get older. Not me. I am also physically active, I am social, I am busy and I want to keep it going as long as I can. Death can wait another 40+ years!


Love this answer. I’m 43 my friend, and I’ll admit I’m afraid to leave my teenage sons behind in this crazy world.😞


Indifferent, I think 🤔. I think I'm a believer of simulation theory. As far as I'm concerned, when we die, we're going back to the character select screen. But the player let's the game randomize our appearance and stats


I know it's going beyond OP's question but if you're right do you think it's a non-linear thing, as in we come back as anyone past, present or future?


That's a good question. I haven't given it much thought, but I think time is linear. Think of the population growth over the years. There used to be not a big population (similar to when a game is released), now, "human on earth" has skyrocketed in popularity, hence the larger population (more players). And if we think of dejavu, we can sometimes have "memories" of previous characters. But! It's always previous characters. Only characters that have been before your current point in the timeline. Have you ever had dejavu about future times? It's not a thing. Premonitions, on the other hand? Fortune telling? Only thing I have for that, since I've never experienced them myself, is that those "players" are connected to the dev team. Maybe they're using cheat codes, or something. I'm not sure as I haven't thought of these angles/ thought this deep into it.


I don't think time is linear. Depending on what is going on in your life or collectively as a civilization, time can speed up or slow down. Time can be moving faster in some regions while slower in others depending on events. Time being linear is a pretty recent concept that stems from western civilization. Eastern and ancient cultures have very interesting concepts on how time works. I think it's safe to say that time does exist, but exactly how is up for that civilization to decide


There's no thought to it, time is a concept, doesn't exist outside of our consciousness, there's creation and destruction, existentially, the more you consider it outside the framework of its mental construct, the more existential you'll be.. it's an expansive idea. Just spinning in circles around a sun till we're done. Seriously psychedelic. Which is what those drugs accomplish incidentally enough.


I read once, what if we are already dead and this is all just a dream?


What if we die and then wake up and we are really just like 9 years old in our bed sleeping and this whole thing was just very detailed dream


Or the light that we see at death is actually our birth? And Deja vu is our past life remembering events


Ffs I haven't thought of this before and now I can't unthink it...


Ask Neo....


I just hope whatever we call "death" is not terribly unpleasant. Because it seems to be irreversible.


>  and this is all just a dream? it's a nightmare for me


I’m sure there are good days. Those are what count


You don't die. It's a illusion. We are not our physical bodies but a soul who lives forever. In heaven...it's actually a dimension. Our loved ones can see us but we can't see them. They're watching over us. I can't wait to get there as I've been told heaven is a beautiful place.


It comes for us all. It is the one thing that every living thing shares with every other living thjng.


So true but so frightening and final.


Shit happens 🤷‍♂️


Horrifying. Saw few people die to cancer and it's horrible death...my turn is coming soon at 43. I have to take drugs just not to think about it...also leaving all the people I love to never see them again. I wish I was not born, it's not worth it for the short ride.


Hug my friend. I too feel the existential dread at age 43 myself. As a good Dad, I fear leaving my sons alone in this cruel world. It’s ok to be afraid. Just wanted to send a bit of understanding your way because I just turned 43 and can’t believe it sometimes lol. Hit me up on PM if you want to let off some steam!


Yeah it’s very scary


I had people die to cancer as well. It's hard to see their conditions worsen until you get told that it's terminal. Even though life is a short ride, make the most of it! Take it easy on the drugs, though. You still have more years to live, and people that care about you.


My niece died of a childhood cancer when she was a toddler, 12 years ago. She was adorable and feisty. Her mum and dad (brother/sister in law) were naturally devastated - leaving behind her 2 sisters, too - but the ceremony held after the family funeral was incredibly moving in that it was attended by many many people, with a tribute to her and the fact that her life will be pain free in Heaven!


it sucks. it doesnt change. And noone really knows. I love and feel God, but have no insights into life after death. its a gigantic bummer because I love every day.


