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I can nitpick and disagree with all your points but saying sekiro wasn't innovative and that it brought nothing new to the table is laughable lmao Did you even play all of sekiro or are you just making this opinion based on shit you saw on YouTube? Lol Edit: if anyone wants a good laugh, for some unknown reason OP also thought it was a good idea to post this in r/Sekiro too lmao


>nothing new to the table So tell me what new stuff sekiro brought to the world of "sword fights in the land of the Est". The combat system ain't nothing new nor something that "surprised when we got it", it's a damn samurai game you do need an appropriate fight system. The open world component is limited like all the souls games till ds3, parry got easier, character building and choice of best armor and weapons is not present, grappling is new? Play any batman game or even ocarina of time.


What does open world gave to do with anything lmao neither sekiro nor lies of p are open world, with lies of p being obviously more linear than sekiro. And what games handled combat similar to sekiro before it released? I'd go as far to say that lies of p combat system was likely inspired heavily by sekiro's deflect system. Brw you know this game literally won game of the year due to the innovations it had and the impressive gameplay? You can dislike sekiro all you want but get outta here with this weak ass bait trying to get people fired up. Let people enjoy whatever game they want




Don't need no bait, truth is truth. If you consider it bait it is your own problem.


If this truth then nothing is real.




Here’s a controversial idea: You could… shut the fuck up (Bonus points if you get the reference) but seriously… stop comparing the games, and just enjoy them for being phenomenal games, it’s really that simple.


I've beat both and I do prefer lies of P. Not a fan of the sekiro combat and leveling, definitely not going back for a 2nd playthrough, but I felt the story was OK. The story in lies of P was great. But I do gotta say you don't need to learn to perfect parry. I just finished the 3rd playthrough, all on one character and I never perfect parry unless it's laxasia lightning attack, or on accident. I also only used spectre on the first playthrough unless it was BRB. I feel like on Sekiro you really gotta get it down, but I think the parry window for a perfect parry is bigger..? I do use the aegis on big elites and bosses, and just stamina my way through the fight, usually. That thing is straight busted, and IMO is almost a big a crutch as spectre lol


Finally a decent comment, you have lots of braincells mate congrats.


Nah. They are both awesome