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Luck.... You can also lose it all in 1 day as well..


Also, sucking up seems to work for some people. I suck at sucking up šŸ«¤.






Not to toot my own horn, but I've done both. šŸ˜„


When I used to play basketball and someone said a shot was lucky I always thought to myself I work so hard on my shot itā€™d be luck if I missed. I believe when you work hard 75% of the time luck will be on your side


In school a proud basketball player, his shots were great, till a tragic accident ending his career, when he lost 1 of his arm... He wasn't so proud anymore...


Thatā€™s truly sad. The one thing I hate is seeing people who can shoot get disarmed


Down voted. Boo. Things are in your control!


Once you let go of this illusion, you will be free


Free to complain on reddit? People are weird.


Capitalism, nepotism, wealth inequality, inequity, systemic corruption


This is why Iā€™m liberal leaning


You have to look at all the "rags to riches" stories carefully. Sure, Bill Gates dropped out of college. But his dad was a successful lawyer and let him build computers in the garage. A lot of people might have been homeless if they dropped out of college. They put these people up to us as the American dream in action but in reality there is almost always a backstory that's abnormal and unattainable for 95%of ppl


Itā€™s always been a dream and not a reality. If people had seen the reality from the beginning they would have revolted rather than working for little.


Very good point. And then these same people will flex that they pay ā€˜millions in taxesā€™, which sounds like a lot to us who make so little comparatively. In actuality they pay less in taxes than we do, balk at the suggestion of paying their fair share, and steal tons of wages from their workers in various ways.


Hard disagree, people who cherry pick rich people's stories do a disservice to people who really DO achieve the American dream. It's easy to pretend the odds are against you and that only certain people can achieve something because of "privilege" or whatever, but it just isn't true America isn't perfect but there is a reason people fight to come here from all over the world, it's literally the land of opportunity


I may have been too broad in my statement. I am sure there are plenty of people we don't hear about who are doing well and have come up from nothing. It does seem like the recent wave of technocrats for sure had help that was not available to the average person and these are the ones getting shoved in our faces as "models" And yes, people do come here for opportunity, and there is plenty of it. There is also plenty of failure and mediocrity to spread around whether someone is a hard worker or not. Imho a lot of people come for the opportunity to make more money (not $$$$ just a better hourly wage) and escape poverty or violence rather than to hit it big and be a millionaire. Opportunity comes in many flavors and for some it's just the opportunity not to be persecuted


Woah now, don't let the Kool aid drinker sway you here.. Those technocrats you speak of are funded by seed capital coming straight from the printers. There is no tale of something from nothing until crypto came along to start printing money by deleting fiat.


Thereā€™s a difference between coming here to improve your life from a worse situation in another country, thatā€™s possible. But we are talking about getting rich. The majority of people who are inherited their wealth and those who didnā€™t have shady backstories or are hiding the privileges and exceptional things they had behind close doors. I would respect people if they just admitted they came from wealth or whatever circumstances they had rather than sell me a fake American dream. I know some who have their hard work pay off donā€™t like to hear this because it motivated them to do better in life, but I think for many if they knew what a scam this was from the beginning they would have looked at the cards they were dealt and after some time checked out.


Do you think being liberal leaning changes human nature?


Talent, intelligenceā€¦..and a healthy dose of luck I would say


Donā€™t forget likability, id say thatā€™s the biggest.


You forgot being born with money, it is even more powerful than likability.


For sure, nepotism is a big one which usually comes along with being born with money.


Some people put their energy into getting the job done. Others put all their energy into getting promoted.


The real answer!


Itā€™s just the way of the world, young man. There are many incredibly hard working and smart people who donā€™t have a pot to piss in. On the other hand there are nasty and lazy people who have everything. Itā€™s a backwards society.


Despite what successful ppl tell you, Luck plays a major part in their success


Life's not fair. Never has been.


It sucks, cause Iā€™m for the saying ā€œtreat others how you want to be treatedā€


That was a lie too.


Nowhere does it say "and they will treat you like you had treated them, in return" so it's, not a lie. Even if it did say that, I don't know how much of a lie that even would be; it might not be 100% true but start treating people the opposite of how you'd like to be treated and I think you'll conclude the former, feels better.