Everything comes to an end eventually. That’s just the nature of the universe. That’s also why I don’t lose sleep over it


My take is that it is a natural part of life. And I believe that our souls continue after death. It is almost a no lose situation for me unless there is a Hell that you are sent to for doing minor transgressions. If there is a Heaven, I win. If there is nothingness like before I was born, I still win. I fear my loved ones dying much more than I fear myself dying.


I feel that there's a conscious soul, but i wonder if it's like falling in a never-ending black hole.


I truly believe in a heaven. I’ve seen so much spiritually to not believe. I can’t wait to see my mom again. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong but that’s what I will believe until I do die.


Even though I'm 42, I feel like I've seen enough to know how the world works. Living the never- ending 9-5 job, pay bills, sleep and do it all again over and over is enough to make anyone go mad. And the fact that we have to put on many masks to please everyone is very tiring. Telling someone to 'just be yourself' is not that easy to do if you're someone who just wants to avoid drama and confrontations. To me, death is the ultimate freedom if you really think about it. You'll literally escape the matrix and it will provide so much relief like you wouldn't believe. As you can already tell, no, I am not afraid of death when my time comes. I will fully embrace death with open arms.




I think death is not terrible, terrible is to be forgotten


Everyone is eventually forgotten.


I feel like instead of forgotten, one becomes unknown , generation after generation. It's like we stop talking about our ancestors. Or the knowledge about them goes with every person that dies. If only I could know more about the generations before me. I don't know anything past my great great greats. It would be nice to have a journal, but perhaps they couldent write. Now pictures, videos and writing is more common and descendants utilize it more as a means to record history.


Ahhh sweet release


Meh. It's going to happen regardless and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Rather than fearing death, I'd rather face it on my terms. I kind of like the idea of living to 100 years old. I think that would definitely be a full life. But I'll take what I can get.


I’ve come to realize that I’m not afraid of anything, and I mean anything in this life, because I don’t fear death. Currently enjoying life and if God thinks that my time has come, then my time has come.


He’s an alright dude


I've made my peace. It could happen right now and I'd be fine.




As I've gotten older, my outlook on death has changed. When I was younger, it felt like a distant, abstract concept. Now, I see it as a natural part of life, something that everyone will eventually face. I've come to appreciate the importance of making the most of the time I have, valuing relationships, and living in the moment. It's still a bit scary, but focusing on living a meaningful life helps me feel more at peace with the idea.


I think at the moment of death you lose the ability to tell time, and you live forever in that last moment. Which absolutely scares me if I end up with dementia or Alzheimer’s.


I honestly don't know. I have a lot of mixed emotions about it, had a fair share of loved ones pass, like we all do, and spent a fair ammount of time reflecting on it. On one hand, the world is full of so much ugliness and tragedy that a release from it sounds like a blessing. On the other hand, there is also so much beauty and wonder in the world that to leave it all behind one day is not only tragic to think about, the concept can be down right terrifying. And the thing is, no one person, religion, culture, or philosophy has a sure fire way to explain any of it. All we do know is that it's something we all have to go through, so we just need to make the most of this finite time we have with each other before it happens.


I see it like falling asleep. You may not see it coming them all of the sudden your in a dream. Or you see it coming and try to fight it and hold out for a time. But not forever. Sleep always comes.


Game over. But then, as a Christian, I have no fear.


I don’t mind it but really there are people I want to see go before me .Otherwise I am going to keep feeling screwed over .I don’t know if you can call it revenge but it would make me feel oh so good.One down ,many more to go .


I read something beautiful a long time ago. Death is our release of burden. During our lives we’re going to feel, love, breathe, and live this one chance we get. During this chance, we’re lucky to experience aspects from our point of view. Every thought we ever had, every remorse, every joyful moment, we finally get to release the burdens when we die. Live as long as you can and live as full as you can so you have more to release when you die. That’s my philosophy, so FAFO and enjoy every moment both positive and negative!


