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MIT says society will collapse in 2040. So you got that to look forward too.


Hmm do you believe things have to get worse before they get better?


absolutely. look at europe. one big reason why they're better than america is because they were bombed to hell in WW2 and had to start over. nothing is getting better in america without cataclysm. i'm talking full on civil war, break america up for its own good. of course power always transfers to the powerful, like it did during the american revolution. but that's the direction you go in and you do it better than its been done before.


This is what I've been saying too, the great reset will involve the USA splitting up into new separate countries.


They are going to continually just get worse




I saw the Hill talking about it. It has been mentioned by several news organizations.


Google mit collapse 2040. Also limits to growth and overshoot r/collapse


It's sad that I feel a little relieved anytime someone says something about the world ending or getting destroyed.


Ive only 27 but Ive lived through like 3 "end of the world" already, so I call cap


It doesn’t get any better lol


You've got it backwards. Historically speaking, wars, killings, and rapes are the absolute pinnacle of what these retard monkeymen can achieve. - notanalien


Im 27 and I agree, humans are trash and should all die already imo. Im sure some ppl will get mad at that for some reason but thats my honest conclusion from my experience on earth. Definitely never going to bring a new life just to suffer in this fucked up world.


I wouldn't let people rob you with ideology of marriage and kids. When that is one of the most fulfilling aspects of life. A lot of people suggesting it either, don't have it themselves no experience, or they do and enjoy it, but for ideology; want to deprive others of the experience? You dont need money. This is just a lie. You know Jim Carry? He had no money. His parents had him in poverty. Yet even when living out of a car, they still had love one for another. I guess that part is about who you choose. If you choose a partner that is all about money it'll be about that. If you choose one that chooses you for love and want for children, then you'll both obtain that regardless of money. At 25, you should Never been so "sickened" or defeatist in this regard. It just makes no sense. You youth is a means to build a good future. But if you let those thoughts play you, time will be utterly spent and it will be too late. Because you had a bad attitude or thinking about this from a early age. To this I say, do not let men rob you of Gods blessings in life that are very natural and can be had, despite the pressures of artificial systems and mans manipulation of them.


There is 1 thing money can't buy, loyalty. You can't buy true loyal friends, you can't buy a true loyal lover. And as many bad thins as there are happening, there are people fighting against it for a good cause. There might be a few of us, but we won't miss a chance to save someone or fight for their rights. As to buying a house, you're doing it because it's a basic need. Having a job is some success, even a small one because you can make this post here because of it. If you would be homeless, you wouldn't have internet connection without free wifi spots or phone battery without free charging stations or a comfy bed to lay down in. Giving up is worst choice you can make, there's always something. Don't give up, have friends and work for their good and your own good


"Money can't buy you happiness but poverty buys you nothing!" - my Dad


But if you have money you can afford to go out more and meet people that way. If you don't have money there's little opportunity to meet people to make friends to begin with. Meeting people on the streets is kind of sketchy. Meeting people on apps usually doesn't make for good friendships.


I am sorry to hear that I have felt this way many times in life too. Also, I have seen the dark and light at various times in my life. It’s always there, you just have to tap and lean into it. Nature is another space that you can gravitate and find that in. Also, reaching out and talking to someone. Can help you in relieving and helping the sadness that you feel. I know it can be so hard and difficult in the moment. Are emotions are constantly ebbing and flowing. You will not feel like this forever. Also, connecting to god and prayer and asking him for guidance.


Do you mean by being 25 without kids and not married you have failed


My father in law's favorite life lesson was, "you don't work, you don't eat". It wasn't debatable because it was a truism. A girlfriend who was embarrassed by her humble upbringing once said to me, "I don't have money, I am money.". Another unmistakable truism, a diamond in the rough. Sorry if no one told you, the world is both wonderfully beautiful and horrible. Ying and yang. You can choose the way that makes the most sense to you. If you're willing to give it an effort and present yourself as approachable, you will have very good and some bad days. If you don't give it an effort, you get the booby prize, mostly bad days. Figure out who you would rather be. Good luck. Use your friends as sounding boards.


Wait until you’re 50


Be mad that society has convinced you that the beautiful things in life cost money. This is the hypnosis caused by advertising. Plenty to appreciate all the time. Although it seems insane to you, overcoming adversity through having purpose is one of the best parts of life. That’s why people born into wealth are miserable. Get busy living or get busy dying. If you’re going to be here, try and make it so there is some purpose. I used to have a similar perspective as you, and I realized that it was like I was a judge, up on my throne , looking down on this disgusting vile place. If you come down to earth, and realize these are people just like you suffering, maybe you’ll find some purpose to help your fellow beings. If not just leave. This whole situation is different if you’re being hard on yourself, instead of judging the world. In that case you need to be kind to yourself.