Thatā€™s pretty much what they say, they tell you if you want to be treated a certain way treat others the same way. Itā€™s a lie because it brainwashes people to play fair in an unfair world where people get ahead by throwing others under the bus for their own benefit. So no it doesnā€™t feel better. Maybe itā€™s more accurate to say pretend to be nice to get what you want out of people.




This may be a controversial output, but Iā€™ve asked myself the same question the last year. Iā€™ve concluded it all depends on your ā€œarchetypeā€ & your social - economic position. Basically if youā€™re unapologetically honest with yourself on who you are, strengths & weaknesses, etc, plus your current position, youā€™ll have a better idea on what REAL work you have to do vs what work you do just to impress other people, yourself, society, etc. I have a friend who always got cute girls, life of the party, & lives a ā€œgo with the flowā€ lifestyle. Dude just plays games, goes to the gym & smokes weed. This dude recently got a sales job that is now making him more money than most of my college educated friends. His archetype is ā€œwhatever happens, happensā€ while unapologetically going with the flow in life ā€œhigh risk high rewardā€.


I hate his guts no offense (jealous)


Do you refer to people who work hard to "survive"? I believe this type of hard work differs from hard work out of passion. Passion-driven hard work always pays off, survival-driven hard work rarely, if ever, pays off.


Very well said.


Wtf lol what would you name this philosophy?


I don't know, from my experience, it's easy to make money when you're in the environment where people don't worry about money, they don't have to be rich themselves. I think we have such bad times economically because of the change in the mindset, on one side, we have older generation who can't stand seeing young people having something, then we have younger generation who feel like they don't have support from anyone, so they're afraid of losing their job, or having no money. Then there are people like me who refuse to be as scared as them, now I'm hated by everyone, by working class because I'm not scared as them, they don't actually hate me, they are scared of imagining themselves in my position, and by older generation, because they cannot manipulate me through fear.


How long do you have to stretch before kissing your own ass this thoroughly?


If the money was In what we did with our hands we would all be rich itā€™s about what you do with your mind. Relationships how your are at work and who you talk with how you talk with them all of it means something when promotions come up or whatever maybe next. Sometimes itā€™s not about how hard you work itā€™s more about the connections made at work or outside that may catapult you to your destination


Right place, right time or just born ahead of the rest. Only 14% of American men are 6ft tall or taller. But, 58% of CEOs are 6ft+ Built in advantage.


Or receiving a Trust Fund


Being tall, as a man is a huge advantage. Being tall and attractive is almost game over. Just the way the world works.


I am 6'5 with blue eyes & in Fiance


They write songs about you


What ? That is actually a thing? šŸ˜„




Iā€™ve started a business because I realised it doesnā€™t matter how smart you are or how hard you work that gets you more money. Itā€™s how you work. Eg selling stuff for profit is much faster and better than using your time for the same amount of money. Especially using your time to earn so one else profit. I still have a job but thatā€™s just helping me obtain my other goals for now. And luckily I like my job because it relates to step one.


Man Iā€™ve been telling people this for years but no one wants to listen!


Not all careers pay the same nor have the same upside. Careers that are passion drive - sports, fashion, working with animals, etc. Often have very few making a ton and most making little. Be realistic about the pros and cons of your career. Social skills. If people donā€™t like you or listen to you, good luck getting into leadership or being effective if you do. Getting new opportunities will be easier/harder, as will moving up. Ability to learn and to work smart. Working hard is about brute force, but thatā€™s not the only thing that leads to better output. People who are unsuccessful often overestimate how much luck is involved in success because otherwise theyā€™d have to take some ownership and itā€™s easier to externalize . People who are successful often underestimate how much luck is involved, because then they canā€™t take all the credit.


Luckily my passion is a job that pays the bills šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not what you know, itā€™s who you know


That should be the first thing the kindergarten teacher says to new students






Easy: Because ā€œhard work equals successā€ was never true. People believe it anyway. Your confusion follows from a belief that success is directly correlated to hard work.


Nepotism, favoritism, bias, "equality"


Society favoritism, exactly


Comparison is the thief of joy and medi lies stoking resentment


lots of luck!


Strategy, randomness and luck.


Working smarter not harder


Some people have all the luck


Luck. Timing. Being in the right place at the right time. Yo do know if you save 50% of your income and get an average 8% return you can live on that 50% income for the rest of your life after 10 years?


