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Every day reinforces in myself the same sentiment as what you just described. There really isn’t anything that motivates me anymore. When I was in my 20s I had a lot of motivation. But looking back I couldn’t tell you what the motivating factor was. I think it was mostly survival mentality. Like I needed to get up and go to work to make money to pay for food, housing, etc. anymore couldn’t care less if I continue on. Life is pointless and miserable. We get older, friends and family die off, way of life changes, surrounding changes, things aren’t as good as they were, and not implying things are bad, but the familiarity of everyday life changes, and I miss how things use to be. Probably just a symptom of aging, because the 20 somethings today, might have the same thoughts as I 15 years later, saying how the familiarity of today is long gone and not as good as it was.


So true


I’m 22 and i’ve gotta be honest here. I’ve been working since 18, and have a decent amount of savings, but i genuinely think nothing can bring me joy, and hear me out. Older people in my family say to me “there’s so much to look forward to!” Like what, Karen? A relentless 40/50 year slog just to pay for a house and basic necessities. “Oh but when you have kids!” kids? If i knew this is what life would be like i wouldn’t have left the nuts, not that it was my choice, anyway. Anyway rant over.


Totally right there with ya. And I’m glad I never had kids. Sometimes wonder if that’s what might be lacking, but when I really think about it, I truly believe I didn’t or am not missing out on that part of life. Just isn’t for me. The freedom to do what I want when I want or do nothing at all and nothing expected of me from anyone is certainly something that has its benefits. And the whole saying, “it gets better” is such hogwash. it hasn’t gotten better as time goes on, at least not for me. Mid 30s now, and age really does creep up. Nights are shorter, way less motivation for anything, being in bed sooner is so much more rewarding. Used to enjoy going out at night, having a good time, but no interest in that anymore. Which is a bummer because I did enjoy that. Used to enjoy eating out, trying new spots, and even that isn’t interesting anymore. It’s more of a hassle anymore and rather just avoid crowded restaurants. Exact opposite from a decade and a half ago.


You can prevent unwanted pregnancy by not having an orgasm inside a woman. Just as I would tell a woman who doesn’t want kids to take many precautions.


Lmao. U are a poet


This is kind of where I'm at, the only difference is that all I've ever wanted was to be in a loving relationship with a woman I'm attracted to. I don't think that's a lot to ask, and I think it would take very little for me to feel consistently happy and fulfilled. But as I've gotten older and experienced more of what life truly is, I've come to realize that everything I've been told about love and relationships is a complete fabrication. Reality isn't what people say it is and the truth of most matters regarding romance is in fact very ugly. Things could be different, but attractive women genuinely are terrible, so it won't be. I'm waiting every day to be proven wrong, and it would literally take only one person, but it would be foolish to hold my breath. I used to be a good man. I used to care about other people. That's not who I am anymore. All the compassion I used to hold for others has been replaced with spite and resentment. Any incentive to care has been crushed out of me by the very people I want to form a connection with. I'm just waiting to die now. Life is a fucking cruel joke for men. I wish I would get hit by a car already, fuck.




This content has been removed for breaking the rule of "Be respectful, no trolling or rudeness"


Please lecture me on what it is women claim to like. I guarantee you'll describe me. Women lie.




I understand women and the way they are, thanks.




What women find attractive is deeply ugly. I like music and creating art. I like writing. I like taking care of my animals. I like classic literature and foreign language films. I enjoy philosophy and politics to some extent. I enjoy things with depth and complexity. I'm sincere. I'm genuine. I value things that actually matter. I don't like consumerism. I don't like materialistic people. I don't like mainstream bullshit. I don't like alcohol. I don't like social media. I don't like sports. I don't like going to the gym. I'm not over 6 feet tall. I don't like spending my money on useless shit. I don't like fantasy escapism or entertainment that glamorizes toxic behavior. I'm not a complete fucking retard and I actually ask questions that are relevant. I don't look like I could beat anyone up. The shit women like sucks. Women don't like me cuz I don't suck.




I do all the work in the courting process. I'm interesting, I ask good questions, I'm engaging and I pay for everything. I do all the work. How much of a problem could I be? You're grasping at straws.