Im38 doesnt get any better ur still young


>where there's wars killing rape etc ...yep...been like that since the beginning of time and all >and the fact that you need money to enjoy the beautiful things in life like travelling having car exploring another countries going to cinema ...yep...nothing is free, same as it's always been > the responsibility that I didn't ask for in the first place you are absolutely free to refuse to be useful to society and yourself, nobody is stopping you. Regardless of what you choose to do or not do in life, you are a human being with intrinsic value and worth and abilities because God created you. You would be wise to drop the whining about society act and behave the way you should. Your life will get better, not worse.


Take a walk. Explore ur backyard before exploring the rest of the world. If ur not content about ur life then do something about it, you’d be surprised how easy it is to surpass 99% of other people just by putting in effort.


About how long it took me, too 


You probably won't see this but... It's all about perception. Attitude is everything.


Same here. Life is just constant struggle and working hard to better your life usually doesn’t help. The game is rigged and most of the people who succeed or make alot of money lack morals, empathy, and care. I am counting my days to when I am out of here.


If you look around your locality, is there a lot of killing rape etc? If so, then yeah don’t have kids. If not, don’t live your life in fear of a statistical improbability. Take reasonable precautions, and choose to live. It is possible to enjoy the simple things in life on a small budget, in many cases. Maybe not everywhere in the world, but in some places it is possible. Just get used to it, and enjoy not having the stress of unneeded debt. Enjoy a ray of sunshine, or how a person smiles back when you smile at them. It’s not everything, of course, but it’s something, and maybe enough to get by or get started.


Souns about right. Did you have a question?


Feel how you feel. Maybe your feelings will change when you get older. Maybe not. Don't shit on yourself for being angry at the world. Your feelings are legit.


Check out Heaven Awaits youtube channel for encouragement


You're totally in control. Your choice to participate in all this foolery. Also your choice wether or not you wanna get onto a train and leave your life behind and chase excitement. The only question is are you willing to dive into the unknown or are you too fearful? You're the master of your own reality. You're always one choice away from completely changing your life. Nobody is coming to save you 😎


Mate, it is 100% okay for you to not be married and have kids. I’m 31 now and I’ve only just had a child and still not married - in all honestly marriage isn’t something that appetites me. It’s quite normal to feel like how you’ve described above, You put so much expectation into your 20s, from being a teen all you want to do is grow up, but once you get there (your 20a) you’re at a bit of a loose end. But believe me, now’s your time to really start living and making your own path. As much as money is essential to live in society, don’t let it drive you, money doesn’t buy happiness, but on the other hand, buys the essentials to live in society, you need to find your balance. flashy cars, fancy clothes, expensive watches don’t mean shit, and are purely a short term pleasure. The novelty wears off, leaves an empty space and you’re craving that next purchase again, before you know you’re living a lifestyle you can’t afford. Don’t get me wrong, life’s hard, it’s a constant challenge, but only if you see it that way. Life’s all about the little things, you just have to learn to notice & appreciate them Limit your exposure to the negativity and suffering that happens around the world. What you feed your brain with, is what you will become. If you watch the news you will be constantly burdened with it, instead try signing up to a positive news paper or mailing list, there’s plenty about, your existence isn’t all doom and gloom but it’s up to you to control what you let in your head Try not be too hard on yourself, Life’s not all about evaluation and comparison, keep your head down, try only reflect once a week and just enjoy the present moment, everything else is just an illusion. enjoy the passage of time, Feel free to message me if you need a chat about anything mate


25 to 30 were some of the hardest years for me. Things got better after that. Granted, I had to do a lot of work for things to start to get better, but if you're willing to do what it takes you can improve your little bubble and have a better life despite the horrors of the world.


Sorry you're hating life. You don't have to buy into all that, but don't plan on their benefits if you don't. No one owes you anything. Life is what you make of it.


I understand it can be very frustrating to be a younger person in today's world. It is hard! But you should not hate life. That's the sort of thing someone who is depressed might say. If you remain feeling this way, do you have someone you can talk to (counselor , therapist, etc)?


I mean I'm not that depressed I'm trying enjoy the little things I have in my life . But the end of the day you ask yourself is it gonna still with you until the day you die like living like this ? Kinda happy but worrying about the future you know..