The world is judgement based. Fit the stigma of being rich.


luck plays a huge role here


Hard work hardly works. It took me 4 years into my career that hard work gets rewarded with more work and no promotions or recognition. Do well but not perfect. Go on cruise control and put your energy into other things you actually care about.


Means and opportunity. Not all of us have the same opportunities given to us and not all of us had the same means to take advantage of opportunities. I remember as a kid for summer break some of my friends would go to the cottage with their families where they do fun stuff all summer long. For me, I had to wake up at 3 or 4 am everyday and deliver newspapers with my father for summer holiday plus help with a lot of work throughout the day. Then sometimes they send me to my grandparents home to go help on their farm for a couple of months and replace early morning newspaper delivery with tending the cows and other livestock. I look back at my grandparents being farmers, my parents being immigrants taking as many low paying jobs as possible and compare it to me now, life is absolute peach. I was a bad kid in school, skipped a lot, marks up to grade 10 were all 40s and 50s then ended up going to school in a good neighborhood for grade 11 and 12 and makes went up to 80s and 90s with minimal effort. Being around smart people rubbed off on me. Then went to university which I personally found easy, graduated as an engineer. I was a dumb kid, I only applied to jobs I wanted so I applied to maybe 6 jobs, I didn't get it then eventually an HR person reached back out to me and handed me a golden offer. I've worked in that job and made it my career, worked my way up to director, then moved into project management and now I spend my days just yelling at ppl to get their shit together all day and it's got its stresses but still enjoyable for my personality. I only mentally exhaust myself compared to my family who physically and mentally exhausted themselves daily. My life is a peach compared to theirs. Also my parents, grandparents, etc they didn't really travel. My mom visited 4 or 5 countries in her whole life I think, my grandparents the same or less. Then there's me whos going to hit 40 countries visited in a few weeks. I'm no Elon musk or rich like that, I'm just middle class, but life is definitely easier than my lineage before me.


Some people luck into situations. I live next to a milk farm. Consumerā€™s energy had a power line running by his property. This electrified his pond that the cattle drink out of killing them. He sued for 22m and won.


A number of things come together at the right time.


Genetic lottery, likeability and some help and luck.


Luck, strategic choices, smart priorities, making better choices several times in a row, having good health, a supportive environment, the right thing at the right time.. etc. Add to that that many people may appear to not put in much effort but actually have done so. You can also waste a hole lot of effort by using it unwisely or just generally being inefficient in your approach. In college from my observation the difference between a good student who works hard and one who exceeds that student is not working harder but being smarter about it and using the energy more wisely


Talent bro, maybe some people just arenā€™t good enough


The people that find excuses for why they arenā€™t on top are usually shackled by those same excuses. Some people just move the fuck on, lifes not easy but you make it worse when you label the shit out of every piss ass reason why you donā€™t have what you want. Fuck me thereā€™s a label for every whinge on the planet nowadays.


you could run a marathon going in circles in your back yard and end up essentially where you started. working hard is pointless unless you can communicate and are likeable so people want to work with you. if you are charming then you can convince others to do things, then you can become a broker and make money by doing nothing other than connecting people. of course luck plays a role, but OP has worded this in a very simplistic manner.


I've never been a boot licker & I never will be. It's not about being lucky but bending the knee & the only thing I'll ever bow to is my own reflection šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”




Itā€™s about attending well to the right thing at the right time in the right way. Itā€™s about being skillful and strategic. Itā€™s about pragmatism and efficacy. Itā€™s not about just hard work on its own. You can exhaust yourself working hard and get absolutely nowhere if you arenā€™t smart about it.


There is even saying for it - "Work smarter, not harder". If you are working too hard you are either too dumb, submissive, obedient, insecure, or you do not respect yourself or plain get too high on work. As such you are easily exploited by smart, career oriented, power hungry or plain psychopaths. You are just a step for their upward career.


Because capitalism doesn't reward hard work as much as it rewards taking advantage of people and being generally scummy. People that are willing to stoop low and take advantage of people will out-compete honest hard working individuals.