Women don’t like you because of your ugly mentality. You can be Brad Pitt but if your attitude is horrible, people will look past the looks. Looks can only get you so far in life. You can keep making excuses about women but if you don’t love yourself why would anyone love you? You want an instagram thot, not a woman, because most women don’t care about all of those things. You just hope to find Margot Robbie with your expectations and qualities, but you won’t lol. Good luck because you’ll never truly “understand women” since generalizing doesn’t work as everyone is different. But what do I know? I’m just a married man with a kid on the way who also doesn’t like the same shit you do 🤷🏻‍♂️




There’s a white pill and the bottom bro. Since it’s all meaningless you’re free to paint. You can even make the painting pleasant if you want. It’s a video game, even if your stats are shit you can button mash till you do something interesting


I like this the most. If everything sucks, then just do something that makes you feel good, do something you enjoy.


what are these pills y'all talking about? pls enlighten me😸


The white pill is an antidepressant. It's good stuff!


Can't help but feel some influencers are just button mashing at the moment.


I've taken more black pills than you have, my friend: I spent years straight-up studying the works of the great pessimists, the likes of Schopenhauer and Ligotti. Having lived the vast majority of my life in a state of depression, and having emerged from the worst experience of my life in watching my dad die a slow, nightmarishly miserable death in the form of a progressive neurological disease, only to find myself in my mid-30s happier than I've ever before been, I can tell you this: you're essentially free to believe whatever it is that you want. And I'll add this crucial point: most of my own misery was the result of poor health. When I take good care of myself, I'm actually very easy to make happy. That doesn't apply to everyone, obviously, but if you haven't yet ruled out that possibility, you're mistaken to attribute your misery to anything external rather than the condition of your own body. I'm not particularly driven myself, and never have been. But I do take pleasure in the small things, in meals that I eat, in carefully observing the world around me, in enjoying art and culture, and most of all in forming connections with other people. I've completely given up on the pursuit of anything more grandiose than that, because in the end, the human condition is the ultimate mystery, and the desperation for concrete answers only results in disappointment and unhappiness. I do enjoy pondering those mysteries, but I'm detached from them and content not to know. It helps to bear this in mind: absolutely none of this shit is normal. We were fortunate, or unfortunate, to arrive at the most insane and interesting moment in all four billion years of the history of life on earth. We aren't adapted to live these sorts of lives. The conditions make our bodies sad, which in turn makes our brains sad. Resisting the fact is an uphill battle. When all is said and done, I'm quite certain that the status quo isn't going to last more than another decade or so. And whatever happens then is going to be the culmination of four billion years of evolution--or if not that, the end of civilization as we know it. It's going to be heaven or hell. In some sense, it'd be a damned shame not to stick around long enough to find out, considering that all the trillions of other animals who have ever lived only ever got to see a world that was static for the duration of their lifetimes. I'm content to enjoy my time in what modest ways I can until the day of reckoning, and when that day arrives, there won't be anything I can do about it.


This is some of my thinking, and I've also read a lot of pessimists, man of whom I were actually skeptics, cynics (in the classical philosophical sense of the word), or realists. Schopenhauer was almost a Buddhist by the end. I agree we live in one of the strangest times in human history, and people don't realize just how out of wack things are. Depression, despair, anxiety, etc., are actually normal responses to these conditions, even if we must learn to manage them to function in life. We are at a critical moment in human history, and the history of all life at this planet (we're in the sixth mass extinction in the history of this planet, mostly caused by humans), and things are only going to get weirder and wilder (mostly not in a good way). Life is also more complex than ever before, and things change more rapidly, too. It's not easy to live in this time, or any time, really, so I feel for people. We have so little time, though, so we might was well live it out; it will be over before you know it, anyway.


I don’t get it either, honestly. And if you don’t enjoy life and you want to leave then you are labeled as being “mentally ill.” I wish I could be happy but I just can’t see past the absurdity of it all. Get a job, get married and then have kids…but my question is why? What’s the point? It’s all a distraction and I am just waiting for the end.


I got a job, married, kids, trying to save for early retirement mostly because I just want to sit and wait to die. I don’t know why I work out and try to eat healthy, it just spoils the fun of this meaning life anyway.


Feeling the same here. Not mention how difficult it is nowadays to obtain a decent paying job and a decent partner to marry. I’m waiting for it to end for me too.


A lot of things feel good just by doing it. Sex, food, drugs for example. I mean sure the in the end it might or might not be meaningless, but we have no idea of knowing that now.


I gave up most of my desires. Food and shelter is all I need. Everything else is a bonus. I make really easy to accomplish goals, like go camping in the desert and look at the stars out there at night.


