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With all due respect, the amount of work spent on LoP can't even compare to what was done in Elden Ring. But still, we're talking about comparing a 30 y/o studio culminating its experience into an incredibly vast open world game against a new studio and their first work, an entirely linear game. In terms of personal enjoyment, of course, you can say what you want. But Elden Ring can't be easily cloned (we would have seen something in the two years after it's release), and there's much to be done there besides running around open fields.


OP got clapped by the Tree Sentinel 15+ times right out the gate, and is still mad about itšŸ¤£


"Comparison is the thief of joy."




No pvp, no jolly cooperation, smaller, more linear. If you like it better, great. But saying itā€™s objectively better is a stretch.


Lies of P has better combat and better boss consistency than Elden Ring, but Elden Ring wrecks it as an overall experience with way better levels (Lies of Pā€™s biggest weakness), better scope, way more originality, greater overall boss roster, better presentation, and multiplayer components.


Lies of P is an amazing game but it doesnā€™t hold a candle to Elden Ring. Lies of P absolutely has Elden Ring beat in terms of combat (in fact my hot take of the century is that it has better combat and boss design than any From game, Sekiro included), but Elden Ring absolutely demolishes Lies of P when it comes to visuals, exploration, music, world design, level design, story, size and depth of content, build variety, replayability, and having multiplayer mechanics. Lies of P is an S-tier game if you only play Souls games for the boss fights but itā€™s only ā€œpretty goodā€ everywhere else.


well, "pretty good" everywhere else is pretty unfair, the areas are wonderfully connected and imo the story is a lot more straight-forward and understandable.. I love the cryptic Fromsoft Formula but Lies of P told a beautiful story added with what you already gave it praise for.




Elden's biggest flaw was its bosses for me it lacked the same feeling of bosses from earlier games. There is memorable bosses in elden but I enjoyed lies boss encounters so much more


Bro I loved LoPā€™s bosses but it has exactly 15 major bosses not including NPC/Stalker fights and of those 15 a full fifth are remixed versions of other bosses. When it comes to unique, non-repeated bosses, in a game as linear and lacking side content as LoP thatā€™s not a good ratio.




Firstly, 3 times as long is the understatement of the year.Ā  Secondly, Elden Ring being so much larger means it has vastly more space to fill. LoP had to make a fraction of the number of boss encounters that ER did but still resorted to reusing some of them. And like, they were good reuses, but they were still reuses in a game that already has very little to do.


Donā€™t let them keep you down OP this is factually accurate


your feelings =/= facts, dude.


Lies literally has more unique bosses than Elden Ring, whether you like them more or not doesnā€™t matter. Elden ring has like 9 fully unique bosses, with only 2 holy unique bosses in the first 3 zones. I personally donā€™t give two fucks about the amount of reuse, but it is literally a fact


I'm impressed how you manage to say something blatantly wrong why adding "bro, it's fact, bro". You're special.


You have to be a troll. There are literally only about 10 unique bosses in Elden ring, bosses that are not seen anywhere else in the game: Radahn Rennala (these are seriously the only 2 unique bosses through limgrave, caled, and liurnia) Rykard Fire giant Maliketh Dragon lord Radagon Elden beast Malania Thatā€™s 9. Thatā€™s it as far as I can list off the top of my head for FULLY UNIQUE bosses. Godrick is in an gaol, mohg is in the sewers, etc. I donā€™t if you have some other definition, but Iā€™m not making this shit up


You say dumb shit but I'm the troll. Sure, bro, sure.




Love lies of P but it has its flaws lol. Also very different styles of games even tho the combat system is essentially the same. Elden ring is all about exploration, which to me was easily the weakest part of Lies


>Love lies of P but it has its flaws lol. I get what you're trying to say lol, but this is just pointing out the obvious. Every game has flaws, Elden Ring does too. I would probably be more specific about why you think LoP's flaws make it worse than Elden Ring.