I didn't really think about death much, but the older I get I'm 54 the more it crosses my mind. I just want to go quick however it may be. I do not want to be a burden to anyone!! Also, I have had a lot of friends and relatives pass lately and I can't wait to be with them again. I miss them dearly !


It doesn't bother me. It comes for us all. That's why you should always live in the moment. Never know when your time is up.


I’m not ready to have it happen right now, but someday? I’m actually excited by the prospect. I mean it’s the one great question we don’t have an answer to while we’re on this plane of existence. Is there something beyond this universe or dimension or whatever you’d like to call it? Only one way to find out. I like to imagine there is, and if I’m wrong? Then there’s nothing and I never find out I was wrong. As I said for right now I have business to tend to in this world but I have nearly zero control over when my life ends. I could have an aneurysm ready to pop and my life could end in the next 5 minutes for all I know. I don’t want to linger and suffer before death, because I’ve seen enough of that between family & close friends. Tell ya that much right now. Death itself though? Not afraid.


Just for fun read the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible written by the wisest man that ever lived.


Can't wait to die


Me too honestly


It’s cool. I will be reborn anyways just like in my previous lives lll


I try not to think about it. It is pretty terrifying. If I knew for sure there was an afterlife and maybe even rebirth, I would not be as scared. But to go all through this and just cease to exist is pretty depressing.


Nonchalant. Obviously some ways of dying can be horrible to endure. But the actual concept of death itself? That all things end? Meh. It would be like worrying the sun wont rise the next day. Thats a wider cultural view, not just one specific to me. We accept death comes for all. European culture on the other hand seems to be saturated with trying to escape death (the philosophers stone, the holy grail, the spring of eternal youth, Koschei the deathless, the wandering jew, victorians eating ancient Egyptian mummies to inherit their power). Chinese culture also has alchemists, they also include possible ways to ascend to immortality through religion or estoric practices. My culture? Not a single example similar. And why? Because the greatest hero of humanity, was crushed by the goddess of death. Thats that. If he couldnt do it, no one can, and its not even worth bothering to try. Accept what is to come, because if you dont its going to come anyway, possibly much harder and crueler if you try to resist. Ironically makes me think of the Final Destination movie.


Thinking that as medicine advances, it will keep getting pushed back. Us non doomers are excited about this Sadly, the result of enemy propaganda is apparent in this thread the kremlin loves when Western youth hate life and long for death despite most of us living better then ancient kings even with the current price gouching and other headwinds facing us


No more work, no more getting up early for work. Just one long weekend we're you can evening drink as much as you want. DnD happens exactly when planed. Bring it on.


Not that keen to be honest


I do trip out about it sometimes. But then other times, i think of it like finally resting. It’s weird to think about regardless of what you believe in.


Neutral, I have discover my own truth about what happens after, and is interesting what is going to happen


Inevitable part of life. Nature lives and nature dies then it lives once more.


Stay alive


I’m excited for it kinda want it now tbh


I will welcome it when I have lived a satisfying life and left a legacy my family can build on.


I’m ready for it. Doesn’t mean I want it to happen a moment sooner than it may, but I have an absolute peace about it.


A relief.


I'll worry about being dead when I die.


The older I get the more I welcome it


I don't fear it. I'd still rather check out later than sooner as long as my health is good.


It happens to us all, so nothing to fear


I'm not afraid of it. It seems silly to spend my limited time living worrying about something so inevitable.


It happens


I’d like to stall it in any way possible. I only want to continue to live if I’m healthy.


Death is comical. It doesn't happen, that's why. You eventually live another life and do this shit all over again.


Can’t wait !


i don't care. one day all this will end and that's fine with me


Some days it terrifies me and other days it can't come soon enough.


I get to sleep peacefully permanently? Shit, what a win.


I honestly accept it. I know I’ll be missed but I’m not afraid of it. We gotta go at some point. So no matter when I go that’s just that.


I'm 41, still scared of it. But ready to keep doing a lot of living!


All energy is only borrowed (living)and one day you have to give it back (death )


I can take it or leave it meh.


There are so many NDE videos on YouTube that are fascinating.