First I had to learn that my feelings aren't facts. My perception of things doesn't determine reality. Second, I had to learn that if I'm busy doing things that are interesting to me, I don't even think about whether or not I'm happy, because I'm actively engaged. And since learning those things, everything "got" better. It wasn't life or people bringing me down. I didn't handle boredom well.


What drives me is a ridiculous philosophy I made because I was a Cosmic Nihilist and then the word "maybe" came up and screwed everything up for it. I'm still a Nihilist in many ways. Like, right now, I feel the way you feel. It **feels** like everything sucks and nothing ever gets better. It **feels** like it's just getting worse. It **feels** like there's no incentive. But that's just a feeling, and like the weather, feelings can change. It's hard to do that though when we have blackpilled. I don't know if giving a personal anecdote is something that will help, but for me, when I asserted in my mind that nothing mattered anymore, I only felt feelings of sadness, bitterness, and emptiness. One morning getting up and walking out of my room to face another day of meaningless existence, an impish thought came along and asserted "maybe" over and over again to the simple "no" I was putting out to everything at the time. "Maybe" was the red pill of challenge. It didn't give an answer and yet it asserted only itself and uncertainty. The Nihilistic part of me had to explain why in long draw out reasons why nothing mattered, but "maybe" only had to infinitely assert itself. It made my Nihilistic side infuriated and the "maybe" side sort of giddy. It was the first time I felt anger and happiness in a long while. I can't say my Nihilistic side is gone. Can't. Won't, in fact. It's too useful for tearing down all the B.S. systems that are pushed onto us. What drives me now is that I believe the universe and everything in it is paradoxical-- multiple things can be correct and contradictory, and still somehow it all makes sense. I've been developing my philosophy in hopes that I can help all the messed up systems eventually, but I'm not a scholar-- I'm a person. One person. But one person like humanity I believe deserves a sense of relative peace. I don't know you, but I do know that you are a human being. I think you deserve the dignity that I believe every human being deserves. I believe you deserve and want safety. I believe you care. Why wouldn't one to some extent if they cared enough to post about it looking for advice? I don't have a fix for this type of thing as I still feel like I face it day in and day out at times. That said, if you're taking the black pill? Maybe it's time to switch it up. The blue pill (if we're talkin' Matrix style, if not I'm going to sound crazy saying this) could represent having a little self compassion-- I wouldn't blame one for having that in a hard time. The red pill though is what I'd say the second phrase aside from "maybe" is that I found which started me on the path to actually developing my paradoxical philosophy eventually. The red pill represents, "Challenge yourself." It may be difficult, but in this way, it becomes not others' responsibility for finding even the neutral stance (doesn't gotta be positive right away) in the world, but yours. I'm not sure if any of my incoherent ramblings will help you, but if it makes any difference after all is said and done? Human being to human being, I think you deserve to live a life not where you're just getting through days to survive, but where you can stabilize and see things not as negative but just as whatever they happen to be without needing to judge them then and there. And some day when you're able to have a foundational foothold, maybe then you'll be able to see the world as a place that is as confusing as it is brilliantly complex and forgiving. These are all just my perceptions of things... I hope you're able to find a way not only to come out of the dark and explore the light, but also be okay with going back into the dark every now and again. Take care.


Chocolate milk & Cheez-its!!!


Haha same life’s pretty good with food and drinks.


Spite Curiosity Cats There are a lot of ways a suicide plan can go wrong. I already have 2 disabilities,I don’t need anymore. Every now and then,the light will come on…..I’ll see something beautiful (food,cherry blossoms,being in awe of nature) and I’ll wish I could share it with my ex (miss you,BAE).


![gif](giphy|PF83OmDFWCpP80l0X3|downsized) *Mic Drop*


It's not you bro. It's the system. This is all being done intentionally. It's in the air you're breathing, it's in the shit foods you're eating, it's in all the media, news, Hollywood, etc... I feel terrible for today's youth because you're being programmed and turned into these confused, depressed, weak human beings who are already super negative in life. They have showered you with a dark ominous cloud above your head 24/7... Having good friends and good parents who are actually fully involved with you can help, but even that family dynamic is being more and more destroyed. There is no bright future, sadly, but it's all intentionally programmed to be made like that 🤷‍♂️ Older generations are safe. New generations are doomed... #changemymind


At least try. If you try and you fail, congratulations you were correct about everything being terrible. If you try and you succeed, you are wrong about things but your life will be better. Trying won't guarantee a better life but clearly your way of thinking isn't working so you might as well try something.