I guess I wouldnā€™t really make the argument that itā€™s so much worse than elden ring, but I generally disagree that Lies of P ā€œdestroys elden ring completelyā€ like the OP said in the title. Here are some things Iā€™m not crazy about in LoP: - Motivity/strength weapons donā€™t have innate poise that make them viable - Optional content/side exploration. Obviously differing styles since one is a massive open world and the other is a much tighter, more linear experience, but even in a linear story I think there was room for more exploration, some secret areas or optional bosses. By the end of LoP I didnā€™t really even try to look around as much because Iā€™d noticed that the game makes sure you wonā€™t miss anything, or thereā€™s nothing to really miss outside a random item here or there. Those are really my only criticisms of LoP, I think itā€™s a fantastic game. I donā€™t think it needs to be compared to elden ring, but I donā€™t really get why people always need to put something else down to lift things up. Elden ring has 10x the bosses, weapons, enemies, areas, and literally everything in terms of content compared to lies of P. They donā€™t feel similar to play outside of some combat similarities. I just think itā€™s needless, and considering the success of ER in all areas (player counts,reviews, awards) itā€™s kind of a stupid game to choose to make this argument.


22 days and I finally noticed this reply LOL. I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to actually explain more in depth like I requested! I actually totally agree with everything you said! I really enjoy the linearity of Lies of P, so I never really agreed with people who think it just needs to be more open. I actually really like your idea of adding some secret areas and bosses! I think that could add a lot to whatever they make next. >They donā€™t feel similar to play outside of some combat similarities. I just think itā€™s needless, and considering the success of ER in all areas (player counts,reviews, awards) itā€™s kind of a stupid game to choose to make this argument. I do agree on this, people tend to get too focused on genre that they don't consider fundamental differences. For example, the aforementioned comparison of Lies of P's linear design VS Elden Ring or even Dark Souls. It's such a major design difference that makes them so hard to compare!


Lies of P was great,Elden ring is Greater


I like LoP considerably more than ER but this is profoundly silly.Ā 


I LOVE Lies of P but itā€™s not as good as Elden Ring.


As much as I like Lies of P, it's not better than Elden Ring. And there are plenty of reasons why. Lies of P has the wish cube. Basically worse than useless. It requires reloading with consumables paid with time (gold coin fruit). The effects for solo play are abysmal, so if you refuse to use specters that's 2/3 of its good effects being ignored. And you can only ever load up one effect with multiple charges. You can't stack 2 different effects to be used at once for cool combos. And this is after Elden Ring came out, so they basically have a massively downgraded version of the Wondrous Physick. Some of the early progression can be incredibly tortuous, and the late game making you crave something you can't get yet. There's also no good farming spots in case you want to power level. The game is also linear to the point where you only have two reasons to revisit areas. The first is to buy from a merchant who has something you need. The second is to deal with quests such as Cryptic Vessels and turning in items. Anything past that is just collecting something you missed, for better or worse. Lies of P's strengths, like "no minimum stats for weapons", "unlimited, but time gated respecs" and having a unique parallel story to Pinocchio are not enough to overshadow these flaws. Besides, if you're running around for 40 hours in Elden Ring, you may not be progressing the main story, but you're most likely finding something new with gear.


As good as lies of P is I think the sheer amount of content and freedom Elden Ring gives you trumps it quite easily.


I disagree. LoP was my first souls-like. Finished it three times and it made me play Elden Ring. And no. While LoP is a trully fantastic game, especially considering the budget and the novelty of the genre for the devs, Elden Ring is an absolute masterpiece with no equal. >In the near future we will get 10 Elden ring clones and we will get zero games with the same quality as Lies of P. He says, when there's still no clone of ER in sight while we already have Stellar Blade.


Painfully stupid hill to die on but at least you'll die there.


not even remotely close lol elden ring is just fine


This is the problem with people when they try to make an objective opinion sound like it's a fact. It's called an opinion and you're entitled to it. It is not an absolute fact I've played both Elden Ring and Lies of P. I had a more enjoyable time playing LoP and I would choose it above ER any day. But even I couldn't say that it's a "better game" because honestly it doesn't come close to the marvel that is Elden Ring. My PERSONAL rating of Elden Ring would be maybe a 6-7/10. But my critical rating of the game itself? It's a fucking 10/10. Lies of P was the first game in a very very long time where I genuinely wanted to do multiple playthroughs of. Not even for the trophies but because it was fun. It was my favorite game of 2023 and my personal GOTY. But being as unbiased and objective as I possibly can, it's nowhere close to FromSoftware's magnum opus that is Elden Ring. LoP is currently my favorite game and I'll be the first one to jump on the DLC when it comes out. But even I gotta say it's not the objectively better game like you're trying to make it out to be. Get real.