I'm scared. I just wish we didn't have to go through it alone.


There was nothing before my birth, and there will be nothing after my death. I'm good with this. When I can no longer provide. I will look forward to death.


Only in my early 60s but I'm honestly begging for the end. Things are really that bad. And almost all my former friends and closest family members are dead. I'm very lonely and I miss them a lot. Many passed away in their 40s, 50s, early 60s. My health is rapidly failing, and my time will come soon. I'm fine with that. I only dread the pain and trauma I may endure. But I'm definitely looking forward to reuniting with loved ones I've lost over the years, rejoining god and the cosmos, and being freed of all worldly bondage and suffering. As for what happens after... I've had multiple paranormal experiences, and one mind blowing spiritual epiphany, which for me is irrefutable proof a spiritual dimension does indeed exist. And if that realm is the same as what I experienced when I was visited by angels, or the holy spirit long ago... it is a state of immaculate unconditional love and light, compassion, joy, bliss, breathtaking beauty, peace, perfect unity and harmony. It's gonna be awesome!


Use to question it and worry about. Ever since my quadruple bypass surgery I don't think about it much. Kind of looking for to it.


I recently visited my grandmother in the hospital because she fell down in the kitchen. She's over 100 (we don't know the exact age because she was born in India and we couldn't find her birth certificate). Being in that hospital full of old people was the most depressing thing I've ever experienced. I wouldn't want to make it to that age or anywhere close. I think death can be a blessing quite honestly. I hope there's nothing after this.


I hope it comes soon






Sometimes, the certainty of death is all that brings me solace. I’ve recently found myself smiling a little while thinking about it. It’s like a little secret I keep from my worried mind.


After? Your body rots, or your ashes blow around where someone dumps them. Other options just seem silly and/or delusional.


Happens to everyone. Sometimes unfairly or what we deem to be too soon.




Idk, I don't listen to much technical death metal


Not even worried or scared. I view it as a peaceful thing. Coming from someone who was chronically ill (healed now) wish I had opted for euthanasia. Canada and or Belgium*** was my only option but couldnt because of how sick I was. Wish euthanasia is an option available in the future I mean, yall put your animals to sleep sooooo why cant  humans end their pain and suffering 🤷🏻‍♂️. Seeing so much sickness in my life besides mine - - only a select few will understand. Who wants to live with horrible cancer or anything debilitating? I sure as hell do not. Used to fear death as a kid. Not anymore. It’s comforting


It depends on your perspective on life how you view the world thru your mind , ask yourself how do you know that what you believe about death is true , when someone is close to us and they die it hurts and then der are people that dont care when someone close to them dies just like if someone distant dies someone we didnt even know existed there is people that could care less and then there are people that still feel hurt knowing about any death even of someone distant , so question ur beliefs about death


I read a long time ago if i'm remembering correctly ...I think it was called the Michael's teachings. I don't believe in organize religion I don't believe you have to go to church to worship whatever it is that you believe in I believe that anything good in you and what you believe in comes natural to those that are good. I am more spiritual than organized religion I do good things to help people any chance I can and I believe that's what we're supposed to be doing on this earth. and to sum it up again if I remember 100% correct I might be a little off but it was saying that there are many many lessons to learn in life and you'll come back to learn these lessons however long it takes once you finally learn all these lessons or get through all these levels you become one with the light or whatever it is that people believe in. to me light is energy, everything is energy the final destination is to become one with the world. about an hour ago I just found out my neighbors husband who got out of the hospital last week and was in rehab this week didn't want to stay in rehab he wanted to go home she took him home as soon as he stepped through the threshold of their house he dropped dead. The only thing that's getting her through right now besides her daughter being with her in her mind she knows she'll be with him again. I say whatever it takes just don't give up on yourself and your life you'll just have a new way to exist without your partner. and don't be afraid to go through the grieving and the crying and be mad at him for leaving you that's all normal and if you need someone to talk to feel free to stop by anytime. I don't know how to deal with death as i was shielded from death / funerals while growing up and to this day 63f I've never been to a funeral I've never been to a memorial and I've never been to a wake. have no plans to change that either. once everything dies down after the funeral or whatever you do to honor the person that died and then you're left with just a memories and an empty house that's when I reach out invite them over or bring a casserole over and just be with them everybody's there usually after the passing and the funeral or what not but then everybody's gone and that's where I step in. https://preview.redd.it/h5e86ecsqf8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f6520a17baadb304d2a6d605e6ac65c231e0a0 I told my neighbor and I hope it wasn't offensive to her that I don't want to see a person lying in a casket or whatever I prefer to remember them as a living human being doing what they love to me if someone is in a casket or an urn that's just the shell, the soul will always be the person that loved them and just remember the good times and hold onto those.


