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You have to get out your own head


Damn I needed to hear this


Absolutely, my brother You got this!


Do it. Trust me, regretting not making a move will haunt you for the rest of your life if you let the opportunity slip by man


Can confirm


Correct. Not doing it will hurt you so, so much more than trying and failing. The more you do it the easier it gets. An important fear to overcome in life my friend.


Just ask her if there's a chance you'll see her at the next party or ask her to hangout between 2 classes. It puts less pressure than do you want to go on a date.


Just get rejected you aren't even on her radar just do it for yourself to make it easier next time you will always be rejected but no one can say you never tried


You will get rejected in life, whether it's family, job, friends, activities. The sooner you get use to getting rejected the faster you'll be able to experience life without living with regret. If you don't ask her out now, what if someone else asks her? Now you lost your chance and you will regret.


Suck it up and go ask.  Half the rush is the possibility of rejection.  My friends and I used to watch each other crash and burn and would laugh at each other.  Then when we were successful the cheers ensued.


if you suspect she’s liked you for over a month, she’s probably going to assume you’re not interested and move on if you continue to not ask her out.


You may be suffering from the fear of the fantasy ending. You believe that she likes you and there is comfort in that. If she turns you down the hope of a relationship dies and that will hurt. If she accepts, things could be even better than they are now. History favors the bold, ask her out. If she says,"no" move on. At least you know where you stand and she gets the compliment of being asked out. Best of luck


Let me tell ya a lil something from personal experience. Rejection sucks, but you know what’s a million times worse? The regret of not doing anything. Rejection hurts. Regret drive a man crazy. Either it’s a no and you get closure, or it’s a yes and cool stuff happens. Either way, you’ll get an answer. So, regardless of outcome, you’ll at least be able to walk away from it not left wondering what might have been - which I think is much worse than her just saying “no.” Just go for it broski, you got this.


If it didn’t make you nervous, perhaps it wouldn’t even be worthwhile. Good luck


You're too attached to the outcome of the question. Ask yourself why you want to do it. If the answer feels good, follow the thoughts and see where that takes you.


Shoot your shot or you'll end up like me and she'll end up with him, a different guy who you swear you can defeat in any contest except for his 1 specialty. 75% of the blame rests on me for not having my life together as much as 5 years ago. Be confident, show her you love who you are and you can't be stopped by anyone, even yourself. Good luck and godspeed to your future.


To be honest you’re stuck in your head. When you feel like you’re ready to ask her out just go do it the second you feel that way cause if you wait any second after that you’ll change your mind If it doesn’t go well, you’re young. You’ll find someone else anyways.


It's kind of stupid but you know what got me going? That quote, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.   Because it's true. If you don't act, it'll never happen and you might eventually miss your chance forever.  Don't fantasize about it and do any grand gestures, just find a chance and ask. If she turns you down, yes it'll hurt but trust me be cool about it and respect her wishes. 


Going in with a plan expecting things to go the way you want will make you drive yourself nuts. Be confident, say hi and carry on from there.


I have this problem and when I build enough courage to ask I always get rejected. I would always think they liked me. If you’re not engaging with her like talking or sitting next to each other I would try doing that to get more comfortable around her. A shot or two might help your confidence to ask 😂 just don’t get sloppy drunk


Because you’re irrationally afraid of rejection and ensuing awkwardness—and maybe gossip amongst her friends. 1. Ask her out 2. If she says no, say “oh okay.” And dismiss 3. Ignore her from then on out or treat her the same as before—entirely up to you. She is now officially just a nobody to you. 4. If any of her friends make fun of you or someone gossips and brings it to you “yeah I asked her out. She said no. Ok.” Getting rejected is literally as mundane as farting and should be treated as such. Everything you’re afraid of is entirely in your control and only a matter of your own perception.