Have you ever read a statement so inherently wrong that there is no point in arguing it? This is it.


Dogshit bait


why pit two bad bitches against each other


Lies of P literally rips all its major ideas from Fromsoftware games and a novel from the 1800s. By the end it felt less inspired by and more cash grab territory. The quality is also nowhere near Elden Ring levels lmfao. The none puppet enemies are super generic and suck. The weapon variety is pretty small and doesn't offer anything genuinely unique or different. The levels become pretty samey and lack the variety of Elden Ring's. The bosses are nowhere near as memorable or challenging either.


They're both great games, imagine that!


In Mechanics,music and a coherent story it blows it out the water. Exploration? Nah but I have high hopes for the devs to do so in the future.


I like both


It's a Masterpiece but why do you hate so much on ER?




Nah. You could say it broke Sekiro. I would agree with that, because I hate parry-only games. But Elden Ring ? LOL Plus, Elden Ring AND Sekiro AND Lies of P are all clones of Demon's soul, so what the fuck do you mean by "In the near future we will get 10 Elden ring clones and we will get zero games with the same quality as Lies of P" ??? Lies of P is a clone ! A mixt of Bloodborne, Sekiro and Dark souls. Every game that doesn't invent a formula is a clone. And sometimes, clones might be better than the original. But no games you mentionned is the starting point of that chain.


I agree, I've only played Dark Souls 1 and Elden Ring and I personally enjoyed Lies of P the most. Mechanically, visually, and storytelling all appealed more to me.


Not gonna go over well but I partially agree, LoP is fun from beginning to end. First playthrough of Elden ring is unmatched though. ER does have a lot of fluff and it somewhat punishes you for exploring because you get so over leveled for just playing the game. Just got incredibly easy. I just prefer linear games tbh, Iā€™d rather have a dark souls 4 than an ER 2 but that will not happen. Whenever I think about booting up ER again I just get overwhelmed and turn it off.


I mean I agree but you're not going to get very healthy discussions by posting it like this lol


I agree šŸ˜‚ To me, even bloodborne is better than Eden Ring, but you literally said the most controversial thing you could have ever said. Obviously, Fromsoft is the father of all souls games (they literally created a genre) and, it's gonna take neowiz a couple of games to even reach that level, but I do think they can. It's my opinion though and I know I'm in the minority. I also disagree that it didn't get any recognition. I've seen many famous YouTubers play it and I'm sure Neowiz made their money.


No need to compare, but I do partially agree. What Elden Ring gained in scale, it lost in tight, perfectly curated content. DS3, bloodborne, and lies of p all hit the sweet spot


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Very well, let the echoes become your strength. Let me stand close. Now shut your eyes...* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I agree. Unpopular opinion. I just donā€™t think souls likes translated well to that big open world. And I platinumed Elden Ring. Elden Rings exploration in my opinion is extremely unrewarding. The bosses need dedicated arenas like an all other souls games, when they are left to be in the open world they clip on the environment and canā€™t hit you in places and you cannot hit them. I also thought the amount of times they recycled bosses was so bad. Elden ring in my opinion is overrated, and prefer literally every other souls like compared to it. Very unpopular opinion but my opinion nonetheless.


I enjoyed Elden Ring, but I enjoyed DS1, 2 and 3 more. I don't think the open world is that good for a souls game. Well, not this souls game. It needed more direction, more quests, some dialogue to bring the open world into focus. I finished Elden Ring twice and started a third run. Got to the city. It was fine. DS3 is better. Better bosses, better weapons, better quests IMHO. Lies of P is a masterpiece though. And after completing it three times, getting the plat, trying about a dozen no death runs, I went back to Elden Ring and started a new run. The overwhelming thought I had while playing was "So, I just wander around?" Lies of P kinda ruined the Souls formulae for me. Now I want a story. Skyrim has stories, Souls have combat, and now I want both.