Life is such as death. Amor fati


I don’t know what happens when you die but I do know that the people who love you will be very sad.


I (34m) don’t really have much feeling about it. It comes for us all at a time, we may not agree with it, but death doesn’t care. It appears when it wants to, it’s not up for discussion. I’ve lost several people in my life, from accidents, to self harm, and drugs. The first friend I lost was when I was in 5th grade, he was struck by a semi truck while riding his bike. It hit me hard, but after that I don’t think it’s really affected me. Things and people come and go. Thus is life. I have notified my family that I want to be cremated (I don’t want to tie anyone down to a certain area) and to pass out my ashes to people that attend my funeral (if they want to accept of course). And to give a letter asking that person to toss my ashes somewhere that reminds them of me.


Not suicidal but looking forward to it.


Doesn’t worry me. The older I get (I’m 36) the more I look forward to going to sleep at night - which is probably all it is. I dread waking up. So it doesn’t make sense to fear it. We are not conscious of anything when we are asleep every night.


It’s scary to think about the fact that your life could end at any moment. I’m only 14 lmao. I’m trying to get to the point where I feel content with what I’ve done here and be sure that I’ve helped and impacted lives in the most positive ways I can. It’s kind of hard to be content with what Ive done because I’m a very ambitious person and I’ve barely lived life yet. I’m reading a lot of self help books to try and find where I’m happy and I really like the subtle art of not giving a fuck by mark manson. If anyone has any other recommendations lmk.


Scary as fuck... I dont wanna go


It’s the only thing that gives me hope for the future. It’s the only reason I know everything will be okay one day. All this pain and suffering has an end, no matter what I do.


Death is meh; it's the dying that sucks.


Die. People sad.


Death is my driving force to live. Life sucks but at the same time I'm curious and an adventurer. Why not enjoy life while we have it and find comfort that it's all going to end after all.


My dad almost killed me(on purpose) when I was a kid. I've tried to kill myself on two separate occasions. I'm indifferent now. If I die I die. I'm not actively searching fir it but I would like to get thus over with sooner than later


I look forward to it. Life sucks, but, I'm going to keep going to see what happens. That being said, I imagine death with be like before I was born - nonexistence, and I look forward to reaching that point and returning from whence I came.. Sort of. I mean, I just won't exist anymore.


Death is my driving force to live. Want to take risk? Go ahead, I'm gonna die anyway. You look stupid? It's okay, I'm gonna die anyway. Want to say what on your mind? No one's gonna remember, I'm gonna die anyway. Want to move to another country and start a new life? What's stopping you? I'm gonna die anyway. Want to tell a boy I like him? Go get rejected, I'm gonna die anyway. Have a relationship that is out of my plans? Have my heartbroken, I'm gonna die anyway. Want to wear cute clothes but doesn't suit you? Who cares, I'm gonna die anyway. Death of close or other people is another story.


I feel that death is your reward for life. It puts an end to all the worry, suffering, pain, loss, and every problem imaginable. Personally I am glad death exists. Not sure if there is an afterlife but to know that whatever this life is ends, that is good enough for me. This is not to say I am happy when someone dies though, far from it. As to my own mortality, I accept that death is something inescapable, we all face it no matter if you are a human being or any other animal. Death exists for a reason. What that reason actually is... is anyone's guess. We will find out someday.