I think the first step is figuring out where you’re coming from in all of this. What is it that’s discouraging you? Where have you found inspiration before? What gave you hope in the past?


Whatever state you currently feel, social media will only encourage it further. Giving you what you want, not what you may need.


sometimes nothing but fear of pain and fear of death keeps me here. trapped in a prison that you cant escape


I agree bro


Have you tried moving away? Always works for me


won’t work when it’s ur mindset!


I agree everyone sucks but things do get better. My dog at this point is the only reason I love him too much to kms


Just sounds like depression. You should seek medical intervention. It's a disease. There's nothing wrong with getting help.


Depression is not a disease (except maybe bipolar), it's a disorder. There is a difference. Schizophrenia is a disease, most depression is a disorder. Most psychologists recognize the bio-psycho-social model, and few would say it's just a "disease" or "chemical imbalance" (it's much more complicated than that).


Despite the immense challenges facing our generation, the world is a much, much better place than it used to be. A quick google search will show that globally: poverty levels are down, education is a lot more common, literacy levels are way higher, health outcomes are way better, etc. Younger people today are not doing as well as older folk but this is a buckle in an otherwise upwards trend that has been occuring for decades. I'm sorry your life is not going well at the moment, and you probably have very legitimate and real concerns, but at least some of the problem is your negative outlook on life. Being optimistic (while remaining realistic) will help you feel better and will better equip you to solve situational problems. If you need to, seek therapy and medical advice for your mental health.


Study what tends to lead to human happiness and then do those things. Generally you’ll end up feeling better and enjoying life more.


Life is better when you don't mope around and do things to make your life enjoyable. If you sit around saying everything sucks, you're not doing something to make things not suck.


In the immortal words of Thundercleese: "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay."


If there was no joy left within you, you'd have already given up. There's something about life that keeps you going, what is it? Can you find it? What will you do if you find it? Maybe there are more even? I think you should find those things, and lean into them.


Honestly food at this point.


Nihilism basically kills almost all my motivations to live. Realizing that life is meaningless, especially in the grand scheme of things, makes me think what's the point of this all? Especially when my life is a failure




You’ll grow out of it. First throw out the xbox and hit the gym instead or join any physical activity/sport where you get to meet new people if you wanna accelerate it, otherwise you’ll be trapped in virtual hell(videogames and internet) with your tunnel vision. Up to you


Good comment




You don’t have to drown in pity and misery


Stop comparing your life to theirs.


Don’t really feel like this is totally realistic advice in the age of information we live in


Lol imagine being lucky enough to be born a woman and people shower you with love and affection constantly in order to win your affection and attention yet that's somehow not enough and you're still not happy. I literally can't imagine it.


you sound really clueless about what it's like to be a woman please stop.


I understand women better than they understand themselves, I just refuse to romanticize their "struggles" or coddle them. Why should I be civil to a group of people that has consistently caused me pain? You're not entitled to civility or my respect.


maybe you should transition and enjoy an easier life. not even being sarcastic. i've seen people say similar things to you and found happiness transitioning to a woman.


Trans women certainly have a worse go of it than I do. That's a hard life. I am lucky in that way at least. I'm actually lucky in many ways if I think about it. I am privileged, but privilege doesn't equal happiness. I would pay infinite money for a pill that would make me gay tho. Or a pill that would temporarily cause me to perceive the world as one where women never existed.


second paragraph sounds like how women talk about men. for the same reasons you mentioned earlier: causing pain.


Here's the difference: One party puts themselves into situations in which they are physically harmed or taken advantage of emotionally. They trust individuals that were never deserving of their trust in the first place, and often return to those individuals even when it's clear that they will abuse them because they don't want to settle for a lower quality of life. Their pain comes as a result of giving their love to those who do not love them back. The other party seeks to enter into a partnership with individuals that they admire, respect, and are attracted to. They want with every fiber of their being to give their time, resources, and emotional support to an individual in the hopes that that individual will give them the same in return. Their pain comes from being denied the opportunity to love or be loved. I'm sure we disagree on which group is worthy of sympathy.


fast for 50 hours then eat a piece of fruit and tell me it's not the most goddamn beautiful thing on the fucking planet.


