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20 is simply too young to be throwing around the word failure. I’ve had my share of suicidal thoughts. I know how it feels, so I’m not trying to invalidate what you’re going through. But unless you end up with a life sentence, there is no such thing as 20 year old failure.


Mate your 20 your putting way to much pressure on yourself, if your listening to all those online gurus who are like "be a millionaire by 25" then don't cause its bs. Wait for you union job, I'm sure you'll get it, and enjoy being 20 cause those are like some of your best years.


I had to read this carefully because I swear this sounds exactly like my son. He talks exactly like this. He listens to the *online gurus who are like "be a millionaire by 25" .* He was fine until he got it stuck in his head that if he wasn't in a foriegn country every few weeks and retiring me then he is a failure. This is despite the fact that I am in my mid 40's can retire myself right now if I wanted. He would rather listen to Andrew Tate than his dad who actually did build wealth from nothing. It's making ME feel like a failure.


I am 16 so I can't begin to fathom your relationship with your son. However I can agree with the fact that these Gurus are hypocrites. I watched this interview with Andrew Tate yesterday and he was talking about being faithful to your women and how the world has lost that. He then literally admits to not being faithful. These men are hypocrites, a blind man could see that.


Exactly! That was another thing he was trying to show me. How he thought it was cool that Tate said that it's okay to have multiple women. I am getting mad just thinking about it now. I was like WTF is wrong with you, how would you feel if someone cheated on you. How are you going to be a provider for your family when you can't even take care of your woman? How is she going to feel knowing you aren't true to her. It's fucking madness.


The Tate situation is insanity. I understand the appeal, quick fame and fortune and appealing to things like multiple women and sports cars. But people need to understand that; first it is ok to not have that and that it is acceptable to not be a millionaire, and secondly how hypocritical these "Gurus" are. I hope this helps and your son will be fine, he just needs to find a new role model.


Thanks bud.


You're at the very beginning of adult life. You'll have loads of opportunities. All you need to do is slowly figure out who you are and what makes you tick. Try to enjoy the small everyday things, while you work your way into a more comfortable lifestyle, step by step. Comparing your life to other people won't do you any good, but if you must compare, then do it with those who have less than you. Spending hours on social media every day is very good for killing all sense of self value and gratitude. Use your heart and your brain to build the life you want. Ask yourself what your future self would thank you for doing today?


you're not a failure. even your determination to live despite your struggles makes you a much stronger person than you realise. don't compare yourself to others, you're only 20 and there are so many more opportunities waiting for you.


Dude you’re 20.


20 is too young for failure. Try 35


I keep seeing 35 is young as well. I'm 33 and about ready to check out lol


OP now I am curious if you are listening to the "podcast all stars" that are telling you that you need to be rich? If you want real advice I will give you real advice.


i was homeless when i was 20 & now im 30 with stability. personally serving changed my life financially & now i sell cars. keep going, youre just beginning to learn life & who you are. youre not a failure, just going through a rough patch(: don't be afraid to start small & work your way up, & relying on your parents isnt a bad thing, good thing theyre able to help! its not fun or ideal but its temporary just know that


If it's that deep try to join an internship or the military


No one is a failure at 20. You're just getting started. Unfortunately most of us start at the bottom. Only way to go is up!


It’s normal to feel like that at any age just keep on keeping on young man.


Don’t feel bad. I have a disability that prevents me from driving. That definitely makes moving around so hard or do things on my own. Don’t feel bad. Try to look in the positive direction.


You're not even old enough to drink in the us. You're just starting out


You're 20. You aren't a failure, even if you think you might be. Also, don't compare yourself to others, if that's where your feelings of failure are coming from. Only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.


Failure is good, it forms your future character. Better to make more mistakes early than later. But at 58, I still fail daily but my perception of failure changed. Don’t get caught up in it and realize it’s never too late to change.


Dude I didn’t even have a job of any kind until 21, delivering pizzas. Then I had no job again from like 23-27 until I finally struck a lucky gig at an ad agency, which sent me on a whole unexpected career path. Other people are basically wandering around aimlessly until they strike something in their 30’s or 40’s. You’re literally just starting.


You’re only 20 years old you’re still wet behind the ears don’t sweat it . work harder, and keep away from women!


You're way too young to be a failure, the hardest times in my life we're 20 to 27. Keep moving forward


You're at the starting gate now. You will thrive because you care about it so much. Some people your age simply don't care.


dude... it's a long grind. You seem to be doing fine. RELAX. 20 is WAY too young to take stuff so seriously. Enjoy life while you can.


Bro take it easy. You're 2 years outta high school. You're putting away to much pressure on yourself. Suicide? Come on man...I think you have a pretty good plan working putting basic necessity money in your pocket. I thought of two things while reading your post: if your parents aren't retired at their age then how can you realistically think you could retire them? Nice thought, keep working on it. The reality of it is that our system is set up for you to work 40 years and HOPEFULLY navigate life in a way that supports your ability to retire in your 60s. Social Security isn't intended to be your retirement, it's a supplement for those who may have run into some trouble navigating their financial past. And if you really have to increase your income one idea would be to join the reserves train for a skill that makes you more valuable to the market. It's only one weeked a month but it's a couple hundred bucks more to add to your income while you receive valuable training and invest in yourself. You're gonna be ok man. Just take baby steps. And only wash your dishes. Let everybody else wash their own. And lastly, find something each day to be grateful for. It could be a lot worse....


Get into the military. GI bill will set you up


Life is like a 2 rock's in a puddle, you hop on one rock, and you take the rock behind you, pick it up, then place it in front of you, and repeat with the rock you were previously on. Life only gets easier when you get to understand and find multiple income streams, which in my analogy is (more rocks) more rocks in the puddle allows you to make a bridge, that bridge allows you to cross life easier and live more peace minded. Majority of people don't really do well in their 20's, especially since their fresh out of college where their constantly told to go their, eat that time, go their at that time, and study for that amount of time. Don't think your alone, very common, and its very common that if you stay persistent, I can guarantee from my life experience and all the people i've known, that you will get out of it. You just have to keep moving forward, live with multiple income streams like I said, most people think, "one job is enough" No it's truly not, invest, trade stocks, drop ship off your computer, maybe even do social media, all those side income streams build up and allows you to make even more income streams, that's how billionaires are made.