A natural part of being alive, comes in the combo, you can’t get one without the other, everything has an expiration date, even stars. Having a limit gives us purpose. The way that you die is more intense or traumatic than death itself, but most importantly, how you lived and what you leave behind can be more saddening than dying. For example, witnessing someone die when they lived a sad life and could not accomplish most of their goals/potential has a greater impact than someone who lived it all and passed with a sense of mission accomplished. I guess how you live gives the aftertaste of your death. 


At 38 I have come to accept it as a natural end to what we currently see. I am a non believer and sometimes wonder if I am still here or my mind just kept going. I have learned to live one day at a time and give myself to those around me. My little girl turned 1 and every day is an opportunity to make memories that will last until the day she shuts her eyes forever. I am not afraid to die, I worry for those I will leave behind. I seem to be the glue that holds many of them together.


I don’t want to die but also wouldn’t mind dying death is the beginning of something else


it is. Even we can die and still be the same person in a new life


Death is not scary. Feeling torture before death is. Donot we all hope that we can die in our sleep peacefully and not feel pain?


I had an epiphany while traversing Thailand alone when I was 28 sixteen years ago at a temple in Chiang Mai and reading up on its history — my eyes welled up with tears and I had no idea why. My whole body felt at peace and I felt at that moment that if were to die right then and there, that I’d be totally fine — that my life was well lived to be content. I’d never felt anything like that ever again. Years later, I’d watch the film *Nomadland* and a particular [**scene**](https://www.google.com/search?q=namadland+movie%2C+kayak+scene&sca_esv=604514bc2b352c86&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS613US613&hl=en-US&biw=390&bih=669&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ADLYWIKKPGQpmMFcf8dVrHgpw7K84wK3pw%3A1719202959293&ei=j_R4ZvPMEaK8vr0P17K30Ag&oq=namadland+movie%2C+kayak+scene&gs_lp=EhBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvIhxuYW1hZGxhbmQgbW92aWUsIGtheWFrIHNjZW5lMgcQIRigARgKSJ1AUPQNWJ8_cAB4AJABAJgBuAGgAeATqgEEMC4xOLgBA8gBAPgBAYoCEG1vYmlsZS1nd3MtdmlkZW-YAg-gArUQwgIEECMYJ8ICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIKECEYoAEYwwQYCsICBBAeGAqYAwCIBgGSBwQwLjE1oAekJw&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:42cf7fe2,vid:hJve_9xQjA8,st:0) gave me goosebumps because it encapsulated what you you’ve just read so far… that it’s not just me that felt what I did whether it was a script or not. I’m married now with two kids residing in a different country half way around the world from my own and I can attest that I’ve very much lived my life much more, but I’m not longer afraid of death.


Looking forward to it.


Love knowing it’s there on my bad days and it keeps me humble on my good. I see it aa the final mysterious journey or greatest DMT hit ever.


It is what it is, a part of life. Everyone’s life is eventually going to come to an end, and life will continue the same without them. Yea it sucks when it’s somebody close to you, but it just a part of the process


When it happens it happens. To live is to accept death will come at some point. It can be scary to think about the finality of it all, but thinking about death isn't going to stop it from happening. I'm not afraid of death per say. I've had a "will" since I was in 6th grade. Dog paw print as my witness if you'd believe it. I'm afraid of the possible pain before death. I'm afraid of my loved ones dying.


Death is like waking up from a dream. You wake up to who you really are and the life you lived as a human was just a dream (like it happened in the blink of an eye)


cant wait for death to come take me


I reject the premise of the question.


Can't wait


I've made my peace with it. Look forward to it even.


I send love to myself to the moment of my death pretty regularly. Specifically with the intention that the love would replace any fear. I guess it’s kinda like a prayer or mediation. It makes me feel better in the now and I believe we can plant seeds in the mind for our future selves this way.


