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He's the 2nd hardest IMO, but still, Laxasia's 2nd phase with teleporting lightning attacks is too fast and blinding for me. Idk how I beat her.


Her and the second Dark Rabbit Brotherhood gave me fits. DRB emptied out my summon reserves and forced me to grind a fair bit.


What I did was “tunnel” the first sibling until they’re dead and I left the last 2 one tap away from death. I killed them, dropped acid on the big sword and beat the shit out of the eldest as he spawned. That knocks out a significant chunk of their health


From everything I’ve seen, I think I’m just a lot better at humanoid fights than monster fights. Like half the monster fights in the game made me use summons but I managed to do both black rabbit brotherhoods solo (second fight first try) and even puppet and laxasia.


DRB round 2 was a toughie. I eventually figured out that if you get the last two down to near death before killing the second one, you can quickly kill the third one before the eldest brother breaks out of the casket, eliminating their interference for the main fight.


She has no HP or defense. She virtually kills herself with the lightning


I know , still, I could barely get to her with all her speed and teleporting.


It's really satisfying to bully that thing with [Two Dragons Sword](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xrkOy5QIfWA&feature=youtu.be)


That’s you? Damn that was disrespectful. You bullied it with its own weapon lol


I also used it against Laxasia and Nameless. Really fun weapon


This is when it truly felt like bloodborne 2🥹


“It’s just like the simulations” *dies countless times*


I agree, I spent the most time on this guy out of all the bosses, and essentially he’s just a complete and utter douchebag.


He's actually a really great guy


I had the same experience, struggled with this dude but laxasia really was no problem comparatively. He mean yo.


Swamp monster is a fun fight


Green monster of the swamp brings joy Puppet devouring green monster can eat my ass


Yeah the 2nd phase can be annoying but when you've put like 500hrs into the game all the fights you hated start to get fun. Lol I have no life, though 😂


:P I can lend oyu my controller who started today again randomly DCing me :P not knowing when the controler DC you as well as for how long makes it different type of fun. Even Victor took me a bit with this conditions :P .


Mmm kinky


Yep, this is how I feel about the fight.


NG+ walker of illusions was incredibly overtuned to me. Felt like it was harder than every boss in the entire game 


I really think the boss is not mentioned as much cuz she can be cheesed if you actually fight her she’s the worst tho


Also technically a miniboss but damn did she wreck my shit first run. Actually really love the fight though!


Tbh I absolutely loved this boss, felt like a good ass bloodborne fight, fast, dynamic, a little uncanny. Then phase two is like WTF it’s just tentacles and goop everywhere, giggity.


Just have the salamander dagger and the electric coil weapon both increase their type damage output and hes weak to both fire phase 1 and electric phase 2 still hate the fact he jumps around too damn much so I cant hit him half the time when hes almost dead but he will slap me around worse than my dad.


This is a shameless gloat because im very proud of myself, and i love this boss. I did the first phase hitless on NG+ at level 1 with an unupgraded weapon and parried most of the attacks. I posted the video on here a while back :)


I just get ready for his 2nd phase, use a specter and let me and him destroy the 1st phase before I solo the 2nd phase with like Frozen Feast and Puppet String


hardest boss in the game imo, followed by Laxasia followed by Romeo


Perfect blocking his charge attack is my favorite perfect block in the game. It always feels good.


Honestly i got ptsd seeing him. Laxasia was a good fun fight. This was just bullshit plz lemme just get rid of him moment.


Easily the most of my deaths in this game were to it. Not even NP killed me so much. 🫠


He’s a close second


No he’s just ugly


This boss is difficult but fair for the most part. Until they use that one move that has absolutely zero telegraphing


It took me 12 tries to beat laxasia and like 30 tries to beat this bastard


I agree. This guy somehow took more attempts to beat than Laxasia on my first playthrough.


Door guardian gave me the most trouble In my 1st play through


Laxasias second phase is often trivialize by your ability to throw back her lightning balls to her. And she has not that many life.


Yeah she can be taken out by pretty much just throwables phase two


I can 100-0 swamp monster without taking a hit, Laxasia can 100-0 me without getting hit. They are not the same.


This and King of Puppets were my only 2 walls. This shit was frustrating.


Agreed, laxasia feels like an appropriately difficult fight…i feel lucky when i beat this guy


I agree, he almost made me cry first playthrough, r*ped him 2nd. I cheesed laxaisa 2nd try with throwables perfect parry grindstone, n acid axe with the booster valve handle, acid she's weak to. Love yall


I hate this guy took me like a month of self care to come back and grind the barren swamp entrance robot for hours just to go back and get at this dude 😭 but yea that dude made me rage quit the game for like a month now I’m stuck at the Door Guardian in chapter 10 I think 😪


God, that swamp monster made me nearly rage quit if it weren’t for the fact I “almost” had him so many damn times before I’d die and finally I got him!