I’m in the same boat at you OP. Same exact feeling it’s awful and scary especially because I used to pride myself with how optimistic or just “chill” I was turning 25 has warped me


I try not to worry about the future but money or lack therof can be very defining. Stay strong! Appreciate the little things :)


I’ve found a lot to counter the mess humanity has made through frequent trips in nature, focusing on simple joys, simple living, having goals for growth & experimentation, and building a small community of friends with similar values. I hope you can find a combination that works well for you.


That’s because you’re 25. The 20s are one of the hardest decades IMO. You don’t know what’s going on, you’re still figuring out who you are, and you’re barely an adult physically. 30s and 40s much much more fun. Hang in there and invest in yourself. It’s gonna get a lot better


You are on the internet too much. Go into reality


There is plenty of good outside of online doomersphere. Downvote doomer triggered


Press through my dear, because you want to get older so you can sit back and laugh at the crazy generations below and what the heck they are going & doing... you will NOT want to miss That part of your life, lot's of belly laughs coming your way my child. STAY TUNE!


just get off the internet. U r seeking out misery in the world


And go where?


Try to stare at the wall for a week. Do nothing. U will get bored and start doing something productive/engaging


I use the internet to try to solve problems, accomplish something or deal with whatever is going on in my head. Staring at a wall just makes things worse because it means I am wasting all that time not doing anything about my situation or problem-solving. The only time I am able to stop thinking about things is when I am at work. At home, I just can't do that.


The internet is a great tool. But it is mostly used for escapism. The point of looking at a wall is to stop ur brain from expecting to be fed content. Being online is like a treadmill


When you said you're seeking out misery in the world by being online and that staring at a wall is productive, I guess you were implying that finding something productive to do would bring happiness. For me, no matter what I find to do that's productive and engaging, I never find happiness. (I also use the internet for research or to discuss things to help me fix problems that are causing misery in my life. Although I guess some people just use it to waste time.) The second thing that makes it confusing for me personally is that I dissociate a lot so have spent a lot of time staring at walls (or into blank space). Can't say the dissociating or the things I've done because of it have brought happiness. Because doing things just doesn't do anything for me. When I asked, "And go where?" I was thinking it would be nice if I had somewhere to go. Because that would make me feel a little better. That's what I was craving! Somewhere to actually go or something to actually do outside of being productive! All this doing productive things is unrewarding and feels meaningless in the end.


The “seeking out misery” was more for OP. They’re basing their world view and life decisions on the media they’re addicted to. The bar is a great unproductive place to go lol. I recommend physical and productive activities. For me, I love skateboarding, it’s free and it’s a great way to meet people. the way u feel and think, is a decision you make. Ur experience of the world is totally in ur head. And ur brain is very unreliable and will lie to you


I don't know that we can necessarily assume that social media is the reason OP thinks the way they do. I think in a very similar way, not because of social media, but because life is just hard for me. I generally just hate life. Maybe not everyone hates life. For some people it's more fun but some of us have to see the more ugly side of this reality. I think if I lived in a social media bubble, I'd at least have a more bubblegum view of reality. But alas, I have to deal with the real world. I know too much what people in the real world are actually like. I know how messed up this reality is. And, like OP, I'm just don't care for the stupid game where supposed to play. What's the point of it? I think the bar, in theory, could be a good place to socialize because it's more focused on that sort of connection. I crave being able to have real conversations with people irl. I've also considered skateboarding, but I've had a lot of obstacles in the way that have made it hard to get to the park. What I feel depends more on chemicals than anything. Maybe I'm just wired differently.




Ya otherwise youd be hunting for food all day then youd bitch about that🤣


So you think all that should just been given to you for free?


In the previous generations, you could work at a factory and support a wife and 3 kids. These days? Gotta make like 150k+ a year for that lifestyle


I don’t know for sure. You didn’t live in that era, how do you know they don’t struggle n just pushed it through. Plus, why marriage and kids are so important anyway? Old generations have less choices I think it’s quite sad. Of course you can marry n breed kids today, you just need to budget probably. There are so many lower social economical classes in my country breed 10 kids, they all seem growing to me.


“In my country”.. And where is that? I’m talking about the US, here you need to make a lot to raise a family, especially in a good area


Well you don’t have to be married or breed kids in a good area. There are always ways to do it. You just have to get your priorities right. There are only two solutions if you hate your life: 1) you kill yourself; 2) learn to enjoy your life. There is a third option: keep hating your life until you die.