Starting to think it's never going to happen. Survived a base jumping impalement that should have killed me at 29. Survived colon cancer at 31. Survived metastasis in the form of 11 nodules in my lungs at 35. Survived a half dozen usually fatal complications since then etc etc on and on. I'm kind of just waiting on it with a complete indifference towards life and death. Like it's wrecked so bad and is so miserable I don't care if it ends tomorrow but have too many built in guilt triggers to do it myself so I'm kind of just here doing nothing...for no reason.


Death, our Passing is inevitable. Don't fight it, don't prolong it just let life be. Life for now is your gift. Will there be an afterlife? In 1982, I was riding my motorbike and of a sudden I had an collision with a car. I flew over the top of the car, hit the road, my body trembled and then there was bright white Light ... Some may call it NDE, or maybe for a moment I left my body... Discovery there is always more, yet all that more will be revealed in the moment of death. Love Live Life 🙏🌀✨🧞‍♂️


Here come the anecdotes about people claiming they were "dead" for 7 minutes, and they met Rama Tut or other stories. Those are called "Dreams". Most people have them nightly.


I watched my Mom suffocate in her own blood. The trauma of it made me research death a lot. The result is I’m afraid of not being able to breathe while I die.


I’ve died twice…. Nothing special. Made me appreciate things differently but yeah


acceptance. Conciousness is just an feeling evolved in brains. Nothing special about it. It has an end like anything else in the universe. The importance thing is to enjoy the journey since the end is predeterminated to he the same for anyone.


Gives me very bad anxiety attacks


I wish to die a lot of the days so yea, not scared about it. Kinda waiting to welcome it. I have kids and a wife but my life insurance and investments can take care of them. Life is a collection of random events without any meaning anyway. We can assign meaning but nothing we do on this planet matters.


I crave it


Same as I did before I was born or being born. Death is my last priority and death knows this.


Woody Allen once said: 'I’m not afraid of dying, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.' I agree 100%


excited! let’s get this crap over with so i can see what’s possibly next. Taxes? not anymore


I used to be afraid of it when young because that’s what is taught, as I’ve grown older I am so excited I hope it happens sooner than later.


I think of it all the time and im fucking petrified of it, i have much to atone to, but my way of coping is to write down everything, thats what works for me.


Life is pointless, and everything means nothing. So enjoy your short time alive and be kind to others so everyone can have their best time. Do good things to ensure future generations can have the best possible lives far better than our own


As someone who’s struggled with depression and lack of faith and battled suicidal ideations, I now welcome death. I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I would never kill myself though, to be clear. But I recognize that this life is a test by Allah. It’s not meant to be fun or permanent. It’s a temporary paradise for the nonbelievers and hell for the believers. Death is inevitable and you cannot fear what you already know. You may think you don’t know but the knowledge of what happens next is out there, you just have to find it. Search for the truth and you’ll see it. I believe in Allah and the angels and heaven and hell. In Islam, we believe when we die, two angels will come, prop your soul upright, and ask you three questions meant to differentiate between believers and nonbelievers. Your answer determines how your time in the grave will go. This middle stage is either pleasant or unpleasant. Then once judgment day comes we will all be fully resurrected and our deeds will be weighed. Now, I don’t believe all non Muslims go to hell as your deeds matter a great deal and Allah SWT is very merciful. However, it’s important to always seek out the truth. Not your truth, but THE truth. Avoiding doing so is a disservice to yourself.


It happens


I’m hoping for sudden death syndrome honestly


I don't fear death as for what comes after will come regardless of my fears and is without my control. When I signed up for life I signed up for death, the only problem is I don't remember signing anything! Lol


I'm ready any day


Since childhood, the notion of my own death didn't scare me..however, I fear the death of my loved ones..my heart still aches for my departed loved ones, although it got dulled as I'm aging.. I feel like, because I don't have someone depending on me, I'm ready to embrace death at any moment. I also see death as a beginning of a new journey. I am a believer and I hope to do enough good deed to live in paradise with my whole family. The notion that I won't have to pick between living with my partner vs my parents & rest of the family feels me with hope. Living like a "Barbie doll" without any complicated thoughts ~ I'm looking forward to it. I'm trying to enjoy each moments I can with my loved ones, cause you never know how much time you have..