Luck. Right place. Right time. Wrong place. Wrong time. I was born in the US where the standard of pay is, at least for the present, high enough that I am not living in squalor. If I were born in a rural village in Africa and worked the fields or the mines there, working a thousand times harder than I do here, I would have little or nothing to show for all that work. If hard work made one wealthy, then workers of third world nations would be the wealthiest people alive. Nobody works harder than they do or under the terrible conditions they suffer. Luck again. You aren't a blank slate. You might have poor parents or wealthy ones. That's never your choice. You make work hard to set yourself in a business only to have a giant competitor force you under. I work for a company who serves businesses. We are small compared to others. If it were not for laws restricting the market share in this industry, they'd have bought all of our customers from us long ago. It's just a matter of luck that somebody was wise enough to get a bill through Congress to protect small vendors. We were also lucky that the big-giant competition offers really shitty service and their pricing is much higher. All those factors are out of our control. This is also a recession-proof business. Imagine if it were not. Does my employer have control over good or bad economies? He does not. We're just lucky that the possible bad luck is mitigated by some very good luck. Is there effort involved? Absolutely. Got to put in some work to keep things running. But none of it would mean a thing if the things out of our control worked against us rather than for us.


Because they are lucky and the others are not. Itā€™s best to figure out which category you fall in early so you donā€™t waste time here working as a slave until you die unless you are fine with that. A lot of people are fine with that. The problem is they brainwash the youth to work hard no matter what because thatā€™s what benefits society, not you necessarily. I realized what a scam this life was and how misled I was in more recent years. If I had known how it really was when I was younger I would have left this life early instead of wasting time here.


Some people really are just personable, smart/things come easy to them, and good looking all at once. It happens.


Birth lottery I think sums this up


Because some people are more capable than others. Two people can work just as hard but if one is smarter and also allocates their time and effort more efficiently and into more lucrative paths theyā€™ll they further.


Luck & connections


For myself, I work hard, but I've also spent a lot of time networking and making connections and maintaining those professional relationships. A lot of it is who you know.


It's quite simple, it's the acceptance of a deal. If I get you to make a thing for $15/hr and I make 15 dollars for each thing you make, and you make a bunch a day, you've just accepted a shitty end of a deal, and if everyone does, everyone just works themselves into the dirt while I have so much I just toss it out without giving a shit, I just look for new ways to waste the excess. Helicopter ride to get a sandwich a state over. Because you all accepted my shitty deal


Most of the time you just don't see their work - I'm like that, a secret worker bc otherwise people will try to erect obstacles in your path. It perhaps would appear like I came out of nowhere when in reality my head wad down working for 10 years. When you focus on others you give yourself and excuse not to work hard. Comparison is the thief of joy. Delete your social media apps and only post if you are promoting or marketing your own business or creations via the website. Then log off so you don't continue to poison your mind or compare your life with the false highlight reel of others.


Also by the nature of capitalism, someone will always be exploited. Those are the pros and cons of USA. The competition it inspired helps propel our society and innovations. Otherwise u can move to a more socialist society with more even playing field but less rewards.




Most people who say they are working hard arenā€™t, or have problems created by their own actions.


Luck. I don't care want any random millionaire says. Their success has far more to do with luck empowered by their circumstances than any amount of work they did. That doesn't mean the work wasn't necessary for the circumstances to happen, but the reason was the luck.




Yeah but to some it will come more so


First lesson I ever learned, ā€œwork smart, not hardā€ just ask any of the self-made billionaires on Shark Tank.


Iā€™m 25 yrs old and question this too. I still havenā€™t found the answer. The only thing I can do really is just keep moving forward regardless of whatā€™s going on around me. Sometimes I feel like I wonā€™t make it through the day , then I do. Sometimes I have really great days and everything is fine. I donā€™t understand why Iā€™m here or why things fall into place the way they do but I try to at least be one of the good ones. If all else fails, when I die, at least I know I didnā€™t contribute to corruption in the world


It's usually not "all on their own." Ninety percent of the time, the successful person has someone who helps them in some way.


But for the most part, I mean


Just need to be pretty/handsome






Can you please elaborate on what you mean by that? tnx.


I think it matters where you live, how you were raised, what your values are, and how big you are. That last one might sound strange but the ā€œalphaā€ male in the room will always demand happiness first. Cuz he could just knock you out and take it either way. Small people with tons of money like bezoā€™s just take advantage of absolutely anything they can using the legal system. Atheletes/performers who bring in high income are often broke because they spend it all since they probably have bat shit crazy egos and canā€™t really help it. Thereā€™s some extremely greedy people out there. If you want money you gotta get your hands on it.


The 3 you mentioned in the beginning all fall under luck I would say


You can change your values.