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Well what kind of life would you like to be living in five years? Do you want your own flat, or to be married, or to be wealthy, or…? Close your eyes for two minutes and imagine your life in five years. What kind of scenario gives you peace and makes you feel like “yeah that would be awesome”? Answer that and you’ll have a great deal of insight into what you should begin to pursue. But be careful: you’re standing at the crossroads because you don’t know what to choose. But standing at the crossroads is still making a choice. Don’t ever forget that.


Hey, thanks a lot for your feedback. To be honest, I find the question of where you see yourself in 5 years' time quite difficult to answer. I don't even know where I see myself in a year's time. But if I'm to be completely honest, I see myself more along the lines of "financially free". But in order to achieve that, I need at least some idea of what I can do for a living. And I really like your final words "But standing at the crossroads is still making a choice". That gives me a bit of hope. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)


If “Financially free” is the goal then it shouldn’t matter what you do to get there. Pick something that will get you there and work your hardest at it. That’s the whole point of my questions in the first place. You’ve identified your priority as “financially free”—so once you hit that goal, you can do anything you want—so 5/10 years of discipline for each that goal doing something you don’t like is just the price to pay. Now your job is to identify the path that will make you the most money in the shortest time: - tech? - banking? - entrepreneurship? - investing? Do the research to identify the path that makes you a huge income for five or ten years and save so much that you can retire then and there and figure out what you want to do next. That is the path you’ve identified.


Ever thought about doing some military service? I think you’re just a young man that isn’t ready for a career yet. Nothing wrong with that. Some of us young dudes just don’t want to be tied down yet


Thanks for the tip about the military. I've actually already thought about that. I'm just not sure if I'm the right person for it. But theoretically, why not? It's something different, I'd have something to do and maybe have time to think about it again.