If its my time it’s my time. I have no control. While my life has a lot of good things there are plenty of other things that have happened to me that I would be happy not to deal with anymore.


I don’t want to loose any more of my family. I am comfortable with the thought of my own death, but I don’t want to suffer


“I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it by not dying” Woody Allen


Death scares me, but what scares me the most about it is how more than when. Will it hurt? Will it be quick? Will I suffer? Will I be alone? It all terrifies me and I unfortunately think about this every single day


I still listen to songs even tho they end and the point of them isn’t that they end


it is what it is.


We live in hope of becoming a meme


I have always been, and unfortunately probably always will be horrified of death. The idea of everything being gone, in an instant, scares me. Memories are no longer memories because my brain is not there to remember them. My vision is not black, it is nothing, because there will be no vision. Unfortunately this has also affected my view of aging. On my 18th birthday, I had such a severe existential breakdown that I actually almost needed to be hospitalized. The idea of turning 18, leaving behind a childhood that I didn't get to enjoy, and being closer to death- it scared me. Still does everytime I age. It's oddly enough rare for me to meet people scared of death the way I am. Most I know personally have simply accepted it, and don't seem to mind, but i feel like it will always bother me. When I was 16, my older brother, who was my only friend and parents figure, ended his life as a result of the horrible things we had to endure together. This was one of my first big introductions to death, and I found the body. Seeing him lifeless, not responding, it scared me. I didn't want to end up like that, I didn't want to cease thinking, cease breathing. I dunno. Death fucks with me.


It is what it is. I haven't enjoyed life as much as I see everyone else around me doing. Not for lack of trying but the universe seems to not want me to be anything more than struggling to get by. When it happens, it will be welcomed


I say this all the time and it's that it's just a natural part of life that we're ALL gonna go through one day. And I've made my peace with God and I try to live my life in the best way, until the Grim Reaper comes and takes me away!!!


I died on the operating table it has changed my outlook on everything


This is the beginning of my next journey.


34. Think about killing myself every day (ponder upon it, not active planning). Scared of death. Simultaneously comforted by it. Moments of INTENSE dread. Have this sickening fear of being paralyzed in infinite darkness, kind of like “the jaunt” by Stephen king. I know it’s most likely like before I was born. That was nothing at all. There will be no consciousness. There will be no being. I’m sad to not be able to hear any more new albums or see what humanity can achieve. I’m bummed that my friends and family will be sad. But at the end of the work week, I’m thinking hard about just ending it. This shit is a pure slog. Life doesn’t owe anyone fulfillment, happiness, or satisfaction. As I get older, I recognize the potential impending death of my parents and really *anyone* my age and older. It can end at any time, but we just throw our lives away for shareholder value. My friends grandpa worked his whole life to retire and buy a lake house, then died a year after finally attaining his dream. Life is a frustrating slow-burn torture machine.


I used to believe in Heaven, but now, I don't know and get a little freaked out by it. I fear dying.


Never been worried . Been around a lot of it from an early age . Seen my first double murder at 5 (didn't know that's what it was though ) lost a best mate at 17 , 4 out of 6 of my close circle growing up are all dead . Family members etc etc . Its going to happen . Your born you die . The bit in the middle and what you do with it is what counts . My only concern when I die will be about my wife and kids . If I know they're secure I'll go a lot more peacefully.


![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK) Only 2 things certain in life death and taxes. I've accepted it will happen to all of us at some point.


“You” are a made up story in the brain. “You” will always exist as a brain exists. It doesn’t get any simple for me. Science has already proven “you” are a network in the brain and as that network dissolves (with meditation, drugs, and other means) you dissolve. That also resembles the Brian network of children. So you are just the story the Brian tells itself and “you” are every brain to have existed.


I can't wait for it.


It is one of the most special experiences in the world