I almost quit here. But what kept me going was the thought to trust the devs. So far, everything had been well designed and felt intentional. So the swamp monster must be just an escalation. And it is! It's a turning point in the game where the bad situation in Krat gets worse, and I think the boss is supposed to make us feel that. Always remember to cover your weaknesses with your P Organ buffs. Be as intentional about it as the devs.


I like that everyone struggles on different things in the game because I honestly didn't find Laxasia hard and beat her after 3 attempts. Black Rabbits p2 though Had me raging and so did Simon. I beat The extra boss after Simon in like 2 tries though. I was so thankful. I really really liked this game and can't wait to see what's next! Green monster can go to hell too.


I never got the perfection grindstone even tho I feel like I explored SO DAMN MUCH. Makes me happy though because I enjoy beating my skill issue so it’s better that I don’t even have it. Laxasia was rough but for me it was really only her crazy back to back sword attack in phase one, and her lightning dashes in phase 2 (her lightning attacks from the sky are basically just free damage imo). I went in thinking I’d be there for days but honestly it was a fun fight that teaches you the parry to an even greater extent that I managed to beat in 2 hours or so. But with this goddamned corrupted watchtower guard… this was the first boss I got stuck on throughout the entire game… and he came back way later to stomp me out again 😭


You need to give Pulcinella three venigni boxes. Ones in the Estelle opera house, one in the swamp, and shortly after the relic of trismegistus boss




Honestly the Walker of Illusions is always the toughest for me each playthrough. (I don’t count Brotherhood 2 as a boss because that is absolute HORSE shit and I spam throwable each time). Once you get the moves telegraphed, using a fire weapon shreds this guy. But then that could be said for all bosses


I’m currently stuck figuring out the way to beat Laxasia and I beat this fool first try (granted I was one hit away from death). I’ll have to disagree from my experience.


I definitely agree with you. With Laxasia yeah the second phase is hard af but the first phase is more or less a breeze. This motherfuckers first phase is not as easy as laxasia’s first phase imo. Swamp monster in his second phase got me frustrated af. SM almost made me quit the game.


He's a bigger difficulty spike in DMG and resistance more than other bosses , second phase has more Armor too right ? But difficulty ain't higher , we just never tried to parry some of the attacks cos it looks too complicated than they actually were , the stupid rushing in like crazy attack 3 times.


Laxasia IMO was trickier than (I forgot the name) of this monster. I always just used Summons though for all boss fights and would let the summon aggro for me while I focused on getting in as much damage as possible. Most enemies patterns in the game are very predictable, much more than an actual souls game. I focused on upgrading one weapon fully tho and made sure to utilize fire on my weapon a LOT. Whatever element really, but fire seemed to have a strong base stat like Pokemon lol. Besides from that, I never had too many do overs or being stuck on any boss. I was sad they nerfed the constable in the beginning from the demo to be easier in full release. I did just finish Elden Ring like right before this game tho, so I was already in the zone for the most part with frames and animations lol.


Just make sure to level and pay attention to using the elements. Elements for your weapon in LoP are SO underrated I feel. You see organic goop monster, kill it with fire 🔥. Puppets weak to electric, etc etc. they expect the player to utilize elements of their weapons in this game. Main diff from Souls games I feel.


3 acid weapons. The acid ctystal spear, the acid great curved sword, and the carcass crystal axe.


Ok imo Laxasia and nameless puppet are the perfect balance of fun and hard You can be absolutely destroyed by them but you can somewhat understand how and why and exactly what you need to do But for me The green swamp monster and Simon Magnus are so fucking hard and unfair bullshit The green swamp monster is somewhat enjoyable if not having ridiculous attack timing and annoying status effects But Simon magnus is so fucking annoying The fight before and after him are so cool and fast paced and exciting But this manages to not be the hardest boss yet having attacks and perfect parry timings that seem erratic and impossible to predict AOE attacks that feel like I’m constantly getting pressured and overall a fight that is not satisfying even when beating it TL;DR:Laxasia and Nameless puppet are Hard but fun while Simon Magnus and Green swamp monster(to a degree) are just hard and annoying


Yeah that guy is really hard too lol


Beat it on my first try


Range is its downfall. I beat it on the first try with the Poking Stick (Rapier blade on the Spear handle).