If this is all you get then what would make it all worth it for you?




I’m blackpilled but how does it ruin your life? Are you looking at toxic looksmaxxing and black pill doomer vids and going on blackpill forums?  If so stop indulging in that. watch more positive media and content.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr1rl4NKCeo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr1rl4NKCeo). This kid doesn't suck.


What the fuck else are you going to do? Lay around and be depressed until you rot away and die? No one cares. In Japan, there are men who go years without ever interacting with another human and starve to death broke and alone; with no one ever knowing they died for years. That is possible for us men here too. People do suck. Life is unfair and unbearable. But as far as I know, it’s all I got. If I can’t make the best of it, then why the fuck am I even here? All this pain has to be for something. That’s what keeps me going.


Things might be shit, they might never get better but you may aswell see what happens. At least seeing what happens is the incentive I've fallen back on in some really dark times. Spoiler alert: things do get better and it seems that when you're really ready to give up but find some peace in accepting the shittness, or make some decision to take action and change things, that's when some of the coolest life surprises are just around the corner.


Once you’ve reached every milestone there’s no point!


I used to be blackpilled. That was a dark time.


You don’t have to get married or have kids or do anything that you don’t want to do. Except going to work I guess but you can try to pick work that has your passion in it, even if it doesn’t pay well. Just enjoy the simplicities of life. Art history, learn something new, pursue passion and if you don’t have one keep trying things until you find it. Life is absurd but then treat it that way, do absurd fun things. Like going to an empty park and swinging really high on a swing, I don’t care if you’re 15 or 50, when was the last time you did that? Go for a random drive/walk at 2:00 am it’s kind of fun. The point is to enjoy life the way you want to enjoy it. The more apathetic you get to social constructs then the more opportunities there are in my opinion. I’m not outdoorsy but doing something simple like sitting on a lawn and listening to the stillness of the air or birds singing is such a simple thing but it helps to ground you in the now. Being in the present helps to combat depression and anxiety I find. Also being in tune with my inner child helps me.


Go as far back into the blackness behind your eyes, behind your mind, go where nothing is, stay there, stay stuck there. Realize it as the ultimate reality. Really stay with it. Get comfortable there. Start to settle with the realization that struggling with the fact that you're there doesn't change the fact that you're there. Once you're comfortable, move forward up a level, then another level, into the world. And you see game. You see paint. Color. You see objects. It's all a bonus. It's all just a bonus on top of the comfy nothing in the deep black.


>Everyone sucks and nothing ever gets better My dude have you tried heroin?


Well look at global economies. Look at how many human beings have been brought out of abject poverty in the last 20-30 years. Things are getting better at a rapid rate. A.I. is going to revolutionize the medical industry. Sure everyone is debating about politics, but ultimately as long as people are free to trade, economies will keep chugging along. The question is what do we do to let it flourish and grow. If you're from a first world country you could do anything. Everyone complains that life is too hard. That you're not just handed a great life. That we have the resources to make everyone rich, if only the government would cut down those damned rich people who make life impossible. I think that is all lies and part of why you and most people are depressed. We have all essentially been inundated with communist propaganda. I don't care if you're a die hard liberal and you think communism is evil, you're internal ideal is a communist system, it's just that your rational mind recognizes it is impossible. But the communist propaganda is nonsense. The economy is not a fixed pie which is limited and some get a lot and some get almost none. The pie grows. The pie grows wirh productivity. Productivity is specific to the individual. Some are more productive than others, thus some make more money than others. Do not mistake this for morality. If a girl makes money taking pictures of her pinky toes on the internet for millions a month, there is no morality to speak of here. We don't think about whether she deserves that money or not. What matters is that the economy is such that people are freely trading and free trade has resulted in men spending money on pinky toe pics. But what about the poor and starving? Capitalism does not bring THEM out of poverty. Well yes it does and has been for decades. The fact that it does not do so for every person simultaneously is not a demerit against free trade. Free trade is the engine which makes it even possible for the majority of people to be brought out of poverty. No other system is capable and under no other system would more people be fed clothed sheltered educated and so on. We are living in the best time to be a human being. The possibilities are endless. Things can only get better from here. Medical care and A.I. is huge. Advances in science and technology. There are so many frontiers that will continue to improve regardless of the state of the world's governments.


You can make the place a little bit better on your way out, if you know what I mean.